12 week get ready for summer!!



  • KPlaunt
    KPlaunt Posts: 15 Member
    I'm ready. Bring it on !
  • Hi im steve teesateskie. Ok im new here im 21 years old. I currently weigh 220 wanna get down to 170. I dont just wanna lose weight I wanna build lean muscle but not to the point where I look like im on roids lol.
  • lizlashley2009
    lizlashley2009 Posts: 54 Member
    I am in!! I need to loose 20lbs for a wedding that I am in!!! I need all the help I can get!
  • yur_face
    yur_face Posts: 1
    Im 15 nd iknoe u shud be 18 or older but iseriously want to lose weight im 130 nd 5'0
    Its my sisters wedding next year nd ireally want to lose weight by then iwant to be 90 lbs but
    By 12 weeks i atleast wanna be 100 plzzz iwud like to join in thankss (:
  • lovebug601
    lovebug601 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, my name is Bria and I want to lose a good 30 lbs during the 12 weeks. :) so excited, feel free to add me.
  • Clemmi17
    Clemmi17 Posts: 50 Member
    I'd like to join up too, please. I started the food plan last Tuesday weighing 93.8 kg and today I weigh 90.3! I know some of it will be water in the first week but I think it's a great start so I'm happy. I am so fed up of being flabby, not being able to wear most of my clothes get out of breath walking up steep hills that I'm determined to do this. One problem though, I have one artificial hip and some arthritis in the other so my orthopedic consultant says not to run. I need to find other cardio activities to do instead. I can get to the pool once a week where I swim 1km in about 20 minutes and then slow down to swim another 500m or so in another 20 minutes. There are no gyms here but I do have a bike. Any good cardio suggestions wil be gratefully received.
  • dcazll
    dcazll Posts: 65 Member
    This is a fantastic challlenge. I am definatley in. This challenge ends a few days after my 30th and I really want to be closer to my goal by that time, but more importantly to have learned healthier habits so I can be a better influence to my girls. I think it's great Mike that you want to help people. Sometimes we see so much information that it can be overwhelming so it will be great to have someone that knows what they're taking about that we can ask.

    CW 143
    GW 120?
    waist 31
    hips 42
  • Dolly1209
    Dolly1209 Posts: 28 Member
    I would love to join! Although I only have 10 weeks as I'm having an operation on may 31st!
  • I'm in! Looking to lose about 5 kg in total, but whatever comes off by then, I am happy with :) As long as I am exercising and eating right, that is good
  • Mashee
    Mashee Posts: 9 Member
    Im in :)
  • AhlaWahda
    AhlaWahda Posts: 189 Member
    I'm in!

    CW: 126.6 lbs.
    GW: 120 lbs

    Current waist: 26"
    Goal waist: 24"
  • mkkhoza
    mkkhoza Posts: 79
    I'm in...
    CW 210
    GW 180 (for this challenge 198)...that is a pound per week.
    Just measured this mornng...waist is 39" and hips are 41"

    thank you for the good advice already on the weekly nutrition (where I particularly need help) and excercise.

    State College, PA
  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    Wow, this is great, I'm in! My name is Linda Weber and I live in Southern Indiana. I have 50 pounds to lose. I started a 12 week program 11 weeks ago and fell off after 6 weeks with no results. I just got back into it about 15 days ago, but didn't exercise. I'm ready now to make this happen again! I know I need to drink more water, get my exercise in. I've got the food down, but I'm still easily tempted. I'm at the point where I want my husband and daughter to lock up all my temptations since they refuse to stop buying things like chips, cookies, etc!
  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    I did a search on you tube and this is a great video to show you full body stretches, http://youtu.be/Njx-wHXdQuc
    I need to do this as I havn't been stretching after working out and I think I have pulled a muscle or something in my upper left arm. It hurts when I try to lift anything or put my arm above my head or fastened my bra! Stretching is important!
  • I am interested!! Count me in!! I lost 17 pounds so far. I'm 108 and my goal is 103-105 for the summer. I'm 5 feet tall. I just read some of your advice. Please add me to the group. thanks!!
  • CrisAlex
    CrisAlex Posts: 236 Member
    Hi there, I'm in! I'm 4'11 and 112 lbs. I'm looking to get back to 105 and am looking forward to this 12 week challenge!
  • I'm def interested! Could use the motivation :)
  • socrates02
    socrates02 Posts: 143 Member
    Hello everyone and thank you for your interest in the 12 week get ready for summer support group. My goal here is to have everyone helping each other and supporting each other. I will offer some guidelines as to what I think will help. I also welcome any questions along the way. It looks as though we have about 10 people in our group so far and I’m sure a few more will join in as we progress.
    My name is Mike I’m 27 years old and I’ve been training for 8 years I live in Pennsylvania. What are all your names?

    Week 1: Some of this stuff you may already doing but I think it is some of the most important aspects of losing weight and I want you all to try to implement most of these suggestions into your daily routine.

    1. Water - 6-10 cups daily dependent on how much you are moving and sweating can even be more! No less than 6.

    2. Cardio - Aim for 30-45 minutes of Cardio on most days of week or a minimum of 150-180 moderate-minimally intense cardio minutes per week. (Cycling, Elliptical, Walking, Running, Incline Treadmill, Aerobic Classic, etc.) Not so intense you do not want to do it the next day but intense enough to keep you shredding.

    3. Strength Training - Those of you with gym memberships I would suggest 2-3 days per week weight lifting 8-10 exercises done for 3 sets of 12-20 repetitions. If you don't have a gym membership some dumbbells a yoga mat and a stability ball or medicine ball goes a long way. I will be posting some circuits to try as well.

    4. Eat the Rainbow- No excuses if you don't like vegetables learn to blend them and drink as a smoothie. You should be eating a minimum of 2 fruits and 3-5 vegetables daily preferably of different Colors, because different colors adds different vitamins and minerals. Fruit is best eaten about 1 hour pre-workout and avoided the rest of the day due to high sugar content when trying to lose weight.

    5. Weight Yourself - Only once per week Friday Mornings after using the restroom on the same scale with as little clothing as possible for accurate results.

    6. Measurements - Waist around belly button with stomach released not sucked in and Hips widest point all the way around. Take these measurements now and every 4 weeks and post them back on the page.

    7. Protein - Protein will help build muscle but remember you do not need to go crazy I would follow the recommendations on my fitness pal and perhaps go slightly over daily not under.

    8. Carbohydrates- First 3 meals of the day mainly. Choose whole grains and non-refined (oatmeal, rice, quinoa, beans, vegetables, 100% whole grain bread up to 2 slices daily, low sodium couscous, etc.)

    9. Fats - Avocados, Olive Oil, Nuts, Almond Milk, Coconut milk, you need fat to lose fat but be mindful of the calories.

    10. Supplements - Not a big advocate if you want to do a protein shake post workout let me know and I can recommend some products. Also meal replacement protein bars I know some good ones. As far as vitamins and creatine and all that you don't need them unless you want to take them as long as you are following the fruit and vegetable protocol outlined above.

    11. Motivation - The more people you have on board in your family and friends the better your results will be. Also having someone to walk run or elliptical with will make that 30-45 minutes roll on by quickly.

    12. Sodium - Make sure you are staying under what MFP recommends this can be difficult but it can be done!!

    13. Meals - I would say eat 3 moderate meals and 2 small snacks daily to keep metabolism up. Limit carbs within 3 hours of Bed.

    14. Sleep - Come hell or high water 7-8 hours of sleep a night MAKE IT HAPPEN. Your body recovers while you sleep muscles are not made in the gym they are MADE IN BED AND IN THE KITCHEN.

    15. Stretching - Look up full body stretching and do some quick 30 second stretches for each muscle group after each session to prevent injuries and provide Flexibility.

    That is your starting point. Go get it I welcome questions and I look forward to helping you all reach your goals. Please Comment your name your starting weight, hips and waist measurements if comfortable sharing and goal weights on the message board. This is going to be fun! We will all be amazing come JUNE!! Go get it Friends!!
  • alisadee
    alisadee Posts: 92 Member
    I'm in 20 lbs to lose by the summer
  • Emmielia
    Emmielia Posts: 75 Member
    I would love to join in and lose around 20-25lbs in 12 weeks for mine and my SO anniversary!