What do you eat when you're starving but short on calories?



  • FitGuyWillDoIt
    FitGuyWillDoIt Posts: 111 Member
    When I'm on the run and can't stop for a "regular" meal, I grab a bag of raw nuts.
  • britkip
    britkip Posts: 49
    Title says it all. It's that time of the month and I'm starving all the time but trying so hard not to go over my goal. What kind of filling/low calories food do you eat when that happens?

    Eat more protein at those times of the month, it will be more filling.

    agree make sure you eating lots of protein and fiber! I eat the double chocolate protien bars and they are sweet and filling!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I eat, if I'm actually hungry. Sit down and really think about it, are you craving or is your stomach growling? Are you bored, stressed? Try writing down your emotions BEFORE you eat. I just started doing that and I've realized that I'm def. not always hungry when I want to eat. If you are actually hungry, try one of these:
    Dannon light greek yogurt - 80 cals
    Boiled egg whites - 17 each, I give the yolk to my cat. Or one whole egg, about 70 for one large.
    1/8 cup raw almonds 80
    Green tea in my Keurig with frozen blueberries and Splenda or honey. Very low cal if you don't sweeten it.
    Beef jerky
    1/4 cup steelcut oats 75 cals
    small apple
    1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese 90 cals, I think
  • nathan6878
    nathan6878 Posts: 115 Member
    A 90 calorie Fiber One brownie
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    People who say "boiled egg white" make me cry:cry: there - see?:sad:
    Why? When I first started losing weight, I was used to eating a ton of food and hadn't yet learned how to eat properly, so I was hungry all the time. Eventually, thank God, I learned to eat the right foods and by adding veggies, I was eating more food, bulk-wise than I was when I was fat. Eating boiled eggs without the yolk allowed me to function, not feel like I was starving and I got in extra, inexpensive protein for the day. Not everyone wants the calories of more than one egg. I don't fear eggs and i know they are good for me, but I dont want to go over my daily cals due to a snack and besides, that yolk is nasty anyway. :sick:
  • MerMandy17
    MerMandy17 Posts: 117 Member
    I recently spent a solid 30 minutes at the organic fruit and nut section at Publix. I read the back of each container and compared each package for calories and protein. The best bet (which also was the cheapest in price) was soy nuts. They cost $1.99 for a 5.75 oz package. Each ounce yields 150 calories and 11g of protein. I usually eat a hanful over the course of the day.

    I was surprised at how much they taste like peanuts. They are small, offer that crunch and the saltiness you often crave. Yet, I don't find myself mindlessly eating them.

    Worth a shot for $1.99!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I recently spent a solid 30 minutes at the organic fruit and nut section at Publix. I read the back of each container and compared each package for calories and protein. The best bet (which also was the cheapest in price) was soy nuts. They cost $1.99 for a 5.75 oz package. Each ounce yields 150 calories and 11g of protein. I usually eat a hanful over the course of the day.

    I was surprised at how much they taste like peanuts. They are small, offer that crunch and the saltiness you often crave. Yet, I don't find myself mindlessly eating them.

    Worth a shot for $1.99!
    I love those too. Do you get the green ones that are labeled as roasted edamame? That's what I buy. The dry roasted kind is horrible.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I haven't read all the comments so I don't know if this has been addressed or not, but a look at your diary may reveal some eating habits that could be improved upon. I am @ 1508 cals and am rarely starving, much less even "hungry". Better food choices may be more filling and satisfying.
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    lately stewed or sauteed yellow squash but if I'm out of squash any raw veggie works for me.
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    If I am craving salt I have a 100 calorie bag of popcorn with a diet Coke w/Splenda. If I want sweet I eat a Health Choice frozen yogurt or a square of dark or extra dark chocolate.
  • luvmy5kids
    It helps me to have goals for carbs, fat, protein, and fiber. When I get to the end of the day and still have calories left I will look at what I need. If I need protein, then I make an omelette with eggs or egg beaters. If I need carb, then a high fiber piece of bread. You can eat a lot of non starchy vegetables. Even though they put calories on your total, I don't really think they count much against you. A good salad, a vegetable soup, a veggie plate--they all help.
  • Ironweed72
    Ironweed72 Posts: 1 Member
    Low cal cheese and sandwich meat wrap. Start sooner next time and eat foods that keep your blood sugar from swinging wildly. Low to no sugars and comples carbs.
  • AngrySue
    AngrySue Posts: 1
    Celery sticks w/ a little bit of hummus or 1 oz low fat cheese, non-fat yogurt, non-fat cottage cheese with chopped tomatoes, or an apple with a bit of peanut butter.
  • Hughes79
    Hughes79 Posts: 14 Member
    Tiger's Milk protein bars...the small ones. Sometimes a spoonful of PB..
  • transvenouspacer
    transvenouspacer Posts: 182 Member
    That time of the month? Chocolate. Lots of chocolate
    FASTFUELXXX Posts: 89 Member
  • dolfn1972
    dolfn1972 Posts: 84 Member
    I eat and go over my calories.

    ^^^same here^^^
  • hanababe
    hanababe Posts: 16 Member
    Popcorn. You get a lot for the amount of calories.
  • tleight817
    tleight817 Posts: 4 Member
    Fruit. Laughing cow wedges and a handful of nuts. Low fat cheese and if I'm truly vamished I will have a half a cup of cheerios with low fat milk and a half of banana. This happens a few times a month at night usually and doesn't impact my weight loss.
  • timmemin
    timmemin Posts: 72 Member
    If I am really craving chocolate, I go for nestle's low fat hot cocoa (20 cal.) or ghiradelli dark chocolate chips (16 for 70 calories). :happy: