Things that make you lose respect for the human race....



  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    women who think we are the same as men and should be treated as such, no I don't think they should be disrespectful to us but in my home my husband is the leader I love staying at home with my children and taking care of our home, I wouldn't have it any other way there are many things that I wouldn't want to have to do that women try to fight the men for

    I'm glad that works for you! Not all chicks can afford to stay home and juice a fat paycheck. I am a take charge kind of chick; I've never had anyone to take care of me and I don't need anyone to take care of me. I love it that way. It builds character, strength, and compassion. I suppose we would not get along very well...

    I'm with you. I pay my own way and my own bills.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I'm glad that works for you! Not all chicks can afford to stay home and juice a fat paycheck. I am a take charge kind of chick; I've never had anyone to take care of me and I don't need anyone to take care of me. I love it that way. It builds character, strength, and compassion. I suppose we would not get along very well...

    You can juice my fat paycheck anytime.
    With love,
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    The perpetuation of selfishness and its' pervasiveness in society today.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Yes, yes and thrice yes! I also cannot abide 'KTHXBAI'. Are you trying to communicate or have you fallen asleep on your keyboard?! Bastardisation of a perfectly good language is not cool.

    Using an S when it should be a Z

    Americans assuming that their version of "English" is a universal standard and that English people must have it wrong.


    Look at my other posts on this thread
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    Honey Boo Boo
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    I'd never heard of Honey Boo Boo until this thread made me look it up. It turns out ignorance was bliss. Now where did I leave my petrol and matches?
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member

    Wow. A car holder for fries is actually a thing? There are no words.

    Though your post did remind me of cheese in a spray can. That after all these years it is seemingly still selling well enough to be manufactured is a true cause for despair.
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member

    Pretty basic.

    It is good for absolutely nothin'

    Say it again!

    My biggest (besides all kinds of abuse and inequality previously mentioned) are:

    1. People who think that being asked to treat others equally and respectfully is the same as having their freedom of speech taken away. Treating others as you presumably want to be treated is hardly limiting your rights.

    2. People who can't imagine being in certain situations, and therefore have no sympathy for others - and then, don't even care that they are horrible, uncaring people.

    3. People who attempt to communicate through written language and have no clue how to write. I'm not talking about making a typo (everyone makes mistakes), or putting an apostrophe in a word just because it has an "s" on the end (which drives me nuts), or using the wrong variation of a word (like when my high school posted a sign saying "tell us if YOUR not a junior" - which is just embarrassing beyond belief)...I'm talking about people who write "sentences" like this: "i no u cant becsaue it so for u ne 1 no's why that duh lol." Usually their verbal skills aren't much better. Nobody knows who or what they're aguing with, for, or against, and I'm not sure if even they know what point they're trying to make.

    4. Massive amounts of stupidity. People who think that gay people choose to be gay, or that seeing gay people will make you gay. People who think you can't be a good person if you're not afraid of God or praying to some higher power. People who think that, because they're religious, they can say and do atrocious things to other people and still be good and right. Rich companies that don't pay their workers enough to be able to afford the company's products - because, if people can't afford the crap you're selling, then who's going to buy it? People who think all ________ (fill in the blank: men, women, gays/lesbians, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, etc.) are the same as everyone else who fits into that "category." People who think that voting is a privilege or should be earned. People who think that rape is "God's will" and that if you get pregnant from a rape, you must have secretly kind of wanted it. People who think birth control is only for women who can't "keep their legs shut." Reality TV. News outlets that distort facts or outright lie and are still called "news" channels/stations/papers. Most rap and hip-hop passing as "music" (and the stuff that uses derogatory language...really?). SO MANY OTHERS, and actually, some of these deserve their own category.

    5. People who think that using facts and logic makes you an elitist snob. This is so massively stupid that it needed its own slot. Once upon a time, people used to look to smart people to help their country out of rough times and just generally make the country a better and more advanced place. Now when an American tries to use facts and logic, another American will call him/her a bleeding heart liberal scum communist, wish him/her a horrible rape and death, and offer to deport him/her.

    6. The fact that people still try to justify the great financial inequalities here in the U.S. - especially when working class and poor people try to fight on behalf of the people/companies who screw them. The fact that the people who attended the Oscars are already making more on average than two or three poor working people, and on top of that, they received gift baskets worth something like $48,000. They're already wealthy...but you know who could use that money? People with high medical bills, people who got laid off and can't pay their mortgage, college students who are, on average, close to $50,000 in debt by the time they graduate, single parents who are trying their best to be there for their child while working 2-3 jobs...and plenty of other people.

    However, I have hope that people are slowly (more like sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowly) coming to their senses. Some people are already there, some always were, and some are reaching the tipping point. It's the ones who stick their fingers in their ears, screaming "la-la-la-I-CAN'T-HEAR-YOU-la-la-la!", who really make me worry about humanity. I think if enough people talked to them, face-to-face, they'd come around eventually, too. Most human beings want the same thing - safety (for their family and their objects), food, clothing, shelter, and enough left over to have a decent life - and if people could focus on the fact that we're all in the same boat, then I think we'd have a lot less of the stuff I mentioned above. The human race will one day be worthy of respect.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    1. People who don't spay or neuter their cats, especially if they're outdoor cats. . I love cats, but there will always be plenty of kittens in the world without us encouraging their procreation. It's just irresponsible pet ownership.

    Totally agree! I see people posting pics on reddit of their pets who just gave birth. A part of me goes "aw!" and then a bigger part of me goes "WTF?! WHY ARE YOU ADDING TO THE PET POPULATION! BECAUSE OF YOU, A BUNCH OF OLDER ANIMALS IN SHELTERS ARE GOING TO DIE!" If you're a pet owner, you need to have your pets spayed/neutered. It should be a damn requirement. :explode:
  • homerjspartan
    homerjspartan Posts: 1,893 Member

    Pretty basic.

    It is good for absolutely nothin'

    except for freing ppl from opression.

    Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity - George Carlin.

    Im sure the jews and ppl of Europe would disagree with you.

    Now you're just making stuff up. Those people don't really exist, they are a fairy tale. A myth like Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, or Eskimos.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    My biggest (besides all kinds of abuse and inequality previously mentioned) are:

    /snipped to avoid cluttering the page

    Wow! A round of applause for that. You win at the internet.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member

    Pretty basic.

    It is good for absolutely nothin'

    except for freing ppl from opression.

    Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity - George Carlin.

    Im sure the jews and ppl of Europe would disagree with you.

    Now you're just making stuff up. Those people don't really exist, they are a fairy tale. A myth like Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, or Eskimos.

    Have you ever seen an Eskimo and a Jew in the same place at the same time?
  • Tuffjourney
    Tuffjourney Posts: 971
    Using the bathroom stall right next to me when there's a buffer available!! COME ON MAN!!!!

    Too funny, I was telling my co-worker this yesterday. Why wont people at least move to the stall over one, if open. But noooooo they want to sit right next to you.
  • CupcakesAndRazorblades
    I'm glad that works for you! Not all chicks can afford to stay home and juice a fat paycheck. I am a take charge kind of chick; I've never had anyone to take care of me and I don't need anyone to take care of me. I love it that way. It builds character, strength, and compassion. I suppose we would not get along very well...

    You can juice my fat paycheck anytime.
    With love,

    aahhhh, screw what I said earlier.... How are you, Burt? :wink:
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    My biggest peeve at the moment are so-called pro-lifers who want to stop abortions, but yet do not support proper sex ed, access to birth control, nor programs that would help impoverished families. It just tells me that it's not about "saving babies" to them. It's about controlling the sex lives and live in general, of women. They stop giving a damn once the umbilical cord is severed. These are the same people who think women who got raped deserved it because they DARE to enjoy non-procreative sex, and the same people who want women to be forced to carry fatally ill fetuses to term, only to watch them die or have them die during birth, and the same people who push adoption, while ignoring the fact that the adoption system is overwhelmed as is, and ignoring the fact that some women may be hurt far more by adoption than abortion. In other words, people who think women are too stupid to make their own choices regarding their fertility......

    *steps off soapbox, bows and slinks into shadows*
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    teens getting pregnant and expecting their family/ the state to pay for everything.
    also the people that think ^ is okay.

    :huh: I don't think anyone thinks teen pregnancies are okay. Studies show that many teens - and only slightly fewer adults - know about fertility and proper birth control methods. I saw someone the other day recommend "pulling out" over birth control pills or an IUD to a person with a latex allergy. Many young people: don't know about birth control; think they're too young to get it; are afraid that their parents will find out if they try to get birth control; or are told by sex ed teachers that their chances of getting STD's or pregnant are the same with a condom as without, and therefore consider it useless. With all of this misinformation, I don't think kids know or realize the effects of teen pregnancy (except "everyone will know I had sex" and "I'll be responsible for a small, fragile human being"). I certainly don't think they look at having sex and think, "the consequences of my actions are going to have an effect on the state that I live in."
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    My biggest peeve at the moment are so-called pro-lifers who want to stop abortions, but yet do not support proper sex ed, access to birth control, nor programs that would help impoverished families. It just tells me that it's not about "saving babies" to them. It's about controlling the sex lives and live in general, of women.

    They use the term "pro-lifers", I prefer to use "deluded and dangerous psychopaths".

    Most of the time I use the term "anti-choice". They're not giving the woman any choice in the matter, except to carry to term.
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    gun carrying folks who claim to love their fellow man.
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