Over 200 New Year New Me Part 16



  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    mstahl - I am so sorry to hear of your MIL's critical health. I am praying for Millie and all of you. She sounds like a wonderful woman.
    jlb - that pic is outstanding! Oh my goodness you have lost a ton of weight! But please do not re-name the thread "under 200" because I'll definitely be out! I don't think I'll ever live to see onederville.
    elmox - I actually grew up in North St. Louis in Baden, but you know how scary that part of town is now, eh? Yikers. I currently live in U. City. I went to Rosati Kain High School, then Fontbonne & Washington University for undergrad, UMSL for first masters, then U of Oregon for second masters and my now defunct doctorate. LOL
    Pos_Me - I have to agree with the girls. When I went through a static funk, I ate all of my calories plus half of my exercise and I started losing again. Some days I eat all of my exercise cals, too. I mix it up quite a bit during the week. I hope this helps. Please know we've all been there and we know how you feel, and these days of not losing are the worst ever, but quitting is never an option! How much water and fiber are you getting?
    meokk - glad you got the new scale!
    KDub - wow, measuring every week is pretty intense. I hope it works for you! You'll get there - just keep on keepin' on!
    jess - I'm so glad you found some people to jog with you! You go, girl! And yes, here lately my MFP has occasionally been coming up with no graphics, too (DOS mode?). I hate that. When it happens I close it out and start all over again, and usually it comes back. Oooh I am so jealous you are going to the opera! You are going to a world premiere, you know! Dallas Opera is presenting Moby D-i-c-k, right? You've got a pretty famous tenor singing Capt. Ahab - Ben Heppner - I hope he is performing when you see it and not the understudy! (Sorry, music geek here. :tongue: ) You are so lucky! Enjoy! Jake Heggie is an up-and-coming great composer.
    lstpaul - so glad to hear you're working on your MFP mojo!
    heather - I want your job! I love to read how happy you are that you do what you do! It always makes me smile to read your happy posts about the kids.
    raider - I will pray for you in the baby category!
    miranda - yes, you will discover that the sodium at restaurants is HIGH, just like processed foods. I started tracking sodium on here and man, was I in for a big shocker! Since I started keeping it down I have begun losing steadily again.

    OK, enough of this falling asleep at Phantom! LOL :laugh:

    check in:
    calories: good (used a lot on vodka - see "proud" below)
    water: 96
    exercise: PT today and he killed my legs; 40 mins moderate bike
    proud: I went to PT today even though I had the absolute worst day of teaching today. :frown: My boss observed me during the worst class ever. These fourth graders are notorious for being disrespectful and horrible. I had to give 7 warnings and send one to a time out! :ohwell: THEN two third grade girls stole from my desk - the P.E. teacher caught them with the goods. THEN two second graders came in chasing each other and I sent them both out to a time out to calm down (was planning to get them in five minutes), and the little boy stomped his way up the stairs so loudly it disrupted two classrooms and my boss had to intervene to see what was going on (which he sided with the BOY and thought he did nothing wrong). THEN a third grader came in and did a fabulous break dance number in the middle of my circle without permission, so I had to reprimand him. Ugh. :explode: I drank most of my calories today! And it wasn't water, girls! :drinker: <---vodka
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    I drank most of my calories today! And it wasn't water, girls! :drinker: <---vodka

    bluenote, I have definitely been there! When I was teaching (I taught high school English for two years), there were days that I felt I just couldn't win. I found that some of my students (12th grade boys) were truly just punks. They took pleasure in making my day horrible and pushing me. It's tough, but you push through. I'm thinking of you and hoping the vodka numbed some of the pain. :wink:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    bluenote - Sorry to hear about your horrible day! Everyone has one those type of days. Thanks for the prayers.

    Check in 4/29

    Calories - Over by 121 (Dang Smores!!!)
    Sodium - Over
    Water - 88 oz and counting
    Exercise 15 mins of fast walking
    Proud of getting my butt out of my chair for work and walking during my break!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow!:yawn:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Check in for today:

    Calories: 1266, 14 to spare!
    Water: 64 or 88. I can't remember if I had 2 or 3 bottles at work. Silly, I know
    Exercise: None. Feeling so lazy lately...plans for the gym tomorrow morning
    Proud: For sharing the beauty that is frozen grapes. :bigsmile:
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Hey everyone :happy: Sorry I went M.I.A for the week...Kinda lost all motivation and was completely stressed out with my kids.

    Thanks for thinking of me though :smile: Means a lot and I have been keeping up with all the posts from this week, but when I'd go to reply I'd get side tracked and think "oh I'll just get to it later..." Until I got Jess's message today and realized I hadn't said anything all week!:noway: :ohwell:

    So I'm back, Working on getting back on track :smile: [though really, REALLY not looking forward to weigh in tomorrow:grumble: ]
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Happy weigh-in day!

    Calories: 1605 - like 14 over exercise
    Exercise: 20 minutes stationary bike; 25 minute walk. Was supposed to run but was trying to hold out for my new shoes. They weren't delivered until 7.30pm! And dinner was already done by then, so decided to run today instead.
    Water: 100oz
    Proud: I broke that dumb plateau. Let's hope it stays broken for more than 2-3 weeks this time.

    I'm feeling REALLY bloated & kind of crampy this morning. Methinks TOM will be here very soon (whew!). So, the bloated on weigh-in day sucks because even WITH the bloat, I'm at 202.4 this morning. That's down 1.6 from my previous lowest weight of 204.0. Without the bloat... I'm so freaking close! :happy: Being so close is really good motivation to work out harder.

    Littlespy............. -1.6 = 0.78%
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Littlespy............. -1.6 = 0.78%
    Meokk............... -4.0 = 2.06%

    Holy cannoli how did that happen!?!?!? I am loving 1450 calories!!!!!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good morning girls :)

    Littlespy............. -1.6 = 0.78%
    Pos_me..............0 = 0%

    I am down 3 pounds from what i saw yesterday ( 212 - 3 = 209) but it's not my last friday's low 207.9...so no loss for me..
    i will check in after this post..

    GOod luck to all :)
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    same time posting.......

    Littlespy............. -1.6 = 0.78%
    Pos_me..............0 = 0%
    Meokk............... -4.0 = 2.06%
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Happy weigh-in day!

    Calories: 1605 - like 14 over exercise
    Exercise: 20 minutes stationary bike; 25 minute walk. Was supposed to run but was trying to hold out for my new shoes. They weren't delivered until 7.30pm! And dinner was already done by then, so decided to run today instead.
    Water: 100oz
    Proud: I broke that dumb plateau. Let's hope it stays broken for more than 2-3 weeks this time.

    I'm feeling REALLY bloated & kind of crampy this morning. Methinks TOM will be here very soon (whew!). So, the bloated on weigh-in day sucks because even WITH the bloat, I'm at 202.4 this morning. That's down 1.6 from my previous lowest weight of 204.0. Without the bloat... I'm so freaking close! :happy: Being so close is really good motivation to work out harder.

    Littlespy............. -1.6 = 0.78%

    littlespy, with the bloating and all right now and you are so close, I just know you will be 199.9 by next Friday. I'm so excited for you :drinker: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :drinker:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Good morning girls :)

    Littlespy............. -1.6 = 0.78%
    Pos_me..............0 = 0%

    I am down 3 pounds from what i saw yesterday ( 212 - 3 = 209) but it's not my last friday's low 207.9...so no loss for me..
    i will check in after this post..

    GOod luck to all :)

    Look at that.....3 lbs in one day!!!! Maybe it's just a funny old water retention sodium thing. You'll be seeing that 207 again before you know it . Have a great day !!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    litspy: WOW!!! what an accomplishment...you lost a million pounds :)
    Jess: how did you like the Oprea...I've only been to an oprea show long time ago...when i was in 4th grade..so i don't really remember who was playing..I hope you liked it
    Bluenote: sorry you had a rough day, yesterday, but hopefully today will be better...and tomorrow is relax time:bigsmile:
    Elmox: I have never tried frozen grapes...maybe when the weather get better like this weekend...it suppose to be like 90 degrees on Saturday...from cold nighs to soon to be sticky nights...
    Jeskya: Nice to see you're back...

    Check in for yesterday
    Calories: 1329
    Exercise: 35 minutes walking in the park
    Water: 12 cups
    proud: I ate all my calories..even though i was scared of what the scale would say the next day...

    be back later
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good morning girls :)

    Littlespy............. -1.6 = 0.78%
    Pos_me..............0 = 0%

    I am down 3 pounds from what i saw yesterday ( 212 - 3 = 209) but it's not my last friday's low 207.9...so no loss for me..
    i will check in after this post..

    GOod luck to all :)

    Look at that.....3 lbs in one day!!!! Maybe it's just a funny old water retention sodium thing. You'll be seeing that 207 again before you know it . Have a great day !!!!!:flowerforyou:

    Thanks Meokk :) I am happy that i saw a loss...but i was so scare to step on the scale...of fear of seeing 213...I might have been retaining a lot of water from the sodium...but yesterday all i did was focus of measuring EVERYTHING out...Back to basics..

    Congrates on your 4 pound loss..and you ate 1400 calores...

    question: when did you start eating 1400? and did you see a loss right away or a gain? do you eat your exercise calories too?

    sorry for all the questions but i want to be prepare for the scale when i up my calories...maybe i will start gradually..
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Littlespy............. -1.6 = 0.78%
    Pos_me..............0 = 0%

    I haven't read all the posts but really quick..

    Jesyka-So glad to see you are okay! I saw your faceboko updates so I knew you were alive! We just missed hearing from ya!

    POS Me-I am going to the Opera tonight. I had no idea it was such a big deal to bluenote said something and I asked my friend so now I'm kinda excited! WORLD PREMIER! HAHA!

    Heather-I forgot to answer your question yesterday but the guy who sings Lover, Lover is Jerrod Niemann...he looks hott! :bigsmile: I only see his picture that's on the cover when I downloaded it on iTunes! I may have to look him up!! Let me know if you listen to it! I am hooked on it now! Gotta go back and catch up after we open the bank!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Oh yeah, I need to check in and catch up from yesterday......

    Bluenote - I am so sorry about those horrible children but it's so much worse when you don't get the support you need from your superiors. That really blows :explode: :mad: :explode:

    Jesyka - once you are in, there's no getting out, we will hunt you down and bring you back :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Glad to have you back though, keep your head up and lean on us. You can do this:flowerforyou:

    Check in yesterday:

    Calories - 1430ish
    Water - 100+oz
    Exercise - 20mins gardening
    Proud that I've come this far and I'm still amazed that I'm down 4 lbs this week
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Good morning girls :)

    Littlespy............. -1.6 = 0.78%
    Pos_me..............0 = 0%

    I am down 3 pounds from what i saw yesterday ( 212 - 3 = 209) but it's not my last friday's low 207.9...so no loss for me..
    i will check in after this post..

    GOod luck to all :)

    Look at that.....3 lbs in one day!!!! Maybe it's just a funny old water retention sodium thing. You'll be seeing that 207 again before you know it . Have a great day !!!!!:flowerforyou:

    Thanks Meokk :) I am happy that i saw a loss...but i was so scare to step on the scale...of fear of seeing 213...I might have been retaining a lot of water from the sodium...but yesterday all i did was focus of measuring EVERYTHING out...Back to basics..

    Congrates on your 4 pound loss..and you ate 1400 calores...

    question: when did you start eating 1400? and did you see a loss right away or a gain? do you eat your exercise calories too?

    sorry for all the questions but i want to be prepare for the scale when i up my calories...maybe i will start gradually..

    Hi Pos Me,
    I started eating 1450 2 weeks ago after I had a doing everything right at 1200 calories week with a zero loss.
    So the first week I lost 1.6 lbs which I was very happy with, I'm all for slow and steady, but this week I was really shocked and happy to see the 4lb loss. There is nothing else I changed this week, just the calories.
    Like you I have been thinking about doing the zigzagging that Cris talked about but after this week I think I will stick with 1450 as long as I am seeing a good loss and I'll switch back down to 1200 again if I stop losing.

    Are you on 1200 now?
    I'm 5'4" and my CW is 189.8
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Littlespy............. -1.6 = 0.78%
    Pos_me..............0 = 0%
    Meokk............... -4.0 = 2.06%

    I just noticed Meokk had been left off the list. She totally ROCKED IT this week! :smile:

    Thanks for going back for me LittleSPy!!!!! :bigsmile:

    Edit: Wow, it seems one of my powers this week is the ability to go back in time and reply to LittleSpy before she speaks!!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Littlespy............. -1.6 = 0.78%
    Pos_me..............0 = 0%
    Meokk............... -4.0 = 2.06%

    I just noticed Meokk had been left off the list. She totally ROCKED IT this week! :smile:

    I was just going back to add her in! We can't leave that awesome loss out!! You beat me to it!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Fri 04/30/10 06:49 AMLittlespy............. -1.6 = 0.78%
    Pos_me.......................................................0 = 0%
    Meokk........................................................ -4.0 = 2.06%

    WOW Meokk, Big Loss this week. Congrats to the rest of you. 0 for me. Kinda knew that would happen, but at least even with all the stress my weight is exactly what my ticker says. No lying tickers for me!!!!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I noticed the same thing...I though i had did something wrong...sorry if i did..i was going to correct it but LIttlespy's quick fingers beat all of us to it..Thanks spy..:heart: and sorry Meokk:flowerforyou: Your four pounds needs to stand out because that was all hard work:heart: