Please post your MOST IMPORTANT weight loss tip :)



  • x_cinder_x
    x_cinder_x Posts: 118 Member
    Try to avoid fast food. The effort of planning, shopping, and creating a meal, will help keep you moving and in control.
  • ElyseL1
    ElyseL1 Posts: 504 Member
    You didnt gain it overnight and you wont be lost overnight.
  • lallaloolly
    lallaloolly Posts: 228 Member
    eat less, move more.
  • Dianemarie65
    Dianemarie65 Posts: 20 Member
    Log your calories and balance your carbs and proteins.
  • GlassslippersAndFairyDust
    Before going out to eat at a restaurant, look up their menu and decide ahead of time what you'll eat. You will be surprised at the calorie counts!
    One night after a tough day I just wanted to eat every unhealthy food in the house. My son told me to go get 15 lb weights, (the amount of weight I had lost), and see how far I had come. Did I really want to blow that? I followed his advice and I set 15 lbs of weights in my family room so I would be reminded of how far I'd come. I didn't binge and now have 20 lbs sitting their to remind me.

    I like this. Perhaps even take it a step further. If you feel like you are going to quit, put the weight you have lost so far in a backpack, and take it for a walk/run (whatever's your poison). I know if I tried running a 5k with a 45lb pack on my back it would probably put me straight back on the straight and narrow :laugh:

    I love both of these ideas.
  • emma_leele
    emma_leele Posts: 3
    I haven't read all the comments so I may be repeating someone but my best tip would be what I've been doing the last two weeks. I plan my menu for the next day and my exercises and put them in the night before. It helps me stay on track and if you don't stick to it you can always go in and put what you did do. It's really helped me not snack on junk and actually stick to my workouts!!!
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member

    Believe in yourself, decide to make a change and make no excuses. When you are ready to do those three things there is no reason to fail.