Mixed weight Couples: what are your thoughts?



  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    My boyfriend and me! I'm the chunker in the relationship. LOL all I could think when I saw the title was like some sort of MMA sport the fat wife pinning her husband down.
  • greenmonstergirl
    greenmonstergirl Posts: 619 Member
    i often joke with my husband that when we walk the isles of a store together we look like the number 10. him lean and fit, me short and round. he tells me he loves me fat or thin, it's ME he fell in love with. so long as two people love one another and treat each other well, who cares what they look like. the only one i need to impress is my partner :)
    I always called me and my hubby the number ten. His least was 125...my most was 235. Now we are 20 pounds apart so much better but we always loved each other no matter what size we were.
  • NoeHead
    NoeHead Posts: 516 Member
    My husband met me when I was pushing 250 and he was about 235. I'm 5'1" and he's 6'1". Over time I figured out I was the biggest girl he's met(crossed out chubby chaser in my mind) He chose to call me since our first date, chose to move in together even though I went back to school and wasn't working and chose to propose. Every day since he's chosen me regardless of my weight. Come to think of it, I think weighed more than my past boyfriends too. I'm not the best looking gal and i'm not rich so I must have a great personality ;)

    Love is love. that's it.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I used to weigh 30 pounds more then my husband and he was shorter which makes it worse. I now way about 20-30 lighter then him. He's doing his thing whether he's exercising or not! I didn't marry him for his activities. He doesn't get up in my business about my weight nor so I bother him about his. Works out great.
  • sixibabey
    sixibabey Posts: 80 Member
    i think u should only date ppl +/- 5 lbs of ur own weight and guys be heavy cause of muscle