Fruit make u fat?



  • judychicken
    judychicken Posts: 937 Member
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    As long as your workplace has a fridge and a microwave, you can bring all kinds of things to work. I bring a full grocery bag of stuff to school every day. I eat breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack there. . . all fresh food that I brought from home in Ziplock plastic containers. Everything can be heated up in under a minute and eaten quickly if necessary.
  • Babsvii
    Babsvii Posts: 177 Member
    I think you need to focus more on hitting your macros and not going over... your diary is a mess... you eat a lot of processed foods that are high in sodium, too much fruit isn't good for you, its not going to kill you but if you are serious about losing weight everything in moderation. I recommend no more then 2 servings of fruit a day.... for one they are high in carbs and sugar. High sodium can make you gain 2-5 lbs on any given day... of course that is water retention but i bet you would lose a lot of weight if you focused on keeping sodium low and lowered your carbs which means cutting out some of that fruit.

    I more than one hundred percent agree with you. I am trying hard but I work in prison as a guard. We have been short staffed for months which means 5/5 or 4/5 of my days are twelve to sixteen hour days. I try to pack as healthy as I can and always have a can of soup a piece of fruit and a package of crackers on stand by as my dinner. Most days I am at work so long I eat all three meals there.

    It is tough to packa whole days worth of food into my lunch bag, I figure the soup and crackers is way better than the institutional food I Would be served if I did not have my soups.

    The food there is terrible it is over a thousand cals per meal. It is usually a processed meat product with a cake or cookie, pasta, and something that may resemble a veg smothered in butter. All served with kool aid doused with sugar. There is not one thing I can eat. I don't know what the ingredients are,

    You will see there are times my diary looks great those are times when I am not working 12-16 hour days.

    But I agree with you it is just my job is so demanding it is hard. Fruit helps cuz I can eat it on the go. I don't get meal breaks either so I eat on my feet on the go.

    I need fruit and a package of veg to grab and go. I can carry a container of yogurt. I can stick my soup in the inmate microwave and eat in the 15 mins they are gone to chow.

    When I get home I am too tired to cook something for the next day cuz I am usually due back to work in 8-12 hours.

    But I agree with u and I try to do my best with the time I do have

    Surely it is not the worst diary ever! Lol

    i agree in cases like that you kinda are screwed unless you put in more effort preparing food at home to bring with you to work... its a hard situation when you spend so much time at work, i will give you that. Maybe try bringing more veggie trays, boiled eggs for protein, make a sandwich with grilled chicken breast instead of processed meat, almonds... that kinda stuff. you could also make salads with chicken or steak just dont put the dressing on until you eat it.... of course its going to take a little extra time and creativity to make healthy things to bring but the payoff would be beneficial. I agree dont eat the inmate food LOL but for fruit try to keep it to berries that are lower in carbs and sugars.
  • Babsvii
    Babsvii Posts: 177 Member
    also no fridge could you can bring a cooler with ice packs?
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    no, fruit doesn't make you fat.
  • garyj1970
    You can also buy a wide mouth thermos to take hot food with you, will keep hot for 7 hours
  • CarlieeBear
    CarlieeBear Posts: 325 Member
    I binged on grapes one day to the tune of over 400 calories...such a yummy binge and at least it wasn't empty calories, but too many cals for one food for me.

    My only concern if your calorie count is ok would be if you have blood sugar issues. I've become a bit of a fruit addict myself...I love cuties and can't eat just one unless that's all I have!
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    In that case, I would be eating a lot of fruit too. . . and carrots, granola, trail mix, jerky, carrots, whole grain crackers and peanut butter, and little cans of tuna.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    It's a lot more likely that the food you eat in addition to the fruit will make you fat.
  • carling5
    carling5 Posts: 4
    Sorry, but nobody has ever gotten FAT by eating fruit. Candy, ice cream, cheeseburgers, Coke/Pepsi/Mountain Dew, pizza, mac & cheese, fried chicken, and chips? Absolutely. But strawberries, mangoes, peaches, bananas, apples, kiwi, apricots, melons, and grapes? No way. In fact, if you went on a 100% fruit diet you would drop weight like crazy.

    I don't care what the study of the week says. Common sense and nature say otherwise. When it comes to fruit, I say just stay within your daily calorie allotment and enjoy!
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    It's a lot more likely that the food you eat in addition to the fruit will make you fat.

    I don't think so
    Broccoli? Carrots?
    Measured dips and dressings?
    No way!
    I measure everything and know the portions I am using!
    I even measure my fruit!

    By your logic I should only eat the fruit or everything but the fruit!
    That sounds lose/lose to me!

    All if it fits into my cals for they day and I have been being grubled at because I am not eating enough!


    "By my logic", eh? I'm pretty sure what I was suggesting was that one individual food has no overall impact if the rest of the diet is in check.