Has the whole world been brainwashed?



  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Our cat likes potato chips and french fries.
    Oh, and I guarantee your cat isn't going to live to be 90 years old eating potato chips and french fries! :wink:
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    i'd rather eat a bit of the richer tastier foods in life than a bucket load of healthy food, the nigella thing is a good example though... slightly biased lol if you were in the jungle you'd look rough, but still even in the same conditions nigella would look 100 times better
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Our cat likes potato chips and french fries.
    You just need to sit your cat down and explain about his ancestors and how they lived and ate.


    His ancestors are rolling in their graves.
  • EmilyGMcK
    EmilyGMcK Posts: 37 Member
    Can I just say half the posts on this thread made me proper laugh!

  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    A diet high in raw food ingredients that you buy from independent shops and cook yourself or produced dishes made locally by cottage industries benefits your local community. Our town has a 30 mile food zone in operation and the result has been that restaurants and retailers are sourcing from local farmers and producers. It's meant an increase in high quality food, from oak smoked bacon made from free-range, organic rare-breed pork through to bread made from local crops that are stone ground locally and baked by local bakers through to beer and wine from local vineyards and micro-breweries.
    Yeah, people who live in New York City should only buy foods that were farmed in New York City!

    The internet is awesome in that people can be snarky and crass with no repercussions or any form of even having to come back and face the impact of their comment. Would you say this to someone IRL in this conversation? No. You wouldn't.

    You know goddamn well what they mean. So, knock of the stupid BS.

    Not BS at all. The idea that people always 1) have access and 2) can afford locally grown food is ridiculous. I live in a fantastic area for locally grown food. Can I afford 3 dollars for a pint of freshly farmed, local milk? Hell no.

    And the place I lived in before had very little locally to offer. It was in the desert. So unless I wanted to eat a diet that consisted of mostly cactus burgers and rattlesnake, I had to search for other national options.

    Haha, I don't know why but I read this and all I could think was yum. I don't know a why cactus burger and some rattlesnake sounds appetizing to me right now but it does. I'm not sure how you would make a cactus burger but I've had rattlesnake before and it is surprisingly tasty if you cook it right.
  • Brownsbacker4evr
    Brownsbacker4evr Posts: 365 Member
    I just go off of the basic knowledge I know about food.
    Here is a fun way to think of it: If you eat unclean you will die, if you eat clean you will die! NO WAY OUT no matter what road ya take, except maybe give or take a couple of years depending on how clean or unclean you eat lol.
    Thats my simple view on it haha
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    A diet high in raw food ingredients that you buy from independent shops and cook yourself or produced dishes made locally by cottage industries benefits your local community. Our town has a 30 mile food zone in operation and the result has been that restaurants and retailers are sourcing from local farmers and producers. It's meant an increase in high quality food, from oak smoked bacon made from free-range, organic rare-breed pork through to bread made from local crops that are stone ground locally and baked by local bakers through to beer and wine from local vineyards and micro-breweries.
    Yeah, people who live in New York City should only buy foods that were farmed in New York City!
    The internet is awesome in that people can be snarky and crass with no repercussions or any form of even having to come back and face the impact of their comment. Would you say this to someone IRL in this conversation? No. You wouldn't.
    You know goddamn well what they mean. So, knock of the stupid BS.
    Not BS at all. The idea that people always 1) have access and 2) can afford locally grown food is ridiculous. I live in a fantastic area for locally grown food. Can I afford 3 dollars for a pint of freshly farmed, local milk? Hell no.
    And the place I lived in before had very little locally to offer. It was in the desert. So unless I wanted to eat a diet that consisted of mostly cactus burgers and rattlesnake, I had to search for other national options.
    Yep, Exactly. I also have friends who live in cities and act like everyone should walk/bike everywhere they go, which gets the same response from me. If you want to walk 20 miles to the grocery store in subzero weather, go ahead. I'll drive, thanks.

    QFT. I live in an inner city area where my nearest store is a corner shop selling cigarettes, cheap high-strength booze, tins of spaghetti hoops and, if you're lucky, the occasional loaf of soggy white bread. There is a market in the city but, as I live in a working class town, organic vegetables and grass-fed meat are not sold there. To get to a half-way decent supermarket I have to drive and it is one of the UK's big four chains and has minimal local produce.

    It's very noble to buy nice, healthy food, but those that have it readily available clearly live in more affluent areas than I do. I don't think my demand for better food would persuade my local shop to stock chia seeds and unpasturised milk. Instead I make do with buying fresh meat and veg once a week on a trip out of town. Very occasionally I will drive 30 miles to a farm shop and stock up meat for my freezer (but only very occasionally because the honest truth is I just can't afford the prices).
  • amandacillin
    amandacillin Posts: 39 Member
    I cannot literally believe some of the things I hear or read about nutrition and diet. Everything is so contradicting and I now have to question everything that I've ever believed.

    Surely I am not the only one that feels this way?

    Okay, so I don't have the cleanest diet yet, but I'm getting there. By clean, I mean relatively paleo

    But WHY are doctors and nutritionists telling us this!

    It's not rocket science is it. All this unnatural, processed food (wheat and dairy included), how can this possibly be good for us when we aren't actually designed to eat it. You'd consider feeding a lion fruit pastels outrageous right?

    Yet few people seemed to have considered the effect of what they eat.

    It makes me feel disgusted, I want to question everything!!!

    I've been eating clean for 3 months now, logging EVERYTHING,eating between 1200-1400 calories per day, circuit training for 1 hour 3 times a week and cardio for 45 minutes 2 days and I have only lost 10 inches total. I feel a little cheated after all the hard work I've done and all the bad foods I've said no to. I don't even know if 10 inches is good for 3 months, I was expecting more. ...
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Red meats are high in saturated fats and high protien meats increase dopamine and norepinephrine and the both are associated with high levels of anxiety and stress. Saturated animail fats turn to stone inside ur body and cause arteries to harden. They raise blood pressure and mess with blood sugar levels

    Wait! Dopamine and norepinephrine are associated with anxiety and stress? WTF? What back room lab did you pull that study from? :noway:

    Norepinephrine actually helps regulate stress levels, and increased dopamine levels chills you the eff out.

    ETA: And I glossed over the saturated fat comment, but um, yeah, OP is right. Some people are totally brainwashed.

    Tut tut. Coming around here spreading your science nonsense. Next you'll be telling us it's okay to mix protein and carbs, cleanses are a waste of time and that it's okay to eat Pop Tarts as long as most of your diet is fresh and wholesome.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    What is wrong with a sensible, educated practioner teaching his/her clients that moderation, balance, and variety are the key?
  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member
    A group of rather privileged folks at my undergrad fought the administration to only serve organic local food in the dining halls at the expense of financial aid.

    Obviously it didn't happen, but these students (who I would venture a guess are not themselves receiving financial aid unlike over 50% of the student body) felt their beliefs about nutrition were more important than someone else accessible college education.

    I love shopping organic when I can, and I think supporting local farms is a terrific cause. but I'm in law school now, I can't afford it to do that most of the time. You just need to appreciate the position others are in. If you can do it, great. But recognize that others may have bigger (cheaper, nonlocal) fish to fry.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I cannot literally believe some of the things I hear or read about nutrition and diet. Everything is so contradicting and I now have to question everything that I've ever believed.

    Surely I am not the only one that feels this way?

    Okay, so I don't have the cleanest diet yet, but I'm getting there. By clean, I mean relatively paleo

    But WHY are doctors and nutritionists telling us this!

    It's not rocket science is it. All this unnatural, processed food (wheat and dairy included), how can this possibly be good for us when we aren't actually designed to eat it. You'd consider feeding a lion fruit pastels outrageous right?

    Yet few people seemed to have considered the effect of what they eat.

    It makes me feel disgusted, I want to question everything!!!

    I've been eating clean for 3 months now, logging EVERYTHING,eating between 1200-1400 calories per day, circuit training for 1 hour 3 times a week and cardio for 45 minutes 2 days and I have only lost 10 inches total. I feel a little cheated after all the hard work I've done and all the bad foods I've said no to. I don't even know if 10 inches is good for 3 months, I was expecting more. ...

    Irrespective of what you are eating it could well be that your calorie level not correct. From the amount you have to lose on your ticker I suspect you can probably eat more (particularly if you are not eating back your exercise calories).

    And I really feel for you - not fair to put the effort in and not get the results you want.
  • Debbisue52
    Debbisue52 Posts: 87 Member
    I say just do the best you can for yourself and eat "sensibly". We need to use our heads! I have said for years that we should eat the way the cavemen did....or the way animals eat...meat, seafood, vegetables, fruits, nuts...whatever grows from the ground....and eat to live not live to eat. Then all of a sudden I start hearing about the "Paleo Diet". It's basically just common sense, healthy, eating. I wonder how much someone paid to do that study....and how much money whoever came up with the "new" idea is making? I think it's really hard to stay completely away from the processed foods...we've learned to like so many of them....but everything in moderation seems like a good plan to me. Read the labels...if it's full of fat and sodium...steer clear. I keep hearing, among my friends, about some Advocare system or something and how great it is and how you can lose weight and inches fast and really get toned....oh, and have more energy. Don't these people realize they are getting ripped off? All of those "Fad Diet Quick Weight Loss" scams say the same thing when you read the directions. "Be sure to follow a good diet and exercise plan". HELLO! One friend told me that the plan has people eating 900 calories a day and working out regularly. ANYONE who eats 900 calories a day is going to lose weight! And yes...duh...working out will tone you....and those two things combined will give you more energy! You don't need a power drink or shake to do that! Too many people doing too many studies and making too much money off of people who are desperate to lose weight and be healthy. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how to do it....people are making it too hard and confusing. It's simple......MOVE MORE...EAT LESS!
  • dfonte
    dfonte Posts: 263 Member
    I wasn't losing weight for 4 weeks. Then I found out why...because I'm pregnant.

    I'm kidding, I'm a guy so I can't get pregnant. Aliens dog.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    In for the fruit pastels. Because they sound yummy and colorful.

    How do we know lions don't like them, BTW?

    Because lions are carnivores.

    So are their distant cousins, the house cat, but given the opportunity, mine will steal a pop tart right off my plate.

    She also likes Raspberry Zingers.

    Our cat likes potato chips and french fries.

    My dearly departed cat would only eat 3 things: crunchy granola bars, peanut shells, and dry cat food. Put fresh meat or tuna in front of him, and he'd get "that look" (disdain? suspicion?), then walk away.
  • ZozoMonster
    ZozoMonster Posts: 270 Member
    If I was a lion I'd eat fruit pastilles
  • shosho420
    shosho420 Posts: 220 Member
    I thought this was actually about all the contradicting information out there. Like fruit sugar is good/bad eat carbs don't eat carbs, ect ect. Every other person/doctor/dietitian you talk to has a completely different opinion on health and nutrition and the internet is filled with a plethora of miss information. But it seems this topic is more about why people choose to not eat the paleo diet.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    This is a great point actually!! People don't think or realize that what they eat effects not only their physical appearance( weight) but their minds, energy, hair, skin.... Everything!

    People are suppose to eat raw foods. Veggies, fruit, nuts, seeds, grains like rice, quinoa, millet... Not wheat. Meat.... I don't think so.. Maybe fish but when we eat large amounts of meat, those specific protiens screw with our bodies. And your right, dairy is something we can't digest properly. People now eat because it is an addiction, or whatever the reason ( processed food taste so good) not because they are hungry. We are suppose to eat for energy, not because we are hungry.

    I personally think that alot of doctors may not know the importance of eating "clean" or perhaps they have given up trying to convice people to change. Hey! After watching "super size me" people still eat mcDonalds food so it doesnt matter what you do, people will only change what they eat, if they want to.

    I also think all the processed foods, chemicals, additives, preservatives play a big part in all our disesases... Cancer!!

    A good book that supports this is " you are what you eat" by Gillian mckeith.

    Good point! And we have been brainwashed!!

    Hmmmmm... while I do love fresh food I would take anything "Doctor" Gillian McKeith says with a big handful of (organic) salt.

    There was a really good article in The Guardian a while back about her false claims, fake qualifications and litigious nature: http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2007/feb/12/advertising.food

    IMO the writer summed it up really well:

    And that's the most sinister feature of the whole nutritionist project, graphically exemplified by McKeith: it's a manifesto of rightwing individualism - you are what you eat, and people die young because they deserve it. They choose death, through ignorance and laziness, but you choose life, fresh fish, olive oil, and that's why you're healthy. You're going to see 78. You deserve it. Not like them.

    Or to put it more simply (for a bit of fun!)...


    OMG! But strangely enough, vegan friends around my same age (I only have 2) tend to have that rode hard and put away wet look. I have no idea exactly why the years have been so unkind to them; it may have nothing to do with diet.
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    I'm eating mini cheesecake bites and pasta while reading this.


    mmmmmm....im fixin to eat pizza hut pizza lol
  • MeganGable
    MeganGable Posts: 68 Member
    The world has not really been brainwashed, I don’t think....I know i haven’t been.....I think in the US particularly, the FDA obviously cares more about money than people’s health. These processed foods are overly readily available and there aren’t enough limitations on the sale and consumption of them. Honestly, I don’t eat amazing....it’s not because I’m brainwashed....it’s because I’m overly surrounded and was raised by my parents who are from an age of baby boomers where all this processed food shot out too.....and people are just now becoming aware of their health outcomes so now, people like me and other MFP are trying to eat less of them. Something like meat was healthy when my grandparents were young....now, most meat is evil....that’s why i spend a little extra on grassfed/organic meats. I am slowly making changes, you can too. Also, I don’t think doctors are nutritionists........unfortunately :(:(:( I REALLY wish they were. A couple years ago, I had some stomach pain and high blood pressure at age 23.....guess what i got from my MD? PILLS.....for blood pressure and for acid reflux. Guess what I did? Stopped eating crap, trashed the meds, and ate better. Have you seen a fat unhealthy doctor? YES. Have you seen a fat unhealthy nutritionist? NO.