Closed diary's



  • anon189
    anon189 Posts: 42
    Interesting. I have mine open. I know I'm not the best eater but honestly couldn't care less what people think about what I eat. Honestly I think if people just sit around going through people's diaries to criticize what they eat they need to get a life. I wish I had that much free time. :)
  • JenNuma
    JenNuma Posts: 52 Member
    Lots of good reasons, pro and con...
  • abbyrae1
    abbyrae1 Posts: 265 Member
    i always used this as a personal tool until I recently went out on the msg boards to make some new buddies. Mine is open now, because through the boards I learned I could (always used the app on my phone prior, didn't know about this whole community). I think in some cases, people might not know
  • SlimsLiftingMoreThanLipstick
    I've been extremely successful but I am successful because I do what works for me. If people need ideas or suggestions I will give them but I don't want anyone thinking they can eat exactly what I do and lose weight. I've tried a million combinations until I found the one that worked for me. It's just not for everyone. I don't need anyone telling me what I should change (that happened when it was open). I was already aware that some tweaks and changes might make me better or stronger, but then again after all the experimenting I've done with my diet and intake I also know that some of those suggestion don't work for me. If I ask for someones opinion I will open my diary for them, or if a friend wants to peek then I unlock it with a code and give them the code. I just didn't find anything beneficial to having it open, and I use this site to benefit me. Also, I am no longer trying to lose, just add muscle and maintain so I mostly use it to track macros anyway. People trying to lose aren't going to be ready for that.
  • krissy_krossy
    krissy_krossy Posts: 307 Member
    What I eat isn't anyone else's business. If I had a question regarding my intake I would open it, but other than that I prefer to keep it private. I mean, just look at the number of posts talking about people eating "junk food" and how horrible it is. Lots of folks love to give unsolicited advice and I don't have time for that.
  • iamjude17
    iamjude17 Posts: 40
    Just a quick observation , I love looking at the success stories . And the one thing that sticks out is 2/3 of the people have closed diary's ? Why is this ? Surely an open diary would help other MFP people ?
    Is there a reason why ?
    I actually agree....I also have mine open so I can be accountable as to what I'm eating, and get advice if I'm eating right or wrong etc.
    So, I guess it's just a personal preference. :tongue:
  • Smash323
    Smash323 Posts: 16
    When I joined last month, my intention was to keep my food diary closed. I opened it to friends, though, because I'm new and trying to make new friends on MFP. I noticed a lot of people saying that they prefer friends with open diaries, so I thought I'd give it a whirl.

    I got a comment last night when I closed the day out that was toeing the line of being judgy. I drink wine. So there. I log it to show myself how many calories and sugars I'm spending, just like someone else's cupcake.

    Last night's comment and this thread are helping me realize that I really don't want comments or advice unless I ask for it. But also, I realize that judgy comments aren't really going to affect me unless I let them. If I get to the point where comments do affect me, I'll have to shut it down.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    what works for one isn't always going to work for everyone else....
  • JessicaP327
    JessicaP327 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm on here to help myself primary, not other people! Also, I don't track most days - because I'm in a good eating routine eating mainly cottage cheese, turkey and a variety of fruits and veggies. I know if I've eaten enough or too much. I also don't fancy smart alecs, people who don't know my training and eating schedule making comments about how I only track one or two days a week and that I'm wayy over my budget for the day - this is my higher calorie day, which I do track because it contains different foods each week.

    The good thing about MFP is that you can use it how YOU want to, not how other people want you to.

    ditto! even though mine is open now, (I did have it closed for a while for this exact reason)
  • CupcakesAndRazorblades
    Nope, I'll never open mine. I'm a private person as is and I don't need to be judged by anyone else because I judge myself too hard already.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Only time it bugs me is when people ask for specific help with their intake or whatever, but they have a closed diary.

    Mine is open, and I log everything, the good, the bad and the ugly. I've never had anyone criticize me for my food choices, but I don't think it would bother me if they did. I like to leave it open for other people to get food ideas, and to see that I eat a lot of "normal" food and still lose the fat, even going over my calorie goal on a regular basis.
  • AmberLee2012
    Because some people like to judge others and think that they are above people if their diary is cleaner. If someone is here and trying and they get negative feedback from a person like this, it might cause the person to go on a binge or quit trying completely. I've seen rude comments like that on a person's diary on here who was extremely overweight but was still losing weight and logging in everyday. Now they don't log in at all.
  • starfish1783
    Mines closed and will stay that way ...3 reasons

    1.... Judgemental people...and actually any form of commentary on my choices will irritate me because

    2.... Keeping my ED in control means keeping my control and i feel that an open diary jeopardises that

    3.... Noone else on here has my assortment of needs and tastes. i get sick of answering questions about food and drink habits

    ^^^ Ditto!
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Just a quick observation , I love looking at the success stories . And the one thing that sticks out is 2/3 of the people have closed diary's ? Why is this ? Surely an open diary would help other MFP people ?
    Is there a reason why ?

    Why is it my job to help other MFP people? Just because I'm using the site doesn't obligate me to help anyone.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    When my diary is closed, I log /everything/ - even my binges. When it's open, I feel the need (not something I seem able to control) to make it look nice and presentable. If I'm to be successful, I need to be honest and so closed it is.

    I find myself on the opposite end (somewhat) of this. If my diary is open, I wont tend to binge because I think .. oh man, I'm gonna have to log that. nope. can't eat it. someone will see!!
  • ZHawk1123
    ZHawk1123 Posts: 215
    People don't like to be judged and often can't take criticism.
  • wikitbikit
    wikitbikit Posts: 518 Member
    Mine's open because I figure if I'm gonna participate in the message boards and I'm out here talking some talk, I should be willing to back it up... or at least allow people to see where I'm coming from, if they want to. I'm secure in my choices. I think it actually keeps me more honest than if it were closed. It's like... here, I've laid all out... Now come at me, bro! :laugh: If it were closed, I think I would be more inclined to skip logging something like 'a smidge of cooking oil' or whatever.

    S'cool that we can all do it and use it in ways that work for us :)
  • KML617
    KML617 Posts: 220 Member
    My profile and diary is closed to the public, becuase I like to know who is checking out what I do... However, I'm pretty oepn to any friend requests and my friends can view everything. I'm pretty proud of the way I handle my food diary, I plan everything in advance and I'm good at eating A LOT for a low level of calories, I think my friends benefit from being able to view what Im doing, especially the people who find it hard to eat large quantities and stay low cal. But I don't think the general public needs to be poking around. If you're curious, feel free to add me! :)
  • HotrodsGirl0107
    HotrodsGirl0107 Posts: 243 Member
    Just a quick observation , I love looking at the success stories . And the one thing that sticks out is 2/3 of the people have closed diary's ? Why is this ? Surely an open diary would help other MFP people ?
    Is there a reason why ?

    Why is it my job to help other MFP people? Just because I'm using the site doesn't obligate me to help anyone.

    ^^^this! I am not here to support, help or motivate anyone but myself. I use MFP in a way that benifits my lifestyle.
  • Strangelyinsane
    Strangelyinsane Posts: 120 Member
    To paraphrase a famous quote from Dr. Suess, "Eat what you want and log what you eat because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” I keep my log open. Who knows, someone might get something out of it. My MFP friends help me with encouragement and suggestions. Even though it is open, no one other than my friends have ever commented on it.