Dancing for daily cardio.... Who would've known it'd work so

I've lost a total of 6lbs since starting this 8days ago. I started dancing for half of my cardio each day and I honestly believe it works me out more then my treadmill (that I do for the other half) get's me sweating faster and my heart rate up quicker. I find my motivation in the music I have on. If I'm feeling lazy I turn on the radio or a cd and boom I'm ready to go! So I'd like to know if any of you like to free dance for excersice, if you do any specific moves and what type of music get's you up and going what is that one song you have to dance to when it comes on?

I'll start-
As far as my specific moves go I do alot of up and down motions with the swaying of the hips in a figure 8 and I'll switch the direction of a figure 8, and I feel the burn in my calves, thighs, butt, abs, hips and lower back. I did this today for two songs worth, which was the equvelant to about 12mins, and I did it in heels. (Not reccomending this to anyone) it is just right for me considering when I go out dancing heels are what I wear and I feel like it makes it a little tougher and like I'm getting a better work out. I would like to be able to do this for 4-5songs worth, but I'm workin on it

The songs that will always pump me up and make me want to move is "3" by Brittney Spears and Pour Some Sugar on me by Def Leppard....what I danced to today :P

Anyone else?:happy:


  • samsonov77
    samsonov77 Posts: 8 Member
    RIGHT ON! i'm a Zumba instructor, and i burn WAY more calories teaching my classes than i do on any machine in the gym, or for that matter, any of the other classes i teach here!!!

  • littlecompton
    Funny you bring this up. A few days ago I had the house to myself, so I put the blinds down and turned on the tv to music channels and worked up a sweat super fast. I love to dance but because I'm pretty overweight don't feel comfortable doing it in front of people, but in the privacy of my own home, well, I shake it like a polaroid picture. Keep dancing!
  • xDeannaGarciax
    Haha, you go girl! I love to dance but I agree it's alot more fun when noone is watching. That's funny you say that because that is exactly what I do, I had just finished when I wrote this...lol! Closed the blinds, kids were napping, hubby at work other kids at school and I just went for it till I couldn't go anymore...lol! I love it, fun fun fun and quite a workout :)
  • xDeannaGarciax
    Samsonov77- Zumba, what exactly is that? Sounds fun.....lol!
  • hippiepunkcat
    LOL... I love doing that!!! Also I got these DVDs I"m in love with...they basically teach you hip hop moves and let you dance to popular songs... and I totally get a better workout with them then when I"m just running! Plus I feel cute when I"m dancing and that makes me want to dance more, of course I can only do this when I"m alone!
  • xDeannaGarciax
    Haha.....oh yes defenitly feel cute and a lil sexy too. Defenitly makes it waaaaay more motivating! Anybody up for a dance challenge?

    I challenge you to dance (like nobody's watching) wether they are or not...lol, 2x before Friday for at least 15minutes. Any takers?

    A great way to free the mind and spirit, boost the confidence and burn some calories while feeling sexy all at the same time:wink:
  • Canzonet
    Canzonet Posts: 4 Member
    How ironic that I happened onto this post tonight! I did the same thing for the first time today!! I was about to go upstairs and get onto my treadmill, MP3 player in hand, when it occurred to me to just start dancing to the music instead of going upstairs and onto the boring treadmill. I was home alone (well,except for my two large dogs!), so I figured "what the heck". I danced for a full 20 minutes - totally freestyle and crazy - and it felt great. I must have looked pretty zany because my dogs decided to join in!! We had
    a blast. So, I've decided that this is going to be my cardio workout from now on. Much more fun and a far better workout than the damn treadmill! So, I'm in on the challenge this week. Anyone else?
  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
    I'm in on your challenge - I do this often with my boys they are 1 and 5 and we crank up the silly kids tunes and shake our booties! Kids think its hilarious that I am dancing with them and I am having a blast, interacting with my kids, and getting a ton of exercise in! Love It!
  • cullensbrunette
    I wanna do the challenge!!! How fun! =)
  • oomalmal
    oomalmal Posts: 219 Member
    I do that for atleast 20 mins of my cardio on most days. I like to free dance but I also like to line dance. The Down South Shuffle, The Cupid Shuffle, and the Cha Cha Slide. Do each of those twice and really get into it and you can get your heart rate up and work your core. I'll add extra jumps and squats and kicks. It's a blast.
  • zionjeannine
    zionjeannine Posts: 26 Member
    Hello I love dancing as well. Zumba is a dancing workout where a fusion of Latin and International music that creates a dynamic, exciting, and effective fitness system you can burn from 500-800 calories in a class. Google zumba or go on youtube and type zumba. I just email you a link...maybe 2 :flowerforyou:
  • kjrosa
    kjrosa Posts: 34
    lol...I'm up for the challenge! My son's 3 and 5 love to dance to 2 specific CD's Nelly Furtado's album "Whoa Nelly", and the first "Shrek" soundtrack...My boys and I will have a blast tomorrow; and maybe I'll even try dancing while holding my baby girl...Now that would be a work out!
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    free style dancing if no one is home tomorrow ill do that :D tomorrow on top of the others i will do :o i gotta make sure i wake up early tomorrow for it :)
  • purdygrl
    purdygrl Posts: 52 Member
    Haha.....oh yes defenitly feel cute and a lil sexy too. Defenitly makes it waaaaay more motivating! Anybody up for a dance challenge?

    I challenge you to dance (like nobody's watching) wether they are or not...lol, 2x before Friday for at least 15minutes. Any takers?

    A great way to free the mind and spirit, boost the confidence and burn some calories while feeling sexy all at the same time:wink:

    I am up for the challenge. If you really want to work out your legs and buttocks dance with a pair of heels. But for sure 2 times before friday you are on.
  • misssoulm8
    Dancing works wonders! So put on your favorite CD, or plug in your iPod, and boogie!
  • flwyland
    flwyland Posts: 142
    At least two times by Friday :laugh:
  • Garcialynne
    I have never thought of this, but is sounds wonderful. I love to dance..so I am gonna give it a try...
  • xDeannaGarciax
    IT'S SO MUCH FUN because yes, your dogs can join in and so can the kids! A baby on the hip sounds challenging so a mini goal for myself this week will to be dance one song (at least) baby on the hip ;)

    Ok ladies. Two times by Friday it is! After your 20min or even 15, how ever many minutes you can do, log it in and let us all know how it went and what music get's you boggie'n :) For next week we will all up the challenge to say 20min 3x a week and increase the time as we feel neccesary! How's everyone feel about weigh in's once a week too? Don't be shy!!!!!
    I'll kick it off

    Goal Date- June 13th- My 1st wedding anniversary :)

    We will do weigh in's every Tuesday to see how well this works........and I am confident it will. Tomorrow I will introduce to you a diet I am currently on ...it has worked for me and anyone else who might like to try it jump on board I would love to have and give support and encouragment to/with anyone who wants to also try this diet, any suggestions are always welcomed too. Swapping recipes is always fun and I have lot's of yummy one's to share.

  • xDeannaGarciax
    Oh and one other thing.....heels are highly reccomended, if you can dance with them on......helps to make me feel sexier, and my confidence goes through the roof :blushing:

    Im gonna throw a name out there to start, I recently started the "Dancing with the stars" Cardio video as well so here's a name to consider for our group

    "Dancing with our pals" :)
  • littlecompton
    I'm in! But can't even WALK in heels, so it's barefeet for me. Let's shake our groove thing people!!!!