MFP not helping or showing support, just being rude!



  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    And on the flip side , there are a load of stickied threads above for Newbies to read, so that they understand how MFP is designed to work.

    And a search function.

    I would recommend any new people to take the time to read those stickies, and also try searching first before asking a question, as many of the rude answers are because old timers are fed up of seeing the same questions repeated time and time again.

    So if people do a bit of reasearch, they can find their answer without getting a "WTF not this question again!!", which could put them off asking next time they have a question.

    To be honest with you when I was new and asked a question someone responded to me just like you did here. It made me feel bad and not very welcomed in the forum community.

    Which part of my post made you feel bad ? I thought I was offerring helpful advice.

    If anyone asks "where do I get started" I would always recommend they read all the stickies at the top as I think they are really helpful and informative.

    I guess this is another example of tone not being transferred through text, and people taking offense where none is intended.


    Ok, my turn to be dumbfounded! Which part made you feel bad and which part dumbfounded you?

    Im dumbfounded that the top comment was seen as rude.

    Never used the word rude. You are reading my post how you want to read it. Because I never even used that word. I said when you ask a question and people tell you to go read, look it up or research it can make you feel bad. Like you are not supposed to be asking a question. That was all. I was not disagreeing with what she said. I was telling her that when I was new I felt that way. Not right now today. Not when I read what she wrote. I was talking about when I was new just like I said. sigh.

    I appreciate if you stopped singling me out and talking down to me or I will report you for harassment. I read your post the way you wrote it. you are most definitely one of the mean ones. So condescending.


    in all fairness - i am not reacting like I normally would. I needed you to see that anyone can be offended by anything, even if it is presented in a calm, thoroughly thought out fashion.
    We aren't mean. We just don't know everyone's backstory or their reaction patterns.

    How can we possibly be expected to know this?

    We cant.

    Take what you want that works for you. Ignore what doesnt. That is the same advice that the posters are giving the commenters.

    Posters say - if you dont like my thread dont read it.
    Commenters say - if you dont like my comment dont read it.

    Posters report all the people they dont like.
    Commenters get banned.

    The end.

    Who wins?

    All the banned people at goal weight.

    This just made me a little weak in the knees. End thread.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member

    Posters say - if you dont like my thread dont read it.
    Commenters say - if you dont like my comment dont read it.

    Posters report all the people they dont like.
    Commenters get banned.

    The end.

    Who wins?

    All the banned people at goal weight.


    Finally we found one person at least honest enough to admit to it.
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    What I really find disappointing is when I see someone's post that I like and go to read their profile with the thoughts of adding them as a friend in mind and their profile says "I don't add friends that eat less than XXXX calories a day" or <insert list of other reasons why you can't be my friend here>. I totally understand that you won't add a friend without a message but what's with all the other reasons? Not particularly inviting... or maybe that's the point.

    You'll love my thoughts on FR on my profile page then.

    Same here.

    In order to be my friend you have to have knocked the wind out of me at some point with your logic, experiences, kindness, knowledge, drive, ambition, determination, success, failures or wit.

    If you're a new mom, religious, a single guy, a food addict or only losing weight for a wedding - there must be something extra special about you that made me want you as my friend regardless.

    if you dont like exercise, or refuse to do anything but cardio, if you refuse to research things for yourself, if you love or hate your eating disorder or if you are a teenager or if you try to get into my pants... GTFO OFF MY PAGE.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    What I really find disappointing is when I see someone's post that I like and go to read their profile with the thoughts of adding them as a friend in mind and their profile says "I don't add friends that eat less than XXXX calories a day" or <insert list of other reasons why you can't be my friend here>. I totally understand that you won't add a friend without a message but what's with all the other reasons? Not particularly inviting... or maybe that's the point.

    You'll love my thoughts on FR on my profile page then.

    Same here.

    In order to be my friend you have to have knocked the wind out of me at some point with your logic, experiences, kindness, knowledge, drive, ambition, determination, success, failures or wit.

    If you're a new mom, religious, a single guy, a food addict or only losing weight for a wedding - there must be something extra special about you that made me want you as my friend regardless.

    if you dont like exercise, or refuse to do anything but cardio, if you refuse to research things for yourself, if you love or hate your eating disorder or if you are a teenager or if you try to get into my pants... GTFO OFF MY PAGE.

    SHEEEEET.... glad I snuck in without the interview! ;)
    *don't kick me off now!*

  • 1PoisonIvy
    1PoisonIvy Posts: 889 Member
    What I really find disappointing is when I see someone's post that I like and go to read their profile with the thoughts of adding them as a friend in mind and their profile says "I don't add friends that eat less than XXXX calories a day" or <insert list of other reasons why you can't be my friend here>. I totally understand that you won't add a friend without a message but what's with all the other reasons? Not particularly inviting... or maybe that's the point.
    I don't add people as friends that aren't family because I have proven to myself and my wife that I cannot have a female on my friends list that I do not flirt with. I am a complete horndog and I will flirt with almost anyone at the drop of a hat. Because of this, I have removed the temptation by not adding women as friends.

    Well, you know your weaknesses, and have addressed them. People have reasons not to add others, nobody should be offended. If they are, they don't need to be your friend on MFP. To each their into the wind!!!!
  • tryinghard71

    LOL! Good one.

    YES!!! you got me!!!

  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    I'm going to be amused when you "newbies" are in a thread like this a year from now and defending yourselves against the 2014 Resolutioners batch of "y u so mean" threads.

    You really think it will take a year? :wink: I give it 4 months.

    ETA - As others have said.... Find supportive friends, use the search function, avoid threads that will raise your blood pressure and learn to laugh with the posts. Laughing burns calories...
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    You mean people take the interwebs seriously???
  • Amyy1982
    Amyy1982 Posts: 369 Member
    Very well said!! Just ignore the rude people on here!!
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    The snarkyness on these boards is terrible. I'm here for support, not someone who think they know it all.

    Im on this site for 'Know it alls' to help me out so I can be a 'Know a lot more'.

    If I want support, I go to my friends list.

    ETA: actually my friends list is the bomb and I can get information AND support there, cause I never alienated all the smart people. 2 points to MEEEEEEE!!!

    -does happy dance-


    **goes back to lurking because her advice generally gets her reported for being rude, mean, or a bully**
  • browneteach
    browneteach Posts: 11 Member
    I agree whole heartedly! People are inconsiderate at times, don't let them get you down, there's lots of us on here that are here to help and support each other!
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    So please, from a new MFP member, please go easy on us. If we are posting something that is wrong, don't say we are stupid, don't call us names, just politely correct us so we can see the kind of success we are hoping for. Isn't that why we are all here?? To see success??

    Honestly......In my time here....I have not seen this......If I am just missing it please point me in the general direction. Generally what happens is a little more like this.

    1) Person a creates a thread about cleansing/1k cal diets/raspberry keytones/etc......
    2) Person b posts a dr oz gif
    3) Person c says that it is not a good idea and posts peer reviewed studies showing there is no benefit/etc.....
    4) Person a tells person c to mind their own business and not to post unless they are going to support/agree with them
    5) Persons d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k back up person c and tell person a the right thing(s) to do
    6) Person a decides that everyone is attacking them, the site it full of mean people and they are leaving........but not before they report persons c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k.

    Most of the time if you ask a question and are generally looking for help/good information you will find a lot of knowledgeable people ready to help you.....Just be prepared to hear something different than you would expect/believe to be true.

    M.F.P. Hottest Person/M.F.P. Most awesome person
    Ice cream afficionado
    "Winning" Certified Instructor
    > 1 Year Consecutive Logging
    Been in gifs for 2 years and have studied custom gif creation
  • wbfd22
    wbfd22 Posts: 65 Member
    let me start by saying

    I DO NOT support 1200 cal diets

    that being said

    a lot of my MFP pals pals are doing it and some of them are having great success.

    I dont support every method

    but I do support your efforts

    I think you should do what works for you, I started out on 1200 cal and learned quickly it was not an easy or long term solution. Like you said it IS a starting point for people and I applaude you for starting.

    That being said if you are a sensitive person than dont spend so much time in the forums. Find a group of like minded people (search groups) and there you may get the support you are looking for.

    If you come into the forums posting about 1200 diets and WLS expect to get bashed and rude responses. However, you can choose to ignore those and focus on all the positive responses you will get.

    Also re evaluate what your definition of rude is. Some people are REALLY passionate about diet and fitness, to the point where all out cyber fights break out. There is name calling and heated moments. I like to think it is because they care about your health and dont want to see you go down a road faced with failure. The flip side is people are just rude sometimes. You have to deal with it.

    That being said I hope your 1200 cal diet truly is a starting point for you and that you research the site some more for other caloric options. Most people loose weight just fine on 1500-1800 a day, but again, do some research and see what feels right for you.

    Good luck.

    I am just starting and that has been the hardest part for me. I am making a huge effort everyday to change my lifestyle around, so thank you for supporting the efforts!! Just to clarify, I didn't say I was on a 1200 calorie diet or that I posted in those threads. I was using the two popular threads from the weekend taht talked about 1200 calorie diets (both pro 1200 and against 1200) as examples of how heated the threads get and how people react and talk in the discussion.

    And incase you didn't get to read the entire thread (it's longer than I ever expected), I never said I was called names or rude to. I was referring to some of the things I've read on here. I have thick skin, I can take it. I know some people cant, and I can't believe how people talk to others on here. I feel for the people who are asking honest questions and having their head bitten off because of it.

    Being passionate is one thing. But being out right rude is another. I'm a mom, a hockey player, heck I'm a Toronto Maple Leafs fan...I've taken my fair share of passionate posts on many blogs, websites and in person. I was hoping to open some peoples eyes to how they answer questions on here.

    Regardless, I made a whole group of new supportive friends today, so that makes me happy.
  • fvolley
    fvolley Posts: 124
    I really have to say that all this stuff is getting old. I was never ever once offended by the 1200 calorie post. Even though I started my dieting at 1000 calories a day AND I was successful at it. I wasn't offended because he was simply trying to help the people who were constantly posting about 1200 calorie "unsuccessful" diets or people who were having trouble at that point.

    I am however somewhat offended by this post because I feel as if everyone has their panties in a bunch because they took something someone said the wrong way. I read and re-read everything and I really hardly ever see people truly putting other people down. I have had a lot of people help me out on this website and I love it here.

    You claim that the 1200 calorie post and ones like that are taking away from this site, but aren't you technically doing the same thing by posting a topic against them as well.?
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member

    It happens all the time. Here is just a short list of the names I have been called -

    Cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, d!ckless, hopeless, heartless, fat-*kitten*, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey *kitten*.
    Yes, but only by Clark Griswald.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    I am just starting and that has been the hardest part for me. I am making a huge effort everyday to change my lifestyle around, so thank you for supporting the efforts!! Just to clarify, I didn't say I was on a 1200 calorie diet or that I posted in those threads. I was using the two popular threads from the weekend taht talked about 1200 calorie diets (both pro 1200 and against 1200) as examples of how heated the threads get and how people react and talk in the discussion.

    And incase you didn't get to read the entire thread (it's longer than I ever expected), I never said I was called names or rude to. I was referring to some of the things I've read on here. I have thick skin, I can take it. I know some people cant, and I can't believe how people talk to others on here. I feel for the people who are asking honest questions and having their head bitten off because of it.

    Being passionate is one thing. But being out right rude is another. I'm a mom, a hockey player, heck I'm a Toronto Maple Leafs fan...I've taken my fair share of passionate posts on many blogs, websites and in person. I was hoping to open some peoples eyes to how they answer questions on here.

    Regardless, I made a whole group of new supportive friends today, so that makes me happy.

    You check out the links to the threads posted on page 8/9? Those are the threads I believe you are talking about.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    There are jerks on here. They are everywhere, just like in the real world.

    If you post something, there's going to be backlash...some good...some horrible. It happens.

    Oh, I've been called a troll, but let it drip off me like water on a ducks back.

    Weed through the rudeness, there are some people genuinely trying to help you.

  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member

    It actually happens all the time and often the OP won't even listen to those who do have experience with the product. I went into a thread about Slimquick, which I tried back in the day. I told the OP that I had no results from it. She ignored me and kept narrowing the field of people she would take advice from: only women (ok, that's me also), only women with medical conditions (I also fit that bill), only women with medical conditions who tried the product in addition to diet and exercise (*raise my hand*), only women with medical conditions who tried the product in addition to diet and exercise and who also have children (lost me there, so my advice wasn't any good).

    Indeed. There were several links posted that displayed that very experience. Also, a shame she didn't take your advice in specifics, Amber. You've got your **** down when it comes to health stuff! <3

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • JohnMessmer
    JohnMessmer Posts: 536
    I agree, when I first came to the forums, just a few months ago, I was amazed that the vast majority of posters seemed to be unsupporting and preachy. I mean I thought the reason people were on a fitness site were to be fit and to encourage fitness. It seems there are some helpful individuals, with great intentions, who genuinely want everyone to succeed, there are some individuals who do not care if you succeed or not and only want their ego inflated, and there are some individuals who simply want to make themselves feel better; choosing to do so by attempting to insult or belittle others. Unfortunately it is the latter of those that post frequently, until they are banned, and thus cause others to be skeptical and overly judgmental of everyone's comments. As far as where someone was not "rude" and it is just not anothers misinterpretation, I see that quite often. I do see unnecessary rudeness as well, I have chimed in to a few threads and because I have "old fashioned" beliefs (you know be polite, hold doors, pay for dates, offer assistance simply to be helpful, those pesky things that seem to no longer happen for fear of offending someone by implying they can't do it by themselves) I have been ridiculed and quoted followed with "all the signs are there" indicating I am trying to be dishonest or hurtful in some manner, and yeah it was unnecessary. I think the MOD's do a fairly good job in sending out warnings, ...apparently you can't correct someones spelling when they are calling you an idiot (who knew). I do think the forum rules should depend on which forum you are in, but that is a whole different thread. Personally I don't mind people starting a topic that has already been "talked to death" because you never know when someone will shed some particular point of view that suddenly "clicks" and makes it clearer, and really, if everyone used the "Search" button prior to posting a topic there would be no new topics as everything has already been discussed at some point and time.

    Have a successful day, and may you reach all of your desired goals.
  • cherylatkwechanged
    cherylatkwechanged Posts: 479 Member

    I'm so sorry if people have had negative experiences on here, I allways try to give honest and positive feed back if anyone wants to add me please do so x
This discussion has been closed.