Who the hell is really so busy?



  • winterswish
    winterswish Posts: 162
    There's circumstances and excuses. Circumstances can make things hard but that's probably only 25% of the people, the rest just like that to be an excuse (I'm guilty of it myself over the years) but I'm currently a full time student and working 40 hours a week and I do an hour to an hour and a half of exercise every day. It's about what you want and prioritize those things.

    ^^ Yep. Full time student here, too. And two aging parents who increasingly need more care. There are days I just run out of hours, but that's circumstantial. There are just as many days when it's 9:00 at night and I still make the decision to get on my treadmill or pull out my bike from the garage because I know I need to.

    Definitely about making the best choices you can in the life you've got!
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    Its really just an excuse.
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    Do you have kids? A house and yard to maintain? Aging parents who need assistance? Do you take night school courses to keep technically current for your job (or to get a better one)? Do you have any health issues that need monitoring or treatment? Extended family you keep social contact with? Do you do any volunteer work? Have any hobbies or outside interests not related to fitness? Just wondering.

    Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.Yes. I also work full-time and that night school is a FT course in nursing as well which means weekends at the hospital.

    I still workout 6 days a week, those are all just excuses. but thanks for playing.
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    It's not about time it's about priorities. Saying I don't have enough time sounds better than saying I don't want to make it a priority.
  • allisonrozsa
    allisonrozsa Posts: 178 Member
    I don't have any myself, but factor in kids and it makes a LOT of sense when people say they are busy.
  • qdvalerie61
    94# THAT IS GREAT. Good job
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Do you have kids? A house and yard to maintain? Aging parents who need assistance? Do you take night school courses to keep technically current for your job (or to get a better one)? Do you have any health issues that need monitoring or treatment? Extended family you keep social contact with? Do you do any volunteer work? Have any hobbies or outside interests not related to fitness? Just wondering.

    Yes. Yes. Yes. Did, finally done. No. Yes. Yes. Yes. And I still get about 1.5 hours or more of some sort of exercise in most days.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    You obviously do not have kids.

    Working full time 8 hours a day... pick up kids, do homework, go to their sporting/brownies/scouts/dance w/e it is they do make dinner, spend sometime together before they go to bed... make lunchs so you dont have to do it in the morning and then go to bed yourself and repeat. Sure there may be 2 parents but at one point those 2 individuals are going to want to spend time with each other too.

    One child is time consuming, more than one child and you are running all over the place in several different directions, sure you could always wake up one extra hour earlier in the day but some days thats not even possible depending on what time you go to bed and when you have to be up for work.

    So its not just work that consumes peoples lives its their life after work that also does.

    I personally do not have children or a SO, for me it isn't an issue of no time but I was a live in nanny for 6 years (not the same as a parent I know but still very involved with the child) it is not easy and you have to rely on a schedule for "me time".
  • Riemersma4
    Riemersma4 Posts: 400 Member
    show me your check book and your calendar and I can tell you what you TRULY care about.

    would write more, but i don't have time.... heading to the gym!

    peace to all.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    Even with everything going on, I have to make me a priority and so I learned that I had to manage my time better. I understand circumstances that wouldn't allow (I took care of my mom right up to when she died in 2009 on top of college, working, home, finances etc) but sometimes you to have make you a priority (for me its I know my son doesn't want mommy to be depressed and unhealthy).
  • rpmtnbkr
    rpmtnbkr Posts: 137 Member
    All a matter of choice.... Let's see... it's winter time, nothing to do outside, so lets sit at the 'puter and check out MFP, or whatever else you're in to, then jump into the recliner and watch the news etc.... Oh wait...I have some really nice expensive clothes hangers in the workout room... So instead I flip on the stereo, the TV and grab my 'smarter than me' phone and jump on the treadmill, or elliptical, or stationary bike and do it all....

    Now when spring comes 'for real' and it's time to spruce up the yard and do the gardening... well welcome back expensive clothes hangers, see you next winter....
  • Amy11108
    Amy11108 Posts: 74
    I leave my house at 6AM to go to work and I get home at 6:30PM after picking up my son. I then need to prepare dinner, eat, clean up, give a bath, read books and get him to sleep at a reasonable hour. Then I go to sleep too because I need to be up at 4:30 to start getting ready for the next day. My husband works nights so I don't have any help in the evenings. However I will admit 100% that I could use my time in the morning more wisely and work out!! And I find time to squeeze in a walk with the kiddo after dinner. It's all about priorities.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    I HEAR YA!
    i call them LAZY,,, plain and simple!
    LAZY *kitten*!~
  • Tercob
    Tercob Posts: 151 Member
    I can understand how some peopel are too busy. Its a choice, for a time I wokred 6 days a week, 10 to 12 hour days. I have 4 kids, oldest was in basket ball and played soft ball, next was in cheer--year round competion, next was in cheer, soccer, and boxing, next did footbal, soccer, base ball, flag football and boxing. So whe nI wasn't working I could either workout or support my kids in their sports and go over home work and just hope to spend a couple minutes enjoying hearing about what else was going on.

    Now I wok some where else, shorter days only 5 days but I commute so that takes away time. My oldest is now in college and works, the next work, and my 3rd daughter had surgry in December for scholiosis so she can do sports right now. my son pulled back to only doing football, baseball and wrestling. So I do have more time, plus them being older they spend more time with friends, although we do make it a point for us all to get together and spend time no phones, or computers allowed.

    So now i take the opportunity to spend on myself. Maybe I could have worked out and not enjoyed my kids or worked and other job that wasn't so time consuming but all those sports take alot of money. So I would never judge someone who says they don't have time, I dont know their life and maybe they don't.

    So I just do what right for me and only worry about myself, to each his own. I never really understood why it bothers other people, what other people do
  • SPeffer1
    SPeffer1 Posts: 74 Member
    I think there are people out there who really are too busy, and people out there that just have different priorities.

    For me - I work full time 8-5:30. Then I come home, make dinner, hang with my son, and pick up until he goes to bed. Then I study for my CFA until 11:00, and then I get ready for bed/go to bed at 11:30. Then up at 5:00 to do it again. I do try to make time for workouts though, but I certainly don't always get what I should. I try to get in 10 minutes in the morning with a pilates video and pushups. Three days a week at lunch I go to the gym to do weight training. That way I don't have to get super sweaty and have to get all showered, make up done, hair done, back in my suit - quick hose down and I'm ready to go. Then most nights I do physical therapy excercises usually right after Owen goes to bed, or some of them while I'm getting dinner ready/etc. Weekends I do have more time during my sons nap and from 5:00 - 6:30 when he wakes up.

    You definitely need to find the time to get stuff in, but I do know that for some - it's a really tough day to try to fit it in. I would consider myself fairly in shape - I'm 5'3", 104 lbs, and am a distance runner. But I will nearly always choose spending time with my toddler son over going to the gym or going out for a long run without him. I think it's just that some people value a balance in life.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    I can kind of understand the stress. I'm dealing with a terminally ill family member and sometimes it's nearly impossible to get yourself out of bed in the morning to work out... but I haven't missed a workout yet! Sometimes life throws you challenges, you just have to man-up and do it. There is no other way.

    Sorry about your family member. And greAt words.

    Except replace "man up" with "put on your super woman panties". Then I can support this.

    Aha! I don't have super woman panties. THAT'S why I can't work out. I wonder if the make super hero underwear for women... I would get ninja turtles or spidey. Or Shera! Or maybe xena, warrior princess. Does she count as a super hero?
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    I can kind of understand the stress. I'm dealing with a terminally ill family member and sometimes it's nearly impossible to get yourself out of bed in the morning to work out... but I haven't missed a workout yet! Sometimes life throws you challenges, you just have to man-up and do it. There is no other way.

    Sorry about your family member. And greAt words.

    Likewise I'm actually going through the exact same thing. I just make the time for both, and with a cell phone and a pad of paper I can get work done anywhere.
  • EmilyJackCO
    EmilyJackCO Posts: 621 Member
    I hear this all the time "I'm so busy..." "No time these days" "Can't do it too stressed/busy" WTF is going on with people these days really? Nevermind just exercise, what is everyone else up to that is keeping them so horribly occupied? We can't all have 18 hr work days... I think it's mostly BS.

    No BS. Some of us really do work 12-14 hour days six or seven days a week. Maybe not all the time, but I know I do a LOT of the time. I still make it to the gym 90-120 minutes four times a week. I don't eat nearly as well, because all I have time to do is work, workout, and sleep during those weeks.

    And sleep is negotiable, I was up for 4 hours on calls last night, and will be the next two nights as well. I average 58 hours a week before commute time. Granted, some of that time is at home, but still, I'm either on calls or MOC all of that time. I have to force myself to keep my laptop and cell phones out of the kitchen and bedroom. *sigh*

    I don't have a family, partner, or anyone to help, so I have to make everything work on my own, with work, fitness and diet. It's all me, and I still get it done. Not as well as I'd like sometimes, but it works for me.
  • Maximumresults
    there is always time..if you watch tv, you can workout while watching it...I don't bother worried about people who don't care about themselves...you can only control what you can control...they have to be ready for their own reasons
  • Goddessmaker1
    Goddessmaker1 Posts: 114 Member
    Why are some so prickish here? Some people have things going that may make it harder to workout for some. It's no need to be snide or ugly. At times things called life weigh one down to the point of no return or where it's just like omg hard. I know it first hand. But then some have a bit more drive to push on when others just can't. But a support or of good cheer rather than being a pompus behind. I see that alot on this site it's sad. Your fit or got skinny quick or great will not everyone is as blessed or has it that easy. Some people weight is just another symptom of something much bigger.