Juice Detox - Goal: 5 Days.



  • RandaRae16
    RandaRae16 Posts: 36 Member
    I don't think being gravely ill or looking like death is a result of drinking fruits & veggies that have been juiced. I'm on day 2 and I feel pretty good so far. I am not hungry which I'm surprised about and am enjoying a medly of apples, broccoli, kale, cucumber, spinach, and avocado right now.

    My goal in this 5 day plan is to jump start a new diet plan. I am trying to get my pre-baby body back and this juicing plan had worked well for my husband this past summer. We are juicing together for at least this 5 day week; probably next week as well.

    I have created and shared my juice recipes with MFP - feel free to take a look if you are interested. You can also Google Jason Vale Juice Master for more info.
  • RandaRae16
    RandaRae16 Posts: 36 Member
    Have you ever tried one, lady misery?
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Have you ever tried one, lady misery?

    I don't do short-term fad diets. So no. I don't need to "re-start" my system. If I mess up the day before, I just do the logical thing and start fresh by eating better.
  • RandaRae16
    RandaRae16 Posts: 36 Member
    Juicing is really not a 'fad' or a 'diet' and it's certainly not new.

    As most mothers do, I gained weight while pregnant (GASP) and was not able to diet due to the fact that I was nursing twins for 6 months. My husband had success with a juice diet after his doctor recommended a change due to his internal stomach issues that he's had his whole life that have now resolved themselves after a few juicing rounds. Now that I'm not nursing, figured it would be a nice healthy way to get 2014 started.

    We typically eat a lot of steamed fish, veggies, tons of greens and fruits as we also have a 3.5 yr old that we try to display good eating habits for. We loosened the reigns over the holidays and allowed a few too many cookies, dips, and other treats in the house and are looking to reset for everyone's benefit.

    Good for you for maintaining some open-mindedness about others and their choices.... Kudos.
