How do you suppress your hunger pangs?



  • misssiri
    misssiri Posts: 335 Member
    SMH!!!!!! :noway: Can't believe how many people on here are willing to offer "helpful" suggestions to someone who is undereating to help them do it! No one should be eating 1,000 calories a day and you all are advising her on how to keep doing it! Absolutely amazing!

    Many people on MFP are here because they never knew what hunger felt like. They eat and eat because food is fun, tastes good, a cycle, helps emotions, or whatever the reason. I think people will feel hunger if they stop binging and unhealthy habits. Now, if she is just not eating enough calories, that is a different story. However, I think it is okay to post positive ideas so that people who binge can stop.

    Her diary is set to 1000. Tell me how that is enough? People don't even look. It's just drink lots of water.
  • misssiri
    misssiri Posts: 335 Member
    I pretty much agree with everyone above. In addition, I have a few things to add.

    1. Are you getting enough sleep? Adults need a minimum of 7-8hrs per night. Shorting yourself on even 80mins of sleep makes you hungry enough the next day to eat an extra 500 calories.
    2. Are you actually hungry? Ask yourself if you would be willing to eat vegetables or fruit to satisfy your hunger pang. If the answer is yes, go for the veggies and fruits! If the answer is no, then you're more likely having a craving than actual hunger. What I do in this situation is grab 3 or 4 capsules of psyllium husks (available at walmart for maybe$2-$3 for a bottle of 180) and down 'em with 8-12oz of water. The psyllium is fiber, and it expands in your stomach and makes you feel fuller. That usually takes care of my hunger pangs, especially if I didn't get to sleep enough the night before! Of course you should never do this instead of making sure you are getting enough calories in for the day.

    Hope this helps.

    She already isn't getting enough calories for the day. 1000 isn't enough for anyone. NO to the psyllium husks and lots of water, you need more food.

    Hello people, quit telling girls on VLCD to drink water when they are hungry. We are not meant to be hungry, even when trying to lose weight.

    Did you not see that I said NOT to do this if you aren't already getting enough calories in for the day? My bad for not looking at the diary. Chill pill buddy. I eat 1800-2200cals a day and if I'm sleep deprived I am a HANGRY *kitten*. Luckily I'm not hangry right now. :-)

    Sorry won't take a chill pill. I'm so sick of people, especially girls, thinking they need to starve themselves to lose weight and possibly damaging their health, short and long term. Obviously if someone has hunger pangs, they aren't eating enough. People post "advice" not even thinking about who might read it. I am glad that you eat a decent amount.
  • How did you come to the figure of 1000 calories? If it's been customised specifically for you by a qualified person, then that's not anything we can give advice on, you've already found an answer that works for you. However, if it's an arbitrary figure based on "eat less, weigh less" then I really think you should do some more research on this site as to how to lose weight healthily. Your calorie goal is lower than the 1200 absolute minimum MFP recommends, going lower is more than likely not going to get you the figure you want, and if you slip up and binge (because all the warm water in the world may not help every time) it's just another way to put yourself down. And (from personal experience) if you do lose the weight, it's not necessarily going to make you happier, the focus may just shift and make you feel worse because the effort you've put into losing weight hasn't improved your self esteem.

    Give yourself a break, you're worth is, even if you can't see it right now. Concentrate on enjoying uni, it goes ridiculously fast!
  • dangerouscurvesNZ
    dangerouscurvesNZ Posts: 23 Member
    I have been here, and I've seen the light. I lost quite a bit by eating around 1000 calories and running lots, but I was a moody *****. And when I hit a major plateau I was a major ***** x 1 million. I found lots of support and help online from people who advocate eating more to weigh less.

    Here's what I did

    Over-ride the MFP calorie settings to 2000 and listen to what my body wants. When I'm hungry I eat, otherwise when I deprive myself I binge. I run 5k a day, 5 times a week and lift weights every other day, I eat 2000 calories and I hid my scales. I can tell by my clothes and the way my body looks that I'm getting leaner and stronger.

    You're young, you're intelligent, you're healthy - be strong too!