Closed diary's



  • professorRAT
    professorRAT Posts: 690 Member
    I see there are lots of reasons. Here is mine. I am in pretty good control of what I eat and I always have been (I have never been particularly overweight and I have a healthy balanced diet; mostly trying to lose vanity pounds at the moment). I am fairly self-motivated and don't require input from others to stay motivated. I like interacting with other people regarding some things, but overall I am kind of an antisocial person. Having my diary open leads to more human interaction than I desire. I also don't have my exercise or diary logs post to my wall for the same reasons. I am weird, I know.

    I am happy to offer advice to people when asked, but I don't often give unsolicited advice. So, I actually VERY rarely open another person's diary. It just isn't an important part of how I use MFP.

    Not everyone here has the same goals, so it should not be surprising that approaches to using the MFP tools would vary.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    "I am good enough at beating myself up over my eating decisions (and I don't really eat bad and I under my calorie goal 90% of the time).......I don't need someone else, who I don't know, beating me up too".


    Agreed. I feel absolutely no need to make myself accountable to people I know via the Internet about how I eat as it's been a pretty emotive subject for me over the years. I have been much more honest about what I eat and drink since closing my food diary. I know when I've been good and when I've been bad and the last thing I need when I've overeaten/not eaten enough/drunk too much is to have a practical stranger tell me off.

    On the other hand, I am completely open about my exercise - as I'm quite happy for people to kick me up the butt if I haven't put the work in that day! I do take the 'Fitness' in MyFitnessPal very seriously!
  • CCusedtodance
    CCusedtodance Posts: 237 Member
    Mine is closed, because I have learned (the hard way) that some people feel the need to look for what they perceive as weaknesses in others. Or they flat out do not like someone, that is not one hundred percent following a program (according to "their" standard); especially the longer they know you.

    One scenario I can think of: I used to be a member of a well known get out of debt message board. The longer certain members were on the board, the harsher they were with their critique of new or other members choices. This created a lot of anger amongst the members that felt they were being attacked and many of them quit.

    My choice to keep my diary closed is a way of preventing negativity or conflict in my life; which is something I know adds to stress.
  • loved1
    loved1 Posts: 206 Member
    Mine is closed because I have no real interest in looking at someone's diet or having mine critique. I know that the 10 lbs of red meat, a jug of red wine & the chocolate cake I had at Fogo de Chao last Saturday was not an ideal meal but I don't need anyone else to tell me that. Even in the forums there are always questions posted about why someone would count _____ as ____ or why people eat this or get so many calories from ______. I don't want to be fodder for that discussion or partake in it. I enjoy this site & it's a place where I am brutally honest with myself in my diary and in the notes section so I think of the diary area as I would a personal diary. During my journey, there may have been times when I was eating certain things for certain reasons that I may not have wanted to reveal at that moment. such as pregnancy.

    I follow a fitness site on FB that asked a simple question about what are your favorite healthy snacks. One person posted that she liked low fat jello whereas she used to eat cookies after work. That simple post sparked about 100 other posts w/ links, statistics, etc. debating sugar substitutes and low fat jello. I don't want that type of conflict in this journey.
  • lorcart
    lorcart Posts: 406 Member
    Hey I was beat about the head and neck by a stranger on here for eating a cup of RICE....but they didn't seem to have a problem with my whole bottle of WINE! ahahahahahahahaha Kiss my rice eating wine swiggin butt!
  • darcyinmo
    darcyinmo Posts: 129 Member
    Mine was open at one time. Food nazi's helped me close it. Now it's just open to friends. I like the ability to see what my friends are eating for the simple reason it gives me ideas on different combinations to eat. One thing I wish I could do is click on the food item they have to see the nutritional breakdown. Depending on my food for the week, I could go high in carbs or sugar (a common problem I have LOL!) and it would be nice to get ideas on how to lower it without asking in a topic and getting not real specific foods. Plus I'm finding that there are sugars the the most obserd things!
    If someone is doing great, and doesn't have their diary open, I just direct message them and explain why I'm specifically interested in what they eat -- to help me along my journey. Usually people are quite open if you let them know you're not there to criticize.
  • eileen0515
    eileen0515 Posts: 408 Member
    I'm doing great. Why muck it up with opinions of folks, who's nutrition background I don't know? It might change in future, but for now unless someone is a nutritionist, I don't see the point.
    Too many food nazi's.

    So true LOL! I LIVE LOCARB ... THERE I SAID IT!! I keep my diary closed because I don't care for well meaning (tongue in cheek) individuals, who are certain they know so much more about my body and my needs than I or my doctor ever could. Their comments are of little or no value to me ... I do entertain them, then it's off with their heads lol. My diary is private because I eat some odd combinations to get in my protein first, veggies next, then if there is room, some fruit ... no bread or starches or sweets. I use butter, salad dressings, etc., in moderation. The weight is coming off, energy is up and I am feeling great. If anyone is interested, I would provide an outline, but I keep my diary private :-)
  • StrongAndHealthyMommy
    StrongAndHealthyMommy Posts: 1,255 Member
    for couple months I thought my diary was open and it wasnt
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    My diary is open to my friends. A while back, someone was making suggestions on how I could make improvements. I never asked them for advice. I removed them and their comments.
  • meaningful99
    I find it bizarre that anyone cares whether other people have them open or closed. I keep mine closed because I know myself well enough to know that I would not be as honest if it were open. And an incomplete or less-than-honest diary is worthless to me.

    The food diary is an amazingly helpful tool and data set -- so use it in the way that suits you best. If keeping it open keeps you honest, keep it open. If keeping it closed keeps you honest, keep it closed.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Just a quick observation , I love looking at the success stories . And the one thing that sticks out is 2/3 of the people have closed diary's ? Why is this ? Surely an open diary would help other MFP people ?
    Is there a reason why ?

    Some people use MFP as a personal tracking tool and think it's nobody else's business what they consume and when?


    My mind is also boggled that people care so much about whether it's opened or closed.. I have friends I have known for years on here and if they have any questions, I am very helpful but I don't need to open it up. Has little to do me being afraid that people perceive I am not doing a.b.c right.. it's none of their biz.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I'm pretty sure if people want others to see they'll leave it open of only open to friends. Worry about your own calories, not everyone elses. I mean, if Jeremy eats a donut does it effect you?
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I mean, if Jeremy eats a donut does it effect you?

    :laugh: :laugh: Well said!
  • chanahliora
    My diary is closed because I am not in a place where I feel comfortable opening it. I am still screwing up too much and it embarrasses me. I do look at others and it helps me to see how well they doing. One of my goals is to go public with ti. I just can't for right now. I will get there.
  • mrsgeneric
    mrsgeneric Posts: 143 Member
    I had mine open from other people's request and kept it open and kept getting ridiculed over it so now its only open to friends.... Besides i know what i eat and if it goes in mouth it goes in my diary i do not miss an ounce of food!
  • Monisfit4life
    Monisfit4life Posts: 228 Member
    If a friend of mine requested it, I would give them the key. That being said some people on MFP can be very cruel and judgmental and for that reason I do not have my diary open. I have heard people complain about being judged by their diaries and I have seen people be cruel on message boards when someone just wants information about products. Sad but true. If someone wants to close the diary then so be it. If you want to know what they did to lose weight send them a message and ask them.
  • xF7x
    xF7x Posts: 143
    Non sense to keep diaries closed
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,079 Member
    Non sense to keep diaries closed

    If YOU feel that way, keep yours open.

    If other people want to keep theirs closed, they can keep them closed. :smile: