21 day Challenge - JOIN IN



  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ etaylor

    Glad to help. I know I love that tea a TON, and I tend to keep at least 2 L made up at any time during the fall/winter months. For some reason, I just don't make it as much in the summer. Guess it's because I love the long days. Good work for day 8!

    Sorry I completely missed keeping up daily - I've been wiped out from work, added to trying to finish this stupid A.G.E. program, and get ready for the fall semester, AND finish up the blasted "research" thesis I've got to have done by the end of this coming semester (to present NEXT semester - GAH! I HATE this project!)

    Let's see... where am I?

    Round 5, day 13 (8-9)

    All work time:
    5.5 hours cleaning
    51 min walking (1.71 mi)
    45 min folding laundry

    Round 5, day 14 (8-10)

    30 mins cleaning my room (felt weird to be cleaning for myself!)
    30 mins folding laundry

    Round 5, day 15 (8-11)

    45 min walking (2.0 slow - shopping, pedometer didn't register),
    54 min walking (2.5 leisurely, pedometer registered),
    90 min pre-cooking weekly meals for school/work.
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Sorry haven't posted for a few days. Family in town and have been very busy.

    Round 5 day 9 -- cleaned house so it would be ready for the fam, and then went for a 2+ mile run.

    Round 5 day 10 -- Up bright and early for the Colorvibe 5K. It was so much fun! I I knew how to post pic in forums I would post some of the pics. It just as crazy fun. Then was busy the rest of the day. My fitbit logged over 20000 steps and it logged over 8 miles. Busy day.

    Round 5 day 11 -- family went home and I was very lazy until this eveening. Went for a 5 mile walk to make up for sitting on my a@@ all day.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ etaylor

    Don't forget rest days are important too. Though you've been BUSY! Great news, and day 10 was a HUGE day for you. Keep it going!

    Round 5, day 16

    Just about nothing. Cleaned my "house" again - between the sick cat, the litter being dustier than usual, and my incense the shelves were whitish gray, not cherry wood. (oopsie), then a little bit of work, but nothing to really claim as exercise for the day. Going to call it a rest day, just because I really didn't DO anything.
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Round 5 day 12 -- I must have done something to my foot last week. It hurts. So today I went to the gym and rode the stationary bike and did 15 of circuit. Not gonna sit still just cuz my foot hurts.

    @kcaffee -- cleaning counts. Anytime you are moving and not sitting still counts as something. Sorry about the sick cat.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ etaylor

    Great attitude! Not letting life knock your feet out from under you figuratively along with literally is a HUGE win in my books. Just take it easy, so it can get a chance to recover. Doing great, keep it going.

    Round 5, day 17

    9 mins walking (reported by pedometer),
    50 mins cleaning (work),
    60 mins weeding (actually got rained out.)

    Slow activity day, but I spent most of it in a dither about my story. After dinner, the tizzy changed to worry about school starting TOMORROW! (Thought it was Thursday.. been PLANNING on Thursday.. AHHHH!!)
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Round 5 day 13 -- back on the stationary bike again. Also 15 min circuit again for my week challenge. Tomorrow I am gonna run. Tired of sitting on the bike.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ etaylor

    So long as you don't aggravate or re-injure your foot. I know it's hard sitting on the sidelines for a while, but ask if it is better to have a week or so now, or six - eight weeks later while the bones heal from a break. But, if the pain is gone, try a fast walk/ light jog to see if it will hold up to a full on run.

    Round 5, day 18 (08/14)
    59 mins walking (2.6 mi),
    45 mins lifting (circuit),
    11 mins elliptical (ouch! .27 mi) - I can tell it's been too long since I picked up the heavy stuff.

    Round 5, day 19 (08/15 - almost through this round... where did it go?)

    52 min Walking (1.72 mi),
    20 min breast stroke (500 m),
    20 min freestyle (500 m),
    [work] 3 hours "light housekeeping" (cleaning.. definitely cleaning.)
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Round 5 day 14 -- .5 mile run and 1/2 hour circuit training

    Round 5 day 15 -- 2.5 mile walk and 1/2 hour circuit training.

    My foot still hurts and it sucks cuz I don't have the money to see a doc right now.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ etaylor

    Stick with the walking for about a week minimum, and stay off that foot as much as possible when you can. Also, get an ACE wrap, and try keeping some compression on the foot to see if that helps. (Just make sure not to cut off any circulation - that would be like closing the barn after the cows got out I think.) Give the foot a chance to heal. I know, it bites. Bites big time, but at least with the walk you are still getting a similar motion in your leg muscles to running. But you can ease up the pressure on landing to help the foot recover.

    Round 5, day 19

    Long work day -
    38 mins walking (1.16 mi),
    7.5 hours cleaning [work],
    45 mins folding laundry [yeah, work again]

    Thought about heading to the gym to lift the heavy stuff after work, but with no lunch, only a premade shake for breakfast, and the fact that I started on the clock at 7 AM. After 6 was a bit too long for me to run without food. So, I went home. Gotta figure out something I can eat on the fly on Fridays that doesn't required a microwave and isn't fast food (can't have the carbs - those do nasty things to my body.)
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Round 5, day 20

    Wanted to have a day to focus on school work, seeing as classes started. But, I've wound up doing anything BUT school work today!

    Had to hit another cleaning blitz at home. 3 hours (claimed, I think it was actually closer to 5 hours total) cleaning with sanitizing things from the knee down for the sick cat (she's getting better, but now the baby's starting to sneeze. NOT good!),
    90 mins folding laundry (you never realize how much your cat comes in contact with until they are sick and you have to wash all the cloth items!),
    At LEAST 90 mins walking back and forth through the house because I couldn't remember to take my head with me half the time,
    45 mins prepping and working up veggies or partially made, quick cook meals for next week's lunches,
    20 mins helping to re-stack the chest freezer
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Round 5, day 21

    Ended with a wonderful splash!

    1 400 m medley of 100 m each in breast stroke, back stroke, free style, butterfly (10 min)
    1 300 m medley of 100 m each in breast stroke, back stroke and free style (12 min)
    850 m breast stroke (20 min)
    750 m back stroke (20 min)
    750 m free style (20 min)
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Round 6, day 1

    What a way to start a new round! Actually made it to the weight room today, and was able to do most of what I wanted without being pressured by time to get done so I could shower and get back to class on time. It was GREAT!

    58 mins walking (2.09 mi around campus, to/from car),
    60 min lifting heavy stuff,
    20 min elliptical (1.3 mi interval)

    Yeah, it's been a while since I lifted, and my muscles told me about it - harshly once I was done - but I feel great this evening. We'll see if I can keep up the pace this semester. Should be interesting!
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Hi K & E!

    Congrats for keeping on keeping on!!

    When I last logged I was into my Round 5 ... and would guess it is completed now - but not recorded - so I will start again!

    Round 5 - Day 1 (Sunday - 18 Aug 13)

    90 min of walking today... not fast paced - approx. 3

    Round 5 - Day 2 (Monday - 19 Aug 13)

    40 min of walking (over lunch) ... glad for good weather - GPS watch recorded 3.7 pace today.

    Glad to be back with you both.

  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ tazmac

    Welcome back! You sure did start with a nice couple of days. I know you will finish up just as strong. You are doing wonderful, and it's great to have you back. Don't know what happened to etaylor - said something about a personal issue or two cropping up a few posts back.

    Round 6, day 2

    45 min walking across campus to/from class/car (1.63 mi),
    2 X 400 m medleys (40 min),
    100 m breast stroke (5 min),
    100 m free style (5 min)

    Might have an additional 100 m that I'm not claiming. Lost track of what lap number I was on for the last butterfly set in the second medley, and for the last free style set I did. Still, all-in-all, a wonderful day, if a bit short.
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Hi k! You are doing amazing! Great work in your 6th round!! Nice work on the swimming and walking!
    Hope everything is ok with E.... She will know we are here when she is ready!

    Round 5 - day 3. (Tuesday - 20)

    Lunchtime walk - 50 min 5.07 km / 3:15 miles

    Round 5 - day 4 (Wednesday - 21)

    Slow walking - to work / around work / appointments-errands after work....

    Approx 25-30 min

    On another note - X-ray in the am....on my foot....bugging me since vacation. Broke same foot a few years ago...could be a slight fracture....hope not!!

  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Hope everything turns out good for you, and it's just a mild muscle tear. Still hurts like the devil, but it heals faster!

    Was going to message E, and let her know we're still rolling, just haven't gotten to it yet. School and work have been massively hectic trying to get schedules settled. ::Grins:: First week of both, and I've been wiped out! Don't want to turn in early enough because I'm still trying to catch up/get ahead of homework!

    Round 6, day 3 (8-21)

    50 min walking (1.92 mi) around campus to/from car/class/gym - gotta love parking on the outskirts and walking in ::Grins::,
    25 min elliptical (1.67 mi),
    80 min lifting - actually hit a couple of failures today on some of the arm lifts. Going to have to work on that.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    69 mins walking (1.0 mi work, 1.57 mi walking to/from class/car/gym),
    2 X 400 m medleys @ 100 m each breast stroke, free style, back stroke, butterfly (approx 24 min each set),
    100 m breast stroke (5 min),
    100 m free style (5 min)

    Rough day in the pool today. There's a bit of a story behind it, and if you want I'll be glad to post the link to it. But, now it's time for the head work that goes with being a student. I hate homework!
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    [work day all day]
    8.5 hour cleaning (some of that might as well have been lifting),
    42 min walking (1.67 miles)
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Round 6, day 6

    22 min each breast stroke (700 m), back stroke (700 m), free style (700 m),
    1 X 400 m medley (20 min),
    20 min cleaning (didn't finish yesterday),
    10 min laundry (another didn't finish yesterday),
    30 min cooking (prepping lunches/breakfasts for the week)

    I think I have more than just the stay active bug. I think it's more like the "stay active monster"! Hope everyone is staying active, and can get life to let them come back soon. It's getting lonely out here.
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Round 5 - day 5 (Saturday - 24)

    90 minutes of walking about our amazing waterfront - not a sprint - but a great walk.

    Round 5 - day 6 (Sunday - 25)

    30 min mowing the lawn... (had approx. 2 hour motorcycle ride today - that may have chewed up some holding on muscles! lol)

    Round 5 - day 7 (Monday - 26)

    GPS Watch data - 50 min walk - 5.06 km

    K - I'm guessing foot is not fractured - as I have not heard back on my X-ray. It is also less painful now then it was last week - so - I think it must have been bruised badly.

    I love that you have a "stay active monster" on the go!! I'm really hoping I get there!

    I'm staying active - will be out of town Wed/Thurs/Fri - in a golf tournament on Thurs/Fri (hoping weather cooperates) -

    Thanks for hanging in there... your participation is motivating me!!
