super juice dieting good or bad?

Hello, I have just started my fitness journey due to bad fitness levels and weight gain, I am improving my diet and exercising 3 times weekly at the moment. I have been told by a friend, who hasn't done it, to try a super juice diet by Jason vale. Its seven days of no food, purely fresh juices and smoothies. It says you will lose 7lbs in 7 days but is this a healthy and/or lasting way to do it? Apparently you get all the nutrients required in just the juice and this is combined with almost daily exercise of some kind. But what about the sugars in juices? Is this a route to go or avo id? Has anyone else tried it or similar? additionally will it be a good detox or cleanser to kick start my journey?


  • beckymlong
    beckymlong Posts: 111 Member
    Is there such thing as a good detox even?
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    the answer is bad.. for many reasons.

    just track calories and macronutrients and ul be fine dont do the juicing thing just eat whole fruits and veggies and eat sensibly while strength training and doing some cardio.
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    I think there are smart ways to go about doing things like this. IF you are talking about just juicing and it being long term then no, its not healthy. However, I do believe that any time you get more fruits and veggies in your diet its a good thing. And if juicing will do that for you then do it.

    I myself am going to be juicing but I am also going to be eating regular meals. The juices will take the place of my snacks. And I will be blending rather than juicing. When you juice you remove the fiber and most of the nutrients. By blending you get all that in drinkable form. Thats my thought process anyways.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    the answer is bad.. for many reasons.

    just track calories and macronutrients and ul be fine dont do the juicing thing just eat whole fruits and veggies and eat sensibly while strength training and doing some cardio.

    ^This. and your body detoxes and cleanses itself.
  • zonah
    zonah Posts: 216 Member
    I really like Jason Vale. Juicing is not bad and neither are smoothies. If you want to add them to your diet go for it. I've never done a juice detox but I have done a 90% raw diet. I think eating healthy & clean and getting enough fiber is a great way to detox. I drink about 2 liters of water a day too.

    You could also check out Joe Cross and John Gabriel as well.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    sure, losing 7 lbs of water weight then putting it right back on. I mean I don't see anything wrong with that. Just seems like it would completely suck to starve yourself for a week. Why not work on more reasonable sustainable goals. Like eating at a sensible calorie deficit and exercise?
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    no and no.

    there are no shortcuts or magic diets. all there is is a commitment to good health and fitness, and one day at a time you get better and better.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    no and no.

    there are no shortcuts or magic diets. all there is is a commitment to good health and fitness, and one day at a time you get better and better.

    :grumble: that was MY no and no
  • Yes and yes.

    Fat, sick and almost dead is a video that will make you not even want to read the responses here from ppl who have no experience, no clue.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    <-- Has experience and a clue. I suffered through "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead". I would still never go on a juice diet or advise anyone to do so. Why go through all that effort just to get shoddy nutrition. If you're going to go through the trouble, set yourself up with a decent nutrition program and be consistent.

    Indeed, ignore people with no experience and no clue. And avoid stupid *kitten* juicer commercials in the form of documentaries.
  • meidie1980
    meidie1980 Posts: 267 Member
    Hi, i've done 7 lns in 7 days 3 times. I did not see it as a detox or quick lose but as a kick start to eating healthy again
    at times when i lost track.
    And believe me near the end i creaved salads or a piece of fruit.

    Regardles of what everyone says i did NOT put the weight back on!
    I did my last 7 in 7 the 3rd week in januari and sins then i lost 21lbs it got me back on track.
  • zonah
    zonah Posts: 216 Member
    Since I started juicing is when my weight started too drop. It's helped me to get my sugar intake under control, and to change my palate so now I eat about 1lb of salad a day (with oj for dressing). I don't see how juicing organic vegetables in fruit is putting garbage into your body. Most people are so underfed when it comes to vitamin & minerals and veggies and fruit are the best way to get those. I'm not on a diet myself I'm on a journey to live as long and healthy as I can. Juicing and smoothies will be a part of it.
  • Lambeze
    Lambeze Posts: 237
    I juice. Its a way to help clean your body, but you will need to do more.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Where will you be getting your protein from? Protein is essential to losing weight and maintaining lean body mass. If you want to lose a bunch of water weight and muscle, then drink your juice.
  • kalieah
    kalieah Posts: 143 Member
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Why would you not eat solid food for 7 days? You are not a baby, you have long since graduated onto solid foods. It sounds miserable. And yes, it would likely be water weight.
  • beckymlong
    beckymlong Posts: 111 Member
    Thanks for ask your replies, I know about the fibre thing when juicing, and I did think that not eating food is bad but wasn't sure if you are getting the nutrients you need whether it matters if they are solid or liquid many vegetarians get everything they need from fruit and veg after all. I got confused about the water weight thing because you are still putting fluid into your body so how can you be losing water weight? I'm not arguing I'm simply asking a qu estion because I'm new to this...I am trying to currently eat a better calorie deficient diet so maybe I should look at including smoothies...any more info on detoxing, someone says you're body does it yourself does that mean don't bother trying to help?
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    Where would you get your dietary fat from? And carbs? And proteins?? Fruits???
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Thanks for ask your replies, I know about the fibre thing when juicing, and I did think that not eating food is bad but wasn't sure if you are getting the nutrients you need whether it matters if they are solid or liquid many vegetarians get everything they need from fruit and veg after all. I got confused about the water weight thing because you are still putting fluid into your body so how can you be losing water weight? I'm not arguing I'm simply asking a qu estion because I'm new to this...I am trying to currently eat a better calorie deficient diet so maybe I should look at including smoothies...any more info on detoxing, someone says you're body does it yourself does that mean don't bother trying to help?

    Vegetarians also eat beans, lentils, dairy, pasta, rice etc - not just veggies and fruit. Just juice would mean you would be very low in protein, fat, probably calcuim as well plus possible iron as it is harder to absorb from raw fruit and veg.

    Juicing is great as part of a balance diet that included whole food - but on it's own is pretty pointless.

    You body does not need a break from eating and your bowels can actually become less efficent or worst case shut down when you are not giving it solid food - making it very hard on yourself when you start eating again.

    If you want to detox (not that you need to) just eat a healthy balance diet for a week - much better for your body. Maybe with a juice as a daily snack.

    edit - the water weight loss is because you are cutting out starchy carbs which when in the body cause it hold on to water (not a bad thing) - that water is released when you don't eat them - hence the loss of water weight, the minute you start eating them again you regain all that water weight - that's why low carb diets have such high losses in the first week. (very simplistic explaination)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Since I started juicing is when my weight started too drop. It's helped me to get my sugar intake under control, and to change my palate so now I eat about 1lb of salad a day (with oj for dressing). I don't see how juicing organic vegetables in fruit is putting garbage into your body. Most people are so underfed when it comes to vitamin & minerals and veggies and fruit are the best way to get those. I'm not on a diet myself I'm on a journey to live as long and healthy as I can. Juicing and smoothies will be a part of it.

    Legit question. Are you just incorporating fruits and veggies into an otherwise balanced diet (where you get fats and proteins and have a reasonable deficit) or are you talking about just drinking juice?