What the WHAT?!

For breakfast I'm having an apple and a tablespoon of peanut butter, and I'm already over my sugar for the day!



  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    sugar from fruit and milk can be ignored from the sugar count. look at your sugar for the day and don't count the apple, unfortunately you have to keep track of that manually.
  • StarryEyedGirl
    buy natural peanut butter (no sugar added).
  • marybethbeech
    buy natural peanut butter.

    My peanut butter only has 2 sugars. It's all the apple, unfortunately. But since I get to discount that I guess I'm ok.
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    buy natural peanut butter.

    Agreed. I now prefer the taste and texture of nonhydrogenated peanut butter. It's a bit of a pain at first until you get used to having to stir it really well, but it's soooooo much better
  • MattySparky
    MattySparky Posts: 771
    sugar from fruit and milk can be ignored from the sugar count. look at your sugar for the day and don't count the apple, unfortunately you have to keep track of that manually.

    Sugar is sugar buddy, what makes you think that your body doesn't count the sugar from an apple or milk? Just because the sugar in an apple is naturally occurring doesn't mean you just dont count it. Do you understand what happens to sugar in our bodies?
  • PureAndHealthy
    The sugar goal MFP sets is completely unrealistic. Simple carbs are the first source of fuel. If we're moving, we need SOME simple carbs. MattySparky, I have to disagree. How the sugars from a whole fruit are metabolized and how high fructose corn syrup from a popsicle are metabolized are different. Your body can process the sugar better when coupled with natural fiber and enzymes and all the other good stuff in a piece of fruit. :smile:
  • MattySparky
    MattySparky Posts: 771
    You're preaching to the choir. I understand ALOT about how our bodies metabolize sugars and when it's added with natural fibers etc. I also understand enough to know that " you dont have to count the sugars from fruit or milk" is the most ridiculous thing I've read on here in weeks. Just because there is fiber in an apple doesn't mean the sugar just magically disappears. You still count it in your daily total. Im not saying it will be stored as fat, did I say that? No, what I said was it still counts as sugar.

    With the mentality of not counting the sugar because it's naturally paired with fiber... well hell lets not count anything then because our bodies are going to use some of it for functions.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    You're preaching to the choir. I understand ALOT about how our bodies metabolize sugars and when it's added with natural fibers etc. I also understand enough to know that " you dont have to count the sugars from fruit or milk" is the most ridiculous thing I've read on here in weeks. Just because there is fiber in an apple doesn't mean the sugar just magically disappears. You still count it in your daily total. Im not saying it will be stored as fat, did I say that? No, what I said was it still counts as sugar.

    With the mentality of not counting the sugar because it's naturally paired with fiber... well hell lets not count anything then because our bodies are going to use some of it for functions.

    Natural sugar will still raise blood sugar level but MFP's Allotment is for added sugar. I believe the goal on MFP should be higher and then you would count the naturally occurring sugars.

    "...65 g of sugars per person per day. This is considered a moderate amount and well within current dietary guidelines. “Added sugars” include all sugar, corn syrups, honey, and maple syrup added to foods. It does not include sugars that naturally occur in fruits, vegetables and dairy products."
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    sugar from fruit and milk can be ignored from the sugar count. look at your sugar for the day and don't count the apple, unfortunately you have to keep track of that manually.

    Sugar is sugar buddy, what makes you think that your body doesn't count the sugar from an apple or milk? Just because the sugar in an apple is naturally occurring doesn't mean you just dont count it. Do you understand what happens to sugar in our bodies?

    I agree. That's why I stay away from Pineapples! I love them to death! But they are very high on the glycemic chart. I still count fruit in my sugars, but it's a better sugar than the processed candies and stuff. And I try to have 1 apple for some added fiber a day with peanut butter as well for a snack.

    And I'm not trying to disprove Erik - but trying tell that to a diabetic. There are certain "natural" foods that my father is not to "ignore" and has to watch very carefully - or stay away from. Again, pineapple would be one of them.
  • MattySparky
    MattySparky Posts: 771
    I think you're putting way too much faith in that quote. While natural sugars are paired with nutrients, you can still overload on them. It's a fact, they are still sugars. They can and will raise your insulin levels if consumed at the wrong times or paired with the wrong foods or over-consumed.
  • MattySparky
    MattySparky Posts: 771
    Listen, who cares what the setting is on MFP, the fact is sugar from natural sources still has the ability to be stored as fat, plain and simple. For someone to ignore this fact is like ignoring a really important part of weightloss and the understanding of why we need to avoid refined sugars and eat the healthy ones. Im not saying dont eat the apple, I eat an apple pretty much every day. What Im getting at is that it cant be ignored. Also, where did you get this notion that MFP is somehow differentiating between added sugars and natural sugars? Is this just something you've made up in your mind? When I enter a naturally sugary carb like an apple, it goes on the sugar count. Do you somehow have yourself convinced that it just doesn't add them?
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    You're preaching to the choir. I understand ALOT about how our bodies metabolize sugars and when it's added with natural fibers etc. I also understand enough to know that " you dont have to count the sugars from fruit or milk" is the most ridiculous thing I've read on here in weeks. Just because there is fiber in an apple doesn't mean the sugar just magically disappears. You still count it in your daily total. Im not saying it will be stored as fat, did I say that? No, what I said was it still counts as sugar.

    With the mentality of not counting the sugar because it's naturally paired with fiber... well hell lets not count anything then because our bodies are going to use some of it for functions.

    You may know 'alot' about metabolism but apparently you 'dont' know 'alot' about spelling... and you shouldn't be condescending someone's advice you both have valid points. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't reply.

    As for the sugar issue I'd use your own discretion. I agree the sugar goals on here are low IF you're taking in natural sugar. You still don't want to eat it in excess but if your apple puts you over by a couple grams I wouldn't sweat it. Its not like you ate a king size snickers that put you over.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Listen, who cares what the setting is on MFP, the fact is sugar from natural sources still has the ability to be stored as fat, plain and simple. For someone to ignore this fact is like ignoring a really important part of weightloss and the understanding of why we need to avoid refined sugars and eat the healthy ones. Im not saying dont eat the apple, I eat an apple pretty much every day. What Im getting at is that it cant be ignored. Also, where did you get this notion that MFP is somehow differentiating between added sugars and natural sugars? Is this just something you've made up in your mind? When I enter a naturally sugary carb like an apple, it goes on the sugar count. Do you somehow have yourself convinced that it just doesn't add them?

    I didn't make this up it has been stated on MFP over and over again for the past year +, and I don't mean ignore completely just don't count it as part of the 25 grams.
  • MattySparky
    MattySparky Posts: 771
    Link me with the thread where this is stated over and over again. Futhermore, you tell me how you stop MFP from adding the sugar from and apple and still add the calories all the while maintaining an accurate count of what you're ingesting.

    On one hand you're saying that you understand that sugar is sugar, but on the other hand you're saying it's ok to ignore it when adding it to your food diary. Perfect, Im just going to go and eat steak and potatos all the time now and Ill just leave out whatever fat and carbs are in them because they're naturally occurring.

    Are you starting to see how ridiculous your point is??
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Link me with the thread where this is stated over and over again. Futhermore, you tell me how you stop MFP from adding the sugar from and apple and still add the calories all the while maintaining an accurate count of what you're ingesting.

    On one hand you're saying that you understand that sugar is sugar, but on the other hand you're saying it's ok to ignore it when adding it to your food diary. Perfect, Im just going to go and eat steak and potatos all the time now and Ill just leave out whatever fat and carbs are in them because they're naturally occurring.

    Are you starting to see how ridiculous your point is??

    The point is not ridiculous MFP is not set up to distinguish between natural and added yet the allotment of sugar is for added. It has nothing to do with the fat, protein, carb mix, this is the point you are missing. MFP allows for 25 grams of added sugar but does not distinguish natural and added, that is why I don't have sugar on my diary and if I did I would set it at 65 to account for both natural and added.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Geebus, this topic got out of hand.

    Short answer - 25g is low for most people when taking naturally occurring fruit sugars or lactose. HOWEVER, I don't think there's a one size fits all guideline to how much sugar one should consume in a single day.

    On the high end of the scale...Highly active -> higher sugar needs to replace glycogen stores (ex: energy shot, recovery drinks)
    On the low end of the scale...Diabetic -> Low. Needs to carefully monitor fructose and lactose intake as not to spike blood glucose levels.

    While you shouldn't be avoiding fruit on account of naturally occurring fructose, if you do require lower sugar needs, try berries or other low-sugar/high fiber fruits.
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    The only comment I can add to this heated debate, is that when i'm in training for a competition, my trainer cuts out just about all sugar. I couldn't eat the apple, it's not permitted. Although i;m not well versed on all the pro's and con's when it comes to sugar. I do know that even the sugar in fruit can harm my desired results when i'm in competition mode. I say COUNT the apple, it definitely could make a difference.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Here's my two cents: pick your battles.

    You can drive yourself absolutely bat *kitten* CRAZY if you try to get every single number for ever single nutrient perfect every day. Here are my battles:

    staying in my calorie allotment
    getting more than 25 grams of fiber mostly from fruits and vegetables
    eating (mostly) whole, clean, unprocessed foods
    getting about 40/30/30 in the macronutrients (though sometimes it is 50/25/25 or something like that)

    I don't eat many processed foods, I don't typically eat baked goods, I don't typically add sweeteners to things. I am, frankly, not worried about sugar. It just isn't one of my battles right now. Maybe if I was prepping for competition, I would have to be worried about it. If I was diabetic, I would also probably have to buckle down a lot more. But I just can't concentrate on everything at once. I don't even have sugar showing up on my diary. Out of curiosity, I did a check in my reports and my totals actually looked pretty decent. Usually somewhat over MFP's recommendations, but typically not insanely so.

    I find that most of the numbers come out in the wash when you stop eating crap processed foods and concentrate on buying foods with one ingredient (a whole food) instead of the stuff in boxes. Sounds like that's what you are working for.

    Also, remember to mix things up a bit. Don't eat the exact same things every single day. One day you might go over on one thing and be under on another. But all of that can average out over time if you keep variety in your meals.
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    Whoa people! You can only obsess over the numbers so much. In my opinion... it's fruit! It's not like you had a snickers bar for breakfast. I don't even watch sugars, I would get far too discouraged.
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    I'm always over in my sugar on MFP. I eat lots of fruit.
    I'm sometimes over on my fat too, but only on the days when I add omega 3 fish oil in my smoothie.

    But I don't get all snarky about it for cryin out loud! As long as I'm loosing weight and feeling healthy, ya know?
    Some people should understand that you can aggressively state your opinion without being so rude!