Do the people you live with support your healthy eating?



  • stepheatscake
    stepheatscake Posts: 167 Member
    yes.. my dad was a chef for a health clinic (overweight sick ppl would come to the retreat for makeovers) in Switzerland and my mom is 50 and hiking every chance she can get, cooks healthy and is an avid runner <3
  • quicklabs
    quicklabs Posts: 254 Member
    My husband is 100% supportive and is so appreciative of the food I make for us. He has gotten used to measuring EVERYTHING out when he helps me in the kitchen. We've been married for 33 years; I guess I'll keep him for another 33!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    My cat is pretty excited when we play hide and seek and tag every morning, so no problems here! She's very very supportive!:love:
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    my dude does, only because he won't eat if i don't cook lol. well he will eat, but it will be frozen or canned crap. he eats meat and i'm a vegetarian, but he doesn't mind the meatless meals. he enjoys the fake meat tacos, veggie soups, pasta dishes, pizzas, tacos etc. so yeah, i spose he is supportive. otherwise he would be super hungry and super fat :laugh:
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    Not at all. My boyfriend will actually go and buy me my favorite candy bars and chips, usually more than one at a time. I think he prefers for me to be heavy. My kids enjoy fruits and vegetables. And they are young, so they don't complain much about food. He's the one that wants fried foods and eat late at night. It's very difficult and very discouraging. That's one of the reasons I am now addicted to this website.

    maybe he's worried you'll be even sexier and doesn't want others hitting on you or chasing after you? that's crappy though, sorry that he does that :[
  • missability
    missability Posts: 223
    I live in a huge home with my son his wife, my 3 yr old g-daughter<MY INSPIRATION! and my other single AND HANDSOME Ex-navy boy, 28...and my husband of 20 yrs...I a the designated cook for all 6 of us...everyday....but I know they are not gonna eat what I make my big meal t 3 PM, when I am starting their big meal.....I eat mine between 3 and 4, then I don't have the urge to "pick' while I am cooking 6 PM theirs goes on the table..I eat some yogurt, or cottage cheese and fruit, then while they continue eating I go to the elliptical in the guest b-room and do my routine....My d-in-law and sons clean up after dinner, so I do not have to look at it any longer!<<<I guess if you want to call that support, I suppose you could:)
    BUT I also do all the shopping for the house...which means I am loading the cart with chips and ice cream and processed garbage for their lunches along with my spinach, bananas, yogurt, etc....
    But I learned long ago....if ya want something done, ya gotta do it yourself,,, and that applies to weight-loss too, at least for me it does!...My hope is that some day a light will go off in their heads too!
    In the mean time, I get no grief about what I put on the babies plate, so she is actually eating healthy 75% of the time! and thats a big plus!...
  • cpudoc64
    cpudoc64 Posts: 135
    Yeah, so what's up with that? They either do or don't, very little middle ground but it's mostly don't I would say. It's why I learned along time ago to do things for yourself and this is one of them, being part of this community.
  • CLFrancois
    CLFrancois Posts: 472 Member
    Yes, my husband and kids are very supportive. However, my husband is a big weight lifter and has always supported me. He is always there to answer questions, give advice, etc. I always support him also since he likes to change it up with bulking up and slimming down and I cook the way he likes. I don't always eat the same, but he can't boil water so I take charge.
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    Yeah, I have absolutely no support either. That's why I like this website. Unlike the "hardcore" people out there, I am not at that point yet where I can simply just say no and not give it another thought. I need some form of support and encouragement from somewhere. And I am not ashamed of it either.

    I'm not "hardcore" as you put it, but I can just say no (kind of). I'm sorry you haven't gotten to that point but although I can say no, I still need support and encouragement. Its not fair for you to insinuate that because i can say no, I don't need support. We are all here for help and encouragement.

    What has helped me is not telling myself I can't have something, instead I say I don't want it. I haven't given up my favorite foods, I have them in moderation and smaller portions. Some things I have found healthier versions of but I still have the real thing sometimes. Its just easier for me mentally. I didn't get support until I figured out how to manage on my own and then people started to care. Its happens to a lot of people.
  • jenniferswooten
    jenniferswooten Posts: 137 Member
    My husband and son completely support me and eat the foods I prepare. My son is at college and my husband and I both work, so we are really only together for dinner.
  • ladybarometer
    ladybarometer Posts: 205 Member
    Very little. My boyfriend HATES getting up early to workout with me, and picks up all sorts of crazy bad for you foods up when we grocery shop together. So I work around it, and go workout without him when he's working, don't let him go to the store with me LOL!! He tries, but he just has no clue :p
  • redvelvetlady
    I guess they do. As much as they can. My husband is just happy I have something else besides him and the 8 kids to enjoy. There are times when he will get weak and buy or eat something a little less than healthy. He will often praise me for not giving in when he did. But the reverse also happens. I think I am often too shy and don't speak up enough to let him know what i need or want. He used to be a bit of a body builder and is always telling me that it won't take much for me to get into shape.He is also 14 yrs older than me. When we first met I was 99 pounds. 17 years and 8 kids later I weighed 175 at my highest. Today I am 162. My kids are always asking how much i have lost each week.
  • AddyMaeMomma
    AddyMaeMomma Posts: 84 Member
    My husband actually started our lifestyle change. He was losing so much weight eating right and exercising, I realized I had to keep up! It makes life so much easier when we're on the same page. Our 2 year old loves veggies of all kinds, so she's perfectly happy with our cooking!
  • cortneysmissionpossible
    Yeah, I have absolutely no support either. That's why I like this website. Unlike the "hardcore" people out there, I am not at that point yet where I can simply just say no and not give it another thought. I need some form of support and encouragement from somewhere. And I am not ashamed of it either.

    I'm not "hardcore" as you put it, but I can just say no (kind of). I'm sorry you haven't gotten to that point but although I can say no, I still need support and encouragement. Its not fair for you to insinuate that because i can say no, I don't need support. We are all here for help and encouragement.

    What has helped me is not telling myself I can't have something, instead I say I don't want it. I haven't given up my favorite foods, I have them in moderation and smaller portions. Some things I have found healthier versions of but I still have the real thing sometimes. Its just easier for me mentally. I didn't get support until I figured out how to manage on my own and then people started to care. Its happens to a lot of people.

    i wasn't quoting you at all actually. sorry you felt that way!
  • mountaingirl2207
    Since I only live with children, I don't really get a ton of support.... they still have all their kid foods in the house and I have my healthy stuff. Its been hard figuring out what to do for meals, since I don't want to eat what they eat, but I want us to have a family dinner. My one issue is that when I am eating a meal my 4 year old has a talent for hunting me down and having some epic temper tantrum in the middle of it, so I end up not finishing and then I'm really hungry later. I guess its the life of a mom to three kids!
  • Toomanytwinkies
    Toomanytwinkies Posts: 42 Member
    I actually laughed when I thought about it! My husband and boys had Panago pizza for supper. I had a salad. Then we all hung out for awhile and I got to watch them polish off a bag of chips. On top of it they complained that they weren't the right kind of chips and I needed to stock up on chip dip next time I go grocery shopping. lol. What a bunch. I did let them know that if I could have a bag of chips I sure wouldn't be complaining...sheesh! My husband always tells me I'm not fat anyways but I think he is just tired of me complaining about my muffin top. I'm great about keeping on track during the week. It's those damn weekends that always get me. How do you resist buttery, salty popcorn on movie night??
  • skcardiog
    skcardiog Posts: 316 Member
    My rowing machine and spin bike are both on board and support the quest 100 % .
  • MyProgressISYour1Proof
    Nope. They see it as different and do not support me at all. They even like poking fun and making jokes. Go figure.
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    My two cats don't seem much to mind.
  • jackieg218
    jackieg218 Posts: 96 Member
    My hubby isn't eating the same things. He lives in chips and dip along with lunch meat sandwiches! Makes me nuts! We work opposite shifts so when I cook something and leave it in the fridge for him... He makes a sandwich instead. Tonight I made tuna noodle casserole and I betcha in the morning when I get up it will be untouched. Tonight was a splurge night for me on carbs but I won't eat it again before I have to throw it away. I am to the point that I don't even want to make meals anymore because I either end up eating the same thing for 4-5 days or it heads to the trash.

    He is supportive in the fact that he tells me I am looking good. But by the same token, he tries to talk me out of going on walks. But in the end, I know this is my journey and my dream and I can't drag him along for the ride... We just love each other through it!