WTF, Who Says That?!?!?!?!?



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Yea, I would take it as a joke, not a personal attack on my self esteem.


    And agaaaaiiiinn, OP, is this your SO we're talking about, or just a friend?

  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Seriously....How hard is it to figure out that a guy doesn't want to go out to a bar full of dudes with his girlfriend (making that presumption) because all that is going to happen is he's going to be watching other guys check out her butt every time she bends over?
  • __RANDY__
    __RANDY__ Posts: 1,036 Member
    Seriously....How hard is it to figure out that a guy doesn't want to go out to a bar full of dudes with his girlfriend (making that presumption) because all that is going to happen is he's going to be watching other guys check out her butt every time she bends over?

    I ran this topic by my wife, this is exactly what she said.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    ^. That's ok, I'll make another thread. I'm sure I can come up with something my husband said this week that I can quote out of contextt that will evoke pity towards me and anger towards men:)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Most strip clubs I've been to have pool tables. Which always struck me as odd... nekkid womens everywhere, and guys are fully focused on playing pool with other guys.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    How is it different than a dude suggesting going out to a meal at Hooters or something. It's honest.

    I don't think it's breaking news that men like to look at women, even when committed. Does it make him mate of the year, probably not.
    But you can't say he's a liar!
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Most strip clubs I've been to have pool tables. Which always struck me as odd... nekkid womens everywhere, and guys are fully focused on playing pool with other guys.

    It gives us something to do while our idiot buddy blows a month's pay in the back room on an unattractive stripper . . .
  • TigressPat
    TigressPat Posts: 722
    a guy that's simply not into YOU
  • rachellosesitall85
    rachellosesitall85 Posts: 497 Member
    I hear worse all the time. It's okay though, because I'm cooking up a dish served very cold :) A new me, and a divorce!
  • skinnybunny_x
    My advice;

    "Honey, you'll be so happy ... there are a lot of hot girls that go there. & THANK GOD a lot of hot guys, too. It should be fun for both of us ... I dunno about you, but I could sure use some eye candy this weekend ... those buff college guys are so yummy "*wink* *walk away*

    But honestly, why are you even wasting your time with this dude? I don't want to be the precursor to a debate here, but it's my experience that when a man is dating you and is genuinely interested, he will put his best foot forward. If you're in a long term relationship or married, IF he is still committed to you and in love with you, he would never make this sort of a comment or have those kinds of thoughts. Especially if you are feeling down on yourself.

    We're all human, and of course we can look at people objectively and think "they're attractive". But to me, it's the difference between FACTS vs. FEELINGS. If a woman walks into a restaurant, and your husband/boyfriend observes that she's attractive, that's no different than a woman observing another woman is attractive - bottom line there is no attraction, it is just fact. He would never tell you "that woman is attractive" in this instance, because it's not something he really thought much about. On the other hand, if a man is sitting at home wondering if there are going to be "hot" girls at the place he's taking his significant other on a date ... he is thinking and obsessing about it. There is not even a "hot girl" in question - it is all in his fantasy mind. His emotions are involved, his Ego is raging, he wants to hurt his wife/girlfriend ... in that instance, it is just a matter of time before he cheats. And no woman can "fix" him, - he needs professional help.

    Love yourself. Get rid of this jerk.
  • StheK
    StheK Posts: 443 Member
    I wouldn't have said it but then again, I know that in a womans mind, everything is about her and we're not allowed to say things that doesn't involve her (because she will just assume that it is about her)

    You poor thing.
  • matt2442
    matt2442 Posts: 1,259 Member
    My advice;

    "Honey, you'll be so happy ... there are a lot of hot girls that go there. & THANK GOD a lot of hot guys, too. It should be fun for both of us ... I dunno about you, but I could sure use some eye candy this weekend ... those buff college guys are so yummy "*wink* *walk away*

    But honestly, why are you even wasting your time with this dude? I don't want to be the precursor to a debate here, but it's my experience that when a man is dating you and is genuinely interested, he will put his best foot forward. If you're in a long term relationship or married, IF he is still committed to you and in love with you, he would never make this sort of a comment or have those kinds of thoughts. Especially if you are feeling down on yourself.

    We're all human, and of course we can look at people objectively and think "they're attractive". But to me, it's the difference between FACTS vs. FEELINGS. If a woman walks into a restaurant, and your husband/boyfriend observes that she's attractive, that's no different than a woman observing another woman is attractive - bottom line there is no attraction, it is just fact. He would never tell you "that woman is attractive" in this instance, because it's not something he really thought much about. On the other hand, if a man is sitting at home wondering if there are going to be "hot" girls at the place he's taking his significant other on a date ... he is thinking and obsessing about it. There is not even a "hot girl" in question - it is all in his fantasy mind. His emotions are involved, his Ego is raging, he wants to hurt his wife/girlfriend ... in that instance, it is just a matter of time before he cheats. And no woman can "fix" him, - he needs professional help.

    Love yourself. Get rid of this jerk.

    Okay so if you're dating someone you aren't allowed to look at the opposite sex and do the natural human thing and think someone in attractive? Ok I will never date anyone ever again.
  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    I know it's just typical guy talk, but I thought guys had that guy code crap of things you just don't say.

    There's a guy code?

    There is a "guy code". We use that term all the time where I live. Guys here know what it means.
  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    My advice;

    "Honey, you'll be so happy ... there are a lot of hot girls that go there. & THANK GOD a lot of hot guys, too. It should be fun for both of us ... I dunno about you, but I could sure use some eye candy this weekend ... those buff college guys are so yummy "*wink* *walk away*

    But honestly, why are you even wasting your time with this dude? I don't want to be the precursor to a debate here, but it's my experience that when a man is dating you and is genuinely interested, he will put his best foot forward. If you're in a long term relationship or married, IF he is still committed to you and in love with you, he would never make this sort of a comment or have those kinds of thoughts. Especially if you are feeling down on yourself.

    We're all human, and of course we can look at people objectively and think "they're attractive". But to me, it's the difference between FACTS vs. FEELINGS. If a woman walks into a restaurant, and your husband/boyfriend observes that she's attractive, that's no different than a woman observing another woman is attractive - bottom line there is no attraction, it is just fact. He would never tell you "that woman is attractive" in this instance, because it's not something he really thought much about. On the other hand, if a man is sitting at home wondering if there are going to be "hot" girls at the place he's taking his significant other on a date ... he is thinking and obsessing about it. There is not even a "hot girl" in question - it is all in his fantasy mind. His emotions are involved, his Ego is raging, he wants to hurt his wife/girlfriend ... in that instance, it is just a matter of time before he cheats. And no woman can "fix" him, - he needs professional help.

    Love yourself. Get rid of this jerk.

    Okay so if you're dating someone you aren't allowed to look at the opposite sex and do the natural human thing and think someone in attractive? Ok I will never date anyone ever again.

    If I am dating a guy he can look all he wants, I don't care. It's normal. I am going to look too. I love guys. But it is a matter of respect .I want to feel like the hottest one in his eyes. When he is with me, I want the majority of his attention. I don't need all of it. We are adults, we are human and we will always look and flirt, etc. No matter how you feel, learn how to play your cards so your date doesn't feel like a dog. He can gawk on "guys night" but not in the presence of her.

    He should have said, "wear something sexy tonight so I can check out your cleavage and your butt when you bend over to shoot" And then when at the bar, he could check out the chicks all he wants but then put his hand in her back pocket, pull her close to him and kiss her and say, "you're the hottest one in this room". He may not really THINK it, but if he wants an AMAZING night, he'll be smart enough to know what to say. It all depends on him. So many guys, "just don't get it". You all could have women eating out of your hands if you played your cards right.
  • 2loose4me
    2loose4me Posts: 10
    WOW :/
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    There is no guy code. Where do you women get this stuff? LOL
  • matt2442
    matt2442 Posts: 1,259 Member
    There is no guy code. Where do you women get this stuff? LOL

  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    Hahaha. I can top it.

    Ex started his college course:

    "There are a few good looking women in my class but don't worry, they're all way out of my league anyway!"
  • RachyLovesRattys
    RachyLovesRattys Posts: 143 Member
    I hear worse all the time. It's okay though, because I'm cooking up a dish served very cold :) A new me, and a divorce!

    ^^Hells yeah to that!!!

    I'm not one to overanalyze either. And I'm very secure in myself when things happen to my boyfriend (he used to be a delivery driver and got hit on ALL the time and once we were even at a wedding together and some girls were telling him how cute he was when I went to the bathroom)

    Either way, this statement was not okay. If the guy said it, or reversed if the girl said it, it's not okay. Nobody feels good after a comment like that. I think it was a lack of a filter, and usually people who have no filter are, as one girl put it "douchecanoes". I refuse to have anyone in my life that doesn't completely make me feel awesome. This didn't make you feel doesn't make me feel awesome hearing it....dump the dweeb! Wait until he says that to the next girl he tries to get with---hopefully she gives him a swift kick in the nads.