21 day Challenge - JOIN IN



  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ tazmac

    Sorry to hear you were under the weather! Glad to hear you're feeling better, though. The last 3 days are a great way to get back into the habit of logging your activity again. Still not sure what "bocce ball" is though. Going to have to look that up when I can finally finish this cleaning spree I'm on.

    @ etyalor

    Just because you didn't make a new PR, doesn't mean you didn't hit a great NSV! You ran the whole thing, which is a wonderful feat in, and of, itself!

    Round 5, day 2

    More cleaning. I swear, I am wondering if someone is playing pranks with all of my clocks! Started around noon, with ONE half hour break, I STILL wasn't done by dinner (6:00 or so). But, at least I THINK I can finish it tonight. Up and down ladders all day, and pushing mops up and down walls again. Talk about sore arms/shoulders! Hope my upper body forgives me tomorrow, because I really want to do something CLEAN (like... I don't know... SWIM!?!?? ::Grins::)

    Keep it going, you both are doing fantastic - and help keep all of us pushed to keep moving on!
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Round 4 day 18 -- did a 3mile walk this evening.

    Glad to see that you guys are doing well.
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Round 4 day 19 -- just about ready to wrap up another round.

    Mowed and edged the lawn this evening. Between that and the clean up it took 1 1/2 hours. And then I still had to do day 1 of my week challenger.

    100 jumping jacks
    25 squats
    15 push ups
    50 crunches.

    Come on guys join me. You can be a day behind or on the same day. I challenge you.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ etaylor

    I've tried a few of the challenges, but that's just not for me. And, today is the first day of a new, more physical job. Going to have to see how worn out I am before I head back to the gym even.

    Round 5, day 3 (7/29)

    Another 4 hours cleaning - FINALLY finished the project! Can someone tell me how a 4 hour project turned into a 28 hour project please?!?
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Round 5, day 4

    First day on the new job, and it was an... interesting .... day of batting a thousand fails! Swore there was lots of movement, but according to the pedometer, only 17 minutes or so of recordable movement. (bummer) So, added 20 minutes of zumba on the Kinect tonight.

    What a FUN day! (This has been an EPIC Monday on a Tuesday, hope the rest of the week gets better!)
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Round 4 day 20 -- up bright and early for a 2 mile run, then off to work. Did some weeding tonight and also day 2 of the week challenge. I can't believe it is only 8 pm, I have everything done and I don't know what to do with myself. Still have too much energy to sit and watch tv or read. Weird feeling.

    @kcaffee -- hope the job gets better. Remember you are in the learning faze and it should get easier.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ etaylor

    Shame you can't bank the excess when you have it. You are doing fantastic.

    Round 5, day 5

    Was "off" today from work, so was busy around the house.
    LOTS of laundry (About 3 hours of actual folding and storing by the time it's said and done) - still chasing a bug problem, so hope this fixes it.
    Mom and dad are starting to work on the house again, so was helping mom clean the kitchen in preparation of painting the cabinets. (About an hour there.)
    Other than that, sat on my duff all day working on my story. And, I haven't managed to even finish out a chapter! Going to be interesting when it's done, I can't wait!
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    @kcaffee -- you moved and did stuff. That's what matters. Can't wait to read what you have written.

    Round 4 day 21 -- finished another round. Went to he gym today, what a chore. I have begun to really like running outside. Did almost 2.5 miles on the treadmill and day 3 of the week challenge. My legs sure are sore from all of the squats. Cheers
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ etaylor

    I agree - I was moving and doing some heavy work. Not breathing hard, but pouring the sweat out - even in the A/C!

    Congratulations on finishing another round! You are doing great, keep it up!

    Round 5, day 6

    Work day, so a lot of varied stuff: A little light cleaning, a TON of folding laundry/putting away, and a tiny bit of walking. Waiting until the work schedule settles into a routine or school starts - which ever comes first - to get back to the gym. Since the new job is fairly physical, it just will be changing from day to day, week to week for what I'm actually doing. A lot of it will depend on what the clients want, but at least it will help keep the activity shook up!
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Round 5 day 1 -- I think exercise is the only thing keeping me sane and alive right now. Been a very stressful and emotional week. Hate working for family. On a brighter note, I did a 2.5 mile walk and day 4 of my week challenge. Time for bed, cuz I AM getting up early to run.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ etaylor

    I'm right on your heels for bed. Been up since the crack of dawn, and was working in unreliable A/C most of the day. Glad you got a nice walk in, and are making progress for your challenge! Here's to a better tomorrow! ::Raises up a HUGE glass of COLD flavored water::

    Round 5, day 7

    3 hours of washing, folding, putting up laundry,
    3 hours of cleaning houses (most of that a deep clean at one place),
    65 minutes walking (Pedometer registers 2.22 miles - I swear all of it was up and down stairs too!)

    Hate to think what I'd be like if I HADN'T been lifting and swimming before I started this job!
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Round 5, day 8

    38 mins walking,
    30 mins "cleaning" (again... grrr.. does this never END?!?),
    45 mins weed eating
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Round 5 day 2 -- 2.3 run/walk and day 5 of my week challenge

    Round 5 day 3 -- 2.3 run and day 6 of my week challenge.

    I really need to get out of my funk. I am tired of being depressed and feeling like my world is crashing in on me. Tired of being alone.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Let's see, recipe for getting out of a funk...

    Write a really dark, morally deprived story/poem (yeah, really tear up the character, and do to them what it feels like life is doing to you. It really does help, odd as it sounds.)
    Read a really dark, morally deprived story/ poem (same concept, you just have to work a little harder to become the character in your head for a while.)


    Find a good uplifting movie that takes you from hopeless to victory. I used to LOVE "Red Dawn" for just that effect. Then I went though a bad period where I wound up "over using" the movie. Now I can't stand it. Ooopsie.. ::Grins::

    Those are the healthy answers. I don't recommend the unhealthy answers I used in the past. The habits are too hard to break later when you don't need them any more.

    Great days 2 and 3 though! You are powering through in spite of the funks, which is a massive victory for you! Keep it going!

    Round 5 day 9

    Not a record breaker, but at least I was up and moving! The school gym has gone into intersession so the hours it is open are horrible. Can't wait for intersession to end so I know when things are open again!

    49 minutes walking (1.66 miles),
    30 minutes weed eating (another 1/3 of the yard done!)
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    @ kcaffee -- thanks for the suggestions. I just wish someone would shoot me and put me out of my misery. I am fighting this depression with all I have and nothing seems to be working. Somethings gotta give, and soon.

    Round 5 day 4 -- what was gonna be a short walk to the end of the street and back ended up being a 2.3 mile walk. would you look at that. Couldn't stop at the end of the street.

    Round 5 day 5 -- 96 degrees when I got off work at 6. So I went to the gym, started on the treadmill and decided that wasn't what I wanted, so I did 30 mins on the stationary bike.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ etaylor

    The fact that you're fighting through it is a good sign, none-the-less. I know when you've got the blue funks doing ANYTHING is a right bear of a fight with yourself. A couple of herbals that I use from time to time that actually help me when my SAD kicks in are licorish (if you can stand the flavor) and any of the vervains. I've got a nice herbal tea blend if you want I can PM you, but you'll have to find where to buy the bulk herbs to mix it up. I love it because it's got some mood lifters, antianxiolytics, a little bit of pain relief (Willow bark which can be skipped if you want) and a nice energy kick in the pants that's NOT caffeine.

    Round 5 day 10

    1 km breast stroke (35 min),
    1 km free style (30 min),
    300 m back stroke (20 min),
    25 min weed eating (not quite done, but close),
    2 hours riding mower (major core work out - we have a VERY rough yard. And, you have to stay balanced to keep the mower from bouncing around too much AND stay planted in the seat or the dead-man's switch chokes the engine.)
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Round 5, day 11

    A nice light day.

    13 mins walk (.46 mi),
    90 min light cleaning,
    15 min folding laundry

    Lots of SLEEP! Yikes! I didn't realize I was that tired, but I put the laundry in and went to sleep. Mom woke me up to change it, I managed that, then went to sleep. Got up and pulled it out of the drier and ate dinner, went to sleep. Then slept all night. And, I'm NOT running a fever. Not funny!
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Round 5 day 6 - did nothing today, but I did go to a baseball game. Local triple A team.

    Round 5 day 7 -- I was determined to get 5 miles in today. Even if that meant going for a 2+ mile run/walk in 92 degree weather. I did it though.

    @kcaffee -- yes please pm me the recipe for the tea. We have many places here in town, I might be able to get the herbs. Thanks so much for your support during this horrible depression that is hanging on much longer than I would like it to. Having a real hard time changing the tape in my mine. The "you are a failure at everything" one seems to be on a continuous loop. If you know what I mean. :flowerforyou:
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ etaylor

    message sent, hope it helps! The fact that you keep going means you are NOT a failure. You are a winner. But, I do understand about having a mental tape you don't want on constant playback loop. Not fun while it's there, and it is hard to break. Hope yours runs into some happy shears soon! Keep up your great work, because you are WINNING this war!

    Round 5, day 12

    21 min walking (.66 mi),
    1000 m breast stroke (30 min),
    800 m back stroke (30 min),
    800 m free style (20 min),

    From work - and I never know what I'm going to actually be doing, so things are definitely staying shook up!
    30 min cleaning
    5 min folding laundry
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Round 5 day 8 -- todays goal was to get the lawn mowed. Just as I got off work t-storms started to move in. So I hurried and got the lawn mower out and just as I started, it started to rain. I was not stopping. So I mowed the lawn in the rain. Was also going to try to get 5 miles on the fitbit again, but not in the rain and I'm not going to the gym at 8 pm. So we will try again.

    @kcaffee -- thanks for the recipe. Sounds delish. I will have to go shopping. Also, thanks for the pep talks and support. The tape is starting to run out. Hopefully. fingers crossed.