Eating "junk" and losing weight?



  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Yes, scars from surgeries. Even though a person my exercise off those junk food calories the bad fat cells are already on the way to their arteries. Clogged arteries in legs, open heart surgery, I could go on and on. Calories does not equal good calories
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    The problem with this type of discussion is that it becomes polarised - either everyone zomg is eating a diet filled to the rafters with junk food or they are eating like, totally clean. Zen man.

    Realistically there is a middle ground in real life and that middle ground means room to maneouvre. I doubt anyone would suggest that if you like eating a diet high in lean protein, fresh fruit and veg that you should replace it with a fast food diet because it is somehow superior.

    However, in the context of a diet which includes reasonable amounts of the above then some junk here or there won't be detrimental will it? The only thing that should be really minimised or avoided altogether is man made trans fats.

    I tend to agree with this person often ^^
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Yes, scars from surgeries. Even though a person my exercise off those junk food calories the bad fat cells are already on the way to their arteries. Clogged arteries in legs, open heart surgery, I could go on and on. Calories does not equal good calories

    "junk food calories" = "bad fat cells"? And they maintain their composition as such into the bloodstream?


    I just...

    I can't...


    What I'm trying to say is, I think I disagree with this conclusion.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Yes, scars from surgeries. Even though a person my exercise off those junk food calories the bad fat cells are already on the way to their arteries. Clogged arteries in legs, open heart surgery, I could go on and on. Calories does not equal good calories

    What on earth is a "bad fat cell"?

    Is this some component they add to the beef in a McDonald's burger?
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    The problem with this type of discussion is that it becomes polarised - either everyone zomg is eating a diet filled to the rafters with junk food or they are eating like, totally clean. Zen man.

    Realistically there is a middle ground in real life and that middle ground means room to maneouvre. I doubt anyone would suggest that if you like eating a diet high in lean protein, fresh fruit and veg that you should replace it with a fast food diet because it is somehow superior.

    However, in the context of a diet which includes reasonable amounts of the above then some junk here or there won't be detrimental will it? The only thing that should be really minimised or avoided altogether is man made trans fats.

    I tend to agree with this person often ^^

    It's a conspiracy!*

    (* not really)
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    Yes, scars from surgeries. Even though a person my exercise off those junk food calories the bad fat cells are already on the way to their arteries. Clogged arteries in legs, open heart surgery, I could go on and on. Calories does not equal good calories


  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    The problem with this type of discussion is that it becomes polarised - either everyone zomg is eating a diet filled to the rafters with junk food or they are eating like, totally clean. Zen man.

    Realistically there is a middle ground in real life and that middle ground means room to maneouvre. I doubt anyone would suggest that if you like eating a diet high in lean protein, fresh fruit and veg that you should replace it with a fast food diet because it is somehow superior.

    However, in the context of a diet which includes reasonable amounts of the above then some junk here or there won't be detrimental will it? The only thing that should be really minimised or avoided altogether is man made trans fats.

    I tend to agree with this person often ^^

    It's a conspiracy!*

    (* not really)

    Pro-tip: I recently learned (from the MFP forums even) that this means you are both in the same clique and think identically about everything.

    (Aka, zomg...TWINZIES!)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    OK, so bad fat cells was not the correct way to say it. But I have seen arteries partially clogged or totally clogged with atherosclotic plaques, caused by fat build up. Please excuse me when I can't accurately say what I want. I have MS and it's part of it. but I was a cardiac nurse for many years and fat can clog arteries
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    OK, so bad fat cells was not the correct way to say it. But I have seen arteries partially clogged or totally clogged with atherosclotic plaques, caused by fat build up. Please excuse me when I can't accurately say what I want. I have MS and it's part of it. but I was a cardiac nurse for many years and fat can clog arteries

    That's not caused by fat buildup, and even if it was there's no magical ingredient in fast food that creates "fat" inside the arteries.

    You may have been a nurse, but being a nurse doesn't mean you know the biochemical processes by which arterial plaque forms and builds.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    The problem with this type of discussion is that it becomes polarised - either everyone zomg is eating a diet filled to the rafters with junk food or they are eating like, totally clean. Zen man.

    Realistically there is a middle ground in real life and that middle ground means room to maneouvre. I doubt anyone would suggest that if you like eating a diet high in lean protein, fresh fruit and veg that you should replace it with a fast food diet because it is somehow superior.

    However, in the context of a diet which includes reasonable amounts of the above then some junk here or there won't be detrimental will it? The only thing that should be really minimised or avoided altogether is man made trans fats.

    No, that is far too sensible of an approach.

    It also does not help imo that everyone has different ideas as to what 'junk' actually is.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    OK, so bad fat cells was not the correct way to say it. But I have seen arteries partially clogged or totally clogged with atherosclotic plaques, caused by fat build up. Please excuse me when I can't accurately say what I want. I have MS and it's part of it. but I was a cardiac nurse for many years and fat can clog arteries

    I agree, arteries clog, and when they do, it's a Really Bad Thing™...but our understanding of what leads to that problem has improved in recent decades. I believe it is fairly well-accepted that eating an occasional (or even frequent) fast food meal in conjunction with an overall nutritionally adequate diet coupled with regular exercise is *not* a cause.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member

    It also does not help imo that everyone has different ideas as to what 'junk' actually is.

    Yes, I think that is exactly right or "clean" for that matter.

    People tend to argue subtly different points given what they are perceiving / projecting they see on a thread so things go round...and round...and round.

    I would wager there is more agreement between people then actual disagreement in reality.
  • TrishLG
    TrishLG Posts: 173 Member
    People can loose weight without exercise as well, but their body will flabby and not be toned.

    There is a difference between people who lose weight on plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and quality foods, and people who lose weight eating primarily junk food like soda, french fries, greasy burgers, onion rings and ice cream sundaes.
    That is not to say that we can not have a treat now and then.

    The body needs nutrients to battle disease, keep the mind sharp, and to live long and well.
    Consider just folic acid that comes from greens. Pregnant women are given folic acid in their prenatal vitamins to insure healthy brain development of the infant. Recently they found that seniors with dementia have a lack of folic acid in their brains. So I always figured that the inbetween age groups also need folic acid to keep the mind sharp for school and on the job. Junk food will fill you with empty calories devoid of nutrients. Ultimately it is an individual's choice.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    There is a difference between people who lose weight on plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and quality foods, and people who lose weight eating primarily junk food like soda, french fries, greasy burgers, onion rings and ice cream sundaes.
    That is not to say that we can not have a treat now and then.

    What *is* the difference? Assuming macros are the same.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    There is a difference between people who lose weight on plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and quality foods, and people who lose weight eating primarily junk food like soda, french fries, greasy burgers, onion rings and ice cream sundaes.
    That is not to say that we can not have a treat now and then.

    What *is* the difference? Assuming macros are the same.

    One group is happy, and the other group is jealous that they are happy?
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    There is a difference between people who lose weight on plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and quality foods, and people who lose weight eating primarily junk food like soda, french fries, greasy burgers, onion rings and ice cream sundaes.
    That is not to say that we can not have a treat now and then.

    What *is* the difference? Assuming macros are the same.

    Adequate vitamins and minerals, like folic acid, for one.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member

    Adequate vitamins and minerals, like folic acid, for one.

    Sooo, this couldn't come from say a multi-vitamin, perhaps?

    Personally , I love fresh food and prepare 90% of what I eat myself. But I do so mostly because that's just how I enjoy eating. I also enjoy fast food and candy on occasion.

    If someone can be shown to be very healthy, very active, and not deficient in any important micro- or macro-nutrients, what does anyone care how they got there? Just let people eat how they want to eat. If they are prepared to take on the slight additional burden of working these foods into their calorie allowance, then surely as grown adults it's their choice.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    There is a difference between people who lose weight on plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and quality foods, and people who lose weight eating primarily junk food like soda, french fries, greasy burgers, onion rings and ice cream sundaes.
    That is not to say that we can not have a treat now and then.

    What *is* the difference? Assuming macros are the same.

    Adequate vitamins and minerals, like folic acid, for one.

    So it's impossible to get adequate vitamins and minerals if there's a lot of fast food in your diet?
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member

    Adequate vitamins and minerals, like folic acid, for one.
    Or from a McDonald's burger bun?
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    For me, I want to be healthy and energetic. Not just thinner.

    I'm angling for looking the part then hoping I feel great. ;)