21 day Challenge - JOIN IN



  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Round 4 - Day 15 - 05 July 2013

    Staining the deck 8 - 4pm

    20 min walk


    Round 4 - Day 16 - 06 July 2013

    Staining the deck - 8- 12 noon

    60 min of walking about the city - 30 of that uphill!


    Round 4 - Day 17 - 07 July 2013

    40 min walking the beach and visiting a nice tea house


    Round 4 - Day 18 - 08 July 2013

    30 min (meeting / to/from & errands)


    Round 4 Day 19 - 09 July 2013

    46 minute walk in downtown park! (sneakers on good to go)

    30 min added (slower pace) later in the day!


    Thanks to you both E & K .... for your friendship & support!!

  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ etaylor

    Don't worry about being a bubbly morning person! Wasn't trying to dampen your bubbles, I'm just kind of envious of morning people. I'm a night person, and am going into a profession where I'm going to be working 8 - 5. NOT my ideal hours! But, I love what I'm seeing so far, and really want to get there, so I'll figure out how to be a nice morning person.... eventually. Keep on making your schedule work for you - that's what really counts. It sounds like you are enjoying what you are doing, which counts even more than the schedule working for you. Great work!

    @ tazmac

    Wow! Great times, and it's still rolling! Keep up your wonderful work! You deserve your happiness - even the one from the sweaty fitness you are gaining. Keep it up!

    Round 4, day 8

    ALMOST got up in time to hit the pool this morning, but my shoulder was bothering me. Decided to take the day off from the water (not to mention, get more sleep ::Grins::), but I hit the gym after "work".

    80 minutes spent picking up and putting down the heavy stuff - bumping almost everything I am doing in my arms routine by at least 5 pounds, though some of the exercises bumped 10+ pounds!
    HRM reports 37 minutes for the day giving 1.23 miles (some how I think this is still a bit low, but not sure because I'm still doing a lot of sitting.)
    I DO know I was sitting on a stability ball for at LEAST 4 hours today - deliberately chose this over a standard chair, because I wanted something different and a little more challenging than being bored watching kids be goofs/squalling brats/good boys or girls. (So, does this get added in? ::Grins::)
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    round 3 day 20 -- almost done with another round. Today was kinda a lazy day. Only thing I have done for exercise is mow the lawn, sweep the patio and water the plants. That's it. Still something.

    Both of you guys are doing great. Looks like it is just us three who have stuck with this and plan on keeping it up. Good job to both of you.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ etaylor

    With all of the other movement challenges/groups/threads, the fact that we've got even the 3 of us is spectacular! I'm sure we'll get another spate here before too long. But, having a steady core of folks is even better. (To me.) Really helps to keep things moving and shaking.

    As for your day 20 - don't forget that rest days are important too. I know lifters don't like to NOT lift, so they'll do something totally different for a week or so about once a month, just to help keep the body from adapting to the routine. That's what it looks like you did - not a rest day, just a "de-load" day. ::Grins:: Great work because you were still making things move!

    Round 4, day 9

    Had every intention of hitting the gym before "work" to swim. No-go.
    Shadowed for a while, but wasn't as active as the last 2 weeks - the clients were the other end of the spectrum (geriatrics, instead of pediatrics)
    Walked all over campus chasing down errands, ears to gnaw off of people, trying to get the fall schedule rearranged - yeah. Typical final year panic time, with school starting mid August.
    THEN, I finally hit the gym with the intention of lifting followed by swimming. After 2 hours in the weight room, arms and legs that felt like jello before I could even finish the planned lifts, I gave up on the idea of a swim. But, 2 hours of moving the heavy things is good, right? ::Grins:: And, I think my muscles will remind me tomorrow why you DON'T want to lift 2 consecutive days! Abs are already grumbling tonight.
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Round 3 day 21 -- Woo Hoo! another round hits the dust. C25K first thing this morning. I was kinda afraid to do this one, Week 5 day 1, but I made it through it with flying colors. Had book group tonight and the ladies just left, 10:10. No dinner, oh well, I am going to bed. 7 o'clock comes way to soon.

    Kcaffee-- you sure had a busy day. Good for you.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ etaylor

    Great work on finishing up another week of the c25k program, and staying on track for the new week!

    Round 4 day 10

    payback for over indulging yesterday - too sore to do much of anything.

    got a little bit of walking in doing some emergency shopping (new kitten, and no kitten size litter box! EEEP!)
    Got a little more walking in trying to keep the yearling I've had for a while from eating the baby that just came home today.
    And a TINY bit of lifting - 40 pounds of litter 2 or 3 times like a bend over row - to get the kitten's box set up. Arms REALLY let me know they didn't like that idea today.

    Total time today? Maybe all of 45 minutes. Can't wait until this new routine smooths out, and I can actually lift, then do cardio like I should be doing. When I'm this sore I don't DARE get in the water - I'd drown from attempting to not groan when I swam!
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Round 4 Day 20 - 10 July 2013

    30 min of walking today!


    not much walking "activity" today... laundry / cooking / cleanup
    with a family gathering.... Not going to count a day in my challenge.... but wasn't just on my bum!


    I agree - good for the 3 of us!

    I'm heading to Newfoundland tomorrow - back on Sunday evening 21st. My mom will celebrate her 80th b-day while we are home (she has lived with Alzheimer's since in her 60's....) ..... look forward to giving her hugs!!

    I will likely be out of reach (low or no cell opportunity to connect) - but I promise the two of you that I will record for reporting purposes!


    Congrats E on your completion of another round!

    Congrats also to K - on the progression of your round!

    WE ROCK!!

  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Round 4 day 1 -- just couldn't get my butt out of bed this morning, so I had to work out after work. After 5 days of morning work outs, I will say that I prefer them to the afternoon ones. Went to the greenbelt after work for C25K and just as I started to run, it started to rain. So I got to do my run in the rain this afternoon. Really, it wasn't that bad.

    Trish -- God speed on your trip and I hope that your visit with your mom goes well.

    kcaffee -- FUN!!!! new babies are so much fun. I am definitely a cat person so I want details? What kind, color, male/female, name etc.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ tazmac

    Have a good trip, and as much fun as you can!

    @ etaylor

    The new addition is a little boy, white based with (Alyssian? like a Siamese, but white body instead of cream) silver points now, but I think they are going to turn black when he matures. Hope his white stays though! LOTS of personality, but I haven't gotten a name from him .. YET. He's being shy with that information, little bugger! Fearless to my dismay - smart enough to back down from my yearling, but keeps trying to climb my pant leg to curl up on my shoulder (and can't even jump yet! Will be 6 weeks on Monday).

    Round 4, day 11

    Not sure if I should count today or not, but since I didn't get much deep sleep last night, I'm going to. (Was waiting all night on the other shoe to drop and a massive cat fight to erupt, or murder to be caused)

    About 30 mins of walking (chasing after the kitten all day, playing when he's awake, chasing after BOTH cats to make sure my yearling doesn't EAT the kitten),
    30 mins for laundry (especially the folding part of things)
    About 30 mins of cooking (Note of advice: Don't try to cook if you are already short on sleep unless it is a well known recipe! Made a disaster in the kitchen trying to figure out how to make a simple cauliflower pizza crust!)
    About 15 mins cleaning/mopping the kitchen (See note above, and add to it that I had riced cauliflower all over the floor by the time it was said and done)
    Then some miscellaneous stuff moving the kitten around the room (like out of danger to some place safer!)

    I'm hoping things calm down enough I can get some sleep tonight. I REALLY want to get on track with getting this routine set in stone! (Not to mention, I've still got a ton of work to get done before school starts again!)
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Round 4 day 2 -- up this morning for 2.3 miles before work. It's amazing how much better I feel when I exercise in the morning. Hat and my attitude is better.

    Kcaffee--just listen to the little guy, he will tell you his name. Sounds like a cutie
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ etaylor

    Great work! I know I kvetch about bubbly morning people, but I totally agree. When I can actually drag myself to the gym with the sun's awakening, I tend to have a better outlook on the day as well.

    Round 4, day 12

    Fairly busy, especially considering I didn't want to do ANYTHING today!

    About a cumulative of 30 mins of a slow walk (2.0) for miscellaneous cat wrangling today,
    HRM pedometer reported 12 mins at a med walk (2.5)
    Swimming (2600 m total - 60 mins!) - 800 m each: back stroke, free style, 1000 m of breast stroke,
    About 10 mins to finish folding sheets/blankets (Yes, I'm claiming this separate - those blankets are HEAVY!),
    About 15 mins spent in light cleaning (more cat related than actual cleaning, can't wait to get my deep box back!)

    And the little guy just gave me his name. Little clown - wanted "Dare Devil" - NOT letting him take that one! Got him to agree to let me honor one of my favorite series: The Laiden Universe by him accepting "Korval". Yes, he DOES dare! Anything!
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    round 4 day 3 -- slept in today because it is Saturday. When I got up, I decided that I would walk everywhere I needed to go. So, I walked to the Avon store for some makeup, walked to the candy store to get something to put on the brownies and then walked to my office to check on a co-worker. Then I started home, stopped by Subway for some lunch and came home. Dinner party for church at a friends house, which was potluck-but I did well. Walked to the dinner and back. Lots of walking today for a total of 5.68 plus miles.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Great way to really up the new round's intensity etaylor! Keep it going!

    Round 4, day 13:

    For some reason I wasn't feeling completely up to snuff today, but still managed to get to the gym.

    60 mins in the pool for a grand total of 5200 m
    - 2000 m breast stroke
    - 1600 m back stroke
    - 1600 m free style

    Pedometer reported an additional .91 miles walked

    Hoping the "under the weather" is because we're actually getting the mythical wet stuff we so desperately need, and not some bug trying to take hold!
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    kcaffee -- keep going the icky stuff will go away.

    round 4 day 4 -- thought it was going to be a real slow day but ended up walking 5.14 today. Went for a long walk and was home for about 1/2 hour when a friend called and we went for another walk. Love being outside in the fresh (or somewhat fresh) air.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ etaylor

    Congrats for your being on the move all day!

    Round 4, day 14

    Rain, rain, come and stay! Please do not go away! It's been wonderful around here the last couple of days. Not so good for staying awake, but wonderful for the plants because of the constant, light rain. Wonderful to hear. Miserable to get yourself motivated to get up and do anything!

    However! I HAVE managed to kick myself back into gear. ::Grins::

    11 min walking (pedometer),
    35 mins elliptical,
    90 mins lifting the heavy stuff.
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Round 4 day 5 -- wow! Today was pissy Monday and even after 46 mins of C25K still pissy. But at least I got my workout in. Off to bed
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Just wanted to drop in and let everyone know I'm not dead - yet. Just the grunge the family has been arguing with finally managed to get hold of me. Started on meds today, and for the first time that I can remember, they knocked me out cold. (I've taken these antibiotics before without any odd side effects, so not sure what's going on.) So, may be scarce for a few days while I win this argument!
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Kcaffee -- hope you are feeling better soon

    Round 4 day 6 -- went to the gym today YUCK! I have really become addicted to running outside, Did 33 min on the treadmill.

    I can't totally throw the gym away because we can have some pretty fierce winters so I need it in the winters. Just love the outdoors.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ etaylor

    If you have a gym available that doesn't require a horrific contract, have you considered just paying for the months you HAVE to use it, and the rest of the year making do with what nature provides? Or do you lift, and require the gym year round?

    Round 4, day 15
    Actually felt good enough to tackle the gym again today.

    35 minutes on the rowing machine (I swear it didn't feel that long!)
    90 minutes lifting the heavy stuff and putting it down, trying to kill myself along the way. ::Grins::
    39 minutes walking reported by the pedometer
    3 hours spent weeding the front flower bed
    Approximately 20 minutes or so cleaning the car out trying to find where a nasty stink was coming from (it's the rotting carpet and nothing I can do about it, except to use a TON of Febreeze!)
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    @kcaffee -- yes I do like to lift occasionally, so I keep it year round and do use it on the icky days. Just have been enjoying nature this summer.
    Glad to hear your feeling better. Feeling icky is probably the worse, especially when you want to get up and move.

    Round 4 day 7 -- C25K today. Went to a different park. Forgot they had small hills there. Quite the workout, but it was good. I need to get used to that park anyway, because I have a 5k there in August.