For all the people who believe walking isn't exercise...



  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    have lost all of mine via diet and walking....additional 1 night of zumba per week ( some weeks) 38 lbs down since july
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    They got a rude shock when I showed them my resting heartrate last night! There are lots of people who will argue it isn't, and I agree that a quick stroll around the park probably isn't going to do a whole lot for you. But anything that gets your heartrate up is exercise, and for many people, walking does just that!

    A low resting heart rate isn't necessarily an indicator of good health or fitness. It can be just as much genetic as anything else.
  • m8605
    m8605 Posts: 102
    These 11lbs have been just from walking and aiming for my calorie goal :)

    Btw you're a pretty lady :)
  • fayeonherway
    When you have jacked up knees walking is better than nothing. Walking for exercise is way better than nothing! Walking relieves stress, gets you moving, helps with building stamina and your lungs. I have no time for people who look down on walking. SO many people have lost weight just by walking.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    I love running! Unfortunately, I have proven to myself since I started it in October that I am woefully injury-prone. So I constantly have to dial it back and what I do in the meantime is walk at about a 4 mph pace. It's by far the most natural exercise, in my opinion, and something most anyone can do regardless of fitness level (speed and distance may vary, of course). Plus, all you really need are decent shoes and you can do it anywhere! On breaks at work, there are dozens of people in the building who walk around the parking lot. Between my two 15 minute breaks each day and my lunch break, I can easily get a total of 30-35 minutes of walking in a day while at work. :flowerforyou:
  • AmbyrJayde
    AmbyrJayde Posts: 257 Member

    According to the statistics posted by this website ( ) a resting heartrate of 54 puts me in the 'Athlete' range for a woman of my age.

    That chart puts me as athlete as well. Mine was 52 bpm. I can't possibly be an athelete i can't run for longer than 1.5 minutes and I"m 270 lbs.

    Not that I'm at all going against walking being exercise, its how I lost all my weight lol
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    Lost my first 16 lbs. of this journey just walking, not even counting calories or watching what I ate. Walked a half marathon last month in 2:33:26.

    I count all my walks, even the incredibly slow ones with the dog, as exercise, and eat back the calories. I've been maintaining since Oct. 1 within about a five pound range (112.8 was my highest weight and 107.4 was the lowest during that time). I do lots of other things for exercise now, but I still walk every day, even if it's just a quick 1/4 mi. with the dog.

    Ignore the haters, and walk on.