High Heels & Fishnets!!!!!



  • kangababy
    kangababy Posts: 187 Member
    Height: 5'2"
    SW: 172.6
    Week 2 Weigh in: 169.4 (-3.2)
    Week 3 Weigh in: 167.8 (-1.6)
    Week4 (5/7) Weight in: 168.4 (+.6)
    Super Goal Weight: 130
    Current size: 14

    I worked super hard this week so not sure what happened!!
    Saturday: Spin Class 1 hour
    Monday: Ran 18 minutes, Leg workout and 30 min elliptical
    Tuesday Ellipitcal and Upper Body 50 minutes, Spinning hour
    Wednesday: Leg Workout
    Thursday: sick
    Friday: band form the gym because I was sick yesterday..trainers order..

    At least my clothes are fitting loser!! So aggravting!!
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    congrad. Krcpugs,Purdyfrl,ncole1 for being the biggest losers. can't wait for the challenge, Krcpugs. i hope it is a great challenge.
  • kbhobbs
    kbhobbs Posts: 216
    Hi, everyone... Sorry for the missing status. Just an update on my life...

    1. Last weekend I went to the beach. While I was "bad", i did not gain a stupidly amount of weight.
    2. I got the post about posting weight yesterday- My week went like this:
    Returned from beach Monday p.m.
    Tuesday my pregnant daughter was in a headon collision and taken to the hopital
    At 11:30 p.m. or so, her water broke (Oh, forgot to tell you her due date was 27 June)
    At 5:46 a.m. Wednesday Jennings Laine was born weighing 3# 11 oz. Of course after 7 seconds, she was whisked off to NICU.

    Needless to say, my diet this week has been crazy! I know I ate but I don't remember exactly what I ate and I ate at all different times. My weight this week is up but I did not post yesterday because I was at hospital all day. Baby and mom are doing fine. Mydaughter was released today, but Jennings will have to stay in NICU for a few more WEEKS!!! Oh, my! Don't think I can stand it!! So I can't even imagine how my daughter feels!

    today after work- back to work outs then to pick up 2-year-old grandson and bring him to see his mama.

    Congrats to all who did well! And to those who are in my boat- we'll get 'em this week!!! k
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Congrats to those of you topping our list of weight loss. You're awesome!

    So I wanted to report a "win" for me today. I was trying to decide what to have for lunch today since I didn't plan ahead and pack a lunch. I was all set on going to McDonalds when the lights at work went out. Suddenly, the light bulb over my head went on and I decided to go to the local protein shake place and get a meal replacement shake! It's Snickers flavored and delicious! It really was the perfect choice considering I'm going out with friends tonight for dinner and that beers and karaoke. I need all the calories I can get for tonight!

    Hope you're all having a great Friday!
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    kbhobbs- so sorry to hear about everything. Just concentrate on your family! Dont stress yourself with worrying about workouts and foods with what you have going on. If it makes you feel better or you can though... then go for it. Best wishes to your and yours.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Hi, everyone... Sorry for the missing status. Just an update on my life...

    1. Last weekend I went to the beach. While I was "bad", i did not gain a stupidly amount of weight.
    2. I got the post about posting weight yesterday- My week went like this:
    Returned from beach Monday p.m.
    Tuesday my pregnant daughter was in a headon collision and taken to the hopital
    At 11:30 p.m. or so, her water broke (Oh, forgot to tell you her due date was 27 June)
    At 5:46 a.m. Wednesday Jennings Laine was born weighing 3# 11 oz. Of course after 7 seconds, she was whisked off to NICU.

    Needless to say, my diet this week has been crazy! I know I ate but I don't remember exactly what I ate and I ate at all different times. My weight this week is up but I did not post yesterday because I was at hospital all day. Baby and mom are doing fine. Mydaughter was released today, but Jennings will have to stay in NICU for a few more WEEKS!!! Oh, my! Don't think I can stand it!! So I can't even imagine how my daughter feels!

    today after work- back to work outs then to pick up 2-year-old grandson and bring him to see his mama.

    Congrats to all who did well! And to those who are in my boat- we'll get 'em this week!!! k

    I'm so glad to hear mom and baby are doing fine. I love the name Jennings Laine...it sounds like a country singer name, which I love! Congrats, grandma! Take care of you and yours and keep us updated.
  • hymiesmom
    hymiesmom Posts: 76
    Hi, everyone... Sorry for the missing status. Just an update on my life...

    1. Last weekend I went to the beach. While I was "bad", i did not gain a stupidly amount of weight.
    2. I got the post about posting weight yesterday- My week went like this:
    Returned from beach Monday p.m.
    Tuesday my pregnant daughter was in a headon collision and taken to the hopital
    At 11:30 p.m. or so, her water broke (Oh, forgot to tell you her due date was 27 June)
    At 5:46 a.m. Wednesday Jennings Laine was born weighing 3# 11 oz. Of course after 7 seconds, she was whisked off to NICU.

    Needless to say, my diet this week has been crazy! I know I ate but I don't remember exactly what I ate and I ate at all different times. My weight this week is up but I did not post yesterday because I was at hospital all day. Baby and mom are doing fine. Mydaughter was released today, but Jennings will have to stay in NICU for a few more WEEKS!!! Oh, my! Don't think I can stand it!! So I can't even imagine how my daughter feels!

    today after work- back to work outs then to pick up 2-year-old grandson and bring him to see his mama.

    Congrats to all who did well! And to those who are in my boat- we'll get 'em this week!!! k

    I'm glad to hear everyone is fine....How tramatic!!!! Congrats...Is she your first grandbaby?

    Can't wait to see pictures of Miss Jennings Laine...she just sounds like a singer/actress!
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    tough week. Was down to 148 only to weigh in at this. blah.

    back to my exact starting weight of 150.6

    Also getting my period and am super bloated.

    Edit: sorry, I forgot weigh in was yesterday. I'll make sure to repost this week's weight next week so it can be added to the spot.
  • krcpugs
    krcpugs Posts: 16
    Well how about that - hard work does pay off and THANK YOU to all for your well wishes & kind words. Here's my challenge for this week:

    Eat your Greens Challenge
    Most nutritionist recommends a minimum of five servings of fruit and vegetables every day. Herbivores rejoice; others struggle! With spring & summer in full swing there are plenty of farmers markets to visit and you might be surprised that you may begin to appreciate the different kinds of vegetables out there and multiple ways to prepare them. My challenge is for you to get your five-a-day in.

    Good luck & have a fantastic week :wink:
  • kaylac13
    kaylac13 Posts: 16
    Hi, everyone... Sorry for the missing status. Just an update on my life...

    1. Last weekend I went to the beach. While I was "bad", i did not gain a stupidly amount of weight.
    2. I got the post about posting weight yesterday- My week went like this:
    Returned from beach Monday p.m.
    Tuesday my pregnant daughter was in a headon collision and taken to the hopital
    At 11:30 p.m. or so, her water broke (Oh, forgot to tell you her due date was 27 June)
    At 5:46 a.m. Wednesday Jennings Laine was born weighing 3# 11 oz. Of course after 7 seconds, she was whisked off to NICU.

    Needless to say, my diet this week has been crazy! I know I ate but I don't remember exactly what I ate and I ate at all different times. My weight this week is up but I did not post yesterday because I was at hospital all day. Baby and mom are doing fine. Mydaughter was released today, but Jennings will have to stay in NICU for a few more WEEKS!!! Oh, my! Don't think I can stand it!! So I can't even imagine how my daughter feels!

    today after work- back to work outs then to pick up 2-year-old grandson and bring him to see his mama.

    Congrats to all who did well! And to those who are in my boat- we'll get 'em this week!!! k

    I'm very glad to hear your grandbaby is doing well. I'm a NICU nurse, so I understand how it can feel like such a long and difficult road. It will be a roller coaster with good days and bad days, but just try to see the light at the end of the tunnel!
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    well.... I asked for a challege... I have been eating more fruit and vegetables lately, but I dont know how much is a serving. Are there any general rules?
  • calcote05
    calcote05 Posts: 462 Member
    So sorry to hear about the accident, but so glad that everyone is ok!!

    This week is going to be tough one for me! I'm not sure how much is a serving, but will give it my all!! Happy Weekend everyone!
  • Ju5t4u_84
    Ju5t4u_84 Posts: 28
    Check out this link:


    Basic guideline I've heard is fist sized portions.
  • gnakazawa
    gnakazawa Posts: 28 Member
    I love this challenge!! Thanks so much!
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    Hello all, I'm sorry I haven't been on here in a while. I've been all over the place. But my weigh in for the day is 310 down 2 pounds. I hope all is well. I'm out of town right now and i'm praying that I can avoid all the sweets that are so tempting.

    keep losing.
  • mykidsmom
    mykidsmom Posts: 11
    I missed weigh in yesterday. CW 192.4

    NO loss but no gain either! I love this week's challenge. Did you know that statistically people who eat more fruits and vegetables weigh less than those who don't regardless of what ever else they eat. :)
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Ju5t4u- thanks so much! I emailed the link to myself :D
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Ju5t4u... you would be proud. I cleared up some confusion of mine. I went to a few different websites. Active men, women, and teenagers should eat about 4 servings of veg. ans 3 servings of fruit or more. Inactive should eat about 3 veg. and 2 fruit.

    So, I went to the grocery store and bought bunch of fruit and vegs. I am in the process of portioning them out. I have the fruit done and half the veg for the week ready to go. Yay... hopefully I can make this a habit. :D

    Good luck to everyone!
  • Ju5t4u_84
    Ju5t4u_84 Posts: 28
    Ju5t4u... you would be proud. I cleared up some confusion of mine. I went to a few different websites. Active men, women, and teenagers should eat about 4 servings of veg. ans 3 servings of fruit or more. Inactive should eat about 3 veg. and 2 fruit.

    So, I went to the grocery store and bought bunch of fruit and vegs. I am in the process of portioning them out. I have the fruit done and half the veg for the week ready to go. Yay... hopefully I can make this a habit. :D

    Good luck to everyone!

    Great job! Keep up the great work!