If its really about calories then explain to me why.....

Why is it that sooo many people lose weight so much quicker when they eat less than 20 grams of carbs per day? I see soooo many success stories where people lose 50-60 lb in 5 months (for example) these are people who are not extremely obese either..whereas counting calories you rarely see where they lose that much in that short period of time? So is it really the deficit in your daily calories that count? All these numerous stories I read & see lose so much so quick eating low carb!!


  • amyschicos
    amyschicos Posts: 30 Member
    For example a friend of mine started out weighing 215 she lost 75 lb in less than 6 months! Never have I heard of this being done counting calories! She was eating 20 grams of carbs a day & not counting calories just carbs!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Why is it that sooo many people lose weight so much quicker when they eat less than 20 grams of carbs per day? I see soooo many success stories where people lose 50-60 lb in 5 months (for example) these are people who are not extremely obese either..whereas counting calories you rarely see where they lose that much in that short period of time? So is it really the deficit in your daily calories that count? All these numerous stories I read & see lose so much so quick eating low carb!!

    Fat loss is insignificantly different holding cals and protein constant. Fat loss > weight loss
  • Scott15Fit
    I've lost 17.6 pounds in 7 weeks so far by eating a balanced diet with 1000 calorie deficit (ie. 1kg / 2 pounds per week) and alot of exercise. I wouldn't want to loose any faster than that.
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    I'd rather lose weight eating what I want than cutting or restricting a food group. Especially considering what will probably happen once you start eating that food group again after you reach your goal weight.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    It's not about how fast you lose the weight. It's about creating a new, healthy lifestyle. Any diet where you restrict will work, but most of the time you will put the wieght right back on as soon as you re-introduce whatever you've cut out of your diet.
    It doesn't matter how FAST you lose the weight if you don't keep it off.
  • amyschicos
    amyschicos Posts: 30 Member
    But im asking WHY do low carvers lose so much faster than calorie counters if its the calories that matter so much!
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    And when she loses all the weight she wants and starts eating normally, she will gain it all back. I much prefer to lose weight in a much more normal way, enjoy my food, and be thin for life. :)

    ETA - You have to eat SOME carbs or your body will pull energy from your muscle tissue instead.
  • amyschicos
    amyschicos Posts: 30 Member
    Still wondering WHY if its calories in calories out that matter!! Why they are able to lose soo much faster??
  • Scott15Fit
    How fast do you really need to loose the weight? You can do it either way but through a balanced diet it is much better for you long term.
    If your going to go to extremes why not say, why diet at all, why don't we all just get liposuction.
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    I believe it's because the quality of calories DO count no matter how much all of the road map people tell you otherwise. I would rather eat 1500 clean calories than fill the gap with carbs and fat. Most of the people who eat clean eat a lower amount of carbs anyways.
  • amyschicos
    amyschicos Posts: 30 Member
    All I want to know is WHY they (low carbers) lose at such a faster rate than calorie counters? That's it! Not opinions (with all due respect)
  • amyschicos
    amyschicos Posts: 30 Member
    I believe it's because the quality of calories DO count no matter how much all of the road map people tell you otherwise. I would rather eat 1500 clean calories than fill the gap with carbs and fat. Most of the people who eat clean eat a lower amount of carbs anyways.

    Thank you but do you see what im saying? Im wondering why those that follow lets say the Atkins WOE lose so much quicker?
  • Thorssoneg
    I lost 73 lbs in the first 6 months of just counting calories, eating better and exercising. I still enjoy my carbs, just in moderation.
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I lost 79 lbs in 8 months, and ate plenty of carbs.
  • MarcPower
    MarcPower Posts: 67 Member
    Why ask the question if you always dismiss people's responses?
    I beilve in low Low calorie if it works for you or you can zigzag carbs Like, for example,
    Dont eat above 100 carbs a day which that is really low,
    Than the next day have More than 100 carbs,And
    iv come to realize if she was just counting carbs and not calories
    she would not lose weight, It really is about calories in vs calories out
    its scientific their is no other scientific evidence, but count calories will work in the long run!
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    i've lost 89 pounds in 7 months by counting calories. while i do eat significantly fewer carbs than before, i in no way subscribe to a "low carb" lifestyle.

    ETA: if i lost any faster, it would be considered unhealthy, so it's not like eating carbs is holding me back. at all.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Your friend who lost weight counting carbs instead of calories may have also been eating low calories as a side effect of cutting out most carbs.
  • mortyfit
    mortyfit Posts: 354 Member
    Low-carb diets are known for yielding fast weight loss. Shedding up to 15 pounds in two weeks on Atkins, for example, isn't out of the ordinary. However, much of what's initially lost on low-carb diets is water, not fat, because these diets have what's known as a diuretic effect. That's true of many other diets, too, and is a major reason researchers don't judge diets based on a few weeks of results.

    HOWEVER....you're going to get an opinion anyway, now that I've answered your question. If you really need to lose some weight that fast, then go for it. But if you want to sustain the loss and build a healthier diet, I wouldn't stay on low-carb for long. You will rapidly find yourself fatigued, for one thing.
    I am a bit biased, I'm a runner so I NEED my carbs! Carbs are fuel!
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    I do see what you are saying. It's comparable to losing weight through cardio vs cardio plus lifting. YOu will lose fast through cardio but be skinny fat. The same is true for eating habits. If you lose too fast, which is what happens with low carb, you are going to lose a ton of muscle mass. I could be wrong since I"m not knowledgeable on the scientific aspects, but that's the way I understand it.