Skinny Wednesday Challenge



  • bsparks81
    bsparks81 Posts: 29
    Doing pretty good...just finished my 64 oz of water, going to go refill my water bottle and drink some more. Mowed the lawn...the back so far, will do the front when the hubbs gets home to watch the kiddos so that will make 2 hrs or more with the mowing and the weed eating. :smile: Have done ok with the food, snacked at bible study this morning but haven't really snacked since.
  • bsparks81
    bsparks81 Posts: 29
    Doing pretty good...just finished my 64 oz of water, going to go refill my water bottle and drink some more. Mowed the lawn...the back so far, will do the front when the hubbs gets home to watch the kiddos so that will make 2 hrs or more with the mowing and the weed eating. :smile: Have done ok with the food, snacked at bible study this morning but haven't really snacked since.
  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
    Checking in - actually did triple exercise today - got a good walk/jog in this morning pushing the double stroller, and then had tons of energy later so I danced it out with my 5 year old while the little one napped. Then I still had some energy left to get in my normal 30 day shred!!!!! Yeah!!

    Doing pretty good with the eating today too, but I did have half a piece of birthday cake - it's my son's first birthday today and we had to celebrate a little bit!

    Water so far is just above what I normally drink but I'll have a big 20 oz with dinner tonight and maybe one more before bed!

    Weigh in Tomorrow we'll see if SWC helped me out on the scale!
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    I've done ok I suppose. I did 12 minutes of sprint intervals as a warm-up (burn btwn 150-200 cals), 25 min high intensity strength training, then 25 min on elliptical. Total burn? 800. And just finished my 6th bottle of water. Can I relax now? haha!
  • jmathews
    jmathews Posts: 196
    Ok, I'm on my 11th cup of water...not sure if I can get in more that that!
    It's been a great doing the SWC!!! My legs are very fatigued from all the extra exercise today, but it's all good! :smile:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Shazaaaaam! You guys are amazing! We should total our number of calories burned next time as a group! I had a FABULOUS Skinny Wed.! I tried the 3 mile Walk Away the Pounds. Just loved it. It is 45 minutes of cardio. I am such a Klutz and it was doable for me....:blushing: I am usually falling all over myself trying to keep up with video moves. I also got a little weight training in this morning and will do it again before bed. I ate clean and healthy and stayed 500+net! I am floating in water and plan to guzzle another mug before bedtime. I am totally giving you guys the credit. I knew I had to report in so I didn't want to dissapoint you! :heart: :smooched:

    Here's to another Skinny Wed.! :drinker: Please join us for a Skinny Saturday Challenge. It will be posted on Friday night. You've got to be in to win!

    NOW....Let's finish this week out strong TEAM!!!!!!! We can do it! Shazaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam!
    :bigsmile: :heart:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    I've done ok I suppose. I did 12 minutes of sprint intervals as a warm-up (burn btwn 150-200 cals), 25 min high intensity strength training, then 25 min on elliptical. Total burn? 800. And just finished my 6th bottle of water. Can I relax now? haha!

    YES!!!! Good job girl! You did it!!!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I did great on water consumption :drinker:
    Everything else... epic failure :grumble:
  • Elli126
    Elli126 Posts: 28
    So this was my first SWC.... I doubled what I could.. easy for water as walked outside today, and it was so hot!

    We had a BBQ... and this was tough as last week (before logging calories) I would have had way too much. I had a turkey burger and salad... quite pleased with myself.. I know it's going to be tough as in the evenings I snack.. just habit I guess. Well just water until tomorrow.

    Keep it up everyone... :-) Also need friends so add me I need support too ;-)
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    Had a good wedsday an hour at the gym stayed with in my calories. But did really bad with the water.
  • nikicoleman
    nikicoleman Posts: 55 Member
    I did pretty well too!! I had 12 glasses of water...which is my normal, I may have floated away if I had any more! hahaha. :)

    I did two workouts - and did REALLY well (surprisingly) with my food. I only had one small snack-a half slice of cheese - but I was well under calories when I had it-it was good.

    So many good jobs....I'm going to have to look for the Skinny Saturday!!!! :)
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    Great job everyone! We all did awesome! If nothing else, it made me super-focused for the day on what I was eating and drinking.
    In my Bible study a couple months ago, it was brought up that in order to achieve change, you cannot focus on what you DIDN'T do in 1 day but what changes you made, no matter how small. I've started pointing out my victories at the end of the day in my journal (with regards to parenting and to weight-loss), and it is such an esteem booster! Big change does not come over night but little by little, step by step. Great job, even if the change yesterday was little!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Felt guilty about my wednesday, so I had a very skinny Thursday. :happy:
  • WendyTricia
    WendyTricia Posts: 81 Member
    My Wednesday wasn't very skinny, so I MORE than made up for it on Thursday and Friday. I like this; it keeps me focused.
  • WendyTricia
    WendyTricia Posts: 81 Member
    Hey, let's keep this up. It's such a great idea, and the fact that I fell off the wagon is proof that I need little milestone challenges along the way to keep me challenged and focused. So I'm still here and I intend to make this Wednesday quite a skinny challenge!!!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Hey, let's keep this up. It's such a great idea, and the fact that I fell off the wagon is proof that I need little milestone challenges along the way to keep me challenged and focused. So I'm still here and I intend to make this Wednesday quite a skinny challenge!!!

    I'll be there this wednesday too. I didn't have a very good week last week and need to get in gear this week. There's also a Skinny Saturday challenge! Join in if you'd like ........:happy:
  • Trish02
    Trish02 Posts: 25
    I'm IN!! :drinker:
  • WendyTricia
    WendyTricia Posts: 81 Member
    HEY GUYS!!!!

    Let's get this up and running again! We ALL need a pick-me-up in the middle of the week; well I know I do! I haven't been doing the skinny Wednesday challenge, but I'm going to start this week!!

    Let's show HUMP day that not only will we keep consistent, we will do MORE than we usually do.

    WHO'S IN!?!?!?!?!?
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Skinny Wednesday is still running just under a newer thread. Fabulous Fifty will start it on Tuesday or continue last week thread.
    Skinny Sat usually hits the board on Friday. Hope to see you there this week! Alice