Fears are like underwear...

TheLuSir Posts: 1,674 Member
...few see them, but everybody's got them.

What are some of your fears?
How do you handle or overcome your fears?


  • j4zepedajj
    Well as a boy I was terrified of Zombies!! But now I love The Walking Dead!!!

    Also, I dont really care for snakes all that much.. Go figure.. I was raised in Palmdale, CA and Tucson AZ.. both have lots of rattle snakes...

    Hmmm... I'm TERRIFIED of Mean Gold Digging Women who Hunt Men for Sport!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Well as a boy I was terrified of Zombies!! But now I love The Walking Dead!!!

    Also, I dont really care for snakes all that much.. Go figure.. I was raised in Palmdale, CA and Tucson AZ.. both have lots of rattle snakes...

    Hmmm... I'm TERRIFIED of Mean Gold Digging Women who Hunt Men for Sport!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!

    you rang?
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    Birds....and I still haven't figured out how to overcome it :noway:
  • IntoTheSky
    IntoTheSky Posts: 390 Member
    Spiders and not being "good enough".
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Sharks, jellyfish, and revolving doors.
  • Cherryblosm3
    Cherryblosm3 Posts: 106 Member
    Clowns, being alone (relationship wise), not being accepted, The Grudge chick. holy efff
  • _Wonder_Woman_
    Bugs, that's my only fear. I swear. It's a ridiculous phobia.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I am fearless.

    I also don't wear underwear.
  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member
    The usual:

    the dark
    public speaking
    socializing in general
    being alone
    dying in a car accident

    damn, i could go on for a while...
  • Dragonnade
    Dragonnade Posts: 218 Member
    I'm scared of being wrong.

    Wrong also includes being challenged on my opinion.

    It also means I really struggle to admit I've changed my mind.

    Also spiders, earwigs and anything endless - the sea, space, etc.
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    I am fearless.

    I also don't wear underwear.

    How you doin'? :wink:
  • dawnsjourney
    dawnsjourney Posts: 80 Member
    Failure. Which explains why it took me so long to start this journey
  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member
    and anything endless - the sea, space, etc.

    this is a good one. i can't even talk to people about space because it creeps me the eff out.
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    Roaches crawling into my ear while I'm sleeping. Happened to my dad. It was gross.
  • tatd_820
    tatd_820 Posts: 573 Member
    Roaches crawling into my ear while I'm sleeping. Happened to my dad. It was gross.

    Story on radio this morning was this ladys 4 year old had a roach in his ear......It was very disturbing to hear so early in the morning. ACK!
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Spiders and heights.

    Used to be extremely afraid of clowns, but they just creep me out now.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Underwear = boxer briefs

    Fear = Commando
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Poor people.
  • dirtnap63
    dirtnap63 Posts: 1,387 Member
    I only have one of each. Spiders are my fear.
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    Roaches crawling into my ear while I'm sleeping. Happened to my dad. It was gross.

    Story on radio this morning was this ladys 4 year old had a roach in his ear......It was very disturbing to hear so early in the morning. ACK!

    And the way their legs are built, they can't crawl back out if they aren't small enough to turn around in your ear.