Has the whole world been brainwashed?



  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,630 Member
    Your diary contradicts most of what you just said.

    This is totally uncalled for actually, the OP's diary entries are fine and a lot healthier than some of the crap both I and many other people eat! I did try to view your diary but you have it closed.

    OP, I have no idea why it is as you say it is, all I can advise is to stick to what you believe in and enjoy eating and don't worry about anybody else, they will survive whether you try to help them or not xxx
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    A diet high in raw food ingredients that you buy from independent shops and cook yourself or produced dishes made locally by cottage industries benefits your local community. Our town has a 30 mile food zone in operation and the result has been that restaurants and retailers are sourcing from local farmers and producers. It's meant an increase in high quality food, from oak smoked bacon made from free-range, organic rare-breed pork through to bread made from local crops that are stone ground locally and baked by local bakers through to beer and wine from local vineyards and micro-breweries.
    Yeah, people who live in New York City should only buy foods that were farmed in New York City!
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    A diet high in raw food ingredients that you buy from independent shops and cook yourself or produced dishes made locally by cottage industries benefits your local community. Our town has a 30 mile food zone in operation and the result has been that restaurants and retailers are sourcing from local farmers and producers. It's meant an increase in high quality food, from oak smoked bacon made from free-range, organic rare-breed pork through to bread made from local crops that are stone ground locally and baked by local bakers through to beer and wine from local vineyards and micro-breweries.
    Yeah, people who live in New York City should only buy foods that were farmed in New York City!

    The internet is awesome in that people can be snarky and crass with no repercussions or any form of even having to come back and face the impact of their comment. Would you say this to someone IRL in this conversation? No. You wouldn't.

    You know goddamn well what they mean. So, knock of the stupid BS.

    Ironic abusive language is ironic.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Hmm not sure why everyone is being so rude:( Post had alot of merit to it....

    I find it so odd that people get so passionate about this topic, and others like it. It's just food people. Geez. Calm down a notch. LOL. You'd think we were talking about bombing nations.

    Didn't you have a meltdown over HFCS in BBQ sauce? I wouldn't go pointing out people getting all passionate over food when you do much the same.

  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    A diet high in raw food ingredients that you buy from independent shops and cook yourself or produced dishes made locally by cottage industries benefits your local community. Our town has a 30 mile food zone in operation and the result has been that restaurants and retailers are sourcing from local farmers and producers. It's meant an increase in high quality food, from oak smoked bacon made from free-range, organic rare-breed pork through to bread made from local crops that are stone ground locally and baked by local bakers through to beer and wine from local vineyards and micro-breweries.
    Yeah, people who live in New York City should only buy foods that were farmed in New York City!

    The internet is awesome in that people can be snarky and crass with no repercussions or any form of even having to come back and face the impact of their comment. Would you say this to someone IRL in this conversation? No. You wouldn't.

    You know goddamn well what they mean. So, knock of the stupid BS.
    Yes, I would. And I do say ridiculous and sarcastic things in real life conversations. The only repercussion is that I don't waste my time hanging out with people who don't appreciate ridiculous and sarcastic comments, so it kinda works itself out.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    A diet high in raw food ingredients that you buy from independent shops and cook yourself or produced dishes made locally by cottage industries benefits your local community. Our town has a 30 mile food zone in operation and the result has been that restaurants and retailers are sourcing from local farmers and producers. It's meant an increase in high quality food, from oak smoked bacon made from free-range, organic rare-breed pork through to bread made from local crops that are stone ground locally and baked by local bakers through to beer and wine from local vineyards and micro-breweries.
    Yeah, people who live in New York City should only buy foods that were farmed in New York City!

    The internet is awesome in that people can be snarky and crass with no repercussions or any form of even having to come back and face the impact of their comment. Would you say this to someone IRL in this conversation? No. You wouldn't.

    You know goddamn well what they mean. So, knock of the stupid BS.

    Not BS at all. The idea that people always 1) have access and 2) can afford locally grown food is ridiculous. I live in a fantastic area for locally grown food. Can I afford 3 dollars for a pint of freshly farmed, local milk? Hell no.

    And the place I lived in before had very little locally to offer. It was in the desert. So unless I wanted to eat a diet that consisted of mostly cactus burgers and rattlesnake, I had to search for other national options.
  • djshari
    djshari Posts: 513 Member
    I guess I don't have as much of a problem with diets as I do with people telling me what and what not to eat. I don't even mind reading or hearing something like "I think this food is bad because of X, Y, Z" but it's usually more like "YOU CAN'T EAT DAIRY NO ONE CAN EAT DAIRY WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIIIIIIEEEEEEE."

    I don't think paleo is a bad diet and it works for some people. Key word SOME. I don't understand why someone who cannot process/is allergic to certain foods/ingredients has to go around telling everyone how evil it is. Actually... maybe I do - they think that because they cannot eat it that no one else should. I don't see people with strawberry allergies ranting about how they are poisonous and toxic and can kill you but if someone has a reaction to aspertame she thinks her word is gospel that it's poison. Despite the fact that she has all kinds of mystery illnesses and takes all kinds of medications.

    If someone asks for help I say go for it, share your experience (note I did not say knowledge... because too many people think their experience is fact and will happen the same way for everyone) but stop forcing your diet choices and opinions on others. /brainwash
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    In for the fruit pastels. Because they sound yummy and colorful.

    How do we know lions don't like them, BTW?

    Because lions are carnivores.

    So are their distant cousins, the house cat, but given the opportunity, mine will steal a pop tart right off my plate.

    She also likes Raspberry Zingers.

    Our cat likes potato chips and french fries.
  • CATindeeHAT
    CATindeeHAT Posts: 332 Member


    ^^^^ This. This right here.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    A diet high in raw food ingredients that you buy from independent shops and cook yourself or produced dishes made locally by cottage industries benefits your local community. Our town has a 30 mile food zone in operation and the result has been that restaurants and retailers are sourcing from local farmers and producers. It's meant an increase in high quality food, from oak smoked bacon made from free-range, organic rare-breed pork through to bread made from local crops that are stone ground locally and baked by local bakers through to beer and wine from local vineyards and micro-breweries.
    Yeah, people who live in New York City should only buy foods that were farmed in New York City!

    The internet is awesome in that people can be snarky and crass with no repercussions or any form of even having to come back and face the impact of their comment. Would you say this to someone IRL in this conversation? No. You wouldn't.

    You know goddamn well what they mean. So, knock of the stupid BS.

    Not BS at all. The idea that people always 1) have access and 2) can afford locally grown food is ridiculous. I live in a fantastic area for locally grown food. Can I afford 3 dollars for a pint of freshly farmed, local milk? Hell no.

    And the place I lived in before had very little locally to offer. It was in the desert. So unless I wanted to eat a diet that consisted of mostly cactus burgers and rattlesnake, I had to search for other national options.
    Yep, Exactly. I also have friends who live in cities and act like everyone should walk/bike everywhere they go, which gets the same response from me. If you want to walk 20 miles to the grocery store in subzero weather, go ahead. I'll drive, thanks.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Red meats are high in saturated fats and high protien meats increase dopamine and norepinephrine and the both are associated with high levels of anxiety and stress. Saturated animail fats turn to stone inside ur body and cause arteries to harden. They raise blood pressure and mess with blood sugar levels

    Wait! Dopamine and norepinephrine are associated with anxiety and stress? WTF? What back room lab did you pull that study from? :noway:

    Norepinephrine actually helps regulate stress levels, and increased dopamine levels chills you the eff out.

    ETA: And I glossed over the saturated fat comment, but um, yeah, OP is right. Some people are totally brainwashed.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    Yep, Exactly. I also have friends who live in cities and act like everyone should walk/bike everywhere they go, which gets the same response from me. If you want to walk 20 miles to the grocery store in subzero weather, go ahead. I'll drive, thanks.

    That's a special kind of aggravating. It snows in the winter where I live. A lot. Not walking in a foot of snow that has an inch of ice beneath it. No. Not ever.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Our cat likes potato chips and french fries.
    You just need to sit your cat down and explain about his ancestors and how they lived and ate.
  • Debbisue52
    Debbisue52 Posts: 87 Member
    Yep...what he said! :-)
  • ZombieSlayer
    ZombieSlayer Posts: 369 Member
    I don't want to say it was aliens but.....

    It was aliens.


    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • StheK
    StheK Posts: 443 Member