

  • Multifacet
    Multifacet Posts: 66 Member
    I've never understood how people that have to lose 10% of their weight before surgery still go through with it. If you're a 250 pound person, and manage to lose 25 pounds by yourself, why do the surgery? Sure, losing it the old fashioned way is harder...but nothing good comes easy.

    Just my opinion...

    Here, let me explain....

    The pre-op diet is to shrink your liver. It makes the actual surgery safer. It helps the surgeon with the operation itself. The surgery itself stops hunger in most people. This allows us to eat at a deficit without feeling hunger. Each type of surgery teaches the person to eat a certain way, not everyone uses their tool properly, but that is the idea. Nothing about weight loss surgery is EASY but it is all good in the end and worth it. BTW I eat at a deficit, workout, other words, I work hard just like you.

    "allows a calorie defecit without feeling hunger"

    Umm..... call me crazy but that is a cop out?

    I feel all my calorie defecits

    Well, crashing out on insulin was not an option for me. I'm done posting. This only makes it even more obvious that those of you responding with "cop out" have no intentions of understanding or educating yourselves. I'm not a medical person, just experienced in many years of obesity, diabetes, pcos, infertility, hypothyroidism and wanting to make a change to save my life. Why can't you all just agree that it works for some and not for others? Just like other weight loss plans do. I was only making statements to help people have some knowledge. Maybe some of my replies should have been kept to myself. I have said many times, as have others, weight loss surgery people are not welcome on mfp. It's really sad. I'm tired of defending my choice. I should have stayed out of this, I've learned my lesson. Thanks to you all for reflecting society at its best!!

    ok and people have addressed and corrected insulin, infertility and hypothyroidsim (all of which my sister and i have suffered with)
    just by dieting and excersizing i am saying she took the cop out route and got the surgery and has suffered her health greatly and i addressed those issues by working on them through diet and excersize.

    it doesnt make me better i just know now how dangerous and dirty the surgery is. I almost had the surgery. called it off.

    i would not let this post get you down if you feel so strongly about the surgery than my opinon shouldnt matter. I am a crusader against this option though and will defed my point as you do yours.

    Um, yeah....after 25 yrs of addressing and correcting (insulin pump) and adjusting thyroid meds, I'm aware. Apparently I'm not perfect at expressing the trials I've had. I'm fully aware of adjusting. Happy that the rest of the world is better than me and didn't have to "cop out". I don't get where you think the surgery is dangerous and dirty. People have complications from all kinds of surgeries. Its a choice and a little respect in my choice (not meant to this poster, ty for having some respect) would be much more appreciated. I think that people are a little too harsh in their opinions, me included perhaps, so as I've said, I'm done. Don't bash me for coming in to reply, since I've said "I'm done" a couple of times already.(meant for other posters) That would just be too easy and insensitive.

    As i said before and will say again i am antigastric
    and will stay that way and defend my stance

    if you want to turn it into a "poor me" emotional battle that is on you

    it is dangerous as in you could loose your life and it is dirty as in many many many people get infections and other complications from the surgery.

    If all you have is emotion to defend your stance that wont convince me that the surgery is a healthy and viable option for anyone.

    Well I've stated that I'm not defending it any longer. Why would I need to convince you anyway? You aren't open to hearing the good things about the surgery. As I stated, all surgeries are dangerous, why pick on this one? Thanks for picking on my emotions, so big of you and not necessary. Emotions are a human trait and I welcome them. I feel attacked.
  • Multifacet
    Multifacet Posts: 66 Member
    I've never understood how people that have to lose 10% of their weight before surgery still go through with it. If you're a 250 pound person, and manage to lose 25 pounds by yourself, why do the surgery? Sure, losing it the old fashioned way is harder...but nothing good comes easy.

    Just my opinion...

    Here, let me explain....

    The pre-op diet is to shrink your liver. It makes the actual surgery safer. It helps the surgeon with the operation itself. The surgery itself stops hunger in most people. This allows us to eat at a deficit without feeling hunger. Each type of surgery teaches the person to eat a certain way, not everyone uses their tool properly, but that is the idea. Nothing about weight loss surgery is EASY but it is all good in the end and worth it. BTW I eat at a deficit, workout, other words, I work hard just like you.

    "allows a calorie defecit without feeling hunger"

    Umm..... call me crazy but that is a cop out?

    I feel all my calorie defecits

    Well, crashing out on insulin was not an option for me. I'm done posting. This only makes it even more obvious that those of you responding with "cop out" have no intentions of understanding or educating yourselves. I'm not a medical person, just experienced in many years of obesity, diabetes, pcos, infertility, hypothyroidism and wanting to make a change to save my life. Why can't you all just agree that it works for some and not for others? Just like other weight loss plans do. I was only making statements to help people have some knowledge. Maybe some of my replies should have been kept to myself. I have said many times, as have others, weight loss surgery people are not welcome on mfp. It's really sad. I'm tired of defending my choice. I should have stayed out of this, I've learned my lesson. Thanks to you all for reflecting society at its best!!

    ok and people have addressed and corrected insulin, infertility and hypothyroidsim (all of which my sister and i have suffered with)
    just by dieting and excersizing i am saying she took the cop out route and got the surgery and has suffered her health greatly and i addressed those issues by working on them through diet and excersize.

    it doesnt make me better i just know now how dangerous and dirty the surgery is. I almost had the surgery. called it off.

    i would not let this post get you down if you feel so strongly about the surgery than my opinon shouldnt matter. I am a crusader against this option though and will defed my point as you do yours.

    Um, yeah....after 25 yrs of addressing and correcting (insulin pump) and adjusting thyroid meds, I'm aware. Apparently I'm not perfect at expressing the trials I've had. I'm fully aware of adjusting. Happy that the rest of the world is better than me and didn't have to "cop out". I don't get where you think the surgery is dangerous and dirty. People have complications from all kinds of surgeries. Its a choice and a little respect in my choice (not meant to this poster, ty for having some respect) would be much more appreciated. I think that people are a little too harsh in their opinions, me included perhaps, so as I've said, I'm done. Don't bash me for coming in to reply, since I've said "I'm done" a couple of times already.(meant for other posters) That would just be too easy and insensitive.

    As i said before and will say again i am antigastric
    and will stay that way and defend my stance

    if you want to turn it into a "poor me" emotional battle that is on you

    it is dangerous as in you could loose your life and it is dirty as in many many many people get infections and other complications from the surgery.

    If all you have is emotion to defend your stance that wont convince me that the surgery is a healthy and viable option for anyone.

    Well I've stated that I'm not defending it any longer. Why would I need to convince you anyway? You aren't open to hearing the good things about the surgery. As I stated, all surgeries are dangerous, why pick on this one? Thanks for picking on my emotions, so big of you. Emotions are a human trait. I feel attacked.

    You are not being attacked
    no one has called you names or told you you are wrong
    if someone has a different and strong opinion that you do not share that is not being attacked
    good for you that it worked
    and yes emotions are a human trait
    but they dont win points in debates

    Thanks so much. I don't think I could have made it through the day without that tidbit. Name calling is not the only means of attacking. Stating that weight loss surgery is a "cop out" sure sounds insulting to me. Especially since your only leg to stand on is that it is are all surgeries (repeated). Seems debating is not my forte'. You seem to love it. I noticed your last post beneath this one is egging on another.

    Oh and come see me in 20 yrs...when you are my age. Oh wait no, you won't have walked in my shoes. So how could you have the same experience?
  • jennsavage3
    jennsavage3 Posts: 9 Member
    Wow! Hi OP I am scheduled for VSL on 3/26...I have tons of research and also have gone through all of the evaluations and consultations, so I'm sure you are ready! Check out have a VSG forum that is awesome. People on there that are "veterans" and very willing to answer questions, and they actually have the experience and personal knowledge that you are looking for.

    Good luck!!
  • salgalbp
    salgalbp Posts: 218 Member
    Hello Everyone I will be getting the sleeve done in two weeks and was wondering if you could post your success with weight loss surgery. Thanks!

    Hey everyone, let's get back to the OP....seems we've gotten off track with what she was asking. She's looking for folks who've had surgery and have had success with it.

  • gcbron
    gcbron Posts: 3 Member
    I'm three (3) years post-op with a VSG. I lost 127 pounds and reached my goal weight in a little over a year. I would have lost it sooner had I exercised more but though I'm more active now I don't have a fixed exercise routine. Maintaining has not been difficult. I can eat whatever I like in small portions and as I tell everyone, "it's easy to lose weight when you're not hungry". I lost my constant hunger with the VSG and that's amazing. Only regret has been not getting the VSG sooner.
    Three years post-op I still have restriction, still not hungry. The process has taught me to eat better, no more fast food or diet coke and I don't miss either.
  • gcbron
    gcbron Posts: 3 Member
    Not all doctors require a pre-op weight loss progarm. I didn't have to lose any weight prior to my VSG surgery. The pre-op weight loss is often an insurance requirement for the surgery. I self-paid and only had to have the pre-op tests to make sure I was fit for the operation. My surgery was 21 days after I first met with my surgeon. That day truly changed my life for the better.
  • monstergirl14
    monstergirl14 Posts: 345 Member
    My sister had gastic bypass, unsure of which kind, but it worked wonders for her.

    I'm so aggravated at the negativity in this thread. It's in no way a cop out, the easy way out, or anything of the sorts; what you have to do after surgery, and continually do if you would like to maintain results, is difficult and a lot of hard work. It is the definition of dedication. My sister could not lose weight for the life of her. She and I were on the same diet for the longest time, and all she did was gain weight while I lost. We jogged the same pace every day, made our lunches together, our mother cooked us the same supper, we did little to no snacking at night, everything.
    She's 5 years older than I am, and has been trying to lose weight since she was 12 years old, and she's 28 now. The surgery is tough. You have to eat next to no sugar, everything you eat has to have protein and fiber in it, or else it's just empty calories. No carbonated drinks, no caffeine, etc. You are very much restricted. You can only have a cup of food for your meals, and very tiny snacks in between. You cannot drink after eating, you have to wait at least an hour before you can have water. She eats a maximum of 900 calories a day, and it does not phase her because her stomach is pretty much non-existent.
    This is the rest of her life. Who ever said that it was easy, was certainly wrong. Whoever said that it has awful side effects and therefore they should not proceed, could maybe benefit from seeing if this person was consuming the forbidden foods/drink.
    She has lost around 130 pounds, and has a little more to go. She is extremely happy and beaming with confidence. I would recommend this surgery if you are ready for the challenge, because it will be one of the hardest things you'll ever have to do.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    As much as I have been on here offering advice and words of encouragement when I see post about weight loss surgery (even though I have no problem with people having this done if it is what they deem necessary to aid them in their weight loss) I do like to post on these thread to offer the OP a different view if they haven't heard from or seen other examples. I started at 560 lbs. unable to walk, hell I could barely stand for more than 30 seconds at a stretch and was home bound for over 2 years... I had a computer chair I would roll myself around the house on to get to the kitchen and bathroom. When I hit rock bottom I had spent 3 days in my recliner with a loaded handgun. It had literally come down to get busy living or get busy dying... On that 3rd day I choose life and have worked my Butt off to regain my life. Even from the beginning surgery was never going to be an options because I knew it wasn't my stomach causing my issues it was all in my head... Something was severely broken for me to be consuming 10,000 calories a day and waiting to die.. If I could not fix what was broke in my head then no weight loss surgery would permanently fix this problem so I wanted to get to the heart of the problem first. So my first stop was therapy to address my food addictions from there I had to get a script form my doctor to begin aquatic therapy because I needed water displacement to allow me to stand so that I could stay upright long enough to begin exercising. I spent 17 months in the pool and lost 170 lbs. in the water before I could get fitted with braces (severely bad knee's) to allow me to walk out of the pool on dry ground. I worked with a nutritionist to understand my eating habits and continued to loose weight.. Fast forward 45 months and 311 lbs, down I have almost completely regained control of my life.. (short of 2 knee replacements I am getting in a few months) Was it easy?? Um No!! but I proved it is possible with alot of hardwork... That all being said if anyone feels this method just isn't something they feel they can tackle then by all means do something because the last thing anyone needs to do is to do nothing!!!.... Best of Luck Op sorry wasn't trying to hyjack your thread just offering another view point..... :drinker:
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    My aunt underwent a WLS 5-7 years ago. Not sure which one. She has a degenerative bone condition and in conjunction with being morbidly obese her entire life, she needed to lose the weight to have her hip replaced. Her success was awesome for several years post op. She went from 300+ lbs to being within the normal BMI range. Fast forward to now and complications from the WLS have reeked havoc on her health. She has been hospitalized off and on for the past two years. Her muscles have leaked protein causing blisters on her lower extremities. She's lost a good amount of hair, had her vision temporarily impaired and experienced temporary cognitive impairment due to extreme malnutrition. She's 51 yo, but aesthetically speaking she appears much older. She is currently underweight because there are so few foods that she can hold down and gain adequate nutrition from. Her quality of life has drastically decreased and she can only do a small range of activities independently for a relatively young woman.

    I am not knocking WLS per se, and didn't share that info to scare you, but please make sure you count the costs and balance the scales before you have the procedure (I'm sure you already have, but as a concerned person I figure it wouldn't hurt to reiterate). Be willing to accept not only the success that may result from your surgery, but also the possible complications. View yourself as a person having the worse complications known, and decide if you can live with those complications. The most succesful and knowledgeable doctors can generate a fairly accurate prognosis for you, but life is very unpredictable.

    Best of luck to you in whatever method you choose to become a healthier version of you. God Bless!

    This story broke my heart. Thank you for sharing. And prayers to your Aunt.
  • monstergirl14
    monstergirl14 Posts: 345 Member
    As much as I have been on here offering advice and words of encouragement when I see post about weight loss surgery (even though I have no problem with people having this done if it is what they deem necessary to aid them in their weight loss) I do like to post on these thread to offer the OP a different view if they haven't heard from or seen other examples. I started at 560 lbs. unable to walk, hell I could barely stand for more than 30 seconds at a stretch and was home bound for over 2 years... I had a computer chair I would roll myself around the house on to get to the kitchen and bathroom. When I hit rock bottom I had spent 3 days in my recliner with a loaded handgun. It had literally come down to get busy living or get busy dying... On that 3rd day I choose life and have worked my Butt off to regain my life. Even from the beginning surgery was never going to be an options because I knew it wasn't my stomach causing my issues it was all in my head... Something was severely broken for me to be consuming 10,000 calories a day and waiting to die.. If I could not fix what was broke in my head then no weight loss surgery would permanently fix this problem so I wanted to get to the heart of the problem first. So my first stop was therapy to address my food addictions from there I had to get a script form my doctor to begin aquatic therapy because I needed water displacement to allow me to stand so that I could stay upright long enough to begin exercising. I spent 17 months in the pool and lost 170 lbs. in the water before I could get fitted with braces (severely bad knee's) to allow me to walk out of the pool on dry ground. I worked with a nutritionist to understand my eating habits and continued to loose weight.. Fast forward 45 months and 311 lbs, down I have almost completely regained control of my life.. (short of 2 knee replacements I am getting in a few months) Was it easy?? Um No!! but I proved it is possible with alot of hardwork... That all being said if anyone feels this method just isn't something they feel they can tackle then by all means do something because the last thing anyone needs to do is to do nothing!!!.... Best of Luck Op sorry wasn't trying to hyjack your thread just offering another view point..... :drinker:

    Very inspirational, great work!!!!!!
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    The combination of this surgery, my gym membership, nutritionist, and psychologist, coupled with a whole lot of work may have given me the chance to live long enough to see my children grow up and have babies of their own. Good luck, and feel free to friend me!

    Take out the combination of this surgery..... And you have the way the rest of us are doing it.
  • MDixon26
    MDixon26 Posts: 44 Member

    Alot of us on here with MFP suffer food addiction
    great that the surgery worked for you
    but could u have done it with just the help of mental profesionals, a nutritionist, and gym membership?

    Let me ask you one more thing, now that you have had the surgery why is it you are following the advice of professionals when you didnt before you had the surgery?

    Well, I don't know for sure if I would have been able to do it with just the help of them and no surgery. I can say that for the months pre-surgery I spent following their diet and exercise plan I wasn't losing. Let me rephrase, I lost about 2lbs a month. If I had less to lose I might have stuck with that and kept going. Since I had let myself get into such a dangerous weight range I was more worried and felt I needed to take drastic measures. I do not regret this, as my surgeon told us very clearly before sugery, it is not a magic bullet. His exact words were that exercise is the only magic bullet for weight loss. However, for people who struggle the way I do, having a smaller stomach is a useful tool.

    I did follow the advice before surgery, it just didn't give me the results I needed.

    I don't look down on myself for not being able to do it the "regular" way. I just remind myself that even if I had to do it a different way, I am taking strides to correct my health. Better late than never.

    To those who mention that surgery is "dirty" I can only say.. I hope you never need to have surgery. All surgery is dirty. Before my gastric bypass I was told I'd have to have my gallbladder removed. They did it in a combined surgery, and the risk for infection is about the same so I wasn't really concerned about that. Having had a c-section previously surgery wasn't a big fear for me. I did fear some of the worse side effects, like dumping, but not as much as I feared dying from a heart attack in the next 5-10 years.
  • monstergirl14
    monstergirl14 Posts: 345 Member
    I am your age!
    u only feel attacked because your side of the argument is not convincing me to change my opinion!
    I DO feel it is a cop out when statements are made like
    "the surgery decreases your appetite so you have a calorie defeceit"
    because we all have an appetite
    we all suffer the pangs of calorie defeceits
    we all get hungry
    to me a surgery is like a magic pill

    all that being said that is all just my opinion
    not fact

    so i would not let it get you down

    I am not going to change my opinion or stop arguing that i feel it is dirty and dangerous

    but that is not attacking you
    i have my opinion you have yours

    you want to get emotional call it being attacked and use your age and your conditions as a defense that is on you.

    I am telling you i am inyour age range and have had similair problems and have found alternative means to take care of myself and i do not advocate or support the surgery.

    Your ignorance and arrogance are appalling. Just leave the poor woman alone, at this rate you are bullying her. You are pretty much imposing your opinions on others and blatantly disrespecting those who have made the choice to go through with it. You are the reason why people, like my sister, are too nervous or ashamed to say that they have had the surgery. You are the reason why people think it's a cop out, easy, that there are no benefits. You, my dear, should be ashamed. You are just one mean person, aren't you? The world needs happier, lenient, open-minded people. Not someone who had a bad experience with a surgery, ignores the facts, and says that just because of that one time, it should never be done. Haha.
  • monstergirl14
    monstergirl14 Posts: 345 Member
    The combination of this surgery, my gym membership, nutritionist, and psychologist, coupled with a whole lot of work may have given me the chance to live long enough to see my children grow up and have babies of their own. Good luck, and feel free to friend me!

    Take out the combination of this surgery..... And you have the way the rest of us are doing it.

    For those who have repeatedly tried and could not lose a single freaking ounce, it is not as easy as 'oh, just take the surgery out of the equation and you'll surely lose weight!' It's a lot harder than that. It sucks when you eat right, exercise, eat at a deficit, and gain weight. It sucks when you tried weight watchers, followed everything, and even worked your butt off, and gained 2 pounds that week. Then another pound, then .5 pound the following week, and so on and so forth. The doctor said, "The only other option I can offer you is to proceed with the surgery." So you spend approximately 5 years doing it on your own, trying so desperately to lose the weight and prove the doctors wrong, when you have gained 60 pounds and now have to give in. Never wanted it to be an option.
  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    I am your age!
    u only feel attacked because your side of the argument is not convincing me to change my opinion!
    I DO feel it is a cop out when statements are made like
    "the surgery decreases your appetite so you have a calorie defeceit"
    because we all have an appetite
    we all suffer the pangs of calorie defeceits
    we all get hungry
    to me a surgery is like a magic pill

    all that being said that is all just my opinion
    not fact

    so i would not let it get you down

    I am not going to change my opinion or stop arguing that i feel it is dirty and dangerous

    but that is not attacking you
    i have my opinion you have yours

    you want to get emotional call it being attacked and use your age and your conditions as a defense that is on you.

    I am telling you i am inyour age range and have had similair problems and have found alternative means to take care of myself and i do not advocate or support the surgery.

    Your ignorance and arrogance are appalling. Just leave the poor woman alone, at this rate you are bullying her. You are pretty much imposing your opinions on others and blatantly disrespecting those who have made the choice to go through with it. You are the reason why people, like my sister, are too nervous or ashamed to say that they have had the surgery. You are the reason why people think it's a cop out, easy, that there are no benefits. You, my dear, should be ashamed. You are just one mean person, aren't you? The world needs happier, lenient, open-minded people. Not someone who had a bad experience with a surgery, ignores the facts, and says that just because of that one time, it should never be done. Haha.

    9o % of peopole on here are obese. some severely.

    what to do to lose it? eat a deflict, eat healthy + workout.

    and sorry, but the surgery is just like those pills that make you feel full, an easy way out. you eat a ton- your stomach can take a ton, you dont eat a ton, youll be hungry for some time, but your stomach will shrink and get used to it...

    no i dont want that hard work and feel hungry i will much rather enjoy my chocolate and get a surgery thatll cut some of it away and make it smaller.

    so now tell me that it isnt an easy way out?

    and dont even start to tell me i have no clue what i am talking about, i do, except i am doin it the hard way, my mom and granma toke it the easy way.
    the result? my granma barely survived because after like a year after the surg. she didnt chew enough on a piece and it got stuck - makin it impossible for her to breathe,

    my mom? couldnt even keep water down, and we do know what happens to us if we dont drink.

    so please, you stop being all hatefull towards the ones that are against it.

    i am a strong beliver that everyone can set their mind to a ''healthy mode'' they just have to really want it and stop searching for excuses.
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