High Heels & Fishnets!!!!!



  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    Hello everyone.
    cw 312 change which I'm happy about because i was not a star pupil
  • LW 191.4
    CW 192

    Did not do well this week... hoping for a better week next week. :(
  • jgstrawberry
    jgstrawberry Posts: 9 Member
    CW 129.3!!! I gained a pound and I have been exercising like crazy :(
  • AngelaCZ
    AngelaCZ Posts: 158
    SW: 167.2
    LW: 160
    CW: 158.4

    Slow going. Completed the challege(s) for this week as well.
  • purdygrl
    purdygrl Posts: 52 Member
    okay here is my weigh in

    SW 247.2
    LW 244.2
    CW 245

    Okay so I normally weigh in on Friday mornings. Due to my work scheduel I didn't get to weigh in this morning I weighed in this evening. Plus it was very hot today so I drank 15 glasses of water and it is my TOM so very bloated.
    So to me the .8 is actually not to bad. I am sure tomorrow morning it would say a lot less.
    Well after reading lots of your posts I see most of you had had the same kind of week.
    I am expecting a 4 lb or more loss for next week.
    Chris I have been doing the water challenge
    Shredder I strech every day
    I am doing really well with the crunches
    and still try and meditate 3 times a week.

    Look forward to seeing how we did as a group. Thank you for the support ladies.
    Tomorrow is a new day.\
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    okay here is my weigh in

    SW 247.2
    LW 244.2
    CW 245

    Okay so I normally weigh in on Friday mornings. Due to my work scheduel I didn't get to weigh in this morning I weighed in this evening. Plus it was very hot today so I drank 15 glasses of water and it is my TOM so very bloated.
    So to me the .8 is actually not to bad. I am sure tomorrow morning it would say a lot less.
    Well after reading lots of your posts I see most of you had had the same kind of week.
    I am expecting a 4 lb or more loss for next week.
    Chris I have been doing the water challenge
    Shredder I strech every day
    I am doing really well with the crunches
    and still try and meditate 3 times a week.

    Look forward to seeing how we did as a group. Thank you for the support ladies.
    Tomorrow is a new day.\

    Hi purdygirl... I know right? It's like an epidemic out there with TOM, not losing/gaining, low motivation.
    I'm glad to see you drinking your water and getting your stretch in.
    I made it to the gym today, ran a mile, lifted weigh's (upper body) and got my crunches (thanks meokk) and stretches in.
    I've noticed that a lot of us are continueing with the challenges even when the week is up.It just means we are really embracing great and healthy habits. Good for us!!!
    Is it a full moon or someting, I mean I FEEL the decline in energy and it's got to STOP!!!!
    Come on gals, tomorrow is a brand new month, a new beginning for us all.
    Let's get back the crazy happy vibe we all in the first week. Can't wait to see who gets next weeks challenge...it needs to be aggressive to get the gang pumped up again.
    Have a lovely weekend my friends
  • Bee28
    Bee28 Posts: 99
    Well, it hasn't been a great week for me either. Lots of stress, low motivation, lots of eating. I did drink tons of water and and I already feel the good effects of it.

    CW: 157.5

    I expected this but I got back on track today and am looking forward to a brand new month!

    Congrats to everyone with their losses!
  • DawnCallas
    DawnCallas Posts: 68
    Sorry I am just postiing... I woke up yesterday to find that the batteries in my scale were dead. I hope it is not to late for me this week!

    CW: 171.8 :love:

    I am 2.8 pounds away from being overweight!! That is all the motivation I need!!
  • gnakazawa
    gnakazawa Posts: 28 Member
    I forgot to weigh in yesterday!!!

    SW: 153
    LW: 148
    CW 146
    GW: 130

    Woo Hoo....2 more pounds!!

    Happy Saturday Everyone....move your body today :happy:
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    I have a HUGE favor to ask everyone...can we weigh in next Thursday instead of Friday (just for next week)????
    I'm going out of town next friday-monday so if we weigh in on Friday then I wont be able to post everyones progress until Tuesday.

    Week 3:


    21 weigh-ins were missing...and we only made it half way to our goal...but we've still lost over 135 as a group!! hopefully next week will be a little better!
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    Based on percentages:

    This WEEKS biggest Loser is....Kaylac13!!!!!!!!!!!
    The OVER ALL biggest loser is.....Plawarder!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Amazing job!!! The honor of picking this weeks challenge goes to Kaylac13...

    I'd love to hear both of your secrets!
  • kaylac13
    kaylac13 Posts: 16
    My challenge this week is going to be simple, but it's what I stuck to last week to lose 4 pounds.

    Challenge 1: Keep track of ALL your calories you eat everyday, and stay within your calorie limit 6 out of 7 days this week (hey, no one's perfect- one high calorie day won't ruin your diet!)
    Challenge 2: Excercise at least 4 of the 7 days this week for at least 30 minutes (I walk with my husband when it's pretty and do workout videos when it's not). I typically do at least an hour 5-6 days a week.

    I've always been a big water drinker, too. I haven't had any drinks with caffeine in at least two weeks. Water and milk are all I drink.

    I'm very proud of everyone for losing 135 pounds so far! Good luck this week! :flowerforyou:
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    My challenge this week is going to be simple, but it's what I stuck to last week to lose 4 pounds.

    Challenge 1: Keep track of ALL your calories you eat everyday, and stay within your calorie limit 6 out of 7 days this week (hey, no one's perfect- one high calorie day won't ruin your diet!)
    Challenge 2: Excercise at least 4 of the 7 days this week for at least 30 minutes (I walk with my husband when it's pretty and do workout videos when it's not). I typically do at least an hour 5-6 days a week.

    I've always been a big water drinker, too. I haven't had any drinks with caffeine in at least two weeks. Water and milk are all I drink.

    I'm very proud of everyone for losing 135 pounds so far! Good luck this week! :flowerforyou:

    love the challenge idea. and congrats on your loss (in weight i mean!) :tongue:
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    great job kaylac13 on winning the challenge and great challenges too.

    plawarder: great job on winning the overall biggest loser.
  • loserchick
    loserchick Posts: 283 Member
    Congratulations Kaylac! Awesome job! I'm totally in for the challenge :)
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    A huge congratulations to kaylac13 and to plawarder. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Wow, I can't believe how fast the weight is dropping off you guys.
    I'm with Allie....what are your secrets??? I'm sure we would all love to know.

    So, kaylac13, I'm all fired up for your challenge, looks like a great one.
    Today is May 1st....so ready to get on with this month and blast 10lbs off my hips.

    21 people did not weigh in. Remember, Allie needs next Thursday to be our scale day (Next week only)
    Do not get scrubbed from the spreadsheet...we're in this as a team.
    Remember what I said about how there would be fall out as the going gets tough????looks like it's
    already happening. :sad:
    I'm really proud of all those who lost this week, and for those who had a bit of a struggle? all's I can say is you showed up,
    and that speaks volumes to your grit, determination and your staying power. Not every week will be easy and certainly we will all hit plateau's but quitting is not an option, right?
    Let's make this week count.
    :heart: S
  • purdygrl
    purdygrl Posts: 52 Member
    okay I am totally in for this weeks challenge. I am ready to kick it into gear. BF comes home on May 10th so I want to make sure I look great.

    Thanks for the challenge. Personal goal this week is to be the biggest loser for next week.

    Good luck girls
  • Crawline
    Crawline Posts: 1,028
    Well, this weekend was a bust!!!
    I definitely ate wayyy too much crap!! But I was out of town, and it really was our only option :(
    But its gorgeous out and I am ready to rock the workouts this week AND back on the diet train!!!
    HERE WE GO!!!!

    Tonight I plan on doing JM shred and then going for a run after :)
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS TO kaylac13 and to plawarder!!!!

    I love the new challenge..Thanks Kaylac13.

    Be back later ;)
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Well, this weekend was a bust!!!
    I definitely ate wayyy too much crap!! But I was out of town, and it really was our only option :(
    But its gorgeous out and I am ready to rock the workouts this week AND back on the diet train!!!
    HERE WE GO!!!!

    Tonight I plan on doing JM shred and then going for a run after :)

    Yaaay Crawline, that's the spirit!!! Today in another opportunity for success!

    I love this quote from Thomas Edison, after over 10,000 attempts to create electric light.....

    " I had to succeed because I was running out of ways to fail. I had to keep going".
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