Who the hell is really so busy?



  • christimccarty
    Do you have kids? A house and yard to maintain? Aging parents who need assistance? Do you take night school courses to keep technically current for your job (or to get a better one)? Do you have any health issues that need monitoring or treatment? Extended family you keep social contact with? Do you do any volunteer work? Have any hobbies or outside interests not related to fitness? Just wondering.
    I do! I'm a mother of 2 boys with a Full time job, a side job, going to school, A house (a clean one), family time, kid time, afterschool kid homework, a fiance and close family and friends. I enjoy fun things and I workout almost daily. Its time management and priorities! Once I learned that my workout is what allowed me to DO everything else during my day... thats when it became unquestionable and part of my daily routine.

    Oh and My workout is a full-on intense hour to an hour and a half. I can do it... you can do it! Balance, hard work and dedication to all aspects of your life.
  • wildcard29
    wildcard29 Posts: 322 Member
    Ok ok I'm getting off MFP and going to work out right now geez!
  • tts30
    tts30 Posts: 14 Member
    I have 3 month old, 17 month old, and a 1st grader. I am going through a divorce and preparing to move from hawaii to cincinnati. I wake up before the kids workout, take a shower, then they are ready to get breakfast. I just do it. If I do not get to it before they wake up, I can get them to join me before nap time my boys love shaun t lol.
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    LOL im going to venture to guess you're not a full time working mother

    *kitten* is easy when youre childfree
  • cayadear
    cayadear Posts: 79 Member

    - 2 active kids with activities and school (Tae Kwon Do & Tennis for now, but soon Football & Soccer as well)
    - 1 full time job.
    - 1 part time job.
    - School for myself.
    - Family members with spinal injuries who have no one to rely on but us.

    And I still manage to do:
    - Gym an hour a day.
    - Therapy.
    - Crossfit.
    - Yoga.
    - TaeKwonDo for myself.

    House work and bills (not all of them have the option to schedule auto-payments), my love life, social life and extended family obligations (which number many) HAVE to trickle in somewhere.

    That seems to be a lot of "BS" up there. Must be nice to be you, OP. <3 "I'm too busy," is my mantra for anything basically unplanned. And it's 100% true. My Google Calendar looks like someone profusely threw up all over it and arranged the vomit into pretty colors all over my browser.

    What I'M doing that other parents aren't doing though: I have an extremely supportive partner, for one, and I MAKE THE TIME. I get up at 4:30am, I go to bed at 9/10pm. Everything else falls in between and I take it a week at a time. Helps that I'm an awesome multi-tasking micro-manager. ;)
  • vinchass9
    vinchass9 Posts: 36
    I don't have enough time for normal life, I'm too busy at the gym.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    I have 3 month old, 17 month old, and a 1st grader. I am going through a divorce and preparing to move from hawaii to cincinnati. I wake up before the kids workout, take a shower, then they are ready to get breakfast. I just do it. If I do not get to it before they wake up, I can get them to join me before nap time my boys love shaun t lol.

    Well hell yeah, that's great :)
  • cayadear
    cayadear Posts: 79 Member
    I don't have enough time for normal life, I'm too busy at the gym.

    Hahah. My life.
  • kcallas88
    kcallas88 Posts: 192
    I have a full time job, six children including two sets of twins and they're all under 7.5 and am going to school for my masters and I still find time to do p90x.

    My good friend has a 40hr a week job and comes home saying she can't work out cause she's exhausted.

    I call some major BS.
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    I can't work out because I'm on MFP forums giving advice on how to workout.
    This is funny!
    I have 2 kids, a husband, 2 dogs, homework for the kids dinner and keeping the house somewhat organized and clean, laundry ...... on top of everything else but I try to get up before the kids do at 5-5:30 a.m. If for some reason I don't then I really try to squezze it in right when I get home or after dinner when kids are ready for bed. I'ts hard to do but working out is what keeps me sane. Husband is supportive and helps out to.
  • cayadear
    cayadear Posts: 79 Member
    I have a full time job, six children including two sets of twins and they're all under 7.5 and am going to school for my masters and I still find time to do p90x.

    My good friend has a 40hr a week job and comes home saying she can't work out cause she's exhausted.

    I call some major BS.
    Agree. "Oh no, I'm sooo tired. But I have no kids and no one to rely on me but myself."

    Those people, I ignore. I'm thinking, though, "No. Get up. Be active. Do something. You're tired because you're inactive. You're inactive because you're tired. Break the cycle."
  • blondie_182_182
    blondie_182_182 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm not gonna lie, I used this excuse last week. But, I also worked five 17 hour days back to back. I was so tired that there was no dragging myself out of bed in the morning at 4 am to hit the gym. I wanted the extra sleep.

    But you better believe I have been to the gym every day this week and have busted my butt to make up for it.
  • princessnik7
    princessnik7 Posts: 144 Member
    While yes I am busy enough, I would not say I'm too busy, what I will say is some days I'm too tired.

    However, the further along I get on this journey I realize:

    1. that if its really important and I really want to loose the weight It's time to suck it up
    2. If I don't make the time to take care of myself surely I can't expect anyone else to do so
    3. I can't be mad at anyone but myself if this doesn't work out

    So each week I've tried to add in a little more and a little more activity working my way up. Me personally I am not the type to just go whole hog immediately. I do realize that hey while my mini-me is doing softball or cheer practice I could be walking around the park or help field balls while they do batting practice, instead of sitting there just watching.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I used to be one of those people. My excuse was that I had an hour drive each way to work. My other excuse was that I had a young son who needed me to play with him and care for him. Those are the excuses I remember. Once I hit my breaking point I found time. I realized that the time my son got to spend with my husband while I was exercising was just as important for them as the exercise was for me.
  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member
    A one hour workout is 4 percent of your day.

    So really if you say you have no time, I can't get it up to feel bad for you. Nope nope, not gonna do it.

    ppl gotta sleep too!!! its more like 6.25% :-)
  • WTF7
    WTF7 Posts: 140 Member
    It is all about what is a priority for each individual. If it is that important - you will make the time :noway:
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Do you have kids? A house and yard to maintain? Aging parents who need assistance? Do you take night school courses to keep technically current for your job (or to get a better one)? Do you have any health issues that need monitoring or treatment? Extended family you keep social contact with? Do you do any volunteer work? Have any hobbies or outside interests not related to fitness? Just wondering.

    1. No. But that's my choice. Just as having them is yours.
    2. Yes and yes.
    3. Grandparent, but yes.
    4. Yes.
    5. No. This is why I workout. To hopefully prevent such happenings.
    6. Yes.
    7. I do freelance work. For free. For people who can't afford to pay me.
    8. And yes, I have many hobbies outside of fitness and working out. I have a life.

    And yes, I have full time AND part time job on top of everything above.

    And yes, I still get up at 4:30am everyday to go to the gym.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    LOL im going to venture to guess you're not a full time working mother

    *kitten* is easy when youre childfree

    I work 40+ hours per week, two kids, clean house, happy husband....I still manage to workout 6 days a week
  • CinnamonKai
    CinnamonKai Posts: 42 Member
    Why are some so prickish here? Some people have things going that may make it harder to workout for some. It's no need to be snide or ugly. At times things called life weigh one down to the point of no return or where it's just like omg hard. I know it first hand. But then some have a bit more drive to push on when others just can't. But a support or of good cheer rather than being a pompus behind. I see that alot on this site it's sad. Your fit or got skinny quick or great will not everyone is as blessed or has it that easy. Some people weight is just another symptom of something much bigger.

    This and a few other quotes are the most inspirational ones I've seen on this thread. I understand that people's priorities and their inability to work out due to "X, Y and Z" are considered "excuses" to all of the over achievers, but what is boasting going to do to HELP people? I could had sworn this was a "Motivation and Support" thread. Oh well though.

    HOWEVER, I will say that I need to re-evaluate my schedule to fit in more work-out routines.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Hi. I am at work. I just got in a killer workout on my lunch break.