What's your love story?



  • grizzdj
    grizzdj Posts: 4 Member
    My story sounds like it could be a commercial. I decided to join one of the popular online dating sites since I hadn't had much luck on the "normal" dating scene. One of the first profiles that was a "match" for me was for my wife, and she was the only one I ever contacted. I messaged her and she responded. We talked over email for the next day and I invited her to a Hockey game the following evening. At the time I was the DJ for a local minor league hockey team and thought it would be fun to have her come to a game. She did and brought a friend with her. We all went to dinner afterwards and she thought I liked her friend more than her and was surprised when I called her the next day. She was moving that night and I offered to help her move. She accepted my help and after that night we never spent a day apart until after our wedding. I guess you can say that we hit it off pretty well.

    That was 12 years ago and we just celebrated our 11th anniversary. There have been some rocky times and some great times and I feel lucky and blessed to have her in my life.

    Hope this isn't too sappy.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Met on MFP. We were just on each others FL for just about a year, then found a connection when we started interacting more. She is an amazing woman, and I could not be happier about finding her.
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    Met my husband through the church. We were married 2 weeks later. We've now got 5 children :laugh:

    'They' all said it wouldn't last :happy:
  • shred_me_up
    shred_me_up Posts: 267 Member
    met him on this site actually :D i had a mfp crush on him from the get go, then when i moved to france from california, he came up to the city i was in and we met in person, hit it off and now its been 7 months :D
  • abbyrae1
    abbyrae1 Posts: 265 Member
    Met in high school, between junior and senior year (went to different high schools)
    Would see each other when we were home on winter break and grab coffee (went to different colleges)
    Ended up working together 2 years after college, went out for happy hour together once, to catch up on "old times" and had a blast! Started secretly dating until I found a new position at a different company....our wedding will be this September :smile:
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Met my now husband when I was 19, he was 26. I was working at a tanning salon that my best friends dad owned. He came in several times and I took notice, but we just exchanged :"hellos". After about a month, my friend told him that I thought he was hot (unbeknownst to me). He asked me out, but I politely declined, as I was in a relationship with someone else. After he asked a second time, I thought, what the hell and went out with him. That was 22 1/2 years ago. We dated for 11 months, became engaged and married six months later. Three kids later, two of whom are now in college, we just celebrated our 21st Anniversary!

    And to think that my Mom said it would never work...that he was too old for me! :laugh:

    Is this girl stil your friend? :laugh:
    Sweet story :smile:
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I have cats.

    (And a boyfriend, whom I met in a college course, but sometimes the cats are better company.)
  • Shara126
    Shara126 Posts: 144 Member
    My husband found me on MySpace. We exchanged a few message, talked on the phone once, bonded over a mutual love for The Life Aquatic and went on a lovely first date to a pizza place. He ended up moving into my house three months later and the following month I lost my job. Things got pretty strained and we ended up breaking up and going our seperate ways. We both dated other people and he ended up impregnating his GF with twins after only dating a month. Long story short she ended up being a hot mess and a pathological liar. He broke off the relationship with her and maintained contact because he wanted to be a father to the babies even though it didn't work out with the mother.

    At the same time, things went south with the guy I was seeing. We reconnected even though I didn't have any interest in getting back together with him romantically given the "extra baggage" in the form of baby mamma drama. WELLLLL.....we ended up falling back in love. I rented out my house and moved in with him in his house.Then WHOOPSY DAISY... I was pregnant with my daughter three months after the twins were born. LOL My daughter and the twins (two boys) are almost exactly a year apart - June 16th and June 14th B-days. We have been married for three years as of last month and are currently lookng for a third house big enough for our growing family ( we are going to start trying for one more baby at the end of the year.) We have 50/50 custody of the boys and I can't imagine my life without them. My husband is an amazing father and a great human being and I can't imagine my life without him even considering the rough start. I don't have the nuclear family I always envisioned but that's ok because I am happy:)
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I just moved to a new town, and didn't know anyone. My friend encouraged me to try on-line dating, and even though I was leery I gave it a try. Normally I wouldn't respond to profiles that didn't have pictures attached, but I liked what one guy wrote so much that I decided to respond to him, even though there was no picture. We started an email correspondence and I could tell we really had a lot in common. Finally we decided to exchange pictures....and lo and behold, it turns out that it was this guy from my hometown, whom I had had a HUGE crush on when I was 18 years old. We had even kissed once at a party, but then he moved away and I never saw him again. Then, over 10 years later, we found each other on match.com. :) Been together for nine years now, married for six.

    How cool is that?!?
  • Jeffersz
    Jeffersz Posts: 36
    We dated in Jr. High for a couple years, but went our separate ways and ended up in marriages that ended pretty badly for both of us. A few years later we reconnected through the Classmates website, and the rest is history. We've been together since 2001, married since 2004 and looking forward to many many more years together. :)
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I was a 22 year old single mom of a toddler who had been separated from my ex for 6 months (marriage was over more than a year prior to that, just had to go through the legal one year separation before the divorce could be filed). He was a 30 year old hard core New Yorker with a badass tattoo. We both worked at a high end steakhouse, me as a waitress and him as a cook.

    I avoided him as much as possible. He'd show up where we played pool after work or at the parties we went to. He made friends with the guys I hung out with, it was the only way he could get close to me because they were extremely overprotective of me, and I appreciated that! He kept asking me out, I kept telling him no. So he kept hanging out with us after work.

    He started to grow on me. After about 6 months, he asked me to come to his apartment to watch the Super Bowl. I said okay. He gave me my first real kiss and I was pretty much hooked. That Super Bowl Sunday was on January 27th, 1991. On Valentine's Day the next month, he came home with me and never left.

    We've been together for 23 years and will have been married 21 years this coming May. He is my best friend and soul mate. Yes, there have been ups and downs, but I can't imagine my life without him in it!
  • RushBabe214
    RushBabe214 Posts: 469 Member
    I met my husband on a blind date. We like to call it a double-blind date because my friend didn't know my husband and my husband's friend didn't know me, but they knew each other, if that makes sense. We talked on the phone for many hours over a couple of weeks time and hit it off right away. By the third date, I was sure he was the one. We moved in together 5 months later and 4 months after that he proposed. We've been married for 21 years.
  • redwngs13
    redwngs13 Posts: 194 Member
    We met on Match.com in July 2012.

    We had a great first date and started dating right away. We both felt a pretty strong connection to each other right off the bat, but after about a month of dating he received a job offer that would take him to DC (we were in Michigan at the time). Up to this point in my life I had never done anything crazy, but at that moment after he told me about his job offer I decided I couldn't afford to lose him. After being told I was crazy by multiple people, I dropped everything in Mich and transferred to DC with him. He had told me he was willing to turn down the job offer, even though it was a better job with more money, to stay in MI with me, but in the end we both decided to take the risk and move together. It was a huge leap of faith, as we had only really known each other a little less than 2 months total, but now even though it's still technically early in our relationship, 8 months later we're still just as happy together as we were when we first met. I guess when you know you know!!
  • oliviabog
    oliviabog Posts: 101
    We met online after both experiencing a string of online dating disasters. We were both about to throw in the towel and made contact just before that happened. He put in the wrong search radius and came across me by accident. So we ended up seeing each other long distance.

    after a few months we decided to buy a house together. A short while later i found out i was pregnant. Now almost 4 years on we have a 2 year old girl and a 1 year old boy and our house (and a golden retriever who is 11 months old). We work quickly!

    It still confuses me how i was so lucky to find someone so perfect for me. We share the same interests and he's my best friend and an amazing person <3
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    We were introduced through a mutual friend in 9th grade, he had just been transferred in from another school after causing some minor disturbances there. He would come sit with us in the hallway at breaks and lunch, and he would walk me to my bus stop after school.
    About a month after we met, he put his arm around me at the Santa Claus breakfast (I didn't mind), and then he tried to kiss me when he walked me to my bus stop that day, but I shied away. He called me a few times over Christmas holidays, but I was too shy to call him. The first day back to school in January, he asked me on a date, and I said yes. My mom thought he was the devil, but he is really a great person, and 12 years later I'm glad I said yes.

    Our poor mothers.
    What will I be like with my daughter? :noway:
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    I didn't date for two years after I left my first husband and was on POF for about 10 days when my hunny emailed me and that was it...a little over four years later we got married and we're about to take over Negril in a few weeks for our honeymoon. :)
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I saw my wife for the first time on the first day of Basic Military Training. We both got to BMT a day late so 3 girls had to march around to all the inprocessing appointments with the approx 24 guys in my flight. My wife just so happened to be one of those 3 girls, however I didn't really pay too much attention to her. If you got caught looking or thinking about girls they will throw you on your face and make you start pushing and I didn't want to start my first day at BMT on my face.

    After the end of BMT I bought a laptop and one of my friends who used to live in San Antonio put a bunch of movies and music on my laptop. This came in handy because the next day we didn't get any sleep because we were getting bussed to our Tech School. So during the bus trip I opened the laptop, threw in some headphones, and watched "The Green Hornet".

    Once we got to Tech School we weren't allowed to wear civilian clothes until we passed so many inspections and volunteered. I volunteered to be a Student Leader and so within a week I was one of the first people allowed to wear civilian clothes and drink at the local Recreational Center. I ended up having a few drinks and singing karaoke with a bunch of people. One of my wifes friends saw me singing and having a good time.

    The next weekend my wifes friend saw me going to the bar with a friend and invited us to go to Texas Roadhouse with her and her friends. I ended up sitting next to my wife, however at the moment we really didn't talk. That night we all went to one of the Dorm Rec Rooms with a big tv and we all watched "The Hurt Locker". I layed next to my wife and offered her my overshirt to use as a pillow. (Thats when she said she first knew that she liked me).

    We soon started dating and after the 6 months of classes we went to our first bases, me to Colorado and her to Louisiana. We decided to do long distance and when Thanksgiving came around I went home with her to meet her family, ask for her fathers blessing, and propose.

    We just celebrated our 1 year anniversary a month ago and are finally stationed together and couldn't be happier.

    You asked her father's permission :flowerforyou:
  • Christizzzle
    Christizzzle Posts: 454 Member
    As a divorced woman, I am sooo happy to read all these second marriage success stories. Congrats, all.
  • smaihlee
    smaihlee Posts: 171 Member
    My husband is older than I am and was in my brother's classes growing up. When I was home for a weekend during college, we met at a party given by a mutual friend. I walked into the kitchen of the house, and he was walking through with a tray of Jell-o shots. It was the first time I had ever seen them and I was instantly all like, "THAT is someone I'd like to get to know!!". The conversation didn't lead to anything that night, but I thought it was really cool to meet someone who grew up with my brother.

    Two weeks later, I met a boy at school and ended up dating him for over 2 years. It was a horrible, unhealthy relationship that never should have begun, but after it was over I was able to sort out things in my head in terms of what type of guy I wanted to be with. I went home for the weekend soon after, and ran into Mr. Jell-o one night after several hours of bar-hopping. We were both pretty intoxicated and ready to go home, but sitting at the bar waiting for our socialite friends to wrap things up so we could leave. I suppose I gave him my phone number, as he called me the next day to ask me out. I already had a date but told him I could go to lunch on Sunday before I had to go back to school. I had a babysitting gig later that afternoon and figured I'd be back at school (2-1/2 hours from home) in plenty of time.

    At that point in my life, I don't think I had ever carried on a conversation with a guy to that extent, and it was honestly magical. I don't think I ate more than a few bites of food, but I really didn't care. I also apparently didn't care about the time, because once he took me back home and I looked at the clock I FREAKED OUT. It was about 30 minutes before I was supposed to be at my babysitting job. Thankfully my roommate was home and was able to cover for me until I returned.

    We carried on a long-distance relationship from that point until I graduated the following year and moved back to our hometown. Next month we will celebrate 17 years of marriage and August will mark 20 years of being together. I've never known a man so passionate, kind, supportive, or such a good father as he is. We have argued over the years, but honestly only every now and again. Our relationship is full of trust and mutual respect, and usually if we disagree on something we can shake it off quickly and move on. We each have a great sense of humor and I honestly feel like that has been a big key to our lasting commitment.

    I often say "we're not perfect, but we're perfect for each other". And I really do believe that to be the truth. He accepts me exactly as I am on any given day, but has been incredibly supportive of my efforts to be healthier. That support (both through words and going with me to 5:15 am boot camp) has been a big part of my being able to stick with this plan.