Not understanding why i'm not losing weight.



  • rogerbosch
    rogerbosch Posts: 343 Member
    Noo !! All wrong. You can lose weight easily your just eating the wrong calories !! Lasagna and pastas aren't going to help

    Types of food you should be putting in your diet
    - chicken
    -vegetables !!
    - plain yoghurt and maybe a bit of milk
    -oats for the morning !!

    Stuff like that. Everything like ham and bacon are not good foods to put in a diet and u will be putting on weight rather than losing

    Lotta chick-science. Advice from the same book as: "You probably gained muscle." (on a 2000 calorie deficit lol)
  • alyssagilbert09
    alyssagilbert09 Posts: 20 Member
    Okay thank you i'll start doing that. You've all been really helpful. I appreciate you all taking the time to help me.
    Give it a few weeks/months. Please update everyone. A lot of these threads just die with no resolution.

    I will. Thank you all so much you have no idea how grateful I am to finally figure out what's been my problem. You will hear from me again with positive results :)
  • AndyLL180
    AndyLL180 Posts: 57 Member
    Okay thank you i'll start doing that. You've all been really helpful. I appreciate you all taking the time to help me.
    Give it a few weeks/months. Please update everyone. A lot of these threads just die with no resolution.

    I will. Thank you all so much you have no idea how grateful I am to finally figure out what's been my problem. You will hear from me again with positive results :)

    If you are willing to give out your stats... weight, height, BF% (if you've calculated it) activity level ( before exercise ) people here will be more then happy to run the stats through the calculators and help figure out what your daily calorie goal should be.
  • CatMcCheesey
    You might want to consider getting some advice from a dietician. It's not just about weight loss and the number of calories you consume - good nutrition is an important part of getting healthy.
  • BeccaBollons
    BeccaBollons Posts: 652 Member
    There has been some great advice on here! I upped my calories because I started on the standard 1200, like most people) and saw so many threads like this one that said "up your calories!" I did, now I net 1600 and I feel SO much better! "Good quality" calories I found were pecan nuts, almonds, real butter, eggs and bananas. There are loads more, but they were things that I found easy to incorporate. Hope it all works for you :)
  • alyssagilbert09
    alyssagilbert09 Posts: 20 Member
    Well i'm 5'5 204 lbs. i'm not sure what my BF% is my scale says it but it's in my roommates bathroom and my activity level before exercise is light
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Well i'm 5'5 204 lbs. i'm not sure what my BF% is my scale says it but it's in my roommates bathroom and my activity level before exercise is light

    How much do you work out and how active are you in your daily life? (e.g. desk job, kids. etc)
  • alyssagilbert09
    alyssagilbert09 Posts: 20 Member
    Well i'm 5'5 204 lbs. i'm not sure what my BF% is my scale says it but it's in my roommates bathroom and my activity level before exercise is light

    How much do you work out and how active are you in your daily life? (e.g. desk job, kids. etc)

    I usually work out for an hour doing zumba or elliptical sometimes walks.. but i don't work I nanny for a 2 year old and clean house everyday
  • dawnj87
    dawnj87 Posts: 98 Member
    You may also want to get a "FIT BIT" or a FT4 HRM, they are very accurate when your working out and calculate exactly how many calories you burn :wink:
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    200 cals of bacon, ham,eggs, ice cream, pop tarts are still 200 calories to the body.

    I've been doing that exact routine like she did and I didn't lose anything. As soon as I got to eating good foods. I've nearly lost 5 kilos in a month. Explain that to me !!!

    I have to agree with this. If I eat rubbish but stay within my limits I don't lose weight. I have to eat proper food to lose. Everyone is different and I know it shouldn't make a difference (a calorie is a calorie etc.) but it doesn't seem to work that way for me
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    Dear lady, There is a lot of conflicting advice given on this site. They all (probably) have a point. For what it's worth, in my experience if you dont log EVERYTHING you are most likely cheating. I agree with the healthy eating brigade...more veggies will cause your body to work harder digesting and metabolising the nutrients than the junk food that is around, e.g pizza calorie for calorie. So try and eat less of the "bad" food. My personal experience is that when I eat "more" I either stay tohe same or I gain. Dont be fooled by the "starvation mode" brigade, one dosnt burn muscle before your fat has gone, the only people in starvation mide are the truly starving, i.e anorexics and those poor people in Africa you see on the telly. That dosnt mean that eating very low calories all the time is the best way forward, mainly because it probably encourages binging! I have several colleagues who have followed the lighter life method (not for me personnally, I prefer real food) without any detriment to their health, able to contine working, and with very fast weight reduction over a long period! You might find the 5:2 diet interesting, just a thought. However, first and foremost be honest with yourself in your diaries :-) Good luck
  • AndyLL180
    AndyLL180 Posts: 57 Member
    Well i'm 5'5 204 lbs. i'm not sure what my BF% is my scale says it but it's in my roommates bathroom and my activity level before exercise is light (it has a BF% calculator there also) calculates your TDEE (before exercise) at 2100. MFP likely calculated about the same TDEE. Set your MFP goal to 1.5 lb/week. It will tell you to eat 1350 calories/day. Anywhere between 1300-1500 is likely fine and you'll still loose weight.

    You have to eat back your exercise calories. But you do need a better idea of what you are burning. 1400/hour of zumba did seem high.
  • Django1977
    Well i'm 5'5 204 lbs. i'm not sure what my BF% is my scale says it but it's in my roommates bathroom and my activity level before exercise is light

    How much do you work out and how active are you in your daily life? (e.g. desk job, kids. etc)

    I usually work out for an hour doing zumba or elliptical sometimes walks.. but i don't work I nanny for a 2 year old and clean house everyday

    Hey there Alyssa,

    first of all... that topic is the most topic in mfp... 8-) ... So many confused people because of the industry.

    Second.. I am sorry to say that but 500, 600 or less than 1000 kcal or also 1200 kcal for you isn´t good. You will be STARVING. And you don´t want that. Search for starvation response /(for example -> After a bit time your body will respond to less eating and will store that bit energy in fat. It is the wrong way.

    Third. Check your Calorie In and Output. Check here ->
    I did the math for you and it says me that your basal metabolic rate (means the energy your body burns when you do NOTHING) is 1743 kcal / per day !!!!!!!!! You shouldn´t go under that.

    It is that simple... eat less then you burn!!!! And if you eat higher your TDEE (means the calories you eat above to maintain weight) you will get fatter. If you are under TDEE you will progress. You can raise your TDEE by doing sports.

    Fourth. Be prepared that you SHOULD slowly loose weight (or better fat). 2 - 4 pounds per month is REALLY enough. 15 pounds in a few month is AWESOME. Many people would like have that.

    Fifth. To become a larger basal metabolic rate you should have a look into weightlifting ... Muscles are tissue active. Fat not. So if you get more muscles (expected in the first 2 years about 150 - 250 gramms muscles per month!!!!) you will be burning more calories because you have more muscles which needs more oxygen, energy etc.

    Sixth. Get more information about eating healthy, simple and complex carbohydrates, eating protein and carbs together, insulin etc etc. Check Tom Venuto on facebook, youtube etc etc. He is an awesome man. His book burn-the-fat-feed-the-muscles is one of the best books out there.

    I hope I can helped a bit. And please don´t STARVE yourself.


    Feel free to add me
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Well i'm 5'5 204 lbs. i'm not sure what my BF% is my scale says it but it's in my roommates bathroom and my activity level before exercise is light

    How much do you work out and how active are you in your daily life? (e.g. desk job, kids. etc)

    I usually work out for an hour doing zumba or elliptical sometimes walks.. but i don't work I nanny for a 2 year old and clean house everyday

    Do you prefer to eat to a static number or do you like to eat more on workout days? Either way works, its just preference as to which way you do it.
  • alyssagilbert09
    alyssagilbert09 Posts: 20 Member
    Well i'm 5'5 204 lbs. i'm not sure what my BF% is my scale says it but it's in my roommates bathroom and my activity level before exercise is light

    How much do you work out and how active are you in your daily life? (e.g. desk job, kids. etc)

    I usually work out for an hour doing zumba or elliptical sometimes walks.. but i don't work I nanny for a 2 year old and clean house everyday

    Do you prefer to eat to a static number or do you like to eat more on workout days? Either way works, its just preference as to which way you do it.

    I prefer to eat to a static number it's easier to keep track of
  • AnexRavensong
    AnexRavensong Posts: 262 Member
    Because no one posted it yet even though everyone assumed someone else would: ;)

    I read about the 50o calories and 600 calories and it really makes me sad that people feel like that is what they have to eat to get thin. :/ It's not healthy and it shows the sad state of society today.

    OP you're not eating enough. I know it sounds stupid and is the opposite of everything we hear about losing weight, but it's true. In my case I didn't start losing weight (and body fat %) until I started eating MORE. I was going around eating 1200 cals or less and exercising like mad and not going anywhere... that is what a few years of that does, it F-s up your metabolism.

    Anyway check out that post I linked, use Heybales' spreadsheet to help you get started (it looks scary, but actually it is easy once you look at it closer).

    All I have to say is that if you've been dieting and eating so little for years and you keep gaining back, or it doesn't work, why be afraid to try to do something the opposite of what you have been doing all along? I mean I figure most of us like food to begin with anyway or we wouldn't be trying to lose weight xD I was happy when I was told I could eat more and still lose weight (and it worked!/is working!).

    The other thing is that aside from models (which usually have pressure and often unrealistic expectations) most the "naturally" thin people I see actually eat food like a human and not a bird. /shrug
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    200 cals of bacon, ham,eggs, ice cream, pop tarts are still 200 calories to the body.

    I've been doing that exact routine like she did and I didn't lose anything. As soon as I got to eating good foods. I've nearly lost 5 kilos in a month. Explain that to me !!!

    I have to agree with this. If I eat rubbish but stay within my limits I don't lose weight. I have to eat proper food to lose. Everyone is different and I know it shouldn't make a difference (a calorie is a calorie etc.) but it doesn't seem to work that way for me
    No one is above the laws of thermodynamics. You and her must be extra terrestrials.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Well i'm 5'5 204 lbs. i'm not sure what my BF% is my scale says it but it's in my roommates bathroom and my activity level before exercise is light

    How much do you work out and how active are you in your daily life? (e.g. desk job, kids. etc)

    I usually work out for an hour doing zumba or elliptical sometimes walks.. but i don't work I nanny for a 2 year old and clean house everyday

    Do you prefer to eat to a static number or do you like to eat more on workout days? Either way works, its just preference as to which way you do it.

    I prefer to eat to a static number it's easier to keep track of

    I would suggest that you eat to a calorie target of 1,800 calories (no eating exercise calories back) - when you have upped your calories slowly to that level, sit there for 4 weeks and assess. Tweak up or down depending on your results.

    ETA: be really accurate with your logging. Weigh everything not pre-portioned and not liquid. Measure or weigh all liquids.
  • AndyLL180
    AndyLL180 Posts: 57 Member

    Second.. I am sorry to say that but 500, 600 or less than 1000 kcal or also 1200 kcal for you isn´t good. You will be STARVING. And you don´t want that. Search for starvation response /(for example -> After a bit time your body will respond to less eating and will store that bit energy in fat. It is the wrong way.

    Just wanted to mention... the OP was not the person with the goal of 600 calories per day...that was another poster.

    The OP hit the typical 1200/day setting and started exercising on top of that without always eating them back.
  • alyssagilbert09
    alyssagilbert09 Posts: 20 Member
    Well i'm 5'5 204 lbs. i'm not sure what my BF% is my scale says it but it's in my roommates bathroom and my activity level before exercise is light

    How much do you work out and how active are you in your daily life? (e.g. desk job, kids. etc)

    I usually work out for an hour doing zumba or elliptical sometimes walks.. but i don't work I nanny for a 2 year old and clean house everyday

    Do you prefer to eat to a static number or do you like to eat more on workout days? Either way works, its just preference as to which way you do it.

    I prefer to eat to a static number it's easier to keep track of

    I would suggest that you eat to a calorie target of 1,800 calories (no eating exercise calories back) - when you have upped your calories slowly to that level, sit there for 4 weeks and assess. Tweak up or down depending on your results.

    Alright.. so I should slowly make my way up to 1,800 cals a day by going up 100-150 cals a week