Back fat



  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    For the love...this again?!?!? I just got through the last back fat thread!!!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Here we go... ask someone what exercise to work ____ and everyone barks no spot reducing. Anyone here who strength trains or lifts heavy KNOWS you can't just do cardio or bicep exercises and expect a flat, stomach. That results in the skinny fat look and that example goes for anywhere else around the body

    I get what you are asking OP.. ASSUMING already that you eat at a deficit and incorporate strength training, try pull ups, pull downs, deadlifts, rows, etc,. If you can use weights for the rows, that's even better. Don't neglect the rest of your body when doing this

    Best of luck

    She asked about "targeting" an area related to getting rid of fat. We are informing her that you can do exercises to strengthen that area, but not to reduce the fat in that area. We could give her exercises to do..but it doesn't do her any good if she doesn't understand you can't target an area for fat reduction.
  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    For the love...this again?!?!? I just got through the last back fat thread!!!


  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    *Pulls up a chair and grabs the popcorn*
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Here we go... ask someone what exercise to work ____ and everyone barks no spot reducing. Anyone here who strength trains or lifts heavy KNOWS you can't just do cardio or bicep exercises and expect a flat, stomach. That results in the skinny fat look and that example goes for anywhere else around the body

    I get what you are asking OP.. ASSUMING already that you eat at a deficit and incorporate strength training, try pull ups, pull downs, deadlifts, rows, etc,. If you can use weights for the rows, that's even better. Don't neglect the rest of your body when doing this

    Best of luck

    She asked about "targeting" an area related to getting rid of fat. We are informing her that you can do exercises to strengthen that area, but not to reduce the fat in that area. We could give her exercises to do..but it doesn't do her any good if she doesn't understand you can't target an area for fat reduction.

    Yeah, I think she may have worded that wrong.. I am giving her the benefit of the doubt that she knows you can't spot reduce for results. I swear there is another thread today about this same topic
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    *Insert evil laugh * :devil:

    Seriously though OP-I agree with this guy--->
    You can't spot reduce fat on your body. You just need to start losing fat generally and the fat will go away on its own. If you are looking to tone and build up the muscle in the lower back def hyperextensions target lower back muscles.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Here we go... ask someone what exercise to work ____ and everyone barks no spot reducing. Anyone here who strength trains or lifts heavy KNOWS you can't just do cardio or bicep exercises and expect a flat, stomach. That results in the skinny fat look and that example goes for anywhere else around the body

    I get what you are asking OP.. ASSUMING already that you eat at a deficit and incorporate strength training, try pull ups, pull downs, deadlifts, rows, etc,. If you can use weights for the rows, that's even better. Don't neglect the rest of your body when doing this

    Best of luck

    But but but....the OP has 11 posts so we probably shouldn't make any assumptions about what she does and doesn't know already, should we? And she did specifically ask for exercises to tone her back in a thread titled "back fat".

    Probably best to start with the basics. No spot reducing, and OP, if you're a beginner, no spot training. To reiterate what everyone else said, strength train your entire body with compound work while eating in a deficit.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    You can't spot reduce fat on your body. You just need to start losing fat generally and the fat will go away on its own. If you are looking to tone and build up the muscle in the lower back def hyperextensions target lower back muscles.

    He's right! You should start focusing on strength training and weights. That will get your metabolism up and burn fat from every where on your body. Plus, you need to really focus on what you are eating. Make sure its good and clean, but still getting enough calories to keep the muscles working and burning fat.

    This. I have recently lost my back rolls, but I'm not really sure how to be honest.
  • aeg176
    aeg176 Posts: 171 Member
    Try some in n outs


    Agreed, that'll definitely help.

    this looks absolutely amazing!
  • Dezmodus
    Dezmodus Posts: 68 Member
    Try some in n outs


    Agreed, that'll definitely help.

    for me?! but what are you going to eat?!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Here we go... ask someone what exercise to work ____ and everyone barks no spot reducing. Anyone here who strength trains or lifts heavy KNOWS you can't just do cardio or bicep exercises and expect a flat, stomach. That results in the skinny fat look and that example goes for anywhere else around the body

    I get what you are asking OP.. ASSUMING already that you eat at a deficit and incorporate strength training, try pull ups, pull downs, deadlifts, rows, etc,. If you can use weights for the rows, that's even better. Don't neglect the rest of your body when doing this

    Best of luck

    But but but....the OP has 11 posts so we probably shouldn't make any assumptions about what she does and doesn't know already, should we? And she did specifically ask for exercises to tone her back in a thread titled "back fat".

    Probably best to start with the basics. No spot reducing, and OP, if you're a beginner, no spot training. To reiterate what everyone else said, strength train your entire body with compound work while eating in a deficit.

    :laugh: Maybe she has 11 posts cause she's afraid of your brutal honesty.. it's unsurpassed!

    I don't have the patience to go back and quote what she said but I recall she mentioned something about upper back fat yet people are giving her lower back exercises.. maybe I am hallucinating with all the other back fat threads going on at the same time :laugh:
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Here we go... ask someone what exercise to work ____ and everyone barks no spot reducing. Anyone here who strength trains or lifts heavy KNOWS you can't just do cardio or bicep exercises and expect a flat, stomach. That results in the skinny fat look and that example goes for anywhere else around the body

    I get what you are asking OP.. ASSUMING already that you eat at a deficit and incorporate strength training, try pull ups, pull downs, deadlifts, rows, etc,. If you can use weights for the rows, that's even better. Don't neglect the rest of your body when doing this

    Best of luck

    But but but....the OP has 11 posts so we probably shouldn't make any assumptions about what she does and doesn't know already, should we? And she did specifically ask for exercises to tone her back in a thread titled "back fat".

    Probably best to start with the basics. No spot reducing, and OP, if you're a beginner, no spot training. To reiterate what everyone else said, strength train your entire body with compound work while eating in a deficit.

    :laugh: Maybe she has 11 posts cause she's afraid of your brutal honesty.. it's unsurpassed!

    I don't have the patience to go back and quote what she said but I recall she mentioned something about upper back fat yet people are giving her lower back exercises.. maybe I am hallucinating with all the other back fat threads going on at the same time :laugh:

    Her join date is March 2013. Not saying she couldn't have been a member before...but I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt that she's brand new and might need some info along with advice.

    And there are members, including myself, who have been awhile that still appreciate the additional info given with good advice.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Here we go... ask someone what exercise to work ____ and everyone barks no spot reducing. Anyone here who strength trains or lifts heavy KNOWS you can't just do cardio or bicep exercises and expect a flat, stomach. That results in the skinny fat look and that example goes for anywhere else around the body

    I get what you are asking OP.. ASSUMING already that you eat at a deficit and incorporate strength training, try pull ups, pull downs, deadlifts, rows, etc,. If you can use weights for the rows, that's even better. Don't neglect the rest of your body when doing this

    Best of luck

    But but but....the OP has 11 posts so we probably shouldn't make any assumptions about what she does and doesn't know already, should we? And she did specifically ask for exercises to tone her back in a thread titled "back fat".

    Probably best to start with the basics. No spot reducing, and OP, if you're a beginner, no spot training. To reiterate what everyone else said, strength train your entire body with compound work while eating in a deficit.

    :laugh: Maybe she has 11 posts cause she's afraid of your brutal honesty.. it's unsurpassed!

    I don't have the patience to go back and quote what she said but I recall she mentioned something about upper back fat yet people are giving her lower back exercises.. maybe I am hallucinating with all the other back fat threads going on at the same time :laugh:

    Her join date is March 2013. Not saying she couldn't have been a member before...but I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt that she's brand new and might need some info along with advice.

    And there are members, including myself, who have been awhile that still appreciate the additional info given with good advice.

    Good eye, I didn't notice her join date and post count until it was brought up.
  • lizzyb83
    lizzyb83 Posts: 107 Member
    Personally, I have been a member for a while, but just started using the forums. There are so many post on here, with so many topics that get completely off topic. I'm not really sure why this question is being attacked. If these are the kinds of responses that can be expected, I'm not sure how much more the OP will ever ask again.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Personally, I have been a member for a while, but just started using the forums. There are so many post on here, with so many topics that get completely off topic. I'm not really sure why this question is being attacked. If these are the kinds of responses that can be expected, I'm not sure how much more the OP will ever ask again.

    I must need my eyes checked, but I didn't see any attacks in this post. Everyone offered something helpful to the OP and any bickering was among ourselves, and even that was easy going and light hearted.

    So I believe the OP, if she ever returned to read her thread, got helpful information. But here's something below that may help you.

  • lizzyb83
    lizzyb83 Posts: 107 Member
    Personally, I have been a member for a while, but just started using the forums. There are so many post on here, with so many topics that get completely off topic. I'm not really sure why this question is being attacked. If these are the kinds of responses that can be expected, I'm not sure how much more the OP will ever ask again.

    I must need my eyes checked, but I didn't see any attacks in this post. Everyone offered something helpful to the OP and any bickering was among ourselves, and even that was easy going and light hearted.

    So I believe the OP, if she ever returned to read her thread, got helpful information. But here's something below that may help you.


    Ok, attacks was a strong word, but for someone who might be new, and called out by so many for being new and posting a commonly repeated question, that could be a bit discouraging. There is definitely some helpful info in there, just got buried a bit :smile:
    And I totally love Jenna, so thanks for that! :happy:
  • Sunny____
    Sunny____ Posts: 214
    Some people do hold fat more in one area that others do and it is hereditary. Such as Some women are in mega shape, very low body fat, but have saddle bags (fat on the outer thighs). However, they lift weights and they can't afford to lose more.

    This is the case for me with upper back fat and big boobs. When i am in my best shape, low body fat and lifting with a trainer, I ALWAYS still have back fat, I always have. I carry fat in that area and have very large breasts but a small frame. I am a 42DD breast and have fat in my mid area. My legs are longer for the normal 5'3 3/4 person and my mid section is very short. Even though I am petite height, I can't wear petite pants like my friends who are a bit taller than me. My legs are longer, that said, I believe that is why I carry fat there. My legs and rest of me get in such good shape that I get stopped at soccer games, a gas station, work, etc asking what my program is, but I STILL have the back fat. My sister is the exact same way and so is my Mom.

    That said, some people may need lipo in that area if all else fails. I am a candidate for that. But otherwise strength training does tone that area. Even when I lift, eat low fat and weigh 120, I always have big boobs and back fat in the boob area. I am also one of those girls that the boobs don't shrink with weight loss. 30 lbs gained or loss and my boobs only go down about 1 inch, that's it.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    There was a thread not two days ago that BLEW up with this topic.

    You can't target fat

    You can only target places to build muscle. You reduce fat by being in a caloric deficit.

  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    the latest research shows that bodies burn more around the muscles that are being used. which makes sense really.
    everyone thought spot reducing was dangleberries for years and then some smart alec researcher proves otherwise!

    if i wasn't so lazy i'd search for the study.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    the latest research shows that bodies burn more around the muscles that are being used. which makes sense really.
    everyone thought spot reducing was dangleberries for years and then some smart alec researcher proves otherwise!

    if i wasn't so lazy i'd search for the study.

    "More recently, in a 2007 study led by the University of Connecticut, 104 participants completed a twelve-week supervised resistance-training program in which their non-dominant arm was selectively exercised. MRI assessments of subcutaneous fat before and after the program revealed that fat loss tended to be generalized, rather than only occurring in the trained arm."

    "Ultimately, fat loss comes down not to targeted exercises, but to the basic principle of how many calories you expend versus how many you take in. Doing 100 crunches a day can effectively strengthen your abdominal muscles, but it probably will not make them any more visible unless you also take other steps to reduce your overall body fat."

    Quoted from Yale Scientific Magazine: