How worried are you about Easter?



  • om3guz
    om3guz Posts: 48
    What worries me is the day after Easter and all the candy on Clearance. I love PEEPS. HAHA, but so far I have been really good and have not purchased any.

    Me too! But I don't eat marshmallows, so no peeps for me. It's all the chocolate I'm worried about!

    I am not worried about Easter at all. I plan on enjoying a day off of work and eating as I would any other day.
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    Im a little worried as this is the first year I get to host a family dinner. Plus I will have 6 kids 9 and under. I am sure there will be tons of candy. I plan to make a ham and some sides and one or two desserts. One will probably be a weight watchers recipe, the other will be bad for everyone!

    I should probably plan this out!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I am worried sick that my family will forget to buy me some Reece's Eggs!!! I will be extremely upset if I have to wait a whole 'nother year to get them.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I am worried sick that my family will forget to buy me some Reece's Eggs!!! I will be extremely upset if I have to wait a whole 'nother year to get them.

    You too!?
  • LozPenguin
    LozPenguin Posts: 139 Member
    I'm not so worried; I've learnt good portion control and if I know I can only work in 1-2 Easter eggs I know it won't turn into a crazed chocolate-frenzy. But gawd, does it suck how many calories are in chocolate! Deliciousness comes at a hefty price. Today I had a look at a small Chocolate-chicken thing, and the crafty buggers had '1 serving' listed on the nutritional info, and written that the whole thing was 3 servings total! Yea, because I'm not going to eat the whole thing in one go. It was TINY!

    Check your choccies, people.
  • TabithaMichelle85
    TabithaMichelle85 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm not worried about Easter at all..... I have done so well and lost almost 15 lbs to fall back into bad habits of over eating and bad choices... My willpower is stronger than ever... I want to look as good as I feel wnd live who I see in the mirror. If I cave in, I will regret it
  • My family and I don't celebrate any of the "holidays" so it doesn't bother us. They are all just another day. We've made the most of the cadbury's creme eggs being around and had 2 of those each but that's us done lol.
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    not much really. Iv already had an easter egg and lost 1.5lbs that week so its all ok in moderation to me.
  • MeeshyBW
    MeeshyBW Posts: 382 Member
    I don't have kids so not worried at all.

    Myself and hubby do not exchange eggs. :)
  • I am always worried about days when dead people start walking around.



    my mother always buys me like three eggs aha bless her, she still loves to buy her children easter eggs no matter how old they are or the fact they have their won children
    so i've said to her this year ONE EGG MOTHER! ONE!

    I've avoided all those easter egg aisles this year to stop temptation from buying and just pigging out ;)
  • hate to break it to you, but you didn't gain 7 lbs of fat (half a stone) that didn't budge because of one day. it was due to ongoing bad diet.

    eat a sane amount of calories daily. for special occasions here and there, enjoy yourself. it's our daily norms that make or break us, not special occasions that we celebrate with feasts.

    easter doesn't last 'one day' here
    it lasts a week with the stupid amount of chocolates and loss of will power XD
  • My family gets Chinese food for Easter, I'm going to eat all the crab Rangoon and Reese's eggs I can

    Yum!..It is 9:30am and I now want Chinese food..thank you for that! Haha
  • I am not worried about Easter. My partner and I have a "treat" cupboard and all the easter eggs and chocolate both of us have received will go in there. Then it will probably take six months to eat .
  • sherrymccall
    sherrymccall Posts: 60 Member
    I am a little, haha. I'll be at my grandmom's for the first time for Easter in FOREVER. She is old fashioned and is used to cooking for over 10 people (she had 7 children and has plenty of grandchildren). She likes to stuff me every time I'm at her house because she doesn't think I weigh enough. Gotta love grandmoms!