fasting cleanses?



  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    You have people who say, "don't cleans'. . ."eat ice cream daily". Who would listen to someone like that? That isn't a person who knows their stuff NOR who gives healthy advice.

    Just because someone LOOKS healthy on the outside doesn't mean they are healthy on the inside. Don't be fooled.

    I don't believe cleanses are effective at eliminating any toxins at all. I also eat some ice cream almost every day. All of my health markers that I've had tested indicate I am in fine health. What markers do you recommend I should have tested that might indicate a problem from my habit (of eating ice cream and not cleansing)?

    Seriously, I'd love to know, because I generally like to make health a high priority in my life.

    This invitation for tests I should consider to try to find something unhealthy is open to anyone. I'm always open to finding actual deficiencies in my health to diagnose and address.

    ETA: And if a "cleanse" actually fixes something that is unhealthy about me, I'll even consider that.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You have people who say, "don't cleans'. . ."eat ice cream daily". Who would listen to someone like that? That isn't a person who knows their stuff NOR who gives healthy advice.

    Just because someone LOOKS healthy on the outside doesn't mean they are healthy on the inside. Don't be fooled.

    Who says eat ice-cream daily?

    I eat ice cream daily but please refer me to where I have ever said that others should

    What makes you think I am talking about you?

    Why else would you mention the ice cream?

    By the way, have you read Sara's story?

    I had absolutely no idea that story existed. I don't even look at profiles and look at photos. Now I know why you all think everything I say about ice cream is about Sara. I only said it bc of what her comment was to me last night when I said I was doing a cleanse. She said, "I'll be thinking about you while I eat my daily bowl of ice cream"

    I am here to converse and I read what ppl say in threads, but I have never snooped into another's profile. I honestly guess I have no interest. Thanks for sharing though.

    Your welcome, hopefully you will read it and learn something, as you say you are here to read and learn.

    There are some people here whom I respect very much. And many of them challenge my comments, but they at least read the documentation I put before them and they also provide some in return. I value their opinions and advice and what they have to say, even if it is different from my own. However, this particular person who wrote the story above IMO does none of that. I have no respect nor do I trust this story to be true or useful.

    I don't like to talk about people so I am going to stop here. The thread is about cleansing and not about another member here. I do thank you though for providing this for me. You are one of those people I love to see on the forum. You challenge people in a respectful manner, you're clearly open to other's ideas (as am I) and you provide useful information with thought behind it and never degrade people in the process. I mean it is okay to disagree, but so many have to personally attack.

    Again, thanks for the link.

    So, you are insinuating that I am lying in my success story? Classy lady.
  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    do whatever you think is best, there are people on here who will disagree with what ever you think you want to do. all because they have read some information on the internet.

    Or have studied nutrition and fitness and have personal experience to boot. But whatever.


    Scientifically proven evidence and strong warnings from clinicans with recognised qualifications versus anecdotes from people on MFP with qualifications in "holistic" therapies. Hmmmmmmmm... pass me the unicorn pee...

    There are basically no scientific studies on it. We are waiting for them to catch up. In about ten years, remember this conversation when everyone has come out and discovered to cleanse. Some of us are ahead of the times, others are waiting on science. They aren't there yet.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    do whatever you think is best, there are people on here who will disagree with what ever you think you want to do. all because they have read some information on the internet.

    Or have studied nutrition and fitness and have personal experience to boot. But whatever.


    Scientifically proven evidence and strong warnings from clinicans with recognised qualifications versus anecdotes from people on MFP with qualifications in "holistic" therapies. Hmmmmmmmm... pass me the unicorn pee...

    There is no scientific studies on it. We are waiting for them to catch up. In about ten years, remember this conversation when everyone has come out and discovered to cleanse. Some of us are ahead of the times, others are waiting on science. They aren't there yet.

    Bwahahaha! And with that thought, I'm done with this thread. I need to return to reality and real life.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    There is no scientific studies on it. We are waiting for them to catch up. In about ten years, remember this conversation when everyone has come out and discovered to cleanse. Some of us are ahead of the times, others are waiting on science. They aren't there yet.

    You are mind boggling, ma'm.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    There is no scientific studies on it. We are waiting for them to catch up. In about ten years, remember this conversation when everyone has come out and discovered to cleanse. Some of us are ahead of the times, others are waiting on science. They aren't there yet.

  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    You have people who say, "don't cleans'. . ."eat ice cream daily". Who would listen to someone like that? That isn't a person who knows their stuff NOR who gives healthy advice.

    Just because someone LOOKS healthy on the outside doesn't mean they are healthy on the inside. Don't be fooled.

    I don't believe cleanses are effective at eliminating any toxins at all. I also eat some ice cream almost every day. All of my health markers that I've had tested indicate I am in fine health. What markers do you recommend I should have tested that might indicate a problem from my habit (of eating ice cream and not cleansing)?

    Seriously, I'd love to know, because I generally like to make health a high priority in my life.

    This invitation for tests I should consider to try to find something unhealthy is open to anyone. I'm always open to finding actual deficiencies in my health to diagnose and address.

    ETA: And if a "cleanse" actually fixes something that is unhealthy about me, I'll even consider that.

    If I were you, I'd take this to a forum on cleansing. You'll get a lot more useful information there. I think I am the only one in this thread who has experienced it. You aren't going to get get answers in this thread, I think that is why no one has responded. The posters here are inexperienced in cleansing and I can tell they don't understand how the body works by the questions they are asking. Many want to fight and attack me instead of talking about the topic. Read the last two pages, it's "all about me". I seem to be more popular than a topic. Seriously though, if you would like, I know of a place on Facebook where you can debate and get a lot of info there from people with knowledge and experience on the topic and then you can decide.

    I mean, I wouldn't go into a kindergarten classroom and ask them to explain evolution to me. I'd rather go to a college biology class. Neither are pros, but you have a better chance of getting some useful information in the latter one.
  • KayFi89
    KayFi89 Posts: 39
    There is no reason for insults on here. I was wondering about peoples experiences with cleanses. I already know the obvious diet and exercise routine and I was only CONSIDERING doing a cleanse for an extra boost. I wasnt planning on taking laxatives. The master cleanse recommends taking metamucil instead of the senna tea anyways which is just fiber
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    the people advocating against cleanses and detoxes are trying to help people. they want to prevent people from being tricked into doing something that a) doesn't work, and b) is a scam. they all have lives of their own and i'm sure they can find other things they could be doing with their time. but they genuinely want to help people, so they take the time to respond to these threads day after day after day after day.

    This x100.

    It not about being mean or trying to create an argument, it's ensuring that the OP, and any other people who read this thread, have all the facts. And by facts I mean scientifically-proven evidence.

    I have a bioscience degree and I've done research as a health journalist into a whole host of "holistic" therapies and never found any evidence that detoxing and cleansing would be beneficial to me or anyone else. I consulted doctors and dieticians and would take their word over claims on the Internet any day of the week.

    I am not completely close-minded and hold up my hands and admit I do find holistic therapies in general very interesting (acupuncture and chiropracty had amazing results for me, even though I strongly suspect there was placebo effect in play. Crystals, parasite zapping, kineseolgy and reiki were beyond a joke). But I would not advocate fasting with the sole purpose of somehow "cleansing" toxins that our bodies do a very good job of removing already.

    To the OP: it is good to ask questions and get advice before starting on a new routine, which is exactly what you have done. I hope you are able to plough through this thread and find the sensible advice throughout that backs up my belief that there is no scientific basis for cleansing and that it is unnecessary.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    For the love of everything...

    I can't believe this is even a discussion.


    "First, squeeze Fresh Lemon Juice.
    Then add Rich Maple Syrup, and Cayenne Pepper into Pure Water.
    Drink a minimum of six to 12 glasses throughout the day whenever one is hungry (For the Lemonade diet recipe with exact measurements, scroll down this page)
    Take a laxative before bed.
    instead of the morning laxative, you can do the Salt Water Flush."

    How can anyone think this is good for you? Seriously. At best, you will lose primarily water weight and have no energy. At worst you will make yourself very sick.

    Eat at a moderate calorie deficit. Exercise. Rest. That is all there is to it.

    ^^^^ this

    I mean it doesn't take a degree in Human Sciences to know that this is not healthy in the slightest....
  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    the people advocating against cleanses and detoxes are trying to help people. they want to prevent people from being tricked into doing something that a) doesn't work, and b) is a scam. they all have lives of their own and i'm sure they can find other things they could be doing with their time. but they genuinely want to help people, so they take the time to respond to these threads day after day after day after day.

    This x100.

    It not about being mean or trying to create an argument, it's ensuring that the OP, and any other people who read this thread, have all the facts. And by facts I mean scientifically-proven evidence.

    I have a bioscience degree and I've done research as a health journalist into a whole host of "holistic" therapies and never found any evidence that detoxing and cleansing would be beneficial to me or anyone else. I consulted doctors and dieticians and would take their word over claims on the Internet any day of the week.

    I am not completely close-minded and hold up my hands and admit I do find holistic therapies in general very interesting (acupuncture and chiropracty had amazing results for me, even though I strongly suspect there was placebo effect in play. Crystals, parasite zapping, kineseolgy and reiki were beyond a joke). But I would not advocate fasting with the sole purpose of somehow "cleansing" toxins that our bodies do a very good job of removing already.

    To the OP: it is good to ask questions and get advice before starting on a new routine, which is exactly what you have done. I hope you are able to plough through this thread and find the sensible advice throughout that backs up my belief that there is no scientific basis for cleansing and that it is unnecessary.

    I am a holistic practitioner by trade. I have certifications and degrees in some of the stuff you mentioned above. I have countless documents on people I have helped. Without question and for a FACT that stuff is NOT a joke.

    I am definitely in the wrong place. I believe in holistics and not eating ice cream which includes ingredients of rat poison.

    I have no business being in this thread.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    There is no reason for insults on here. I was wondering about peoples experiences with cleanses. I already know the obvious diet and exercise routine and I was only CONSIDERING doing a cleanse for an extra boost. I wasnt planning on taking laxatives. The master cleanse recommends taking metamucil instead of the senna tea anyways which is just fiber

    Hi OP,

    This is why I was wondering if you could clarify what benefit you are looking for. Some people do enjoy a short-term program to shake things up a bit. I don't believe the Master Cleanse is a healthy one, but there are lots of healthier alternatives out there.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    I am a holistic practitioner by trade. I have certifications and degrees in some of the stuff you mentioned above. I have countless documents on people I have helped. Without question and for a FACT that stuff is NOT a joke.

    I am definitely in the wrong place. I believe in holistics and not eating ice cream which includes ingredients of rat poison.

    I have no business being in this thread.

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    Lori, post your credentials and your documents.

    Or, have you left already?.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    the people advocating against cleanses and detoxes are trying to help people. they want to prevent people from being tricked into doing something that a) doesn't work, and b) is a scam. they all have lives of their own and i'm sure they can find other things they could be doing with their time. but they genuinely want to help people, so they take the time to respond to these threads day after day after day after day.

    This x100.

    It not about being mean or trying to create an argument, it's ensuring that the OP, and any other people who read this thread, have all the facts. And by facts I mean scientifically-proven evidence.

    I have a bioscience degree and I've done research as a health journalist into a whole host of "holistic" therapies and never found any evidence that detoxing and cleansing would be beneficial to me or anyone else. I consulted doctors and dieticians and would take their word over claims on the Internet any day of the week.

    I am not completely close-minded and hold up my hands and admit I do find holistic therapies in general very interesting (acupuncture and chiropracty had amazing results for me, even though I strongly suspect there was placebo effect in play. Crystals, parasite zapping, kineseolgy and reiki were beyond a joke). But I would not advocate fasting with the sole purpose of somehow "cleansing" toxins that our bodies do a very good job of removing already.

    To the OP: it is good to ask questions and get advice before starting on a new routine, which is exactly what you have done. I hope you are able to plough through this thread and find the sensible advice throughout that backs up my belief that there is no scientific basis for cleansing and that it is unnecessary.

    I am a holistic practitioner by trade. I have certifications and degrees in some of the stuff you mentioned above. I have countless documents on people I have helped. Without question and for a FACT that stuff is NOT a joke.

    I am definitely in the wrong place. I believe in holistics and not eating ice cream which includes ingredients of rat poison.

    I have no business being in this thread.

    so i was right? you DO have a drawer full of crystals. do you believe that wearing a crystal or placing it on your body can heal you or help your health?
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    I have no business being in this thread.

    Yeah, I was thinking that, but you do seem to like stalking the cleanse threads, doesn't matter that EVERY person you come across pretty much shoots you down with science, you just don't give up, do you :flowerforyou:
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    the people advocating against cleanses and detoxes are trying to help people. they want to prevent people from being tricked into doing something that a) doesn't work, and b) is a scam. they all have lives of their own and i'm sure they can find other things they could be doing with their time. but they genuinely want to help people, so they take the time to respond to these threads day after day after day after day.

    This x100.

    It not about being mean or trying to create an argument, it's ensuring that the OP, and any other people who read this thread, have all the facts. And by facts I mean scientifically-proven evidence.

    I have a bioscience degree and I've done research as a health journalist into a whole host of "holistic" therapies and never found any evidence that detoxing and cleansing would be beneficial to me or anyone else. I consulted doctors and dieticians and would take their word over claims on the Internet any day of the week.

    I am not completely close-minded and hold up my hands and admit I do find holistic therapies in general very interesting (acupuncture and chiropracty had amazing results for me, even though I strongly suspect there was placebo effect in play. Crystals, parasite zapping, kineseolgy and reiki were beyond a joke). But I would not advocate fasting with the sole purpose of somehow "cleansing" toxins that our bodies do a very good job of removing already.

    To the OP: it is good to ask questions and get advice before starting on a new routine, which is exactly what you have done. I hope you are able to plough through this thread and find the sensible advice throughout that backs up my belief that there is no scientific basis for cleansing and that it is unnecessary.


    The single largest advocate for cleanses in this thread has not been able to answer questions about what would be changed through the use of a cleanse or what it can do for you.

    I practice intermittent fasting and think that maybe a brief fast might benefit you (dinner to dinner) psychologically if that is what you're looking for. Just drink water for 24 hours, you would be surprised at how great you will feel. No need to add any strange ingredients or upset your stomach/intestines with highly acidic juices. You can still fit in a good chunk of your calories when you break your fast for dinner. As far as weight loss goes, there isn't going to be more benefit than just a restricted calorie diet but, like I said, you may feel better and it won't hurt you.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member

    I have no business being in this thread.

    That's the first sensible thing you've said all day.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member

    I have no business being in this thread.

    That's the first sensible thing you've said all day.

  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    do whatever you think is best, there are people on here who will disagree with what ever you think you want to do. all because they have read some information on the internet.

    Or have studied nutrition and fitness and have personal experience to boot. But whatever.


    Scientifically proven evidence and strong warnings from clinicans with recognised qualifications versus anecdotes from people on MFP with qualifications in "holistic" therapies. Hmmmmmmmm... pass me the unicorn pee...

    There are basically no scientific studies on it. We are waiting for them to catch up. In about ten years, remember this conversation when everyone has come out and discovered to cleanse. Some of us are ahead of the times, others are waiting on science. They aren't there yet.

    hahaha! Yes, let's all take the risk that you and others that advocate this stuff are visionaries!! Based on all that holistic training, you are out in front of the scientific curve!! lol

    You can't be serious??