Calling all females 5'3 or shorter



  • harleenarang
    harleenarang Posts: 174 Member
    5"2 and looking to lose 60 pounds if i can - down 11 pounds as of now.
    Really need to get these off though I weight myself in kgs (a smaller number) to make me happy

    first 10 kgs = Get low waist jeans
    15 kgs = swim suit
    20 kgs = a tattoo
    goal weight = a completely new wardrobe :)
  • lindseyhilke
    I am 5'2" and just started MFP 10 days ago. I was about 141 and now I am down to 137. I am really excited about this! I want to weigh 120. I had 2 kids back to back, they are now 2 and 3. I had lost all the weight and was down to 125 but then gained weight back. So now I'm trying to lose it a healthy way and keep it off.
  • SPeffer1
    SPeffer1 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm just under 5'3" and I lost about 25 lbs. I don't have any pictures on here, but I will try to get some. I'm not currently trying to lose any weight but I actually lost the 25 through WW and doing a lot of running. It took me maybe five months? I am still a lifetime member of WW, but I actually prefer this website and app more!

    Edited b/c I forgot to post my before/after information.

    SW (after two years of laziness following having my son): 130
    Current Weight : Between 103 and 105.
  • ChristiSykes
    ChristiSykes Posts: 186 Member

    5'2" 30 years old....I currently am in the 100's!!! 199.8 lbs and counting :)
  • ChristiSykes
    ChristiSykes Posts: 186 Member
    5"2 and looking to lose 60 pounds if i can - down 11 pounds as of now.
    Really need to get these off though I weight myself in kgs (a smaller number) to make me happy

    IF YOU CAN? You can! You got this! :)
  • PINKinquisition1908
    PINKinquisition1908 Posts: 180 Member
  • amynicole0410

    Whoops! Afters are too big, here....



    Holy Poop!! WTG!!
  • mtbaker64
    mtbaker64 Posts: 53 Member
    Hello! I'm 5'0 (almost). I just started this week on mfp. (I must have looked into the site before, cuz it says I started last year) I've struggled most of my life with my weight. I have never really used a support group before and this is all new to me. I opened (I think) my profile up to people. As for before/after (current) pics, do we just put them in our profile? Thanks!
  • ewelsh92
    ewelsh92 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm 5'0 and my starting weight was 134lbs and my current weight (as of this morning) is 126.6 I have lost 8lbs in two months, that doesn't seem like a lot but on my short body it looks like a lot more! My husbands aunt (aunt in-law? lol) asked if I lost 20lbs and she couldn't believe that it was only 8lbs! What I do is just basically cut down on my portion sizes. I have not really changed what I eat. I do avoid soda and sugary drinks/foods though. Other than that, i'll eat my usual foods but smaller portions. I will not go for seconds like I used to. Using smaller plates helps. I also work out 3-4 times a week. Most of the time it is at home with a gym trip once a week. I use Jillian Michael's 30 day shred and a couple of other work out DVD's. Now that I most of the weight I wanted, i'm going to start using weights more often to tone up my arms and legs. My Goal weight is 120lbs or less, depending on how I feel in a bikini :blushing:
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    5'2 starting weight 187 - ending weight 145

    Me at 187


    Me at 150


    Me at 145

  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I am just shy of 5'3 and I have lost just over 50lbs.

    I started at 182lbs and I weigh about 128-133 in my after pictures

    Here a few before pictures:



    And after:



    You look incredible!
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    <<<<<<<<<<< There's me! I'm 5'2. I've lost 50-something pounds. I rewarded myself with a bikini this year. :-)
  • echidna60
    How did most of you start losing weight and how long did it take. BTW I work out everyday for about 1 hour and a half but i have only lost 2lbs in 3 weeks :frown:

    Kim, my advice is throw out the scales. They can be so deceptive. If you're working out an hour and a half everyday you are building up a lot of muscle--which weighs more than fat. Did you take your measurements before you started? That's a more realistic way to look at progress--especially if you're building muscle as you burn the fat.

    I began February 1 and I weighed 138 lbs. (I am 5'3.5"--I hope you'll let this "tall" girl share a word. :wink: ) But I determined then that I wasn't going to get on the scales again until I knew there had been some real progress. In my past, I was an absolute slave to the scales--the complexion of my entire day was determined by what that morning number read. And if it didn't show the progress I felt it should I would get depressed and then, predictably, go eat some comfort food. Walking around demoralized and depressed, feeling fat and ugly, just because of a number? So wrong.

    I know I've made significant progress because I have lost 2.5" from around my waist in the last 7 weeks--but I have yet to get on the scales (I gave it up for Lent :tongue: ). I'm actually a little afraid, but I'll weigh in after Easter.

    Good luck with your continued body change/weight loss. I hope this encourages you a little.
  • Grabbit5
    Grabbit5 Posts: 9
    How did most of you start losing weight and how long did it take. BTW I work out everyday for about 1 hour and a half but i have only lost 2lbs in 3 weeks :frown:

    I did 3 weeks of NO grains, alcohol, or sweets. NONE. Then in week 4, I added one serving of whole grains daily. Other than that, I've basically made sure that everying is real - cannot stress that enough. If you are having chocolate, don't have processed milk chocolate - make sure it's at least 70% cocoa chocolate. If you're having yogurt, don't have zero calorie diet yogurt - make sure it's full-fat, real yogurt. The biggest piece of advice i've got, is eat REAL food - not chemical *kitten*-storm processed foods targeted and marketed towards us dieters. Best of luck to you!

    hehe guess I should have clarified as to why I advise to eat real food and not synthetic stuff. It's not for caloric purposes - it's hormonal. When we humans eat food that is synthetic, it throws our hormones into chaos. The main reason I was mine in balance, is that when our hormones (estrogen, HGH, glucogen, DHEA, cortisol, etc) are stabalized our bodies naturally shed unneeded weight. Basically, our hormones can work for us, instead of us fighting against them to lose weight. I've found it much harder to battle body fat AND crazy hormones, instead of just body fat. (if you google The Perfect 10 Diet, you'll find a whole bunch of info).

    It sounds very strict and I was intimidated too, until I understood what exactly the fake foods were doing to my hormones. Once they were aligned a little better, I've shed 7.33% of my SW in 2 months (with doing not nearly enough excercise as I would have liked :blushing: ) Still got more to go though! Anyways, it's worked for quite a few people around me and has even cleared up skin conditions that have plagued two people all their lives. Hope you all hit your goals very soon - and don't forget to reward yourselves! This stuff can be hard work!
  • DonnaLeeCattes
    DonnaLeeCattes Posts: 492 Member
    I'm 5'3 Started out weighing 196 I'm now 123 :) there are pics on my page, you can go look if you like
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member

    This was my one year anniversary of MFP, I'm a few months away from my 2 year anniversary, will update it then.
  • jennymendiola
    jennymendiola Posts: 77 Member
    I am 5'1 and my SW 195, CW 138, and I would like to lose eight more pounds. I dont know how to post pics on the board, but I do have pics on my profile page.
  • jmjones2002
    I'm 5'1 and needing to lose 57lbs minimum. I started this journey back in 2010 & got 30lbs off. I was doing great with maintaining but ater my hysterectomy last April the weight came back on within 2mths:-( It's been slow going this go around. I'm only down 9lbs in 6wks where 3yrs ago I was losing aot faster. I know it's better to lose at a slower pace but I'm the type that wants instant results. I use to use food as a reward, like ice cream etc but now I buy clothes or shoes. I also love to get pedi's too & it's something my daughter & I do together. I just tried on pants/shirts at Old Navy yesterday and was able to go down a size in both. I didn't get the pants because I can keep wearing what I have but I did buy a few shirts that weren't so baggy & you can see where I'm losing in my tummy:-) I would love a tattoo(eventhough I'm terrified of pain) once I get to my goal. I was 124lbs 17yrs ago before I got peggors & would love to see that number again but will settle for a higher number because I've been so stretched out for so long that I dunno how 124 would look on me now. So glad to have found this site..It makes it so much easier for me to log my food & I'm shocked at the cals in some foods that I use to red lobsters pasta..crazy that I use to eat that big ol plate of it + biscuits.
  • fortunafitgoddess
    I'm 5'0" and at 158 right now. My goal is 120. I've been struggling for a few years now but finally have a program that works. I'm down a solid 10 pounds since January and improve my diet weekly. I have a great workout schedule, great support, but most importantly, I am motivated!
  • kge0891
    kge0891 Posts: 276 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm 5'2'' So summer of 2010 I was at my highest weight of 167. I gained a freshman 30+ first year of college. Over the next two years I lost about 20 lbs, fell off the wagon, and bounced between 140-150 for a while. In November, i got serious about re-starting MFP, and since then I have gone from 148 to 134. I still want to lose another 15 lbs or so, but I know I will get there this time, I'm not giving up!!

    Before at 167:


    After at 134:

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