21 day Challenge - JOIN IN



  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Round 4 day 8 -- had to go to the dentist this morning, and this evening was REALLY hot, so I didn't want to walk or run. So I mowed the lawn instead and then I mowed the neighbors lawn. Only the front, cuz it is connected to mine and it really needed mowing. They are great people, so I didn't mind doing it.
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Round 4 day 9 -- up this morning to do c25k. Felt good.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ etaylor

    You have been doing fantastic. I've been reading, just not posting because I haven't had anything to report. ::Grins:: Thank you sickness! You are really rocking round 4! Keep it going.

    Round 4, day 16

    Actually felt like getting up and doing something, so started the morning at the local farmer's market. (Wanted some BIG zucchini, instead of the store size jokes.) And, then I didn't stop until well after noon.

    Walking (approx 30 min, pedometer reports 1.06 mi),
    laundry (approx 20 min),
    Cooking (30 min),
    Weed eating (1 hr w/ electric, 1 hr w/ gas power)
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    round 4 day 10 -- somewhat of a lazy day. I volunteered this evening/night at the Nighlite Dash in town and walked a little over 2 miles and danced for about 45 mins. So I got some exercise in.

    @kcaffee -- glad you are feeling better. You know that is the trouble with going to the farmers market, you go all day. At least I do.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ etaylor

    Sort of lazy my foot. That's a good day's walking/dancing (to me.) You are doing great keeping things moving.

    Round 4 day 17

    20 minutes weed eating
    About an hour shredding/slicing veggies in food prep. (Thought I'd see if zucchini freezes well if it's prepped for "noodles" Will up date when I find out, if I remember. ::Grins::)
    90 minutes mowing on a riding mower - major core workout though. Uneven ground + weighted dead man's switch = lots of muscles moving constantly!
    Can't think of anything else off hand. Here's to us, fun, and activity!
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Hi K & E!!

    I'm back!

    Just in the door and the vehicle unloaded - unpacking will likely be done tomorrow (been on the go since 5:15 am this morning) several hours of driving and a 7 hour ferry crossing - from Newfoundland to Nova Scotia!... it is now 8:55pm.

    Well get back on track - have to say I have walked / hiked / beach combing - 2 days of beachcombing...for a few hours each day..... it was a great week! (therefore finishing up Round 4 and moving into round 5....)

    My visit with mom was emotional, but good... and Scott's mom - the visit was lively and fun!.....

    we will be happy to be in our own bed tonight!

    I see you have been busy! GREAT WORK LADIES!!!

    We are a TERRIFIC TRIO!!

  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    K & T -- we must be the Three Musketeers. We have hung in here together.

    @kcaffee -- I have frozen shredded zucchini before for zucchini bread. It works well, but all the water leaches out when it is thawed so you get your shred/noodles with a bunch of water in the bag.

    Round 4 day 11 -- trying to find a 3 mile route here in my neighborhood, so every Sunday I add just a little onto my route. Today I made it 2.78 miles. Almost there.
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Round 4 day 12 -- don't know why I do this to myself. 2 weeks in a row I end up doing my long runs in the HOT afternoon/evenings and on top of that there was wind today. YUCK! So I did my C25K today in the hot, windy evening but made it through.
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Hello.........hello is anyone there???

    Round 4 day 13 -- got up and ran this morning for 40 mins. Good thing I did because I ending up staying and hour late at work.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ tazmac

    Welcome back! Glad you had an enjoyable vacaction, even if parts of it were a bit hectic. (Doesn't that usually come up when you're away from home?)

    @ etaylor

    I'm still around - I've just been lost in the horribly ugly culture of the drow elves and trying to extricate a character out of that culture so I can continue to torment him into becoming a bit more humane. ::Grins:: Armature writer, and the writing bug has bit. Not to mention, when I'm not battling story lines about which way they are going to go, I've been having to focus on a paper due in September for a class that I won't have until next Spring. (Don't ask me - the dumb college requires it, and I've been procrastinating about writing the dumb thing long enough. Now, I'm just trying to get it out of the way.)

    Round 4, day 18 - A miserable day for exercise. Only got 28 mins of walking in. Oh, and of course, working the hands until they were stiff from typing so much. (But, don't think the typing counts. ::Grins::)
    Oh, and almost forgot - a whopping 20 minutes picking tomatoes! And, unless you've worked my uncles garden, you don't realize how much of a contact sport THAT particular activity can be. I'm surprised I survived that long. (heavy sarcasm!)

    Round 4, day 19 - actually managed to leave the house! Got to the pool, and put in a nice swim.

    1 K breast stroke (35 mins)
    1 K free style (25 mins)
    Was going to do some back stroke, but my shoulder started twinging, so figured I'd pushed it as hard as it would handle for the day. So, I got home, and wound up pounding the keyboard for another 4 hours. Taking a breather before I dive back into the fight with my story line.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Round 4, day 20

    Panic city time for the baby, so spent most of the day in the Vet's office pacing. Racked up about a half mile there.
    After it cools off, I've GOT to get some more weeding done - the front flower bed is a solid carpet of nut grass again, and with more of that mythical stuff expected to fall tonight, I don't dare let it stay, so that will probably take me another hour or so.

    ::Sigh:: Then, I've got to figure out how to get to sleep early, so I can go to work orientation tomorrow morning too early.
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    @kcaffee -- hope the baby is doing ok. Hope it was nothing serious.

    Round 4 day 14 -- becoming a pro at combining exercise and errands. Ran to the Home Depot to get a few small things and walked home. A total of 4 miles. Took about 1 hour 15 mins. Nice evening.
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Hi there E & K!!

    How are you doing?

    Glad to see you are still checking in...

    I'm saying sorry up front for my lack of reporting and participating. I did more exercise on vacation then I have in the last few days.

    Please keep plugging along - and maybe it will kick in for me sooner rather than later!



  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ etaylor

    The baby is OK, I think. Vet found a fever, and said there's been some nasty little viruses roaming the area that might explain the limp, but I think it was either she and the yearling were a little too rambunctious when they were rough housing, or the baby hooked her leg on the towel I was using as her nest when she rolled over, and so pulled a muscle. Supposed to go back next week for a follow up (and hopefully her kitten shots if the fever is gone). I'm hoping to find out more then. I just hope this isn't how she's going to be for life! I won't be able to afford the poor girl.

    No reportable activity. I know the pedometer shows some distance traveled, but I think that may have been due to the rough ride I got wading over a slew of road bumps getting into and out of the parking lot for my job's orientation. So, I'm not reporting anything today (unless you count sleep!)
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Round 4 day 15 -- short and sweet cuz I am tired. Just got home from a concert and danced the whole time. Good enough exercise for me.
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Round 4 day 16 -- I have not done any organized exercise for the last two day and I feel guilty, but I feel great. I did dance my butt off at the concert last night and have walked about 2 miles today. Not too worried, because I am running a 5k in the morning.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Round 4, day 21

    Closed out this round with a whimpy ending. ::Grins::

    Managed to get in .7 miles of walking while shopping (and the carts at our Walmart have FINALLY been serviced, but that just means the brakes are extremely stiff. Must have been pushing an extra 15 pounds of torque! Don't know how the elderly can push the carts now, they are that "heavy", much less the cart boys who have to push trains of upwards of 30 carts!)

    Then spent 90 minutes weeding out mom's flower bed. 1/2 done, but the other half has to grow up a bit more before I can weed it. Grass is so brittle that if I tried right now, I'd just break it off instead of getting the blasted roots.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Round 5! In with a whopping big bang.

    Seven hours of cleaning on a single room! I knew it was getting bad, but didn't realize HOW bad until I ran out of time to work, and I'm STILL not done. Probably have another two or three hours to go tomorrow. Thankfully, not too many walls left to go. (2 big ones, then it's all shelves - dusting, convincing books to give up the coat of dusty fur they've collected.)

    Lady Korval is doing fine - Yeah. He is really a She. Oh, well. She's settled in fairly well, and I can tell I've named her VERY well. She likes to instigate fights, then scream for rescue - which I do, only because she's so SMALL. The yearling weighs in at 9 pounds and Korval only weighs in a 1.4. So, Doing my best to keep things sane. I don't break up ALL the fights, just the ones where Korval's screams of distress get to me (about 10 solid minutes of squalling). And, then as soon as I turn my back, she attacks my yearling .. again.. and the cycle repeats. I think I know how she injured her leg! I think she got my yearling upset, and got bit. It's not really the leg, more in the shoulder, but she's not even limping on it now. So, the expensive vet visit for peace of mind. Oh, well. Even in the books the Clan my kitten's named after are kind of high maintenance. ::Shrugs:: But, she's won everyone's heart who's met her - just like the characters. So, now, it's bath time and probably a book. Don't know if I'm writing tonight, or reading. Depends on how I feel after I get my bath.

    Hope you two (and any other new comers) are having a wonderful, productive weekend!
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Round 4 day 17 -- up bright and early today to run a 5k. Yes, I an the whole thing. Didn't beat my best time, but ran te whole thing. Then I spent about an hour between rain storms picking raspberries.
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Hi K & E..... you are both making great progress in your rounds.... good for you!

    I'm likely at about 1/2 way - or nearly completed my round 5 - but have not recorded... so I will start from yesterday.

    Round 5 Day 1 - 27 Jul 2013

    40 min beach walk

    Round 5 Day 2 - 28 Jul 2013

    1 hour of bocce ball playing (fun moving about!)

    approx. 3 hours of gardening (weeding, planting, etc).... man - had I neglected my garden when I was not feeling well...! anyway, quick shower and feel like a million bucks..

    Have a great week upcoming!
