

  • callistasky
    callistasky Posts: 26 Member
    My mom got the sleeve, but she failed to change her eating habits or lifestyle and gained most of her weight back.
  • mfernando6
    mfernando6 Posts: 60
    I got the surgery and am doing well. Yes of course I wish I could have done it on my own but I couldnt so I did what I had to do. Feeling good.
  • Nicolette04
    Nicolette04 Posts: 82 Member
    Do not drink alcohol. You won't have the tolerance you had with a full sized stomach and you will get stupid drunk very very quick. I made a complete *kitten* of myself at age 50 on a cruise around Manhattan dancing with a bunch of gay guys. Fortunately, they were drunk too, but the pictures my daughter took are embarassing. Just remember, you will officially be a cheap date from now on because it will be easy to get you drunk and you won't be able to eat much (that's a joke). Oh, and when you lose weight, those guys really are hitting on you -- they aren't just being friendly.
    You just made my day with that comment. That was a great and honest post.

    OP: I have no experience with surgery, but good luck and do what is best for you! :)
  • ScreamingUnicorn
    ScreamingUnicorn Posts: 83 Member
    I got the surgery and am doing well. Yes of course I wish I could have done it on my own but I couldnt so I did what I had to do. Feeling good.

    Good for you. This YOUR journey. No one elses.
  • juliec33
    juliec33 Posts: 238 Member
    I got the surgery and am doing well. Yes of course I wish I could have done it on my own but I couldnt so I did what I had to do. Feeling good.

    Good for you. This YOUR journey. No one elses.

    Totally agree with this. Good for you! I'm glad you're doing well after the surgery.
  • AlyssaJoJo
    AlyssaJoJo Posts: 449 Member
    My mom got it done so I'm not speaking from personal experiance.

    She did wonderfully in the beginning with it. The process it's self went well. She took the vitamins that were needed and was very healthy. The biggest down fall for her in the beginning was her hair got REALLY thin so I would suggest taking vitamins for hair right off the bat. The hair thing seems to be very normal for a lot of people who go through out it.

    My mom never really worked out so after a year or so she started gaining weight again. She's not as big as she was in the beginning, but she's no where as near as thin as she was when she lost all the weight. This saddens me.

    Also, it wasn't hard for her to cut out things that needed to be cut out. Like soda and a lot of sweets.

    This is NOT the easy way out. There are so many health issues that can come up if everything isn't done just right. You will have to restrict a lot of things. I think the only thing that got my mom really excited is after the first few months she had her first glass of wine and got WASTED off of just one glass. Lol.

    As long as you are ready to eat right and work out for the rest of your life, which is what all of us should be doing, you'll do amazingly. Good luck hun!
  • monjacq1964
    monjacq1964 Posts: 291 Member
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    Hello OP! I'm glad to hear you're doing well! I am now 2+ years post surgery, and have lost a total of 120lbs; 100 in the first 10 months and the last 20 over the other 14+ months.

    These last few months, I am finally seeing a plateau and even a slight gain. I had ACL reconstruction in February and was literally immobile for several weeks, so I believe that is the cause of the gain.

    I'm sure your surgeon warned you that this will happen once you reach a certain point. Now that I've reached mine, I am trying to get back to working out 5 days a week. With the recovery from surgery, it's been a slow progression to get back into my routine.

    My advice to you; make the changes now, while it's easy to lose the weight. Make these changes part of your lifestyle. This is not a diet... Utilize MFP everyday and track EVERYTHING you put in your mouth! Once you reach your plateau, it will be easier for you to maintain, if you're eating and working out as you should.

  • mhouston2011
    mhouston2011 Posts: 155
    i dont, i did it naturally, however, my aunt got the lap band, and my brother got some other typr of band thing... both of them have had to haveit reversed after years of complications. my aunt is now twice as big as she was before. thats the only experience i know of.

    naturally?? I always laugh when I see these type of comments. A band is simply a tool that has to be used. It doesn't miracously make fat and weight melt off of you. You have to "naturally" eat right and "naturally" exercise to have success.
  • terrappyn
    terrappyn Posts: 324 Member
    I had an RNY done in December 2008 and lost close to 200 lbs during that year. I recommend connecting with the people on also. They have great support groups. I lost a lot of weight the first yelar. I never reached my goal, but I made significant health strides. Diabetes went away. COPD went away. High blood pressure went away. I think better. I was very very big. I maintained for four years, and then this last year/14 months, I started grazing and gained 40 lbs. YIKES.

    So, I am backtracking and have started monitoring myself here. I've lost 18 lbs so far.

    So about bariatric surgery...

    The first year, you cannot eat. You do not want to eat. Eating hurts. You will have no appetite. And yes, the surgery hurts. Don't be afraid to take your pain meds. You may suffer a bit of depression.

    If you eat the wrong foods, you will want to die. Trust me, you will test it, and you will feel it. Don't beat yourself up about it. Everyone pushes the envelope, and everyone suffers for it.

    Dumping is not fun. You will never ever ever vomit again like a normal person. It comes back up the same way it went down. Your stomach no longer has bile in it (you digest in your intestines). Ever see a cat hock up a hair ball. That is what you will do. Basically, it is like pooping out of your mouth. You want to avoid this. It is not pleasant. Also, you can get what I refer to as the slimes especially if you eat something wet. You will hock up mouthfuls of slime. Just spit it out. It's beyond gross. You wanted honesty. But on the bright side, you will never heave or vomit nasty bile vomit again.

    Things I suggest. Of course do what your doctor says and your nutritionist.

    Do not ever drink with meals. It pushes the food through the stoma and can stretch your pouch. If you go to a restaurant and they push you to order a drink, just let them bring water.

    Always eat protein first and eat little tiny bites. Remember you are digesting in your intestines now so do as much digesting in your mouth as you can. Otherwise you might find yourself doubled over with pain. Also, be forewarned you will have the nastiest gas you can imagine. Warn your significant other. Definitely get incense for the bathroom.

    Eat vegetables after protein.

    Avoid carbs if possible.

    Do not drink any liquids with calories including juices, Avoid drinks with fake sweeteners in them. Get used to drinking beverages with no sugar. The sweeteners just makes the farting worse.

    Do not drink any carbonated beverages -- can do awful things to your pouch. Seriously. DO NOT DRINK CARBONATED DRINKS.

    Sugary foods will make your dump which is very unpleasant. Carbs can make you dump. The sickest I ever got was eating spaghetti. Thought I would die. Hoped I would die.

    Be prepared to totally reinvent yourself -- that might mean changing jobs, changing friends, moving ... do what you have to do. One of the hardest things I had to learn was that people who loved me had a lot invested in me being fat. your feelings may be hurt. Also, people still act like schmucks when you are thin. The fallacy that people don't like you because you are fat is a fallacy. If they aren't going to like you, they aren't going to like you whether you are fat or a supermodel.

    Also, because you will lose weight so fast your self image doesn't always catch up to the reality. Your body may become thin, but your brain may still process that you are fat. This is especially true when buying clothes. You will automatically try to buy clothes that are too big. Wierdest thing for me was when I could buy clothes in a regular store. I still have trouble with that and find myself walking around The Avenue or Lane Bryant. It's wierd. Also, as you get smaller you might feel vulnerable.

    If you go out to eat -- ask the waitstaff for a takeout box immediately and dump half of it in the takeout box. It will probably be lunch and dinner the next day.

    Do not drink alcohol. You won't have the tolerance you had with a full sized stomach and you will get stupid drunk very very quick. I made a complete *kitten* of myself at age 50 on a cruise around Manhattan dancing with a bunch of gay guys. Fortunately, they were drunk too, but the pictures my daughter took are embarassing. Just remember, you will officially be a cheap date from now on because it will be easy to get you drunk and you won't be able to eat much (that's a joke). Oh, and when you lose weight, those guys really are hitting on you -- they aren't just being friendly.

    Always sip your drinks.

    Your hair will fall out -- but that stops after a while and your hair will eventually be normal again.

    Your skin will be dry -- same as hair. it will even out.

    You will find you have SO much more money because you aren't eating. Go buy yourself new clothes and treat yourself. Learn to treat yourself with other things other than food. Be adventurous. Do things you never did before (just don't go on cruises around Manhattan, get drunk, and dry hump gay boys half your age -- or if you do, don't let anyone take pictures).

    Do not graze (which was my downfall). I got a sedentary job and would munch on crackers all day. Weight came back with a vengeance.

    One thing I have noticed that apart from the grazing, I am really not all that interested in food. I always tell people after the surgery, I eat what I want -- I just want to eat different things than I did before. I was always a sugar fiend -- now I like crackers and salty crunchy things.

    So, there we go. I am sure I could think of more. Feel free to write back if you have any questions or need a shoulder. Mostly don't stress. Enjoy life. :-)

    Although I haven't had the surgery I am thankful of your complete and utter honest in this post. I know too many people who have had this done thinking it's a quick fix and do great for quite a few years and then forget everything you posted. Of the 4 people I know personally, 3 of the 4 have gained almost all fo the weight back. The drunk think is correct! We also have pictures to prove it! :) Glad you understand the whole thing and you are willing to give the good with the bad when people ask! It's important! Because of all that you said above Lap-band, Bariactic surgery will most likely never be on the table of choices for me. I def couldn't handle all that!
  • rhondadwyer69
    rhondadwyer69 Posts: 74 Member
    If she's getting the surgery in two weeks, she's gone through all the testing and counseling and there are no other options for her.

    Good luck, OP. Sorry, but I don't have any experience or advice.

    I meant no disrespect to the op. But I disagree with you, there are always other options outside of an evasive surgery. I started at nearly 380 and I know others who were bigger than I am that did it the hard way with diet and exercise. I considered surgery but then realized it was a huge cop out. YES maybe if she has other issues it felt like the ONLY option but like the person said right above me, at what cost? I know a girl who had LOST A TON of weight with surgery 10 years ago, today she has more than half that weight back and has constant health issues and vitamin issues within her body to where she has a constant picc line at home for vitamin shots. I only asked because if surgery isn't a MUST, then I strongly urge her to explore other options. Thats all.

    A huge "cop out" huh? How about a huge "life changing event that forces one to make healthy decisions." Cop out my @$$. This was the hardest thing I have ever gone through. And it's people like you that talk about stuff that you have NEVER experienced, that would turn someone off to it....and it might be the only thing that saves their life. Who the hell do you think you are? I fought for 25+ years to lose weight. And all I did was gain. I was dperessed several times to the point where I had a shotgun in my mouth. I tried to drink myself to death. Everytime I would lose 5 pounds I would gain 10. Who the hell do you think you are? a "Cop out"????? You should be ashamed.

    For the first time I can ever remeber, I wake up, refreshed, I have slept all night. No back pain. And I am HAPPY. And it was because I had surgery that forced me to change the way I eat. It's not a magic wand and it doesn't make you skinny overnight. And I still bust my *kitten* in the gym every chance I get. So before you go judging people....take a second....and think.

    This!!!! AMEN!!!! I get so sick of people who think it is a "cop out" or an "easy way out" - IT IS HARD - IT IS THE HARDEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE IN MY LIFE - Surgery IS ONLY A TOOL - you still have to eat right and exercise!!!!!

    No surgery is NOT for everyone, but IT IS FOR SOME - SO STOP JUDGING OTHERS!!!!!!!!
  • snikki43
    snikki43 Posts: 10
    Hello. I had my surgery about the same time that you will, July 3, 2003. Wow it is hard to believe that it has been 10 years! My pre surgery weight was 350lbs. (I actually have photos posted on my profile. I believe it was VERY successful because I am still here. I had high blood pressure, sleep apnea, diabetes, and all kinds of joint issues. I'm sure I dont have to tell you because you are two weeks away, that it was a very hard decision to make, but I had tried everything to no avail. My surgeon set my goal weight at 160lbs, never reached it. I got down to 185 in the first year. So we are talking 165lbs gone! However when I did get to the 185 I looked really sickly, felt good, but looked really bad. Your new life after surgery is a lifestyle change in itself. I will not tell you it is all roses, but you are going to constantly learning. You will basically have a new body and will have to learn it all over again. I have so far gained 30 pounds back. I was told by my doctor that this is a normal thing, but of course there were things that I know I had no business doing that contributed. Now I am here to to just get to a healthy BMI. Losing is icing on the cake! So YES my surgery was very successful. I am here with my Husband and 2 sons, healthy, no more medication, and happy. I will always have to work and watch my nutrition but for me it was worth it!.

    Oh someone mentioned The site was a Godsend for me. So much information and motivation from others that know what we now have to do forever! Friend me and keep me posted on your journey and if you have any general questions or concerns don't hesitate to call me!!! Relax, keep positive thoughts! You are already successful!
  • snikki43
    snikki43 Posts: 10
    Hey I just noticed that this is an old post!!!! How are you? What's going on? How's your journey?
  • mfernando6
    mfernando6 Posts: 60
    lol I'm doing good. Im 3 months post op. I am just trying to eat real healthy and work out and do it right. :smile:
  • Dacia327
    Dacia327 Posts: 38 Member
    Congrats on doing well!
  • ahskds
    ahskds Posts: 9
    I had an RNY done in December 2008 and lost close to 200 lbs during that year. I recommend connecting with the people on also. They have great support groups. I lost a lot of weight the first yelar. I never reached my goal, but I made significant health strides. Diabetes went away. COPD went away. High blood pressure went away. I think better. I was very very big. I maintained for four years, and then this last year/14 months, I started grazing and gained 40 lbs. YIKES.

    So, I am backtracking and have started monitoring myself here. I've lost 18 lbs so far.

    So about bariatric surgery...

    The first year, you cannot eat. You do not want to eat. Eating hurts. You will have no appetite. And yes, the surgery hurts. Don't be afraid to take your pain meds. You may suffer a bit of depression.

    If you eat the wrong foods, you will want to die. Trust me, you will test it, and you will feel it. Don't beat yourself up about it. Everyone pushes the envelope, and everyone suffers for it.

    Dumping is not fun. You will never ever ever vomit again like a normal person. It comes back up the same way it went down. Your stomach no longer has bile in it (you digest in your intestines). Ever see a cat hock up a hair ball. That is what you will do. Basically, it is like pooping out of your mouth. You want to avoid this. It is not pleasant. Also, you can get what I refer to as the slimes especially if you eat something wet. You will hock up mouthfuls of slime. Just spit it out. It's beyond gross. You wanted honesty. But on the bright side, you will never heave or vomit nasty bile vomit again.

    Things I suggest. Of course do what your doctor says and your nutritionist.

    Do not ever drink with meals. It pushes the food through the stoma and can stretch your pouch. If you go to a restaurant and they push you to order a drink, just let them bring water.

    Always eat protein first and eat little tiny bites. Remember you are digesting in your intestines now so do as much digesting in your mouth as you can. Otherwise you might find yourself doubled over with pain. Also, be forewarned you will have the nastiest gas you can imagine. Warn your significant other. Definitely get incense for the bathroom.

    Eat vegetables after protein.

    Avoid carbs if possible.

    Do not drink any liquids with calories including juices, Avoid drinks with fake sweeteners in them. Get used to drinking beverages with no sugar. The sweeteners just makes the farting worse.

    Do not drink any carbonated beverages -- can do awful things to your pouch. Seriously. DO NOT DRINK CARBONATED DRINKS.

    Sugary foods will make your dump which is very unpleasant. Carbs can make you dump. The sickest I ever got was eating spaghetti. Thought I would die. Hoped I would die.

    Be prepared to totally reinvent yourself -- that might mean changing jobs, changing friends, moving ... do what you have to do. One of the hardest things I had to learn was that people who loved me had a lot invested in me being fat. your feelings may be hurt. Also, people still act like schmucks when you are thin. The fallacy that people don't like you because you are fat is a fallacy. If they aren't going to like you, they aren't going to like you whether you are fat or a supermodel.

    Also, because you will lose weight so fast your self image doesn't always catch up to the reality. Your body may become thin, but your brain may still process that you are fat. This is especially true when buying clothes. You will automatically try to buy clothes that are too big. Wierdest thing for me was when I could buy clothes in a regular store. I still have trouble with that and find myself walking around The Avenue or Lane Bryant. It's wierd. Also, as you get smaller you might feel vulnerable.

    If you go out to eat -- ask the waitstaff for a takeout box immediately and dump half of it in the takeout box. It will probably be lunch and dinner the next day.

    Do not drink alcohol. You won't have the tolerance you had with a full sized stomach and you will get stupid drunk very very quick. I made a complete *kitten* of myself at age 50 on a cruise around Manhattan dancing with a bunch of gay guys. Fortunately, they were drunk too, but the pictures my daughter took are embarassing. Just remember, you will officially be a cheap date from now on because it will be easy to get you drunk and you won't be able to eat much (that's a joke). Oh, and when you lose weight, those guys really are hitting on you -- they aren't just being friendly.

    Always sip your drinks.

    Your hair will fall out -- but that stops after a while and your hair will eventually be normal again.

    Your skin will be dry -- same as hair. it will even out.

    You will find you have SO much more money because you aren't eating. Go buy yourself new clothes and treat yourself. Learn to treat yourself with other things other than food. Be adventurous. Do things you never did before (just don't go on cruises around Manhattan, get drunk, and dry hump gay boys half your age -- or if you do, don't let anyone take pictures).

    Do not graze (which was my downfall). I got a sedentary job and would munch on crackers all day. Weight came back with a vengeance.

    One thing I have noticed that apart from the grazing, I am really not all that interested in food. I always tell people after the surgery, I eat what I want -- I just want to eat different things than I did before. I was always a sugar fiend -- now I like crackers and salty crunchy things.

    So, there we go. I am sure I could think of more. Feel free to write back if you have any questions or need a shoulder. Mostly don't stress. Enjoy life. :-)

    and this post just cured me of ever wanting any kind of weight loss surgery .... thank you for that :o)
  • pegsbored
    Your an inspiration to us all. God bless and keep posting. I love positive comments and really hate the negative busy bodies I've read on this thread.
  • pegsbored
    Who is the ignorant prick who blasted this girl and caused her to inactivate her account? Is this the kind of treatment people receive on my fitness pal? Is there a moderator on this board?
  • pegsbored
    Oh, I get it...Your the ignorant prick that caused the emotional damage to this girl that caused her to deactivate her account. If i were the a moderator here I would ban you. You had no business ranting your opinions at her. You should be banned.
  • mar120
    mar120 Posts: 4 Member
    In reply to Kakes80:

    I am sorry. I mean no disrespect for you either, but apparently your are not in the same situation. If other options have worked for you, that is great, but not every situation is the same. Besides, it seems like you are thinking that she is taking an easy way out, but that is not correct. Getting a vertical sleeve or any other bariatric surgery just gives you a tool to help you lose weight. You still have to work very hard to reach your goal by watching what you eat and exercising.
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