Coffee Drinkers



  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Hey guys--
    I absolutely love coffee and have NO intentions of quitting. But, I am one who loves creamer in their coffee, and flavored at that. However, it is such a kick in the pants by how many calories I WASTE on creamer alone. I need advice. What do you put in your coffee to replace it? I've tried just sugar and BLECK.

    A few dashes of cinnamon. Also try a few drops of vanilla extract.

    We in the US are conditioned to expect everything to be sweet, a problem you don't seem to have. Try drinking it black. You'll be surprised how quickly you adjust to it and enjoy it.

    What I've noticed is that when I buy a really nice bag of coffee (Guatamalan, fair trade, etc) vs. a bag from Target the difference is tremendous and unmistakable. You can't really tell when you are adding cream and sugar.
  • chrislynn_marie
    chrislynn_marie Posts: 77 Member
    I've found recipes to make your own flavored coffee creamer and they have less sugar and fat than store bought. I can't give up coffee creamer either but I've been thinking about doing that.
  • sarahb0787
    But then, if it's Seattle's Best, you kinda need to add something to it to hide the horrid taste.

    Haha this cracked me up. I'm from Seattle and everyone knows that Seattle's best is just terrible.
  • FireballStrike
    FireballStrike Posts: 85 Member
    Love, love coffee! Creamer has calories and a ton of artificial crap. Maybe try some almond milk if you need a little something? I use stevia and for a change up, coconut oil. It's yum.
  • Christizzzle
    Christizzzle Posts: 454 Member
    I drink mine black like a boss!
  • leahstaeb
    leahstaeb Posts: 12 Member
    At home, I brew a flavored or regular K-cup, usually with nothing added, but sometimes I do sprinkle in some cinnamon. At work, just black coffee. I've thought about keeping a container of cinnamon at work so I can use it there, but I've yet to do it. It's pretty yummy, though.
  • IkirPaulson
    IkirPaulson Posts: 40 Member
    Skim milk or non-dairy creamer is a good lower calorie alternative. Also, adding cinnamon/nutmeg/vanilla extract to liven it up.
    Personally I drink my coffee black, but I used to overdose on creamers and sugar because I couldn't stand the taste of plain coffee. It turned out I was just buying really low-quality coffee and needed all the extras to make it palatable. Spend a little more on your coffee and you might notice you don't need creamer and sugar anymore.

    Also, if breakfast is really sweet, it counteracts the need for sugar in your coffee.
  • sjbcobb
    sjbcobb Posts: 5 Member
    I buy boxes of individual tubs of creamer - Coffee Mate or Mini-Moo's. One tub = 10 calories. I use 1 tub per cup and have about 3 cups (my coffee cups are about 1.5 cups measured) total in the morning. If I drink more coffee than 3 cups, I'll put in a splash of almond milk. Easy.
  • SalCifone
    SalCifone Posts: 1 Member
    I am also a big coffee drinker. I eliminated all sweetners over 10 years ago. I use whole milk as my flavoring. Cant deal with skim or 2% or cream.
  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    Hi How are?
    Well about 6 months ago I had that dilemma, trying to figure out what to do with my coffee. My husband had gone all black but I thought he was crazy.
    Now fast forward and I prefer my coffee black. You start to taste the difference, and all that little bit of sugar you cut out will be better for you in the long run. not to mention all the stuff in creamers.
    god luck.
    I say just try it black for at least 2 weeks, it will take some getting used to, maybe keep adding less of what you usually add. eventually you will like it.
  • hollyk57
    hollyk57 Posts: 520 Member
    I use Natural Bliss. It's 35 calories a tablespoon but it fits in my day and I'm not a fan of black coffee.

    Ditto on this one. And I saw that they just came out with a low fat chocolate version. I like the Natural Bliss because it's just cream, milk and sugar - none of the fake crud that's in regular cream, which makes me feel sick. For fat/cals, it's really not bad
  • Ben_1960
    Ben_1960 Posts: 97 Member
    Small amount of skimmed milk. After you have grown accustomed to it, full fat milk or creamer will taste awful.
  • Mstania918
    Being Hispanic I can never dream of giving up coffee, that is a staple in my house. What I drink is Bustelo so with that you need ALOOOOT of creamer. But I have changed to 2% skim milk and 2 packets of splenda and only about 2 cups a day compair to 3 cups. It all takes time but you can do it!!1
  • MrsDrk
    MrsDrk Posts: 153 Member
    I started buying better coffee and drinking it black- the stronger, the better! I was putting 2 tsp of sugar and nondairy creamer.
  • homerjspartan
    homerjspartan Posts: 1,893 Member
    The sugar-free and fat-free versions of the flavored creamers are good. They are making more and more of the flavors in SF and FF versions - french vanilla, sweet cream, carmel machiato.

    The best is when you use the SF version for a while and then as a treat you try a little of the regular.

    I used a little of the International Delight Coldstone Sweet Cream this weekend and it was so good I drank the whole bottle straight standing at the fridge. When my wife tried to stop me I picked up my youngest child and used her as a weapon to beat my wife...... really good.
  • DivaMoe40
    DivaMoe40 Posts: 159 Member
    I too am a lover of flavored creamer. I am not ashamed to say that use International Delight Peppermint Patty flavor. However, I have stopped using sugar and have replaced with 3 Splenda packets. It's zero calories, so I don't feel bad indulging with a flavored creamer.
  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
    I love So Delicious Coconut Creamers. Only 10 calories in a tbsp of the original flavor, 20 calories per tbsp in the french vanilla and hazelnut. You can also try a flavored coffee paired with an unflavored creamer and get the same effect and sweetness.
  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    I love my coffee with Splenda and bliss! Yummmmm drinking while typing!
  • gfedex
    gfedex Posts: 226 Member
    I've never taken sugar in my coffee and don't like the aftertaste of flavoured creamers. For awhile I used skim milk before admitting I didn't really enjoy it- it just watered down my coffee.

    Now I use half-and-half. I like the taste and I can afford the nominal extra calories.
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    I am a sweet coffee lover also I stay away from artificial sweeteners 99.9% of the time but I just could give up my creamer and I order to save on the calories I went to the sugar free favors. I figure I need to have some enjoyment in my morning ( not a morning person) and this is it. :drinker: