21 day Challenge - JOIN IN



  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    @kcaffee. Sorry to hear about the job. That sucks. Good luck with others. As for the gym, it was a Monday all over. Tomorrow is another day. :flowerforyou:
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    @ etaylor - I hear you with gym gear... I remember working out at the gym once - went to shower - no towel... had to use my sweaty t-shirt.... lol .... Getting the lawn mowed is good to get done! :smile:

    @ kcaffee - Sorry, also, to hear about the job issue... and hopeful that you will get something! Understand your frustration and good that you recognize what might begin a procrastination cycle for you...

    Sending supportive vibes!

  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Round 4 - DAY 12 - 02 Jul 13

    TM walk today - 45 min walk 3.5 pace with 20 min w/incline ** 25 min wo/incline

    Distance 2.55 miles** 4.1 kilometres

    Keeping it going!

  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ tazmac

    Great day 12 for you! That's a nice walk, no matter where you got it!

    Round 4 day 2 (And, I WILL Keep this one going!)

    8 hour shift shadowing - probably spent 4 hours of that trying to be involved as much as I could, only claiming to be successful about 2.5 hours though. (And, who would have thought that playing with kids could burn so many calories?!?)

    23 mins walking captured on "shift"

    Since I missed the gym AGAIN, I went for a nice long walk after dinner - 60 mins on the nose for feet meeting pavement. Managed to get 2.4 miles in this way and had a lovely show from Mother Nature just at sun down. Gorgeous skies!
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    round 3 day 13 -- went to the gym again today, stayed at the gym. Really wanted to go to the greenbelt, but too hot and muggy. Thunderstorms were rolling in. Did 50 min on the treadmill. Actually quite proud of myself. I have become complacant and lazy and have quit pushing myself. Need to get out of this funk. Well, back to the being proud. I wanted to quit after 30 mins, but told myself "NO" I was on it for 45 min, plus 5 min cool down, whether I like it or not. Did all of it.
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Round 4 - DAY 13 - 03 July 2013

    35 min of walking - just flitting about - out and about at work / at appt after work / then met friends later for a movie (which ended up being sold out)... so enjoyed a Corona instead. :drinker:


    Great work for both of you..... good pushing yourself E... and great variety on our Day 2 K!!

  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Round 3 day 14 -- struggle to get to the gym today. But I made it and did 34 mins C25K. Still trying to get back in. Glad I went.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ etaylor

    Congratulations on sticking with your exercise plan on the 2nd! You keep pulling out victory after victory at the gym! You are a wonderful inspiration to me right now - I'm fighting the "I don't wanna/ I ain't gonna"s. Keep up the great work!

    @ tazmac

    Walking is walking is exercise. And, the reward at the end is OK too. You are doing great staying on the move.

    Round 4, day 3
    Actually got out and did something! About 10 mins walking between houses to visit relatives/neighbors
    approximately 60 minutes weeding - the front flower bed is turning back into a grass bed, and it's driving me NUTS!
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Round 4 - DAY 14 - 04 July 2013

    A repeat of yesterday - timewise.... just about 5 min uphill back to one of my parking spaces...

    Lots of stuff on the go today - walking back and forth to morning ceremony and afternoon and evening appointments.... then some shopping after supper...

    can't figure out how to calculate my "mileage" with these days! Praps I'll add up each 60 min of walking - and equate it to what it would be using my GPS watch... an "aha" moment!


    Great work again my challenge pals!!

  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Round 3 day 15 -- slept in. It was wonderful. Got up and went straight out for C25K 32 mins. After in the day went swimming with my brothers family. Mostly just treaded water, but still counts as exercise. Had a good day.

    @kcaffee - you can beat the "I don't wanna's". Know it's hard but you feel so much better when it is done. Keep pushing through
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ etaylor

    Thanks for the encouragement. I'll get through some how, I just have to drag my protesting head back to the gym, and dive in. Once I'm started, I know I'll be there forever, because I love swimming so much!

    Nice walk/run for you today. And, a great wrap for the day with the swim. Keep up the great work.

    @ tazmac

    Sounds like you've got a plan for those "miles". Especially if you know you aren't slacking your normal exercise pace while out RUNNING the errands.

    Round 4, day 4

    Still struggling, but on the move. Shopping today - HRM captured 40 minutes (1.4 miles), but I know I was moving at LEAST 90 total, and the difference was NOT just pulling on/pushing off clothes. I think that as I'm losing weight, my stride is smoothing back out, and the pedometer function of the HRM isn't able to catch everything from the waist band like it's supposed to.
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Round 3 day 16 -- 31 min C25K and 19 mins walking. Very tired and glad this day is over. Good night.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ etaylor

    Hope you had a good night's sleep!

    Round 4, day 5

    All over the place today. Weekends + gym =/= exercise happen. Weekends + sleep = happiness!
    With that said:
    20 mins of kinect zumba
    20 mins of Kinect your shape fitness
    approx 90 mins of walking wile shopping/ taking clothes in for consignment
    15 mins calisthenics (Finally figured out how to "fake" a stability ball so I can do ab work at home!)
    15 mins stretching
    Then toss in the miscellaneous housework - laundry, making my "sodas", helping mom cook, keeping up with the furry child on a rampage, etc. Today was an ... interesting.. day.
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Hi Ladies...

    Last two days - we stained our large back deck and side steps. Out from 8am - 4pm yesterday - and then out 8 am - 12 / 12:15 today for 2nd coat. Did lots of walking downtown later for jazz fest!! Great couple of days!!!

    have to work out calories / distance... will add tomorrow!

    Hope your weekend is going well!

  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    round 3 day 17 -- did a lot of walking. Walked up to the school to pick up my Bountiful Basket, walked home carrying to full bags of veggies and fruit. Went downtown to the farmers market and walked around that. Felt restless, so I went for a walk this evening. All in all, I walk 4.27 miles today.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ etaylor

    Congratulations on your accumulated mileage! After reading your post I got antsy last night, but couldn't go walk it off. Live in the country, and we have wild cats that are NOT afraid of people. So, I got to store up the excess, and used it today.

    @ tazmac

    Sounds like you had a fun, productive holiday! Then went out and had a ton of fun as a reward.

    Round 4, day 6
    FINALLY made it to the pool!

    1600 m broken into 400 m medleys
    2 X 400 m endurance in back stroke, breast stroke, and free style
    toss in 100 m side stroke to cool down on - wanted to do more, but I'd burned through so much of the muscle oxygen that I couldn't float properly to swim in the side stroke! Kept sinking! ::blurbble! chuckles::

    Total time in the pool? 2 hours 15 minutes! Yes, I have managed to double (triple?) my original distance before school starts this fall, though I still want to try to pull that time down to an hour for the entire swim, I CAN say I'm seeing 400 m in 10 minutes, no matter if it's a medley or an endurance swim! Tired right now, but sooo happy.
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Round 3 day 18-- c25k training first thing this morning before church. The rest of the day just cleaning and stuff. Felt good to the training first thing in the morning. Need to force myself to get up and do it, not wait until the evening.

    @kcaffee -- glad you saved it and used it today. Good job
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Hi E and K

    I am apologizing for my lack of entries...

    have been very busy - and getting lots of walking in - but not yet recorded... I'm thinking I'm at the end of Round 4 ... or knocking on it's door!

    anyway - I will get it done

    K... (got engaged on the weekend) ..... E saw it on my wall! Thanks for the congrats!! xx


    We are off to Newfoundland next week - both of our mums are still in Newfoundland.... for one week... and for a few days - no cell service .... but - I will keep track as well!


    Glad to see you are both still on board!

  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ tazmac

    Thought that avi pic was a new look for you. Congratulations and best wishes for you and yours for a long time to come!

    You have a few things that are a TON more important right now than a single thread, so focus on them! (If you manage to sneak in a peek now and again, all good. But, if you can't manage it - UNDERSTOOD!)

    @ etaylor

    I don't know how you manage to be so cheery about working out in the morning. Drug myself out of bed today, so I could actually get a workout in, and I've been tired/cranky all day!

    Round 4, day 7
    Back to the pool again

    Not a stunning, stellar performance, but I won't sneeze at it. I absolutely despise the clock before noon, and the fact I was IN the water by 6:30 AM ought to be a hint about how much I want to get back on track again. UGH! Water had to have been run through a refrigerator before it was pumped into the pool - it was COLD!

    Between the time, the temperature, and the fact that I was still feeling yesterday's swim, I was over joyed to finish in 50 minutes and only having to knock out the butterfly on the last 2 sets of the medley.

    Expecting a better performance tomorrow, since I didn't lift today, and couldn't put in a full on marathon.
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    round 3 day 19 -- so proud of myself. Got up and did my C25K training before work. It really does make you feel better to work out in the morning.

    sorry K, don't mean to be so cheery, but I do feel better when I work out in the morning. I am definitely not a morning person and you really don't want to piss me off before I have my coffee. But it is good to get it done and out of the way.

    Taz - have fun on your trip. Keep active.