What advice would you give your younger self?



  • minaslefevre
    minaslefevre Posts: 19 Member
    Don't be in a rush to grow up so fast! Enjoy and smell the roses. Going to be 39yo this year and look back at life as a series of moments. Enjoy those moments!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Don't date that guy. Or that one. OR THAT ONE. And, don't be so hard on yourself; it'll make life simpler.
  • sPaRkLiNgLYFE
    enjoy being single
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Don't settle down so young - give yourself a chance to find out who you are as a person.

  • Dragonflag07
    Dragonflag07 Posts: 64 Member
    I think i would rather focus on the here and now and get going with matters at hand than look back through the lens of regret. Can't change the past but we can build the future..
  • sunman00
    sunman00 Posts: 872 Member
    Get a job that you'd take if you didn't need a job


    Follow your heart
  • SunShineGirly11
    SunShineGirly11 Posts: 64 Member
    Don't get involved with guys whos names rhyme with yours....put down the junk food....relax and enjoy life.
  • SluppyB
    SluppyB Posts: 12
    Other than "Get off your fat *kitten*"? Do what makes you happy. Don't do things just because your parents want you to be someone you're not. And go to the doctor to get diagnosed with depression sooner rather than later - it might have made the last few years a lot easier knowing what was wrong and doing something about it.
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    I would tell her not to worry cause it all worked out alright....
    (well for now anyway)
  • never124get
    never124get Posts: 163
    You are worthy, you are important, you matter and don't let anyone tell you different.

    That's something I am going to tell my children everyday of their lives.
  • ShaunMc1968
    ShaunMc1968 Posts: 204
    Don't waste time drinking.

    Trust the one you love.

    Life is not fair.

    Don't worry or beat yourself up.

    Invest time in the ones that matter - forget the ones that don't.

    Be yourself.

    Never, ever give up!
  • fityfriend
    fityfriend Posts: 21 Member
    Don't care so much about what other people say.
  • styledsky
    styledsky Posts: 121 Member
    There will come a time when you will need to choose between what you have been taught is right and what you know in yourself is right. Choose wisely.
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    Go to school abroad.
  • tanzz9
    tanzz9 Posts: 37
    You don't need all those shoes, or designer handbags. Seriously - SAVE!
    Surround yourself with loving supportive people instead of those others
    You are worth it, always.
  • Changing_Charity
    Changing_Charity Posts: 197 Member
    put down the ramen noodles and get the *kitten* outside and play!
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    Don't worry about school stuff. Being popular isn't everything.
    Going through hard stuff like your mam just leaving at 11 will make you stronger and you and your dad will have such a amazing bond and you two will make it :smile:
    You will become great friends with your mam as you get older. Don't be too hard on her.
    Lose weight now yes your not that big but it will damage your confidence teens through to late 20's.
    You are going to grow up and travel,meet the most amazing guy & have a dream career.
    So yeah don't worry.
    Oh and good idea on not dating jerks your friends will waste so much time crying over them but you are smarter than that lol.
    And yes you will be happy really happy.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Run from that first marriage, you're both too young

    Don't start smoking

    Follow your dream, don't get waylaid by marriage, mortgage, etc and wait till you're 40 to do it
  • ruthiejewell
    ruthiejewell Posts: 134 Member
    Eat high fat, low carb forever and get a tattoo!
  • GreatSetOfBrains
    GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
    I would tell myself that I should not be so worried about getting back on my feet before starting school up again, took a two year break after a divorce.....BAD I wish I would have just stuck with school and maybe then I'd not be so far behind....:S