Stop doing SQUATS!



  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Those links regarding gender based differences in injury rate are making me rethink my original stance on the subject. Thank you.

    You're welcome. :smile: Thank you for having the grace and humility to admit when you're wrong. :smile:
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I had a severe meniscus tear in 2006. Had surgical repair, but never really got back the muscle that atrophied as a result of the injury. I was in an unloader brace for a long time and taking Gluch/Chond supps as directed by my doctor. After many years of frustration and a 155lb weight gain from lack of mobility, I quit. What? I stopped the supps after meeting with my internist because the supps over a prolonged period of time were creating a ulcer in my stomach (doesn't happen to everyone). He recommended the INCREDIBRACE Compression Athletic Knee Brace ( - I just got it this week, and low and behold I can run/squat/walk PAIN FREE!! I swear by this brace and as I lose the weight and the sizes drop I will continue to get a new brace. It WORKS!

    That's wonderful Kelli! That sounds great! I'll have to look into that brace for when I tackle walking this summer.

    A lot of people have trouble with the binders that they use in supplements--not necessarily the active ingredient. That is why liquid supplements and vitamins are coming on strong. Have you tried egg shell membrane? I buy it in capsule form for the convenience, but you can make your own (I would use organic eggs). There are recipes on the web for it. You can put it into soups and stews. It is GREAT for healing soft tissue injuries of the musculo-skeletal system. I had an ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) tear in my right knee last spring and I have gotten way more relief from egg shell membrane than from any other thing. I also have osteoarthritis and it has benefited from the egg shell membrane too. More than all the years of taking Glucosamine/condroitin/MSM supplements (although the MSM is a great anti-inflammatory). I also make sure that I take Vitamin K2 along with my Vitamin D (important for, among other things, the integrity of the stomach lining). K2's best use is that it works in synergy with Vitamin D to make sure that the calcium goes into your bones and teeth instead of into your soft tissue. And turmeric and bromelain are GREAT anti-inflammatories. But, pretty much all anti-inflammatories are hard on the stomach--herbals a little less than pharmaceuticals but even herbals can cause significant irritation too. Have you tried sour kraut juice to heal your stomach (I think you can get a lower sodium variety)? Don't laugh--it is one of the best for healing the stomach--as is any fermented vegetable. Plain yogurt is great for the same purpose.
  • ddeleonm09
    ddeleonm09 Posts: 93 Member
    Here's an UPDATE: my right knee is doing great, but I got an x-ray done and it showed that I have calcific tendonitis in my left knee. That's what's causing all of the pain and inflammation. One of the treatments is physical therapy, but I'm not sure yet what the chiropractor is going to want to do with me yet. So that's what it was all along.