Please some help- Extremely abusive mother

I know some times on these forums people can be insensitive but I'm not trying to throw a pity party I just need maybe someone who understands.

I only grew up with my mother. It's always been her and I. She was horrible when I was growing up... called me every name under the sun, racial slurs (we are 2 different races) and every fat name you could think of. That was all I ever heard from her... she never said I was beautiful, smart or talented... everything was always how I was going to be a failure. Before evry dance, prom or something she always made sure to go into one of her *events* and make me feel like absolute *kitten* before I left the house.
When my grandparents passed away... before each of their funerals she would lash out and told me I should stay home because she didn't want to be seen with me. When we would go ou tin public she told me sometimes to not walk beside her

She would date losers. The last loser she dated she would let him say whatever he wanted to me and never defend me or tell him to stop. When he was mad at her, he would leave messages calling me horrible names... telling me how I ugly I was (he would never say anything about her)
I couldn't just go to other family members. She was and IS now the only family I have.
There were many times when the things she would say would kill me...... and I would say things back and we would even physically fight. I know it sounds horrible but there is only so much you can take but nobody knows how it feels to be verbally abused..... she was killing my spirit and it was making me sick.
My self esteem was/is extremely poor because of her. I hated how she made me feel.... I HATED that she knew what she was doing and never apologized.

Now I'm 25... she is the only family I have. I live with her and pay 95% of the bills. She is no different... the verbal abuse is there every day. She just no longer calls me fat....
I've never told anyone. I tried once telling my grandparents years ago but they never really believed me.

I remember everything she said and the looks on her face of just how much she hated me.
I'm a shy person and sometimes quiet....... I don't have a lot of friends or people to go too. I usually work, workout or read.
I don't know what to do


  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    Get counseling and move out.
  • medeamama
    medeamama Posts: 47 Member
    Oh honey... do you read There is a postcard on there that could have come from you, and the community response was so supportive!

    Just know that you are not alone, and that you are a good person, despite what she might have told you over the years. People are going to tell you to leave her, and I bet you know you can do that. But you have chosen so far to stay an support her. That takes courage, and that is something special. This is not to say that you *should* stay with her, just to point out that you have something special in you, maybe more than you know.

    If you get a chance, take a look at the postsecret community. There is a great discussion there about the secret:
  • staplebug
    staplebug Posts: 189
    Get counseling and move out.

  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    Get some help so you can heal :) some people should never be parents. I am sorry someone was so mean to you especially someone who is supposed to love and support you
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    i am sorry that you have to go through this. remember that we are all here for you. you need to do whatever you can to get out of this relationship. she sounds like she needs some serious counseling. it would undoubtedly be beneficial for you to start going to counseling as well, even if you can't confront your mother.

    probably #1 is you need to get out of that house. you can't continue to let someone so close to you ruin your life for another 25 years. do what you have to do. she won't like it, and she'll probably become even more abusive. but you have to put your foot down for yourself. call a friend, a distant relative, an ex, a coworker, anyone, and ask if they can offer you harbor while you do what you need to to get yourself your own place. and don't let her try to guilt you into coming back because really, she is dependent on you. not the other way around. it's ok to be selfish here. it's what you need.
  • jess6741
    jess6741 Posts: 107 Member
    I'm so sorry you went through all of that. You really need to move out. My life has become so much less stressful since I moved out on my own. Sometimes I feel guilty about leaving but in the end to save my sanity I needed to. Unfortunately your mom is not going to change. You deserve to be treated with respect. I am a really shy person as well and know that it can be hard to make new friends but you can do it. Build a solid support system with people who care about you. Feel free to add/message me if you need support.
  • xxnellie146xx
    xxnellie146xx Posts: 996 Member
    Start counseling. Talking about it might be hard at first, but it seems like you are at a point where you want to talk about. You need to let this all out, build up your self-esteem, and get away from your mother for a while. She's clearly toxic to you and it's affecting your daily life and most importantly your mental health. It won't be easy, but you will ultimately feel better.
  • wick09
    wick09 Posts: 22 Member
    Do you make enough to move out? Does she work, so she can help with the bills? I would be stockpiling money, so you can get away from her. No one should have to take that crap from a parent or anyone. Try to get out of there and away from the bully. You will be better off without her. I so wouldn't call her family though. Good luck!
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    I understand how hard it can be to move out in that kind of situation. It's a lot easier said than done.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Get counseling and move out.

    ^^^ this

    as soon as you can. this is a form of domestic violence (it doesn't have to be physical, and it doesn't have to come from a husband/partner to count as domestic violence) so some of the domestic violence helplines/organisations may be able to help you to escape from her, and get counselling, and get any legal issues sorted out.
  • apexgtp
    apexgtp Posts: 64 Member
    Move out and leave her sorry *kitten* in her apartment with no place to go. I have no patience for people like her.
  • kuger4119
    kuger4119 Posts: 213 Member
    If you are able to live independently without her, I would move out. First, family or not, you should never tolerate being abused. Even if you talk to her, I'm betting that she will never be able to restrain herself when she feels that you can't get away. After you get out, anytime she is rude to you, tell her that you aren't going to tolerate it and don't talk to her for at least a week. In time, she will get the clue.

    If she can't live on her own.....that really is not your problem. Family or not, if she doesn't respect you, she does not deserve your assistance. My wife and I make $150k per year and my brother makes around $15k and has alcohol and drug issues. We let him stay with us 10 years ago and he stole some hydrocodone that I had been prescribed after a surgery. He wouldn't keep his area clean and he was a general pain in the *kitten*. He tried to drive my wife's car without permission when we were out of town. We kicked him out after six weeks. Your situation is far worse than that and I wouldn't tolerate it. Sometimes, you have to let people deal with their own lives.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I'm sorry to hear your situation, it sounds like a really horrible place to grow up in :(

    You pay 95% of the bills, so can you afford a place of your own (or even rent a room somewhere?) I would try and move out ASAP. It's doing you no good staying there.

    My mum was never abusive, and we have a good relationship now, but when I lived at home we did not get on at all. There would be screaming matches between us so often. Moving out was one of the best things I ever did, gave me such freedom.
  • kyrabeth1986
    kyrabeth1986 Posts: 53 Member
    I have a very similar relationship with my mum. No one believes the things she put me though, i was never good enough for her and always made to feel fat and useless. On a regular basis she would tell me that i was a mistake and that me asking questions about my dad made me selfish as it upset her. She made me tell everyone (including my brother) that her new husband was my dad and if i told anyone the truth they would both physically and mentally beat me over it. Now that im trying to get married she is refusing to provide documents that i need and i have struggled to get them myself as there are bits of information i do not know.

    Unfortunatly i have no help i can give you, just letting you know your not alone .... and im dreading mothers day ... always shouted at for not buying her a nice card and present but i refuse to play along with the story now. I dont thank her for my upbringing, i don't love her or trust her and i certainly do not rely on her to be my rock.
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    So painful to read. You must detach yourself from her. I know that will be difficult to do, but you must. She may be your mother, but she is no mom.

    You say she is the only family you have. You know, I believe that you can create your own family. What I mean by that, is that you don't have to be related to someone in order for them to be your family. Obviously, I don't mean go to your next door neighbor and say "hey, will you be my mom?". That's not what I mean. I mean you can having loving, close, family-like relationships with people other than your mother.

    Big hugs.
  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    Start counseling. Talking about it might be hard at first, but it seems like you are at a point where you want to talk about. You need to let this all out, build up your self-esteem, and get away from your mother for a while. She's clearly toxic to you and it's affecting your daily life and most importantly your mental health. It won't be easy, but you will ultimately feel better.
    This! It took me until I was 43 to realize I am not obligated to put up with a toxic person, even a toxic mother. I got counseling and it has helped me immensely. It allowed me to set up boundaries and if your mother wants to be a part of your life she will respect those boundaries. My experience was that my mothers self esteem was so low that the only way she felt good about herself is to bring others,especially her children down.
    You are young and have so much courage. You don't need her anymore to define yourself. You'll be amazed at the opportunities that present themselves when you don't have that toxicity hanging over your life choices. Do it now before you have a child and shell start the cycle with your child. Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    I think the first step would be to build some confidence and self esteem before moving out. If you have no self esteem, how can you be expected to move away and walk away from a bad situation? It's not as easy as that. If it was, OP would have moved out already.

    You need to take some time to heal, and realise that you are important, and that this is your one life and no one has any right to make it miserable. Unfortunately, we can't stop other people's behaviour, but we can choose how we react to it. By taking responsibility for yourself and building up your self esteem, you can move out when the time is right for you.

    Don't feel guilty for taking these steps towards happiness and self-sufficiency. You don't have to hate your mother or treat her badly in return. You can still love her, you can still be there for her, but part of recovering from this situation is realising that loving someone DOESN'T include letting them treat you badly. Believe it or not, letting her treat you badly is harmful to both of you. It also keeps your mum in a cycle of bad behaviour, which will get progressively worse over time. No one wants to behave the way she is behaving, she is probably very troubled. Respect her, understand her, if that is what you want, but don't let her walk on you. Your mum doesn't know healthy boundaries and it's up to you to set them for both of you.

    You will get through this. If you need anyone you can always add me as a friend :smile:
  • Lorri1957
    Lorri1957 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm so sorry for you and you're situation. First, if you're paying the majority of the bills there isnt any reason you should still be in the position you're in. Move out, you can support yourself. You shouldnt feel obligated to support your mother financially or emotionally. You are an adult and responsible for your own happiness now. People like your mother are like cancer and should be cut out, they have no redeeming qualities. YOU ARE WORTH TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF! !! I don't mean to sound harsh but she's the one with the problem, not you. You've taken a huge step joining mfp and you will find tons of support here. Please add me to you friends list if you'd like, I would like to keep contact with you.
  • jsiricos
    jsiricos Posts: 338 Member
    I have been on both sides of this fence (not my mother tho) I was trained to help abused women to make the right choices, tell them when to get out etc.
    One thing I learned from this, and my own abusive marriage is, you can't tell someone to leave.

    It has to come from within themselves, you have to get to the point where you can't take anymore. It is very hard to leave.

    I was very good at handing out the advice, but very poor at taking it.

    To the OP, are you at that point? If you are, start sorting your stuff out, your life, everything, and move without telling her.

    If you aren't, remember these few words, "You are a beautiful person in your own right, NOTHING she says can say otherwise"

    If I didn't know better, I'd say, move out, get away, live your life, you deserve it, but only you can make that decision.
    Good Luck
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Please pick up the book Toxic Parents: Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life by Susan Forward.

    While it is easy for someone on the internet to tell you to cut ties with your mother and find your own family (friends, support groups, a companion, etc.), it is a decision you have to come to on your own. And if you choose to keep a toxic parent in your life, at least arm yourself with the knowledge on how to keep them from causing further harm.

    Wishing you the best.