No Gym Required



  • Loulady
    Loulady Posts: 511 Member
    Hmmm. Where are all t he stronglifts people? :laugh: :bigsmile:

    Right here, being impressed as hell. I'm a (re)beginner, though. Anybody who tells you there's only one way to do something is full of crap or kidding themselves.

    OP- you look ridiculously amazing.
  • Vini9
    Vini9 Posts: 343 Member
    Wow your results are amazing thanks for sharing :)
  • Treadmillmom1st
    Treadmillmom1st Posts: 579 Member
    I've just checked my dumbell tree and I've actually been using 6lb weights for the last 3 weeks.

    Thank you for your comments, it's so motivating and encouraging, those closet to me keep telling me to eat or that I look masculine.

    I'd like to be bigger but hubby is dead against it.
  • krickeyuu
    krickeyuu Posts: 344 Member
    You are totally my Shero! You look totally awesome. I really needed to see that this is possible without a gym membership. Thank you so much. :flowerforyou:
  • Treadmillmom1st
    Treadmillmom1st Posts: 579 Member
    Dang girls with lats :D

    What are 'lats'?
  • paulagj
    paulagj Posts: 72 Member
    You look fantastic!!! Great job!
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Dang! You ROCK! I mean you're a ROCK! Can we trade bodies? lol
  • sweetgeek18
    Amazing work! I think it's great that you pointed out, no gym or fancy equipment required, just dedication! You look fantastic.
  • Treadmillmom1st
    Treadmillmom1st Posts: 579 Member
    DAMN!!! Can you tell us which videos you used on Youtube?? That's AMAZEBALLS!!

    They're listed on page one.
  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    You look stunning! Awesome work, and thank you for sharing that you did it at home! Very inspiring.
  • emily356
    emily356 Posts: 318 Member
    I would still love to know the answer to the calories consumed question.:flowerforyou:
  • Treadmillmom1st
    Treadmillmom1st Posts: 579 Member
    Hasfit (also at
    Jillian Michaels (who else eh?)
    Billy Banks Tae Bo
    Fitness Blender
    Denise Austin
    anything with Tae Bo or Kickboxing in it's title
    Exercise TV

    and not a single supplement has passed my lips, just good old fashioned home cooking and allot of food choice changes.

    Wow. Truly amazing. That's what I'm doing. How long did it take?

    15 months approximately.
  • emily356
    emily356 Posts: 318 Member
    By the way, you look the opposite of masculine!! :love:
  • RMMarsh
    RMMarsh Posts: 6 Member
    Awesome job and that's so true. I started off with no gym memebership because I had waisted so much money on gym memberships in years past and has no results to show for it because I never went. I lost the first 30lbs on here doing Zumba on You Tube, walking pushing my kids in the stroller, jogging, swimming at my neighborhood pool, and doing pushups and sit ups at the house. I couldn't believe that success and results didn't cost me a penny.

    I did break down and get a memembership later on because 1) I then had the discipline it took to actually GO and 2) it started to get cold outside so less walks with the kids and no more swimming, etc.

    Great job!
  • KeepGoingRhonda
    KeepGoingRhonda Posts: 527 Member
    You look great!!
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Dang girls with lats :D

    What are 'lats'?

    Your back; latissimus dorsi.

    ETA: corrected spelling of anatomical term. Had to. For shame!
  • DeeBrownBaker
    you've done an AWESOME job!
  • dgljones
    dgljones Posts: 89
    I'd like to buy two tickets to that gun show. wow!
  • Treadmillmom1st
    Treadmillmom1st Posts: 579 Member
    Amazing job! Can I sask how many calories a day you consumed?

    Struggled with net intake of 1200 so roughly between 1700 - 1900 I guess.

    I have a very sweet tooth and love baked goods and chocolate. I go weeks being really good and weeks of being ashamededly bad, like this very last fortnight.
  • phyllisann26
    phyllisann26 Posts: 118 Member
    You look amazing! You are an inspiration!
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