DEAL BREAKERS for dating



  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    Deal Breakers:

    Poor hygiene - this includes grooming your body hair. I'm not a furry beast and I don't want one. MANSCAPE dang it!
    Uneducated - I'm finishing my second masters - not saying you have to have that but a college education is a MUST
    Unemployed - I know the recession has been tough but you have to have a JOB, a career preferably
    Lives with parents - unless they are ill and you are a caregiver.
    Selfish, self absorbed, arrogant
    Clingy - I don't need to talk to you everyday and you must have outside friends
    Uncommunicative - I don't want clingy but I don't want to be ignored either
    Pushy, controlling, possessive
    No mutual interests - history, culture, lit, etc - when I quote Shakespeare I need you to get it.
    Short - I need you to be taller than me (I'm 5'4'' for pete's sake, it's not that hard to be taller than me!)
    Small man part - whoever told you that size does not matter lied.
    Not being able to wear anything other than jeans, a tshirt, and tennis shoes
    No mutual bedroom interests/super vanilla - we must have compatible likings
    KIDS - I don't have any and I don't want to be bothered with yours or your baby's mama
    Unhealthy, none active lifestyle. - I like running, biking, hiking, long walks, etc. I don't want to hear complaining about how far we've been walking and no I don't want to sit in front of the TV all the damn time.
    Does not have manners, proper etiquette
    Smokers - gross - and I'm currently watching my mom die from lung disease after smoking for 35 years - I will not be going through this with anyone else I love, damn it!

    that's all I can think of off the top of my head - I'm sure there are more...and yes, I have a boyfriend; he has met all of my requirements! He actually has a pretty lengthy list as well.

    You have a lot.... Why is "College" educated a must?

    because of my interests, my career, job prospects, etc. I have not had good experiences with those who have not gone to college. It's not for everyone - I get that. My dad didn't go to college - he was career military. However for me - and what I want for my life my partner needs to have gone to college and graduated.
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    No deal breaker for me. I guess that's my problem.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    The No Job/No Car/No place of his own is basically materialism, not everybody has the confidence or money to learn to drive during their later teenage years , for whatever reason they miss the window of opportunity.

    Their are people who have unsupportive families and are better off moving out and might take a job, any job just to support themselves, its a harsh world out there. Not all jobs pay great wages and after paying their bills there might not be the money left to pay for driving lessons. Then there is the fact there is a global economic recession and some people might never work, not when there might be 400 applicants for each job, sometimes employers split a full time job into 2 part time jobs so that workers have less rights and this leaves the workers with very little scope to live independently, are these people not entitled to happiness?

    On the other hand you get men who live at home into their 30s and how do you know he isnt the worlds greatest saver and thinks its better money management to live at home paying rent to his mother than frittering it away on an expensive crummy flat. Does it spell loser? or does it spell someone who is able to get along with his significant family members in co harmony?

    There are people with a lot to give who dont have a car/job/own their own home, there are people who cant handle the stress of living in a modern urban world , there are all sorts of reasons other than loser if a winner is only measured by what he has.

    there are also people who enjoy their jobs but dont want the added responsibility of being the manager, why is it a better thing to want to be the top banana? what about those people who struggled educationally, how would you feel as their mother if you felt your child was undesirable through no fault of their own? that person might make the most loyal and wonderful partner and father or mother ever.
    i like you! you have that whole compassion & thinking thing going on.
  • xxanishxx
    xxanishxx Posts: 212
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    my deal breaker is husband told me I'm not allowed to date anymore.

    This cracked me up. I keep asking my husband if he'll make an exception for Paul McGann, but he just says no.
  • ModoVincere
    ModoVincere Posts: 530 Member
    my deal breaker is husband told me I'm not allowed to date anymore.

    This cracked me up. I keep asking my husband if he'll make an exception for Paul McGann, but he just says no.

    My wife can date anyone she wants as long as I get to date Sheryl Crow.
  • ChrisinGA
    ChrisinGA Posts: 116 Member
    -anger issues
    -watches The Big Bang Theory

    wow really, I love that show
    Oh I have another, if they don't watch the biggest looser... sorry can't be with you.. man again so glad I'm not single
    also, I am glad I have a gf who spells just as bad as me and we don't have to worry about having to spell everything 100% correct, we correct each other but we have fun messing with each other while doing it. some of your are too serious
  • laural007
    laural007 Posts: 251 Member
    Crazy ex-wife.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    If she uses Channel #5
  • Mhaney
    Mhaney Posts: 467 Member
    If she uses Channel #5

    that stuff is nasty smellin
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I won't hash out all the standard "must not be a *kitten*" type stuff, but I have two deal breakers that may seem somewhat picky but these have been issues for me in the past.

    1. If he doesn't lift, I'm not interested. This isn't a superficial thing. It's just that I lift heavy weights, and I love it, and I have found that most guys who don't lift themselves do not understand and are somewhat intimidated/freaked out by women who can pick up some really heavy stuff. A man who does a lot of heavy lifting will understand, and we will get along much better.

    2. If he tries to tell me how to dress or makes comments about me being too "high-maintenance" because I insist on wearing a dress to dinner, we are done. I am a grown woman. I buy my own clothes. I will be the sole participant in deciding what I wear unless I ask for your input.
  • StheK
    StheK Posts: 443 Member
    There are many things I look for but one thing that is important to me..somewhat of a deal break if she:

    -only sticks to the cardio machines at the gym!

    Haha it's the same for me for guys. And to be completely honest, if I see a guy (uninjured) get on an elliptical, I'm instantly turned off, I can't help it.

    In the last two years both knees got hurt and I had three hernias repaired plus I had every bone broken in my foot many years ago that has left me unable to run but I do what I can to do cardio...... So since I am in this situation, but you can't tell that I am hurt, don't you think that is a bit narrow-minded?

    Sweetheart, don't get butt-hurt. It's an instinctual reaction. When many guys see an overweight woman, they instantly don't consider her as attractive, but what if they knew she had a thyroid condition or was on steroids for immuno-suppression, wouldn't that be a little narrow-minded? The world is judgemental.

    Men who call women they don't know "sweetheart" when they're talking down to them.
  • WannaDizzolve
    WannaDizzolve Posts: 270 Member
    My Big 10.
    1. poor personal hygiene
    2. recent criminal record--particularly noting stalking, attempted rape, or violence against women, children, or animals.
    3. disrespectful of my boundaries--pawing all over me and making rude suggestive comments on our first date. i'm not a fembot
    4. you're 40 and still living with your parents--yes, this happens.
    5. my dog hates you or you hate dogs.
    6. abject poverty. look, i don't care if you're rich, but you need to be able to buy your own gas/booze/ciggies and take me out for a pizza now and then. if you can't do these things, you can't afford a relationship
    7. recent history of drug/alcohol issues.
    8. religious/political/dietary fanaticism.
    9. Veganism. i don't mind if you are vegetarian. if you're vegan, we can be friends, but i won't date you. been there, done that.
    10.ex issues. i don't want to hear about your ex for at the first couple of dates. kids are ok.
  • mikegl1
    mikegl1 Posts: 238 Member
    There are many things I look for but one thing that is important to me..somewhat of a deal break if she:

    -only sticks to the cardio machines at the gym!

    Haha it's the same for me for guys. And to be completely honest, if I see a guy (uninjured) get on an elliptical, I'm instantly turned off, I can't help it.

    In the last two years both knees got hurt and I had three hernias repaired plus I had every bone broken in my foot many years ago that has left me unable to run but I do what I can to do cardio...... So since I am in this situation, but you can't tell that I am hurt, don't you think that is a bit narrow-minded?

    Sweetheart, don't get butt-hurt. It's an instinctual reaction. When many guys see an overweight woman, they instantly don't consider her as attractive, but what if they knew she had a thyroid condition or was on steroids for immuno-suppression, wouldn't that be a little narrow-minded? The world is judgemental.

    Men who call women they don't know "sweetheart" when they're talking down to them.

    StheK --- BTW it was LauraJo08 that wrote the "Sweetheart, don't get...." reply above, and they are female.....
  • dezcast
    dezcast Posts: 429 Member
    I guess I dont have have high standards lol as long as he/she is not too high on himself/herself Ill give anyone at least one chance.
  • StheK
    StheK Posts: 443 Member
    There are many things I look for but one thing that is important to me..somewhat of a deal break if she:

    -only sticks to the cardio machines at the gym!

    Haha it's the same for me for guys. And to be completely honest, if I see a guy (uninjured) get on an elliptical, I'm instantly turned off, I can't help it.

    In the last two years both knees got hurt and I had three hernias repaired plus I had every bone broken in my foot many years ago that has left me unable to run but I do what I can to do cardio...... So since I am in this situation, but you can't tell that I am hurt, don't you think that is a bit narrow-minded?

    Sweetheart, don't get butt-hurt. It's an instinctual reaction. When many guys see an overweight woman, they instantly don't consider her as attractive, but what if they knew she had a thyroid condition or was on steroids for immuno-suppression, wouldn't that be a little narrow-minded? The world is judgemental.

    Men who call women they don't know "sweetheart" when they're talking down to them.

    StheK --- BTW it was LauraJo08 that wrote the "Sweetheart, don't get...." reply above, and they are female.....

    Thanks for the correction. Still not cool.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I won't hash out all the standard "must not be a *kitten*" type stuff, but I have two deal breakers that may seem somewhat picky but these have been issues for me in the past.

    1. If he doesn't lift, I'm not interested. This isn't a superficial thing. It's just that I lift heavy weights, and I love it, and I have found that most guys who don't lift themselves do not understand and are somewhat intimidated/freaked out by women who can pick up some really heavy stuff. A man who does a lot of heavy lifting will understand, and we will get along much better.

    2. If he tries to tell me how to dress or makes comments about me being too "high-maintenance" because I insist on wearing a dress to dinner, we are done. I am a grown woman. I buy my own clothes. I will be the sole participant in deciding what I wear unless I ask for your input.

    I'm with you. I live for pretty dresses. :happy:
  • avibachar
    avibachar Posts: 47
    pot head women

    That's a must have for me!

  • EmGetsFit
    EmGetsFit Posts: 151 Member
    Rudeness, cockiness, incorrect grammar/spelling, poor hygiene, racism, religious proselytism, dwelling on past relationships, sloppy kissing.
  • sheldonsteyn
    sheldonsteyn Posts: 483 Member
    Poor hygeine
    Poor personality
    Poor financially (no career)
    Poor self-esteem

    3 top attributes:
    Long hair!