Hey Shorties 5'1-5'3



  • mleonards
    mleonards Posts: 52 Member
    I am 31 and 5'1. My current weight is 117. My goal weight is 110. My starting weight was 130.

    I do the MFP 1200 + I eat back almost all of my exercise calories, so most days I'm eating 1400-1800 calories and still losing-- stop starving yourself people!

    I workout 5-6 days a week.
  • cabcab12345

    I jog for 20-30 min./day for 6-7 days/week. I find that I can only burn fat with consistant exercise and my calories hover around 1100-1400.
  • chainone
    chainone Posts: 42
    SW: 140
    CW: 137
    GW: maybe 125. When I feel comfortable. More in for the lifestyle change, really.

    No exercise (fibro/cfs) though I am trying to incorporate a weekly yoga class.
    I'm eating roughly 1300 a day, though I binge quite frequently.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    age: 35
    height: 5'2"
    weight: 100
    goal weight: No goal weight, just fitness
    calorie intake: at least 1900 on average
    exercise minutes/ type: I guess about an hour a day on average, 5 days a week. Weights, yoga, dance.
    do you eat back exercise calories: I just go by TDEE, but will eat more on a highly active day. But, this means I still eat 1900 on non-exercise days.
  • mommarobb
    mommarobb Posts: 80 Member
    5' 2.5"
    Age- 39
    SW 273
    CW 252.5
    GW 160 and will re-evaluate when I get there

    Cardio, cardio,cardio. I walk/jog at least 3-4 hours per week. Also try to fit in 10km on a bike.
    Calorie intake - 1700. And yes, I eat back my exercise calories. On the days I work (bartender) I eat around 2200.
    Losing 2.5lbs per week. Down 20lbs in 8 weeks.
    I eat everything. If I deprive myself of sweets, I binge. I just make sure I fit it in my calorie count. I do try not to eat processed foods to often.
  • Crohns2013
    Crohns2013 Posts: 57 Member
    Just wondering what us petite ladies have found to work for us-

    Please list the stats that you feel comfortable sharing:

    age, height,
    weight, goal weight
    calorie intake
    exercise minutes/ type
    do you eat back exercise calories

    Also please include if you only monitered calories or if you also have a specific eating lifestyle such as vegetarian, paleo, well-balanced whole foods, no sugar etc.

    I would love to have a place where us shorties can share our success stories since we tend to have a low range between TDEE and BMR unless we are very active.

    For me:

    5'1, 24 years old
    111 lbs
    gw: 104
    * I generally eat between 1300-1500 calories
    * exercise 4-6 days/week for 40 min to an hour (mostly running, strength and yoga)
    * no specific diet plan but I pay attention to what ingredients are in my food: eating mostly whole unprocessed foods
    * I tend to eat back some of my exercise calories
    * I find I only drop weight when I am incredibly active (training for a marathon) but have trouble pairing down my food intake when I am mantaining a more day-to-day routine

    Friend me if youd like :)

    I'm 28 and 5'3.
    144 lbs.
    GW: 125
    I eat between 1300-1500 cals a day.
    Right now I don't exercise, I'm dealing with some health issues. But I'm a mom of 3, so I'm still active.
    I have celiac so no wheat/gluten/oats (I can't handle oats) and I also have Crohns which cuts out even more, corn, greasy/oily stuff, most dairy, nuts, seeds and grains are a big no no for me. And veggies have to be juiced or not consumed at all. I'm trying to find a "diet" that let's me eat without pain. Today I started a vegetarian trial....that's interesting when I can't eat vegetables lol.
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    49, 5'1"
    SW 130
    CW 113
    GW 108-110 - depending on how my clothes fit.

    I mostly lift (heavy for my size) and run. Training for a min tri so adding swim and cycle to the mix for now.

    I eat between 1300 - 1800 depending on hunger and workout. I eat a lot of fresh fruits and veggies, love my pizza, desserts and wine.
  • tootchute
    tootchute Posts: 392 Member
    33, 5'3
    sw - 355, cw 298.4 Gw115-120
    mfp 1770 - I eat between 1500-1600
    2 days a week 40 minutes
    Cardio for now and light lifting.
  • verbenaverbena
    age: 37yo
    height: 5' 1.75"
    starting weight: 111, 29% body fat
    current weight: 102-103, 18-20% body fat
    goal weight: when my legs are no longer chunky, ??18% body fat

    exercise minutes/ type:
    - 30-60 min walks @ 3.75-4mph x 4-5 days per week; 90min hour walk on saturdays
    - strength training with personal trainer x 45 min twice per week
    - looking into Stronglifts 5x5 since trainer is out this week ...

    calorie intake:
    - started at 1150 x 6 weeks, lost 10lbs and probably a good bit of muscle, was ketogenic and feeling good
    - spent 6 weeks between 1200 and 1600 trying to figure out a good place, hard to add back carbs but didn't have enough energy when i started strength training
    - now wearing BodyMedia Fit which calculates my calories burned at 1600 for most days and 2000 for active days

    do you eat back exercise calories?
    - started out not doing so (see first 6 weeks)
    - started strength training at 6 weeks and eating back some calories
    - i'm about 12 weeks in and eating back most of my exercise calories depending on hunger

    Also please include if you only monitered calories or if you also have a specific eating lifestyle such as vegetarian, paleo, well-balanced whole foods, no sugar etc:
    - work to fit my macros at roughly 40/30/30
    - avoid processed foods
    - allergic to milk products but occasionally disregard that and suffer the consequences
    - try to avoid sugar because it makes me feel bad
    - was previously avoiding gluten and grains but have had to reintroduce them for some healthy carbs and calories when i started strength training and increased my intake
    - previously ate a plant -based diet plus fish/shellfish but currently eating chicken bx i couldn't figure out how to get enough protein
  • llbennett74
    llbennett74 Posts: 132 Member
    5'1 1/2"
    SW: 129
    CW: 129
    GW: I'm shooting for around 113

    I do Zumba 3 -4 times a week, weight training 2 times a week and yoga once a week. Working on getting in 6 days of exercise.

    I'm new at this and am still trying to find the balance of how many of my exercise calories to eat back. Reading everyone's posts who are in my category of height is really helpful because I feel like I've been in limbo for awhile after gaining about 12 pounds back of what I had lost a couple of years ago on Weight Watchers.

    I try to eat all whole foods, nothing processed I would say 85% of the time. Weekends are my problems especially when we eat out but I'm working on that.
  • bb1266
    bb1266 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi! This is a great idea!

    23, 5'0"
    SW: 102
    CW: 99
    GW: 95

    Calorie intake: Usually 1200-1500 (1500 is my caloric limit)

    Excercise: Right now I'm doing Insanity, although I love workouts by fitnessblender.com (also on youtube) and Julian Michaels videos, free on youtube. So mainly cardio with resistance built in.

    I'm vegetarian, although I eat fish. That's a lifestyle choice I started a decade ago. I'd like to eat cleaner though (no more cookies!)

    It's so true shorties need to encourage each other, our BMI numbers are way different than taller folks and each inch makes a major difference in ideal weight and BMR.

    Any shorties with similar goals be sure to friend me :) It's amazing what a kind word here and there can do for motivation!
  • kikip
    kikip Posts: 7 Member
    age, 45
    height, 5'1
    weight, 182
    goal weight 110-115
    calorie intake 1200-1400

    exercise minutes/ type I go to a lifting/toning class 2 times a week and I use the weight machines. I also attend a barre class and yoga class. I typically log about 6-7 hours a week of exercise.

    do you eat back exercise calories: Yes, I do. When I do, I don't seem to lose. When I don't, I lose. I have hypothyroidism (and my age) and the metabolism is slow. So, I try to have a calorie deficit of some sort that is lower than what my allotted amount is for weight loss. Nothing drastic.
  • LeviLeDoux
    LeviLeDoux Posts: 151 Member
    Age: 30
    Height: 5'2
    Weight: 102
    Goal weight: 100/ reevaluate
    Calorie intake: 900-1000
    Exercise minutes/ type: None currently
    Do you eat back exercise calories: I usually do yoga, and yes.

    (Pics on profile ranging from 110-120)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Age: 30
    Height: 5'1
    SW: 245lbs
    CW: 178lbs
    Goal: 18-20% body fat
    Calorie Intake: 1500 + exercise cals..follow more an IIFYM approach

    Exercise minutes/ type:
    M/W/F - Strength Training (45-90 min) w/ optional cardio after (15-30min)
    T/TH/Sat - Cardio (30-120min)
    ......I will do Vinyasa/Power type yoga or Tai Chi or/and Elliptical or Treadmill.....or I'll just do some endurance/cardio type DVD
    Sun - Shanti Yoga (30-60min)
  • vermillionlove
    vermillionlove Posts: 37 Member
    Hi shorties! :3
    I am...

    22 years old, 5'2"
    current: 199
    goal: 130-150
    intake of around 1400-1600, MFP has me set at 1540 a 1lb/wk
    I walk 30 minutes most days and have started bike riding recently
    I try not to eat back my calories but sometimes i'm really hungry and I got for it!

    I try to eat "good" foods that are not extreme in sugar, sodium, or fat, but it happens sometimes. You can peek at my diary if you want examples. :P I have also been drinking water 95% of the time. I have lost 20lbs since the beginning of june.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    40, 5'3~ish
    CW: 223
    GW: sub 20% body fat, with an athletic/muscular build. This will probably end up being anywhere from 135-145lbs.

    Calories: 1450 net a day, gross is closer to 2000 a day. As I get closer to goal, I'll shrink my deficit to lose slower.

    I try to run 3x a week, for a bit over an hour each time. I generally also get in at least one good long hike. I lift heavy 2-3x a week for 60-90minutes (with a bit of cardio on those days as well), and throw in calisthenics here and there to train for Warrior Dash and outdoor adventures.

    As for special dietary approaches: I try to eat a rounded diet, but focus on getting 110-120 grams of protein a day in an effort to preserve LBM. That's it. Moderation and all that.

    Right now I'm on a maintenance break (yay!!), which will last from 2-3 weeks. I try to take one every few months.
  • Fit4Life004
    Fit4Life004 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi everyone! I just started back on MFP Last week! I am back to seriously eating healthy and exercising as much as I can. I am in college. I am 5'1, petite build, my goal weight is 105 but taking one step at a time. I am looking for positive support and anyone who would like to add me feel free! Support and motivaiton always help :) Good luck
  • Taterpoof
    Taterpoof Posts: 416 Member
    23, 5' 2''
    weight: 124
    goal weight: 115 or so. Not big on how much I weigh though
    calorie intake: 1800 on rest days; 2100-2300 on lifting days
    exercise minutes/ type: 1.5 hours of weight lifting 5-6 days a week. I alternate muscle groups on different days. For cardio I play hockey about 6 hours a week
    do you eat back exercise calories: I eat back all of my exercise calories

    I don't have a specific eating style. I make sure to get plenty of protein though.
  • age, height: 20, 4'11
    weight, goal weight: 189, 149.
    calorie intake; 1200
    exercise minutes/ type; 30 minutes cardio on Treadmill or Stationary Bike, 30 mins strength trainng using dumbells.
    do you eat back exercise calories; If I'm hungry.

    Also please include if you only monitered calories or if you also have a specific eating lifestyle such as vegetarian, paleo, well-balanced whole foods, no sugar etc.
    I just count calories. My family eats junk food a lot so I just try to make it fit. When I go over my calories a day, I look at the weekly graph and see if its still under before freaking out.
  • sirduckbutt
    sirduckbutt Posts: 23 Member
    5'2, 18 years old
    111 lbs
    gw: 108 lbs
    * I eat between 1270-1300 calories
    * exercise 1 day/week for 60 minutes (a little bit strength, but mostly cardio), and then I walk about an hour a day.
    * I'm doing intermittent fasting. Fasting 20 hours, eating 4.
    * I don't normally eat back my exercise calories, but sometimes when I've been training, I eat just a tiny bit more (like 50-100 calories)
    * I'm a vegetarian.
    * I find it very hard to loose the last few pounds. At first it was easy, and the pounds dropped right off me. I hit a plateau at 113 lbs, but I got past it, when I started intermittent fasting.