21 day Challenge - JOIN IN



  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ Lilloise

    How are you liking your yoga classes? I've heard that is a great complement to lifting, but I haven't gotten the nerve up to actually venture into any of the free classes at school. Still on the fence about the yoga, and gathering other's opinions about it first.


    Looks like you've got a great weekend planned! Looks like it's going/was a fun weekend for you.

    @ etaylor

    Great start to your new round! Since I don't run, all I can think of about your walking/running is that it may be as beneficial as lifting/resting days. One day on, one day off?

    Keep it moving ladies!

    Round 3, day 19

    Flat out rest day. I don't really remember waking up until much to late to think of doing anything, and reveling in the luxury of not going any where.

    Round 3, day 20

    Weeding - finally finished the 10 (15) food flower bed I've been working on for the last 3 weeks. Only problem is now I get to start over at the beginning to catch the stragglers that have started growing up since I worked the other areas before I can start planting the new stuff.
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Great work on your challenges everyone!! Thanks for sharing/posting!

    @kcaffee - thanks for keeping up the "cheerleading" ... I know I appreciate it!


    Round 4 - Day 4 - 21 June 2013

    Treadmill (TM) today of 45 min. 3.7 pace with incline for 35 minutes out of 45.

    Add approx. 30 min for walking later in the day.


    Tough week for me this past week with health issues.... and therefore I did not add to my fitness challenge over the weekend.... I needed the break.

    Hopefully I'll be back in the saddle tomorrow!

  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ tazmac

    Moving is part of your life, but anyone can burn out on a challenge. ::Grins:: Just being told I HAVE to do something is usually enough to get my back up and I'll not - just from spite. Baaaaad habit of mine, so I have figured out how to work around it. Usually by taking a step or two back before re-entering the fray. You are doing great, so keep those feet moving!

    Round 3 completed with a whopper of a day!

    1 hour weed eating with the electric weed eater
    1 hour immediately followed of weed eating with the GAS weed eater (Yes, we got the beast started, and I worked with it until I ran the string down enough it got slung out, and I had to thread in a new string.... then it wouldn't restart for me. Typical beast!)
    1 hour of swimming my medley sets - 400 m each back stroke, breast stroke, free style, but only got in 325 m of butterfly - the arms gave out on me.
    1 hour of endurance work - ANOTHER 400 m of breast stroke and free style, but only 200 m back stroke - had some kids get in with some type of lotion on, and it started to lock down my lungs, so I fled for my life. (Literally. I'm scent sensitive, and I get kind of grouchy when I can't breathe. While blue is a usually a GOOD color for me, that blue is one I'd rather not wear.)

    I think I kind of over did it. My arms are already yelling, and I'm starting on the Rx strength Alieve already. Oops!
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Round 3 day 2 -- walked to the Civic Auditorium to watch "The Music Man". Then walked home. Did 2.6 miles.

    Round 3 day 3 -- mowed and edged the lawn. Finally planted my tomatoe and pepper in their pots.

    Round 3 day 4 -- was lazy today. Did a short 1.6 mile walk. I was lazy and ate like crap this weekend. Next week will be better.
  • Lilloise
    Lilloise Posts: 25 Member
    @kcaffee1: Loving the yoga!! It's great for flexibility and strength. Does your gym offer general yoga or is it a specific type of yoga? If you're after something to stretch you out or for relaxation check out Hatha yoga. Personally, my favourite is power vinyasa yoga: it potentially burns more calories than a run and you feel soooo refreshed afterwards. It's sometimes done in a heated room so you definitely sweat a lot. Absolutely love it though. You leave feeling sooo energised!

    And on that note...

    Round1 Day 5: 60 mins power vinyasa yoga!!

    (Day 4 was a rest day after 3 days of doing 2 workouts/day)
  • Lilloise
    Lilloise Posts: 25 Member
    And Round 1 Day 6: 60 mins Power yoga
  • jezy_jass
    jezy_jass Posts: 328 Member
    day 15, 6/24 = nike trainer on xbox & after work bike ride!!
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    @ tazmac

    Moving is part of your life, but anyone can burn out on a challenge. ::Grins:: Just being told I HAVE to do something is usually enough to get my back up and I'll not - just from spite. Baaaaad habit of mine, so I have figured out how to work around it. Usually by taking a step or two back before re-entering the fray. You are doing great, so keep those feet moving!

    Thanks for your encouraging words!!!

  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ etaylor

    You are doing great! Even your "rest" days you keep it moving. Wow! I bow to your dedication! Keep it up!

    @ Lilloise

    Great days 4, 5, and 6. Rest days are important, because they give you a chance to recuperate from the other days. Keep rocking this, because you look like you are having a blast! That's the best way to make it part of your life - have fun!

    @ jezy

    I love the xbox "games" too. Especially when I am too lazy to get out of the house. Let me do SOMETHING, and not actually have to get dressed, or drive into town. Also, wish I had my trike - just not in the budget right now. So, hearing abut your bike rides helps to whet my hunger, so that I stay on track in school so I can afford it once I'm through, and into the actual work force. Keep it going!

    @ tazmac

    Quite welcome. You've been handling this the longest, and deserve to slip out of the lime-light now and again. Keep it moving, and take a breather if you need it. You are still moving, which is why you set this "challenge" up in the first place. Doing great, so keep it up!

    Round 4, day 1
    A slight "over done" it day:
    15 minutes on the elliptical - slow speed for warm up, because I knew what was coming
    60 mins lifting weights - new routine, and MAN am I feeling it right now! Loved it though, because now I really DO have to hit the weights 3 times a week if I want to hit the entire body.
    45 mins in the pool - 400 m each of back stroke, breast stroke, free style. (To day was arms on the weights, so I chickened out of the butterfly - shoulders and arms were already complaining. Been struggling recently with the rhythm of the stroke, and didn't want to try to drown myself AGAIN in front of the entire hosted swim team. ::Grins::)
    HRM pedometer reported 35 mins of walking (car/class/misc buildings on campus/gym/car/shopping) for a total of 1.24 miles.
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    @ kcaffee - CONGRATULATIONS on completion of Round 3!! - and what a banger of a day you put in to do so!!

    @ etaylor - Great moving on your Days 2, 3 and 4 in your 3rd Round!!

    @ Jessie - Great day 15! I bought a bike this summer ... yet to get on it! should do that this week!

    @ Lilloise - Power yoga and vinyasa yoga - great work on your Days 5 & 6

    Great recording Ladies!!

  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Round 4 - Day 5 - 24 June 2013

    Walk outside today... it was 27 celsius/35 celsius with humidity (80 farhenheit / 95 farenheit with humidity) holy moly - note to self - WALK EARLIER

    GPS data:

    37 min // 2.36 miles (3.8 km) // 264 cal burned // 3.7 pace

    I'm guessing the pace was higher in the beginning... until I thought my head might pop off! :tongue:

    Glad I got out!

  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member

    Round 4, day 1
    A slight "over done" it day:
    15 minutes on the elliptical - slow speed for warm up, because I knew what was coming
    60 mins lifting weights - new routine, and MAN am I feeling it right now! Loved it though, because now I really DO have to hit the weights 3 times a week if I want to hit the entire body.
    45 mins in the pool - 400 m each of back stroke, breast stroke, free style. (To day was arms on the weights, so I chickened out of the butterfly - shoulders and arms were already complaining. Been struggling recently with the rhythm of the stroke, and didn't want to try to drown myself AGAIN in front of the entire hosted swim team. ::Grins::)
    HRM pedometer reported 35 mins of walking (car/class/misc buildings on campus/gym/car/shopping) for a total of 1.24 miles.

    @ kcaffee

    Holy Moly - welcome to Round 4.... with a shotgun start!! Amazing!
    Congrats on your weight lost numbers continuing to rise!
    And I like your new pic.... the smile / grin on your face is noticeable!!

  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    round 3 day 5 -- they days go by so fast. Did 20 min circuit training, 5 min row machine and 25 on stationary bike. This is gonna be my week. Day of reckoning is tomorrow. I go for my annual checkup and I will see if any of my effort from the last 6 months has paid off. I will keep you all posted.
  • Lilloise
    Lilloise Posts: 25 Member
    Round 1 Day 6: 45 mins personal training session and a lunchtime walk
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    round 3 day 5 -- they days go by so fast. Did 20 min circuit training, 5 min row machine and 25 on stationary bike. This is gonna be my week. Day of reckoning is tomorrow. I go for my annual checkup and I will see if any of my effort from the last 6 months has paid off. I will keep you all posted.

    @ etaylor

    Good luck with your checkup!!! I'm sure your efforts will pay off!

  • jezy_jass
    jezy_jass Posts: 328 Member
    day 16, 6/25 - skipped my nike trainer last night & this morning (sharp cramp like pains in my stomach = hurt like heck) but it's starting to feel a little better so i'm hoping to squeeze it in this evening between work & bocce.

    ** Thank you everyone who has been keeping tabs on everyone. I know we are doing this journey for ourselves but its nice & motivating to hear someone compliment your hard work too! Great work y'all, keep it up!!!
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ etaylor

    Great day again! You are also rocking this get it moving thing. ::Raises a glass of flavored water:: Here's to absolutely stunning results from your checkup!

    @ Lilloise

    Great progress! Personal trainers are great - I remember loving my sessions last semester when I had access to one. Learn all you can, because it will carry forward if/when you ever decide to go it alone again. (Or even between trainer sessions.)

    @ jezy

    Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well. Get to feeling better soon, and take it easy in the mean time.
    Thank YOU for the "Hoo Rah!" as well. I know "atta way's" are on the news feeds, but you are right, it's extra motivation when you get it from folks on the boards who aren't on your personal friends list.

    Round 4, day 2
    POOL DAY!!!! And, VERY sore arms from yesterday. DOMS set in, and it was murder. But, the best way to kill DOMS is to get out there and do again what caused it in the first place. So...
    3 400 m medleys (avg 15 mins a piece)
    3 400 m endurance "sets" (avg 10 mins per set in each stroke.)

    Total time in the water: 2 hours - the miscellaneous time was taken up with treading water, calisthenics, or trying not to gag from coughing to clear my air passages after attempting to breathe in the entire pool instead of air. (Not a good day on the butterfly - arms were giving out, so the head wasn't clearing the water properly.)

    Pedometer reports 11 mins or so of walking, but that was so inconsequential, I don't really count it as part of my "intended" exercise today.
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Round 4 - Day 6 - 25 June 2013

    HIGH HIGH humidity again today....

    spent 2 1/2 hours cleaning my car - vacuuming / washing / windows / mats / etc

    30 min weeding the garden...

    great sweat day!!

  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Round 3 day 6 -- could have easily skipped today, but I felt so good when I got done with the Doc's I went to the gym and did 32 mins of C25K.

    Everyone, keep up your hard efforts because they really do payoff. It may not manifest itself in quick weight loss, but don't give up because you are changing your body and it's functions for the better. I have been on blood pressure meds since my 20's and today for the very first time there was discussion of possibly getting off or even lowering the doses. Not upping them. I could have hugged my doc. She was very impressed with my numbers today and with the changes I have made. I haven't lost a whole lot of weight, it is coming of very slow. But my main concern when I started this was to be healthy. And that I have. Yes, I still have a way to go, but I am on the right track.

    So, congrats to each and everyone of you on here who have taken the challenge on to be healthy, eat right and exercise. I applaud each and everyone of you.
  • Lilloise
    Lilloise Posts: 25 Member
    Round 1 Day 7: just a walk today