


  • CaliforniaSweetheart
    i love this thread, i am getting some good ammo for future "give people a hard time" sessions. I am so happy, i could just giggle for hours. :happy:
    Lmao you are EVIL!!!

    did you mean GMAO? I think you did!!!
    Lol no. I mean LMAO...you don't make me nervous!!! You're so mean to me! I'm going to bed now....goodnight!
  • turtlefitnessdad
    turtlefitnessdad Posts: 585 Member
    i love this thread, i am getting some good ammo for future "give people a hard time" sessions. I am so happy, i could just giggle for hours. :happy:
    Lmao you are EVIL!!!

    did you mean GMAO? I think you did!!!
    Lol no. I mean LMAO...you don't make me nervous!!! You're so mean to me! I'm going to bed now....goodnight!

    nighty night :smile:
  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    *I hate having people stand too close to me. I don't do crowds.
    *In the mornings I have a specific way of getting ready, and if anything is out of place I have to start over. If I start brushing my teeth on the side that I usually don't start on, I have to spit, rinse, and start again.
    *When I am done cooking, I have to look at the stove, point to the burners and say "off" to make sure they're off.
    *I can't sleep in a bed that has the bottom part of the sheets tucked under
    *I have to sleep with a fan on
    * I can't have my socks on weird, or a rock in my shoe will cause me to have a psychotic episode.
    *I don't do spiders...any of them....at all
  • KrystalLight03
    Where do I even begin? haha. I have this thing with numbers - no I idea why or how it started - where my TV volume always has to be an even number, the volume on my car radio has to be divisible by 5, and my seat number in classrooms has to end in 3 or 8. I also have an extreme phobia of birds, but I know exactly why and how that started...it was traumatic.
  • andyisandy
    andyisandy Posts: 433 Member
    When i sit down i curl my toes
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    I had a lisp and slight stutter too. I had years of speech therapy and sometimes if I'm tired or stressed out I still do it. :blushing:
  • Suzyqall72
    Suzyqall72 Posts: 105
    One of my ears is attached at the lobe, and the other is dangly. The dangly one has a little bump on it where it should have been attached, I guess. So that makes one of my ears look a little longer. People don't notice it, but it is definitely a quirk!
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    If I'm reading something that isn't holding my interest, I start counting the letters in each sentence to see if they're a multiple of 3. If they're, not, I include the dots over the any i or j, and punctuation.

    I pull the edges off of lunch meat. Blech!

    When I drink really cold water, my left armpit feels cold. Some kind of weird nerve hook up...
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    people tell me my mind is a little off, LMAO
  • sPaRkLiNgLYFE
    i have to know the zodiac sign of everyone i meet, i dance in the mirror constantly, when people cough around me i literally want to put on a Hazmat suit.
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    Where do I even begin? haha. I have this thing with numbers - no I idea why or how it started - where my TV volume always has to be an even number, the volume on my car radio has to be divisible by 5, and my seat number in classrooms has to end in 3 or 8. I also have an extreme phobia of birds, but I know exactly why and how that started...it was traumatic.

  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    Where do I even begin? haha. I have this thing with numbers - no I idea why or how it started - where my TV volume always has to be an even number

    I have the same thing!!! My radio volume as well, but it can be on 25 because it is 1/4 of 100. IDK ... weird stuff...
  • sPaRkLiNgLYFE
    If I'm reading something that isn't holding my interest, I start counting the letters in each sentence to see if they're a multiple of 3. If they're, not, I include the dots over the any i or j, and punctuation.

    I pull the edges off of lunch meat. Blech!

    When I drink really cold water, my left armpit feels cold. Some kind of weird nerve hook up...
    i wish i had the cold water quirk, that must be nice on a really hot day
  • benum21121
    benum21121 Posts: 200
    I'm OCD-esque, I'm extremely Type-A, I have serious food issues (like disliking most fruits and veges- I didn't get up to 350 pounds by eating HEALTHY!), and I die a little inside every time I pass by a microwave and there is 'cook time' left from the previous user and it's flashing.. I MUST clear it. Lucky for me, almost all of my coworkers believe in Exposure Therapy in my presence, or they're trying to kill me. :)
  • xxnellie146xx
    xxnellie146xx Posts: 996 Member
    I die a little inside every time I pass by a microwave and there is 'cook time' left from the previous user and it's flashing.. I MUST clear it.

    That is something that drives me insane!
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
    I have a LOT of moles and an extra set of fangs due to crooked teeth.
    I stutter, and I have a bad habit of not listening to my own advice.
    I'm also a massive clutz.
  • KrystalLight03
    Where do I even begin? haha. I have this thing with numbers - no I idea why or how it started - where my TV volume always has to be an even number, the volume on my car radio has to be divisible by 5, and my seat number in classrooms has to end in 3 or 8. I also have an extreme phobia of birds, but I know exactly why and how that started...it was traumatic.


    THIS. Made my day.
  • Healthy_fresh_start
    Healthy_fresh_start Posts: 183 Member
    im allergic to ladybirds!!! turns out they bite lol strange but true
  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
    *When I am done cooking, I have to look at the stove, point to the burners and say "off" to make sure they're off.
    *I can't sleep in a bed that has the bottom part of the sheets tucked under
    *I have to sleep with a fan on

    Totally agree with you on the sheets. I HATE having my feet squashed down!

    I have to sleep with a pillow between my legs. If I'm travelling and don't have an extra, I'll use a rolled up jacket or blanket.

    I check several times a day to make sure I didn't leave the keys in the front door. I'll physically open the door, reach around, and FEEL that there are no keys in the door. Then I'll lock the door and turn the knob to make sure its locked. My neighbours have been having loud, profane arguments lately, so the door-locking behavior now seems slightly less silly :embarassed:
  • CaliforniaSweetheart
    I thought of more for myself. I can't stand it when different foods on my plate touch and I always sneeze in groups of 3.